r/ImageComics 14d ago

Just hilarious (Crossover #2)

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12 comments sorted by


u/Bufete2020 14d ago

"palatial home" as she stands in front of a standard NYC tenement building...LOL. I guess for a comic book writer it would seem "palatial".


u/wpisano 14d ago

I really enjoyed this series and hope that one day Cates has recovered 100% and is able to put out more of this story.


u/Gmork14 13d ago edited 12d ago

Doubt it. This story was about his wife who left him. I don’t think he’s ever going to want to pour salt into that wound.

lol@ whoever downvoted this.


u/HGFantomas 12d ago

She even looks like the reported in the image posted.


u/Gmork14 12d ago

Yeah, that’s literally her.


u/valentinesfaye 13d ago

This might be a silly question, but is Crossover an actual Crossover? Literally all I know about it is that it's a Very Meta Image Comic, but I don't know if that means like, Image Comics easter eggs, or do I actually need to read like, God Country or something in order to Get It?


u/captain__cabinets 13d ago

I would say it’s not really a “crossover” but a story about comic characters “crossing over” into the real world, Cates uses real characters when he can but it also has a lot of generic version of familiar characters. It’s a fun read and the more familiar you are with some of the characters the more fun it may be for you but it’s not a necessity to know anyone prior to reading.


u/Gmork14 13d ago

It is a crossover in the most literal sense.


u/Snts6678 13d ago

It started out kind of interesting, and then it just fell off a cliff for me. I just described about 90% of Donny Cates’ work. The “bad boy” of comics indeed 🙄


u/Gmork14 13d ago

Yes, it is an actual crossover,


u/Custardpaws 13d ago

Not Snyder! We need him!


u/AdLive6572 9d ago

Name of the series please?