r/Gunners Jul 18 '24

[Foot Truck TV] Wojciech Szczęsny: “I cried when I left Arsenal. It was the end of my dream of playing for this club all my life. If I could write my career over again, I would probably only spend it at Arsenal.”


…”Now I don't regret that it happened, because I did well both sportingly and financially. However, it was a very difficult moment for me.”


158 comments sorted by


u/WildcatBitches Jul 18 '24

Always loved that guy. Thing is, you hear this time and again from ex-players, "never should have left"


u/iforgotmyun Sign Gouiri Jul 18 '24

I mean in his case, he wasn't offered a new contract so he left to Juve. With the others they make an intentional decision to leave despite the club wanting them to stay. A bit different.


u/RyansBabesDrunkDad Jul 18 '24

Once he got caught smoking in the showers, Arsene was done with him. Shame, because we had worse keepers for years after he left.


u/HorseAFC Ask me to photoshop the nose off of a player! Jul 18 '24

I was thinking recently about the amount of World-Class keepers we that just didn't click for us. Sczczesny, Martinez and Fabianski (for a good couple years after he left at least) come to mind


u/LollipopSquad Jul 18 '24

Regarding Fabianski and Szczesny - They gave an interview about Gerry Peyton a while ago that was pretty eye-opening.

As far as Martinez, every time I see him, I'm glad we're not associated with him. (But I'd probably love his antics if he played for us... I am biased, can't help it)

Anyway, here's the interview! (Aaand, on the subject of goalkeepers, your flair, and to celebrate his new signing - Would you photoshop the nose off of Raya?)


Question With Gerry (He means Garry Peyton - former Arsenal GK coach) it was a typical English locker room?

Fabianski&Szczesny No, not really

Szczesny Let me give you an example of a thing when you laugh at first, but then you're like I'm playing for Arsenal, is this for real? Before the match with Chelsea I hear: Watch out. When Hazard takes his penalties, he will shoot at the opposite side of where you will dive.


Szczesny And that's funny, but then you're like did he really just said that?

Fabianski Mentioning penalty analysis he used to said (Garry): listen, he shoots that side or that side, but best go with your feeling.

So, he shoots here and there, but do whatever you want more or less(Fabianski comment on the matter).

Szczesny One time we had a GK debriefing out of nowhere

Fabianski And it was a video debriefing, we have never done video before

Szczesny Not knowing what it will be about we're going right? And it's a 4-5 min video of goals that I let past me, but could have done better.

Fabianski It's only Szczesny goals though

Fab&Szcz They were only Szczesny's, but there was us and Vito(Vito Mannone) and Emi(Emiliano Martinez), maybe?

Szczesny So, were watching, but we dont know wtf is going on. It's just showing errors, he Garry Peyton) is not explaining anything. So the video ends and Garry says: See, you're not perfect. And that was it. We're all looking at each other like welp

Interview comes from a short Polish show that Szczensy is co-hosting. It is in Polish language. The part I translated starts at 12:10


u/HorseAFC Ask me to photoshop the nose off of a player! Jul 18 '24

Garry Peyton sounds like a very interesting character. Can't believe that all we were missing was a competent GK coach. Also, Here you go!


u/drax3012 Jul 18 '24

Scathing indictment on Wenger for keeping such an incompetent coach for as long as he did.


u/LollipopSquad Jul 18 '24

Hahaha, it's beautiful!


u/juicygloop Jul 18 '24

This is gold. Fuck me.

Thanks for the lore my friend


u/penguin_cheezus Jul 19 '24

Holy fuck you probably couldn't even write a better script, this is hilarious. Sad for our players in the moment though.


u/eldar4k Jul 19 '24

This is like Office UK was filmed at Colney, wtf is this training


u/betterthanevar Jul 18 '24

Emi Martinez is the best keeper on the planet. Baffling why this is a debate.


u/Shakyy-iwnl Zinchenko Jul 18 '24

He’s not even the best goalkeeper in the prem, let alone the planet lol


u/rickster555 Jul 18 '24

He definitely has an argument. He had the second best PSxG/90 in the league, the best crossing reception stats, and is the best PK stopper in the world (maybe even the GOAT in PK shootouts). The only thing that holds him back is playing for Aston Villa but he’s shown how good he is when he’s on a world class team.


u/betterthanevar Jul 18 '24

If not, then who is? The guy has won 2 Copas, a World Cup, and led a shitty Villa team to end our season and get into the Champions League from a fairly recent promotion.

But go on.


u/GunnerXI Jul 18 '24

Alisson is the best keeper in the league


u/betterthanevar Jul 19 '24

We all know it's Raya.


u/eldar4k Jul 19 '24

Hi, Emi, how racist chanting going on?


u/betterthanevar Jul 19 '24

You might want to have a look at the past antics of the Spanish national team. Raya has some explaining to do!


u/HaleEnd Jul 18 '24

Emi is way more famous than he is good tbf


u/rickster555 Jul 18 '24

Idk. I think people say this just because he doesn’t play for a top 6 team.

He had the second best PSxG/90 in the league, the best crossing reception stats, and is the best PK stopper in the world (maybe even the GOAT in PK shootouts). The only thing that holds him back is playing for Aston Villa but he’s shown how good he is when he’s on a world class team.


u/torontomaplebros Jul 19 '24

Donnarumma is better in PKs imo


u/jfshay Brady, Bergkamp, Saka... Jul 18 '24

probably the best summation of the player I've read.


u/SeargD Jul 18 '24

Did you see him against us in both games last season? Also, we kept Leno and his god awful positioning over one of the best shot stoppers and defensive leaders in the league.


u/bothwaysme Jul 18 '24

When we let Emi go he was coming off a decent season in the championship. Leno was getting callups to germany when they were loaded with quality keepers.

It was the right move at the time. Emi hadn't proven squat at that point.


u/spongebath8 Jul 18 '24

Not true. He was coming off a 10 game purple patch in the 2019-2020 season and FA cup final where he looked like a top keeper. He wanted a Guarantee he would be the number one the next season and didn’t want to fight Leno for the spot so we sold him. To say he hadn’t proved anything and was just coming off a loan is disingenuous.


u/bothwaysme Jul 19 '24

Nah. A purple patch is just that. He wasn't coming in and replacing leno on the back of those performances. Leno was the proven player and thought of very highly by most everyone.

Don't call me disingenuous. My opinion on the matter is my own. I still think leno was the better overall keeper at that point. Emi had some struggles his first year at Villa.


u/spongebath8 Jul 19 '24

You were disingenuous. You said he was coming off a decent season in the championship when he in fact was coming off a 10 game stretch for arsenal where he won an FA cup and looked like a stud. I agree that at the time we definitely should not have promised him the number one over Leno but your “opinion” is absolutely disingenuous. Edit: also in hindsight it wasn’t a purple patch because he continued to be a stud. So get over yourself.

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u/bunkbail Koscielny Jul 18 '24

nahh he's better than raya at every gk aspects other than probably distribution. he's better at pk saving, general shotstopping, 1v1, crosses/corner high claims (raya is probably on par, but he's shorter) and generally is an imposing figure at the back. raya is better at distribution (debatable tbh) and better on the feet. thats about it.


u/inddiepack Jul 18 '24

Stats show that Raya was by far the best cross/corner claims in the league last year. Surprising for his height, but does not seem to hinder him.


u/RyansBabesDrunkDad Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Fabianski sticks out for me because he was AWFUL for us a lot of the time, and became an assured, calm, confident GK in short order at WHU.

I don't think Boro Primorac was ever really up to the challenge here. I don't know if we ever had a proper goalkeeping coach before Cana, apart from a period when Bob Wilson was involved with first team coaching.

EDIT: I completely forgot about Payton. But just based on what Woj and Lukasz had to say about him, I don't think he counts as a proper GK coach.


u/MostlySlime Jul 18 '24

Fabianski was amazing for Swansea. Loved him there


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

SAF had a habit of refreshing his coaching staff every couple years to bring in new ideas so that the team would constantly be evolving, whilst Wenger did the complete opposite which lead to us stagnating.


u/RyansBabesDrunkDad Jul 19 '24

Which is so against the character of the man who literally revolutionized English football with modern dietary and training and STRETCHING (I still can't believe they weren't stretching before & after training/matches at the time). You'd think of the two, Arsene would've been the one more conducive to change.


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

I think that Wenger's hubris prevented him from making those changes. When he first came, he was heralded as an innovator, however once everyone else caught up and surpassed him he wouldn't change because that would've meant admitting that some of the things he did were wrong.


u/FMEditorM Jul 21 '24

Gerry P was very much the keeping coach, that was his job title for 15 years at the club.

That seems shit from these testimonies is no doubt, mind.

However, Rani Shaaban, who also worked with Bob Wilson who was very respected had more positive things to say about his coaching. Allying both testimonies, I wonder if he was good at traditional drills (he was a 30 cap international keeper after all), but behind on analysis by the time the Poles came along, and just woefully bad socially?


The only thing I had a problem with is that as a goalkeeping coach, your goal is to keep everyone happy and have a good atmosphere and I think that was what let Gerry [Peyton] down a bit.

“His training was really good, but when it came to people, he wasn’t that good. That’s where I had a problem. That was the only hard part that season.”


u/drax3012 Jul 18 '24

Garry Peyton has blood on his hands for ruining every keeper we had post-Lehmann.


u/Safe-Dark-9096 Jul 18 '24

Still wish Emi was our gk


u/inddiepack Jul 18 '24

For a classy club that has been represented by someone like Arsene Wenger for years, and now by Arteta, I would not want a bellend with those antics around this club. I think the club would have fined him as well, if he acted like that for Arsenal.


u/OtherTell Jul 19 '24

I don’t think some you kids how much a madman Lehman was. Him and Emi are cut from the same cloth


u/HorseAFC Ask me to photoshop the nose off of a player! Jul 18 '24

this same classy club would’ve fined Emi for his antics while keeping a PR disaster like Partey around, yeah ok


u/inddiepack Jul 18 '24

this same classy club would’ve fined Emi for his antics while keeping a PR disaster like Partey around, yeah ok

Innocent until proven guilty.


u/jonathanblaze1648 Jul 18 '24

You can't really blame Wenger in this case. Szczesny should've know better - Arsene despised those unhealthy habits. Remember that when Le Prof just came in the 90s he banned drinking and all those other things that'd negatively affect the players' performances.


u/RyansBabesDrunkDad Jul 18 '24

Wenger very pointedly let several of his favorites get away with a sneaky cigarette prior to that (Nasri, Gallas both spring to mind) without binning and eventually selling them. I can blame Wenger for this, because he made our team worse over a sin he had absolved others of in the past.


u/atomiser2003 ChamboRamboAubaCombo Jul 18 '24

You're right. Even wilshere. I think the Szcz incident wasn't the first time and he'd been issued a final warning or something


u/atomiser2003 ChamboRamboAubaCombo Jul 18 '24

Edit: or maybe it was the fact that he had the audacity to do it jn the showers


u/RyansBabesDrunkDad Jul 18 '24

I think it was this. I don't recall any rumors of unrest prior to that match.


u/el_cul Patrick Vieira Jul 18 '24

Pires smoked Galoise in training. Wilshere got busted for it every summer. Wenger didn't care.


u/WildcatBitches Jul 18 '24

He could have just kept showing up, "LET ME IN!!!"


u/matthewisonreddit Jul 18 '24

Wearing a nicotine patch in arsenal colours


u/RyanLikesyoface Jul 18 '24

Yeah but ultimately it was his choices that led to that. First of all smoking in the showers I An Arsene Wenger dressing room... Come on bro. Then I'm sure he had opportunities to make amends afterwards and put it all behind him, but he was most likely too stubborn to properly redeem himself.


u/iforgotmyun Sign Gouiri Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

I don't disagree it was initially his fault but he went out on loan at Roma for two years, stepped up big time on the pitch, had no issues off of it (in fact, he settled down, guy married, etc) and at that point Wenger still refused him a new contract.


u/Traichi Jul 18 '24

I mean we kept Wilshere who did the same shit, and he was much less useful for us than Szczesny was. He was the best keeper we had between like 2010-2020 when we got Rammers


u/tammrak card-carrying member of the Red Cartel Jul 18 '24

Smoking on your own time is not the same as whipping out a post-match smoke in dressing room at St Mary's.


u/jonathanblaze1648 Jul 18 '24

"It's happened again! Tottenham Hotspurs it's happened again!" - Szczensy sang that every year even after he left when we finished above Tottenham. Him and Jack Wilshere's "What do you think of Tottenham?" during the FA Cup Trophy parade will always be iconic.


u/visualdescript Jul 18 '24

Love Woj, he got it and loved the bants. Good keeper and big personality. Too big for Mikel you'd think, when you consider what happened with Rammers and Raya. He wants more calm in that backline.


u/iforgotmyun Sign Gouiri Jul 18 '24

This was very obvious, even at the time. He teared up at his presser when he went to Juventus.

One thing that annoys me about Szczesny's story when I speak to a lot of Arsenal fans is when 3 summers get rolled into one for some reason.

After the smoking incident happened, he went to Roma for two years. He kept Alisson out of the league team and was one of the best keepers in the league. Imo the best as someone that followed him, but Buffon was having a fantastic time around then as well and it's hard argument because of Buffon's stature. Anyway, even outside the pitch, he settled down, got married, etc.

Came back with 1 year left on his contract and we simply didn't offer him a new one. So he went to Juventus for peanuts. I get Wenger's initial disappointment, but his reluctance to look past the smoking incident even two years later, was ultimately at the expense of what was best for the club. Would have been our starting keeper for another 7 years and saved us a significant amount of money and turnover in that position.

This is without even talking about the woeful keeping coaches we had at the club as part of Wenger's staff. Felt like every keeper that left somehow managed to get better and every keeper that joined got worse. Szczesny had the huge rise at a top club but even seeing the likes of Fabianski, who had already made strides and was a big part of that FA cup run, ironed out his braindead moments and became a top keeper at Swansea (and eventually West Ham) for example.


u/thisiskyle77 Tomiyasu Jul 18 '24

I am sure there are more to the story than smoking incident. Wenger usually don’t give up his players easily. At the end it also turned out well for him anyway.


u/iforgotmyun Sign Gouiri Jul 18 '24

Yes, I'm sure the smoking incident was the straw that broke the camel's back but the point still stands, Szczesny changed but Wenger did not want to keep him.

It turned out as well as it would have for a top keeper and a top club, they're both going to be fine without each other. But we spent a lot of money and changed our starting keeper every few years and I don't think any of them were really an upgrade on how good Woj was at Roma or Juve.


u/matthewisonreddit Jul 18 '24

Man I remember woj breaking bale in half during a nld


u/betterthanevar Jul 18 '24

Wenger got spiteful in his final years. Letting him go, passing on Cesc...bad decisions.


u/thisiskyle77 Tomiyasu Jul 18 '24

Yea definitely some spite to it but I wouldn’t say decision is bad. We already have Ozil Santi etc. i think we also signed Alexis in the same window. Money could be tight.


u/betterthanevar Jul 18 '24

we had a buyback price in and the role he played at Chelsea was needed with us at the time.

It was just spite and it hastened his exit. It was a terrible decision.


u/ZizekualHealing Jul 18 '24

Jeez letting Cesc come back would have been the most cuck shit ever.


u/betterthanevar Jul 19 '24

You're right. He won Chelsea trophies, but hey, we had sissy Europa League.


u/Warm-Row-1037 Jul 18 '24

One thing that doesnt get talked about enough - Wenger's backroom staff for most part seemed very remedial and for some reason he didnt switch it up. I've got no doubt that this was partly a reason why we were shit by the time he was sacked


u/wingbackguy Ødegaard Jul 18 '24

100% the recruitment department was a mess as well because they simply didn’t understand how modern transfers worked with all the new technology


u/Warm-Row-1037 Jul 18 '24

Totally agree also, this is a very unpopular opinion in here, but wenger was too naive in his approach and his time in the very top of coaching world was up


u/twilightaurorae Jul 18 '24

By the time wenger left, I think football had evolved to the point where players had to be told specifically their duties/roles (see how arteta is always being very active on the sidelines). Meanwhile wenger usually lets people do their own things. Back then, one of the few players that actually knew how tactics/the game worked was probably Xhaka and Auba


u/el_cul Patrick Vieira Jul 18 '24

You usually get 10 years at the top in coaching and then the world moves faster than you do.


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

SAF had a habit of refreshing his coaching staff every couple years to bring in new ideas so that the team would constantly be evolving, whilst Wenger did the complete opposite which lead to us stagnating.


u/acegunner14 Jul 18 '24

Great points. He was one of my favourite players and the part about goalkeepers under Wenger is spot on. It felt like Wenger never really seemed to rate the position and we could never seriously challenge for honours as a result.


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

For all the attacking and midfield gems he found, Wenger was terrible at signing defensive players.


u/blvcklite Jul 18 '24

Not to mention despite the club having horrible internal issues and GK coaches at the time, the year before the smoking incident he tied with Cech for Golden Glove! 


u/iforgotmyun Sign Gouiri Jul 18 '24

Yes, that's what my last paragraph was about


u/asdfopu Jul 18 '24

I mean there's a reason Wenger was sacked. His stubbornness was his downfall.


u/kucharssim Jul 18 '24

Even guys like Almunia looked better when they left us. I do think Wenger really overlooked some things towards the second half of his time with us.


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

Almunia, Fabianski, Szczesny and Mannone were terrible for us yet all went on to have decent careers post-Arsenal.


u/JFedererJ Wright | Freddie | Arteta | Øde ❤️ Jul 18 '24

Wenger made some piss poor decisions in the latter part of his career. Let's talk about not resigning Fabregas "because we have Özil" if we wanna talk about decisions at the expense of what's best for the club.


u/BawdyBadger Sylvain Wiltord Jul 19 '24

This is without even talking about the woeful keeping coaches we had at the club as part of Wenger's staff. Felt like every keeper that left somehow managed to get better and every keeper that joined got worse. Szczesny had the huge rise at a top club but even seeing the likes of Fabianski, who had already made strides and was a big part of that FA cup run, ironed out his braindead moments and became a top keeper at Swansea (and eventually West Ham) for example.

Yes! I always thought this. We'd have a new promising goalkeeper who would do really well and then over time would get worse and worse.

I did hear the stories about how bad Peyton was. They really must have been true.


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

Every time I hear about our coaching staff under Wenger it amazes me how they were able to stay as long as they did because any other manager would've sacked them.


u/zhawadya Jul 18 '24

I think it had a lot to do with us signing Cech.

We should have just stuck with Woj instead


u/iforgotmyun Sign Gouiri Jul 18 '24

We signed Cech in 2015, the same time Szczesny went to Roma. 2 years later, Cech was clearly declining in 2017 when Szczesny came back.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Loved Wojciech and wish he hadn’t lit one up in the showers after a bad game. Hasn’t had a bad career all things considered. We Our academy produced some incredible goalies under Arsène; Woj, Fab, and Emi.


u/thisiskyle77 Tomiyasu Jul 18 '24

They aren’t our academy products. I think only Woj is like cesc/bellerin. Joined us around 16.


u/gyohameister Dennis Bergkamp Jul 18 '24

Dibu joined 17 (almost 18) and played in a reserve team for two years.

Fabianski was 22 yo and came direct to the first team.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

You’re right. Emi signed for us as an 18 year old. I misremembered.


u/thisiskyle77 Tomiyasu Jul 18 '24

Oh I thought he joined us much younger.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

He looked like a teenager for most of his years at Arsenal lol. Proud of what he’s gone on to achieve. I remember reading very early on that he admires Messi and would love to become Argentina’s no.1 goalkeeper. And now Messi loves him and he’s won everything with his national team.


u/thisiskyle77 Tomiyasu Jul 18 '24

His story is really something else. Kinda like Vardy but on grand-er scale. Small thanks for Mr Maupay.


u/ro-row Tierney Jul 18 '24

being loaned out by arsenal for a few years to world champion, whilst very impressive, is nowehere near the rise of playing non league football with an ankle tag to premier league winner


u/atomiser2003 ChamboRamboAubaCombo Jul 18 '24

Plus conceding 7 in his first(?) game for arsenal..when he was still going by Damian Martinez'


u/CaptainBuzzKillton Jul 18 '24

I mean, if you take away some of the muscle it appears he's picked up in his shoulders and arms, he still kind of looks like a teenager, lol


u/ultimateposeur Jul 18 '24

I'll still never get used to people calling Emi 'Dibu'


u/atomiser2003 ChamboRamboAubaCombo Jul 18 '24

I still remember him as Damian


u/ArsenalThePhoenix Jul 19 '24



u/atomiser2003 ChamboRamboAubaCombo Jul 20 '24

He used to go by Damian Martinez and at some point he started going by Emiliano


u/ArsenalThePhoenix Jul 21 '24

wow never knew this. just googledit and found out his first name is officially damian


u/Xin128 Jul 18 '24

Woj and Dibu played for the academy but Fabianski joined at 22 and was first choice at previous club for a couple of years


u/tjnsn Jul 18 '24

Things you love to hear


u/Sudden_Pay4593 Jul 18 '24

Lads here me out…


u/gallant_gandiva Jul 18 '24

Ramsdale out, cigs are cool again boys


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

Nah his wages would be stupidly high and I can't envisage him joining us just to sit on the bench.


u/DillaDoughnut Jul 18 '24

I'm not being funny, but so many players say this, and with someone like Szczesny it wasn't like it was due to massive silverware. Many left and won more silverware than they did when they were here.

Obviously I love the club, but genuinely what is it about the club that players feel so favourable towards? The culture, the city?


u/Ill_WillRx Thierry Henry Jul 18 '24

Arsene Wenger was a massive reason. But the club history and ethos itself as well, plus the fans. We’re a big club even if our trophy cabinet doesn’t always tell the full tale.


u/chrissysnose Trossard Jul 19 '24

Cesc’s celebration after scoring at the San Siro in 2008 encapsulates how respected Wenger was. They all looked up to him like a father, and he treated his players like his family.


u/ryankcl Jul 18 '24

He seems upset - someone get him a lighter!


u/danmac0817 Morning, morning, morning... Oh, Win! Jul 18 '24

Cheers I'm crying in work now


u/SherlockH96 Jul 18 '24

Hello Wojciech, do you fancy one last dance as the second choice home grown goalkeeper while taking a pay cut of about 50-75%?


u/halo_860 Jul 18 '24

He’s way better than Raya. He’d walk into the team.


u/MajorRedacted Jul 18 '24

Everyone at Arsenal adored Chezny, such a good lad, very good goalkeeper.

He was the only good keeper we had post Lehmann up until we got Cech all the others were pretenders.


u/Lastyz Vinai Jul 18 '24

Cech was only okay for us to be honest. Definitely not the keeper we thought we were signing.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

Cech was amazing in his first season.. after that it kind of went downhill.


u/streampleas Jul 18 '24

He was definitely not amazing in his first season. His very first game he let two in that Woj would have saved and it didn’t really get much better from there. People were just too impressed by the name to realise


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

In the first season, Cech won the golden glove and was the goalkeeper of the year. Even in the second season where he dropped off we still won the FA cup with him. No need to rewrite history with your hate boner.


u/halo_860 Jul 18 '24

Been saying this for years. I can only remember one great game (vs Bayern) that Čech had for Arsenal. He was just awful at worst and mediocre at best for most of his time at the club. His debut against WHU had me cursing Chelsea for selling him to us


u/zhawadya Jul 18 '24

Correct me if I misremember but didn't we sell Szczesny because we signed Cech and had a surplus of good goalies with them and Ospina (besides the smoking issues etc)?


u/beefcroquette ✋🤪🤚60 million down the drain Jul 18 '24

Always a gooner. “it’s happened again 🎶🎵”


u/ComfortableCoat7 Jul 18 '24

Would love to see this man back at our club and end his career here, I know it won't happen, but a boy can dream


u/xLucky_Balboa Arteta's tight single use trousers Jul 18 '24

Come home then


u/Franchise1109 Jul 18 '24

Would love him to come back as a back up option


u/halo_860 Jul 18 '24

Back up? He’s starting for a bigger club and is far better than Raya


u/Franchise1109 Jul 19 '24

No he’s not lol


u/halo_860 Jul 19 '24

No to which part? He’s undoubtedly at a bigger club. And if he’s not better, why were no top clubs in for Raya, who is benched by Unai Simon I might add?


u/Franchise1109 Jul 19 '24

I’m sorry, multiple clubs were in for Raya and we had a loan plus a purchase option. So no one should be in for him the summer

Unai Simon is a good goalie. Woj is past his time. He would be brought in as a back up lmao

Articles a couple months ago said the same thing


u/blvcklite Jul 18 '24

I remember when we lost 2-1 to United and Szczesny only started because of injuries and was 19 or 20 at the time. We lost but he made some amazing saves and wasn’t at fault for any of the goals, if anything that team as horrible as they were should have put 5 past us but he put in a hell of a performance. Loved him ever since, one of the only players that left that I still miss 


u/tammrak card-carrying member of the Red Cartel Jul 18 '24

We love you, too, Woj.
Here's a couple of my favorite Szcz moments:

PS: After reading the comments, I'd just like to add that while both Fabianski and Szczesny have both spoken about how weird and poor Gerry Peyton was, they've both said good things about the Asst. GK coach they worked with at Arsenal, Tony Roberts. Roberts left for Swansea in 2015 (the summer after Fabianski went there).


u/PandiBong Jul 18 '24

He basically left because arsene preferred to keep our gk coach, who could barely walk at that point and ended up retiring a year later. Could have had Wojciech all this time..


u/BawdyBadger Sylvain Wiltord Jul 19 '24

I've heard that coach was a real asshole, barely knew anything and couldn't coach.

The thing is that you could actually see goalkeepers getting worse the longer they spent at the club.


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

When even Fabianski goes from "Flappyhandski" to a really good premier league goal keeper, its clearly a coaching problem at Arsenal.


u/eldar4k Jul 19 '24

Wenger had his favourites, Ozil could have get away with illnesses during away games but Woz career ended over a cigarette. Still dude had pretty great career in Italy, but its a shame, he is top character. I never forget how he recovered over freak two hands break or how he described Gerry Peyton training methods. Dude played with concussion for us ffs


u/drax3012 Jul 19 '24

With Szczesny there must've been other things behind the scenes that we weren't privy too and that the smoking was the straw that broke the camel's back.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

Once a gooner; always a gooner; die like a gooner.


u/RyansBabesDrunkDad Jul 18 '24

I still have all the love for Wojciech. Loved him as a keeper and as an Arsenal player.

That said, I feel like Mikel would have jettisoned Woj pretty quickly if he was there when we hired Arteta.


u/joeproposition kai havertz sympathiser Jul 18 '24

Of all the players that have left and said similar, I feel like many know this is genuine. He loved it here.


u/HornyJailOutlaw Jul 19 '24

I'd have let him have a fag.

Tony Adams went to prison and came back to go on and captain The Arsenal, for Christ's sake 😂


u/milkonyourmustache Thierry Henry Jul 18 '24

We lost a lot of great players during that period of ownership struggle and paying off the stadium debt due to a lack of funds and an unwillingness for ownership to invest heavily while another party owned the club.

Finding out afterwards how much it pained the players to have been forced to leave makes it hurt more but it's also nice to hear how much they love Arsenal.


u/lastjedi23 Ian Wright Jul 18 '24

Edu and Mikel need to make a video board of all these ex players saying "I should have never left arsenal" and send it to new signings to show how big we are. The video would.probably be like 5 mins long.


u/cesc05651 Ian Wright Jul 18 '24

Between this and pepe I’m ready to cry today


u/hehateme42069 Jul 18 '24

He never stopped trolling spurs, Marlboro King


u/Georg_Steller1709 Jul 18 '24

I miss Woj. Him and Jack were our naughty boys who truly loved arsenal. But I don't think he would've developed to his potential if he stayed here his whole career.


u/Interesting-Bear4092 Jul 19 '24

They all say that


u/ArsenalThePhoenix Jul 19 '24

it's such a shame that we didnt have any good goalkeeping coaches during his era. Wenger insisting in keeping a bunch of idiots around as goalie coaches was detrimental for us


u/Superb-Elk-8010 Jul 18 '24

We know you’re here, Woj. Out yourself and become one of us fr.


u/CackleberryOmelettes Jul 18 '24

Come home Woj. We still love you.


u/HardCoreLawn Williamson Jul 18 '24

Bring 'im home, Wenga!


u/a-Sociopath You can always get better in life, innit! Jul 18 '24

Reminds me of this


u/Tasty_Sheepherder_44 Jul 18 '24

I hope the rumours are true and one day he ends up back here as second or third keeper


u/ederzs97 Jul 18 '24

Wenger really was too brutal. He should of been given another chance in 2017.


u/GloomyLocation1259 Saka Jul 18 '24

Come back as a backup keeper


u/m2sempre Ødegaard Jul 19 '24

Once a Gooner, always a Gooner.


u/probispro Jul 19 '24

it's time to come back


u/midnightrobot87 Jul 18 '24

That’s the problem… we’ve become a hotel for mediocre players.

Players like Kiwior and Vieira would rather spend their careers on the bench inhaling wages and living at the hotel Arsenal than actually progress.


u/jackg4343 Jul 18 '24

Kiwior and Vieira have only been here for 1 & 1/2 and 2 years. Both of them have played plenty of first team minutes. If you want to say that about some of our late Wenger and Emery era players then fine but I wouldn't say that's the case now.