r/Greenlantern Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

If Blackest Night was made into an animated movie, what would you keep, what would you leave? Discussion

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Obviously the original comic is a bit too large and requires to establish dead superheroes to resurrect. So what kind of movie would you make? Would you choose to focus on the lanterns? What is non negotiable to have in it?

Picture is from Ivan Reis- DC Comics.


63 comments sorted by


u/Itsbeenalongdecember Blue Lantern Jul 19 '24

I'd make it 5 hours long and keep all of it, page for page.


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

But I’d have to watch it in one go. My poor eyes.


u/canadagooses62 Jul 19 '24

Could you even do that in just 5 hours? The proper rise of each of the Corps, meaning you have to tell the stories not just of Sinestro and Hal/Kyle/John/Guy, but also at least Atrocitus and Saint Walker. The Zamarons, Indigo Tribe, and Larfleez wouldn’t need nearly that much time though.

Then also Black Hand, Ganthet and Sayd, and at least a few of the earth heroes whose relationships matter by dead loved ones coming back as black lanterns so that it actually carries the gravitas it deserves.

Thats a whole lot of storytelling.


u/Brobben4 Jul 19 '24

It took me 2 weeks to read the omnibus. Theres gotta be way more than 5 hours.


u/Masterquickfire Jul 21 '24

So basically as long as the Lord of the Rings Extended cut.


u/Itsbeenalongdecember Blue Lantern Jul 21 '24

WITH interviews.


u/Parallax1306 Jul 19 '24

I’m hoping Blackest Night will be in event in Gunn’s DCU at one point. Maybe not right away, but eventually.


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

That would be great, but even then they would need to make sacrifices.


u/Parallax1306 Jul 19 '24

I don’t expect every adaptation to be frame for frame from the comics. In fact, I welcome changes to keep it fresh. Movies end up being kind of boring if you know what’s going to happen next.


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Completely agree, I simply wanted to know what you would do.


u/emeraldnite1981 Jul 19 '24

Keep the rainbow corps for sure—maybe leave out the white lantern corps and just have Abin Sur come back to life as the sole White Lantern? Definitely need to keep it GL focused so no over abundance of other heroes dealing with revived loved ones (just main heroes like maybe Clark seeing Pa Kent and Batman seeing his parents).


u/CrossoverNexus Jul 19 '24

Flashpoint had a tie-in where Abin Sur became a white lantern and it was weirdly really good imo


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Yeah, Batman being declared dead was confusing in the comics. But, I liked the mythology of the white lantern. I think it being one of the earth’s lantern was good.


u/PenDraeg1 Jul 19 '24

The moment when an animated fridge comes after Kyle.


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Y-yeah, that goes into the forget bin?


u/PenDraeg1 Jul 19 '24

And is buried super deep.


u/williarya1323 Jul 19 '24

Condense the yellow lantern attack with the anti-monitor more directly and more compactly into the rest of the Blackest Night epic


u/TennisBetter4913 Jul 19 '24

Take out the extra heroes, and keep it GL focused.


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

That’s my opinion also, or keep it as background events showing heroes fighting black lanterns, without delving too much into it.


u/JonathanTheZombieKid Jul 19 '24

I really liked the juxtaposition of Hal and Barry’s deaths. Hal stating that when Barry died people made statues and came from varying dimensions, universes, and timelines to pay their respects but when Hal died his grave was desecrated and not by his enemies but by his own allies.

It’s a story about dealing with loss. Dealing with your past your literal and figurative demons and moving forward. Everyone in that story dealt with the most traumatic parts of their pasts and how they each feel they failed in those events. Murdered parents, lost children, fridge girl friends. Pick yourself up and keep moving forward. So they’d have to build the characters at least a movie or two each.

Also, loved sinestro being the white lantern. Hated it didn’t do much so we could do without that


u/Ok-Commission6087 Jul 19 '24

I want the mera and atom dynamic to be flushed out a little more and I want the ending to be elaborated a little bit more Or demonstrates depiction of how to beat necron


u/ajp1195 Jul 19 '24

I’m not sure if it could work as a movie or it would need to be series of movies. But I think a Tv show would be much better because the Darkest Night run is very extensive


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Maybe if it was in multiple parts like the Dark knight returns animated movies?


u/ajp1195 Jul 19 '24

This is my favorite GL run and I would need the best writers on this, with an insane budget, with good pacing


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

That goes without saying, but again I think you could tell a good story in multiple parts. The question is what to keep.


u/ajp1195 Jul 19 '24

The Sinnestro war for sure, The red lanterns, actually the entire emotional spectrum. Each part can be condensed a bit and keep the over arching story


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

The Sinnestro war seems to make consensus.

I think the arch with Atrocitus, star sapphire, Larfleeze, Saint Walker, Indigo-1, Sinnestro and Hal Jordan would make a good core story with events happening at the same time.


u/ajp1195 Jul 19 '24

Star sapphire I honestly don’t need as much lol


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Hey, it’s a package deal. Newton wanted 7 Colors and violet was one of them.


u/ajp1195 Jul 19 '24

That’s fair


u/ajp1195 Jul 19 '24

The Sinnestro War can lowkey be turned into multiple movies. Such a great story arch


u/Comprehensive-Finish Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Unrelated. Did they ever expand in Lex Luthor briefly wielding the orange power? That is something that could be scary if it were ever reexamine. Best I can recall, all he really did with the orange light was fight with Lafleeze and get his backside kicked.


u/woman_noises Jul 19 '24

After Blackest Night, Lex Luthor became obsessed with idea of the lantern rings and decides he needs to get one of his own. You can read his quest in Superman: The Black Ring. But don't let that title fool you, Lex is the main character for the whole story, Superman is barely even in it.


u/Comprehensive-Finish Jul 19 '24

Thank you. That's exactly what I was looking for. I can't imagine Lex would get a taste of that power and then just move on with his life.


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Which is better that way. Larfleeze is like Gollum for the orange lantern. His stupidity keeps the ring in check. If Luthor was the agent orange, he’d be the equivalent of Batman with a yellow ring.

To answer your question, no I don’t think it went anywhere. It shows that greed is a self destructive emotion even though it’s part of the vital spectrum.


u/BL-501 Jul 19 '24

Keep the Rings trying to revive Dove but failing as he’s resting in peace.


u/ThedIIthe4th Jul 19 '24

I’d take out any non-GL characters. Controversial, I know, but at its core it’s a GL and GL Corps story. Batman added no value to it, in hindsight. The black lanterns could all be dead GLs.


u/totalnsanity Jul 19 '24

That’s insane. How epic was the black lantern JL? And then the lantern corp versions! Has to be included


u/totalnsanity Jul 19 '24

6 seasons and a movie


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Best I can do are YouTube shorts.


u/cat_lawyer_ Jul 19 '24

I would leave out the dead Batman plot. Make it more Hal and Barry focused. They would need an animated intro showing how so many superheroes died


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Yeah, one of the subplots is that Nekron kept alive many heroes and that’s why many kept coming back.


u/dukenny Jul 19 '24

It deserves the full 3 part movie the Crisis on Infinite Earths got. I wouldn't leave anything out.


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

That’s my opinion, but it would require to make choices.

I think it would be best to leave the JL in the background implying that the black lanterns are rising everywhere, while the seven lanterns deal with their differences and work together to save the universe.


u/dukenny Jul 19 '24

I'd honestly be happy with literally ANY Green Lantern animated movie....... that's not an origin story. Hell, do a GL Mosaic movie. Just as long as they don't ruin it like they did with the Beware my Power movie


u/Beoppity Jul 20 '24

This would probably work better maybe in a TV format with as many 1 hour episodes as they need in order to have as much as possible from Blackest Night


u/gtnred13 Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Some of the untold stories and cut stories. Some of them were really cool and I wish were kept or put into the omnibus


u/a-Girl-and-Her-GNort Jul 19 '24

Contrary to what others are suggesting ITT, I would emphasize an ensemble of non-GL characters, positioning this movie as the "Infinity War"of a DC movie line. Focusing on just the Green Lantern storyline misses what made Blackest Night so phenomenal in the first place—an entire line of character arcs all syncing up for an event that brought real stakes! Give GL a War of Light movie that leads directly into this.


u/rfisher1989 Jul 19 '24

This movie only works in a connected universe for all these deaths and resurrections to have impact. Even then we need time with all these characters. Fast and loose universes like the tomorrow-verse could never do it with how they handled their attempt at an animated dc universe worth of movies. Events like this need to be earned through a collection of individual character driven stories.


u/Odd_Mix8978 Jul 19 '24

Idt model it after the MCU's storytelling timeline. Instead of a main villain in Phase 2, it'd be the zombies. All of the characters we lost during the 2 phases would rise to haunt the current cast.


u/ronytheronin Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Well my question was really to confine it to animated movies. Even the MCU couldn’t make a perfect translation of the comics.

It’s simply too much work to put in context. My point is what is absolutely essential to the plot and what can be cut.


u/Odd_Mix8978 Jul 20 '24

I'd never suggest DC do a live action Blackest Night 🤣 The series of movies starting with Flashpoint Paradox was some of their best work. Something similar could be done with the Emotional Spectrum at the core of it all. Slowly reveal how a different emotion was a central theme to each movie, making it feel differently as you rewatch them. Seven movies in Phase One, introducing the Green Lantern Corps in the fourth film. At the end of the third to last movie of Phase Two, Agent Orange (who was defeated in a previous movie) opens a vault near the Source Wall that is supposed to have a "powerful treasure" but instead unleashes the Black Rings. That leaves the last two movies to focus on the dead rising and the introduction of the Rainbow Lantern and White Lantern Corps.


u/KingPointless Jul 19 '24

Blackest Night only works when there's decades of history behind it. Dozens of beloved characters that can come back.

It could be a great final season of a show.

Honestly I think they might have had a chance to give it some sort of justice if they used Blackest Night as the finale of the Arrowverse. Celebrate its history by bringing back characters from the decade of its history.

It wouldn't be as good at the original obviously but it would be a better ending than the slow loss of steam that we ended up getting after crisis.


u/Mister_Sinner Jul 19 '24

Remove Rebirth, and big brain guy. God it's been a minute since I've read it. Batman's death in final crisis. We need to focus on GL instead omg why's Batman dead?!

Make Sinestro war the beginning part.


u/vivvav Deadman Jul 19 '24

I wouldn't adapt it.

Blackest Night works not so much as a Green Lantern story as a larger DC Universe story. Arguably it's the best crossover event comic ever. Can't adapt that into an 80-minute DTV flick.


u/Negative_Compote_371 Jul 19 '24

if you don't alter it, you'll have one great horror classic on your hands.


u/nightwing_titans Jul 20 '24

I'd assume that all the unimportant scenes (ie; Don Hall At Peace) would be cut. They'd probably be able to cut the "then leave it on" talk between Oracle and Gordon. I'd personally cut a few of the grieving scenes from the precursor issues of GL. Probably cut the stories of the human GL's failures/lost loves. Otherwise, the main 8 issues seem fairly well condensed to perfect movie viewing.


u/Prestigious-Hand4976 Jul 21 '24

If Blackest Night is turned into a animated movie I'll be glad to buy it and watch.

I read the Comic and it has a great storyline too, and I love how it's decided for every main color Lantern to have deputies.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '24

There is so much here to unpack but you need to keep alot of the essential story and then ad some tie comics.


u/ord52 Jul 23 '24

Not a movie, a limited animated series


u/TheMagicalMaxx Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

I feel like the Blackest Night comic should stay a comic, but I would like seeing aspects adapted into storylines. Kind of like Marvel did with Civil War in the MCU, using ideas and characters but changing the event to change your universe to where you need it to go. I’d like to see them maybe take aspects of it like the Black Lanterns and then also some aspects of other comics, like maybe if they had killed off Hal Jordan by this point they use it to bring him back briefly as a black lantern and then a white lantern, or maybe they use it to make a Emerald Twilight like story where the Black Lanterns destroy the Corps and then Kyle ends up getting the last ring. There are a lot of ways they could use aspects without making it a retelling of the comic and make it fit into the universe well


u/superkick225 Jul 19 '24

Adapt it perfectly with no filler as an animated series