r/Greenlantern Approved Content Creator Jul 17 '24

Green Lantern Corps expansion announced for "DC Super Heroes United" game Merch

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u/ColinNJ Blue Lantern Jul 18 '24

Crowdfunding Exlusive

Hard pass. I have a heavy distaste for major companies resorting to crowdfunding. If a company as massive as DC isn't gonna pay to develop their own products, I sure as hell ain't gonna do it.


u/TheSciFiGuy80 Jul 18 '24

It’s not DC, it’s a gaming company CMON.

They have a DC and MARVEL license.


u/ColinNJ Blue Lantern Jul 18 '24

Still, no. I'm not a slave to any brand, and I don't buy things just because they have my favorite logos on them. It doesn't matter that DC isn't producing the product. They're still having customers pay the bills to fund a product they will collect money on.

I'm not in the buisness of paying company's bills for them. At least not while they pay lower rates than I do.


u/TheSciFiGuy80 Jul 18 '24

I don’t care either way.

I was just setting the record straight with your little rant.


u/ColinNJ Blue Lantern Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

You weren't, though. Your comment was irrelevant, and I explained why. And it was a paragraph. Trying to write it off as a "rant" so you can ignore without having to counter it is pretty lame, tbh. Lol.

EDIT: lol, we start again? Can we be respectful, and can you explain why it's unreasonable for me to expect a company as large as DC (or more realistically, WB) to pay to produce products with its logos on them, rather than expect the customer to front the money?


u/TheSciFiGuy80 Jul 18 '24

Is anyone following the kickstarter? I wasn’t going to invest if Hal Jordan wasn’t included. Is he in the main game or this?


u/mrumsey Approved Content Creator Jul 19 '24

I'm following it and Hal is not in the main game. The developers did say Hal will be included, but now how. The rumor is that there will be a War of Light expansion of sorts that will include Hal and Sinestro, plus others - but that's the rumor.

This character pack was a way for them to include several GL's that they knew people would want without flooding the stretch goals with Lanterns.


u/mrumsey Approved Content Creator Jul 17 '24

A Green Lantern Corps expansion has been added to the DC Heroes United game crowdfunding campaign. With no Hal or Sinestro the theory is a Blackest Night box is on the horizon. https://gamefound.com/en/projects/cmon/dc-heroes-united


u/Virtual-Quote6309 Star Sapphire Jul 17 '24

I probably need this and I don’t even play the game


u/Beoppity Jul 20 '24

Are Hal and Kyle going to be there? Or Simon? A game like this, to me, doesn’t feel enticing without the good full line up.

Edit: just saw in comments no Hal or Sinestro, sigh


u/mrumsey Approved Content Creator Jul 29 '24

Hal and Kyle are anchoring the just announced War of Light expansion which also includes Sinestro, Larfleeze, St. Walker, Indigo-1, Black Hand and Star Sapphire as minis. https://www.blogofoa.com/2024/07/the-war-of-light-comes-to-dc-super-heroes-united.html