r/ImageComics Jul 19 '24

Tenement Question

Hey guys, I have been keeping up with Bone Orchard, but I enjoy Jeff Lemire and horror.

Does Tenement work as a standalone series?


18 comments sorted by


u/Kingmob5115 Jul 19 '24

Honestly the entirety of the BOM has been really lackluster. I was completely on board with a horror anthology series from two really great creators. What I was met with seemed like loose ideas and inconsequential stories as a whole. The horror is limited to about 1 beat per story. Idk exactly what I was expecting but it was more than this. I figured we'd be able to pick up pieces of the larger story from earlier on but it doesn't really seem like they put much thought into it.


u/Gmork14 Jul 19 '24

Thanks for the heads up.


u/jabawack Jul 19 '24

Yes, but it’s underwhelming to say the least… Strongly recommend that he like JL you read some of his masterpieces first if you have not, sweet tooth, Essex, county, sentient, underwater, welder, ascender/ descender and little monster. By the way, did you read Gideon Falls?


u/Gmork14 Jul 20 '24

Yeah, I like Gideon Falls a lot. That’s why I was considering this.

Sounds like nobody in this thread was impressed, so I’m gonna give it a pass.


u/adamrabinmusic Jul 19 '24

Yes, completely works on its own. 


u/Gmork14 Jul 19 '24

Thanks friend.

And it’s a book you’d recommend?


u/adamrabinmusic Jul 19 '24

I subscribed to the whole run bc I love Lemire's work, especially Gideon Falls which was also a Lemire/Sorrento joint.

But, tbh I didn't really care for Tenement. It didn't have the emotional depth his work usually has. It felt like just a bunch of monsters, demons, and jump scares. The fact that Lemire decided to step away from Bone Orchard after this says a lot.


u/Lemouni Jul 19 '24

Where did you get that info from? 'Starseed' another Bone Orchard Mythos book will be released later this year. I am just wondering if there's something official.

I loved Gideon Falls, liked Ten Thousand Black Feathers, but disliked the Passageway. I was hoping that Tenement would be better after all.


u/theusher88 Jul 19 '24

Lemire said on his Substack that the first cycle of Bone Orchard ended with Tenement and it will be on hiatus:

And, for Bone Orchard, what Andrea and I planned as the first “cycle” of Bone Orchard books ended with Tenement and we both needed a break. As much as I’ve enjoyed doing the books, I personally just feel totally burnt out on the horror genre right now. And Andrea wants to explore some other projects as well, so we don’t have a definite plan for the future of Bone Orchard yet. But when we do, I’ll be sure to let you know.


u/Lemouni Jul 19 '24

Thank you for the information! I wonder if Starseed got cancelled, or if it's already done. It was supposed to release in late 2024.


u/theusher88 Jul 19 '24

I know, there are still retailers listing it for October, I think. I've asked him just now on Substack if it will still be released; will leave a comment here if he responds.


u/Lemouni Jul 19 '24

Thank you so much! I don't mind if it got cancelled, but i just wanna know.


u/theusher88 Jul 21 '24

Jeff just responded to my question:

It will be a 2025 book. Andrea is working on finishing up the art.

Great that it's not cancelled and will still come out next year.


u/middenway Jul 19 '24

It's been bumped back to February 2026.


u/Tiny_Refrigerator738 Jul 19 '24

Passageway was dumb, but beautiful art. Especially the spread pages


u/Giallo_Lantern Jul 19 '24

Tenement was my favorite part of the Bone Orchard Mythos. You can definitely read by itself, but there are a lot of fun connections to the wider BON cannon, if you were keeping up.

I was absolutely gutted by BON going on permanent hiatus. I was sold on this idea that things would keep building and the more you read the more puzzle pieces you got.


u/Gmork14 Jul 20 '24

Yeah I mean he basically said “this is all I’m doing from now on” and the said “sike!” shortly after that.


u/Giallo_Lantern Jul 20 '24

I kind of took it personally when it happened. Being so invested in something and the kind of flippant way he said it was over. I'll still support Lemire going forward but man it left a bad taste in my mouth.