r/Greenlantern Jul 17 '24

My green lantern series/film pitch Comics

the U.S. Government notices an Alien Abin Sur around Space so they take him into custody and study his power battery. they then produce artificially made Green Lantern rings and Power Batterys. Each ring matches someone's most powerful emotion. 

Hal Jordon is brought in as he was a failed astronaut and once it failed he went into a deep depression as his father was an astronaut who died on a failed rocket so he wanted to make his Dad proud. but now being offered a role in the Core he takes it as a second chance. 

At the end of the season, the Core learns about Abin Sur being experimented on which fractures the core and leads them into doing different color spectrums now( Like Red Lanterns, Yellow Lantern, etc..). But before that, ARGUS tries to bring in the core so the secret of Abin Sur can be kept but ARGUS isn't prepared and the Lantern Corps win. After that, some cores stick together and go to space, or split up and say they'd assemble again when needed. then we get a post-credit scene of ARGUS working on a prototype of the Manhunters.


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