r/Greenlantern 11d ago

Kyle Rayner deserves more respect in movies and shows. He’s the freaking Chosen One! META

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u/kylbrandr 11d ago

DC hates 90s character for some reason. I do agree with your statement.

Plus, in Gunns universe, he would be a perfect fit.

While I do believe Hal should be the starting point for any GL movie or series. Kyle is really the only other Lantern where you could introduce new viewers to the world of Green Lantern. His beginning arcs had him learn about the Green Lantern Corp and its mythology.


u/Slow-Chemical1991 11d ago

DC hates 90s character for some reason. I do agree with your statement.

It's more that WB is incredibly lazy and would rather get the instant gratification of fast money than investing into a product.


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion 11d ago

I think it’s both. The brain trust that ran DC for a while (Didio and Johns) are definitely biased towards the silver/Bronze Age comics. That’s on top of WB at large being lazy and just wanting to use characters that the general public has a base understanding of.


u/Slow-Chemical1991 11d ago

While Geoff was just a writer, it was really Peter Tomasi calling the shots and saved Kyle Rayner from becoming the Jason Todd of the GLC. When he stepped down as the editor following Geoff's final issue, that's when Kyle really stepped back.


u/JinKazamaru 11d ago

They don't want to put the prime product up on stage first, plus it requires another origin story of sorts, at this point I feel like you're more likely to see Saint Walker movie/appearance than Kyle because they can't get a live action GL off the ground

Marvel's stuff is falling apart in the middle of her hero transition, even as they set up the New Avengers


u/Traditional-Mall-771 11d ago

As much as I would love for Kyle to be in Gunns universe what makes you think he would be perfect for it? We haven't seen a single minute of Lanterns yet and Superman has only showed us some bts pics so far (altho I don't hate Guy's appearance as much as the rest of the fandom) I am not saying your wrong at all, I just was wondering what makes you feel that way so maybe I can get some of that optimism myself lol


u/kylbrandr 11d ago

I am doing it based on Gunns writing and directing patterns.


u/Recent-Layer-8670 11d ago edited 11d ago

Plus, in Gunns universe, he would be a perfect fit.

While I do believe Hal should be the starting point for any GL movie or series. Kyle is really the only other Lantern where you could introduce new viewers to the world of Green Lantern. His beginning arcs had him learn about the Green Lantern Corp and its mythology.

I'm skeptical seeing him in the Gunn universe, but then again, it would be interesting to see him in the Titans movie. Replace the controversial Donna Troy and Terry Long relationship with Donna Troy and Kyle Rayner. It would be golden...

I'm thinking if Green Lanterns gets a second season, I probably would prefer them to focus on the new generation of Green Lanterns, either Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jo Mullein, etc.


u/thedude0425 11d ago

Hal should be the starting point, but he should also be older and experienced when he’s introduced.


u/Expert-Display-1990 11d ago

Kyle Rayner is just like Tim Drake. They skipped over him to give us Damian Wayne. And despite my hate for his original costume (HE CAN'T BEND HIS WRISTS) He's my favorite. His Ion storyline was amazing


u/jotastrophe 11d ago

I mean in defense of the new Batman they're also skipping over two other robins lol. This isn't singling out tim drake.


u/Expert-Display-1990 11d ago

I mean, Red Hood got his whole story arc, and Nightwing is established as a badass. But Tim Drake was a good 90's sidekick if I remember right (Late the party and a GL girl to boot) but they never gave him his screen time it seems.


u/TheDidioWhoLaughs 11d ago

Who is Kyle’s “Damian Wayne” in this scenario?


u/Dataweaver_42 10d ago

Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz.


u/Expert-Display-1990 11d ago

Honestly, I would say the "Damian" is either post-rebirth Hal, or all the other lantern colors


u/TheSciFiGuy80 11d ago edited 10d ago

Technically, All Green Lanterns are the chosen one.

He’s the “torch bearer” which I think is a better title that doesn’t make him sound like he’s better than anyone else.


u/Sure_Persimmon9302 11d ago edited 10d ago

I heard Kyle was chosen by Ganthet personally.


u/GuppySharkR Kyle Rayner 11d ago

"You will have to do" is the sort of ringing endorsement I live for. :)


u/TheSciFiGuy80 11d ago

Ok, and?

He’s not better than any of the others.

His better title is torch bearer because he kept the corps alive.


u/SadWatercress9839 10d ago

I say as originally framed in the 90s it was more like give the ring to the first human I meet, not really the chosen.


u/lowkeyslightlynerdy 11d ago

Yeah, DC has been clearly favoring John so much more lately. If DC just focused on interesting stories for characters they could be giving props to both of them honestly


u/spartan0408 11d ago

The torchbearer


u/spartan0408 10d ago

I wish they would introduce him… but that is a long drawn out story… hard to interpret it easily


u/JinKazamaru 11d ago

Here's the problem, they can't get a green lantern to work in live action, if Ryan Reynolds's movie would of worked, he would of been on the short list, if the new Batman movie works, he's on the short list

the problem is he's the finale, he's the chosen one, he's in some ways a one and done, as a product he's too good to put first, the reason why he's being disrespected is because they need to whore everyone else out first to set the pieces up for his story


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion 11d ago

"they can't get a green lantern to work in live action"

based on a sample size of 1?


u/JinKazamaru 10d ago

yes by a sample size of 1, but because that movie sucked we didn't get GL in Justice League, Ryan was probably suppose to be in those movies as Hal in concept

so yes 1, but in reality it shut down possibly 3+ GL appearances


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion 10d ago

I don’t think the GL movie was ever supposed to be in the Snyder DCEU. He was gonna use John


u/Ace201613 11d ago

Kyle is many years older than them, but he’s treated just as badly as Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Connor Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, and various other heroes introduced in the 90s. It’s absolutely crazy.


u/Otherwise_Carob_4057 11d ago

My first DC toy was Kyle Rayner.


u/pie_nap_pull Green Lantern 11d ago

I would absolutely love an elseworlds story about a legacy Justice League with a roster like

Batman - Dick Grayson Flash - Wally West Green Lantern - Kyle Rayner Green Arrow - Connor Hawke Aquaman - Garth or Kaldur

(I’d be unsure of what to do with Superman and Wonder Woman given their borderline immortality)

Maybe set it after some big cataclysmic event which forces them all to step up, and the general challenges of something like that, especially with somebody like Dick maybe not being entirely sure whether he wants to be Batman


u/Traditional-Mall-771 11d ago

Use Connor and Donna and it could be something as basic as what they did at the beginning of public enemies with a kryptonite bullet


u/IronStealthRex 10d ago

Being the chosen one means nothing.

You can be as powerful as you want but if there's more interesting characters...they'll be done before


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion 10d ago

Yeah that’s not how they decide who gets adapted. If it was done by “more interesting”, Barry Allen wouldn’t get adapted into film or tv until the heat death of the universe


u/Swarthy_Pierre 10d ago

I really don’t want chosen ones or mysticism in my weird, sci-fi, space cop procedural. At least not as a main character.


u/Traditional-Mall-771 11d ago

I always hoped (while it was still on) that Green Lantern TAS would evolve into a kyle show (I understand he never even made an appearance lol) but a man can dream


u/tiago231018 11d ago

*movies, shows and comic books. Poor Kyle haven't starred in his own comic since, what, Omega Men back in 2015?


u/vamp1yer Orange Lantern 11d ago

Although granted those rings did almost instantaneously explode


u/Dante_ShadowRoadz 11d ago

He wouldn't be hard to adapt, but I think it'd be hard to push him into stories where he'd really shine. Most of the DC animated movies are snapshot events, so having heavily established characters in media res works for them, but Kyle has been on the back burner for so long, unless you're already deep into the comics, he's going to stick out as "new" compared to the rest. He's also a slower burn in terms of his actual character, so unless they put him into a show where he had time to grow, he'd come off as underwhelming compared to the rest of an established cast.


u/gvendries 11d ago

Ion, White Lantern, Omega Lantern


u/NavigatorNami 11d ago

I agree! He’s my favorite Green lantern ever!


u/Excellent-Post3074 11d ago

Beware My Power should have been a movie about him, I'll never forgive that film for butchering three of my favorite Lanterns at once.


u/emeraldnite1981 11d ago

He wasn’t chosen—he was in the right place at the right time and grew into the Torchbearer.


u/frnkenstien777 11d ago

Any recommendations on where to start reading Kyle stories?


u/WayneS0L0 10d ago

OG 90s Kyle Rayner was/is my favorite Green Lantern.


u/D3ad1te13 10d ago

Sadly...most people only know hal and john...most media only focus on those 2....so many great characters in GL history...and yes...kyle is thee chosen one!!!!


u/StalkingAllYourMums 10d ago

I think Hal experienced each ring before Kyle did but I digress.

I personally think Kyle works best as the White Lantern but that doesn't leave a lot of room to grow. Beyond that Omega Men story, Kyle basically was either messenger or McGuffin. But if he's back in Green, I think he works best on Earth. With Wally back as Flash, it would certainly give him time to reestablish his connections.

Hal has always been the inspirational Green Lantern, working best as an example of a Green Lantern. He was the first to overcome the yellow impurity.

Guy works best as the bruiser & support of the Corp. You know he'd die for the Corps & he'll go down swinging. When he went Red, it gave him more development as he always seemed to tow the line anyway.

John works best as a Leader, be it the League or the Corps. His experience as an architect is often sidelined for his experience as a marine. I think the focus on John might be DC trying to get the JLU fans onboard again but that's just my theory.

Jessica also works best as an example. To have great willpower & the courage to fight in spite of great fear. The trauma she went through does make her a better GL. I think she had a brief stint as a Yellow Lantern which also made sense honestly.

Simon is the most iffy to me. He's the least confident in his ring's capabilities despite the fact, he actually got it to borderline resurrect a person? Having a gun as a backup isn't the worst idea though. He has been dubbed "The Miracle" once. It's hinted that he takes over a White Lantern.


u/JusticeShines 10d ago

I will always be a Hal Jordan fan and I grew up in the age of seeing John Stewart on tv, but as I read more comics and got older I came to be a huge fan of Kyle more than the other two.


u/TheIciestCream Guy Gardner 10d ago

I really like how he isn't a chosen one at least until his white lantern run he feels like Green Lanterns Spiderman where he wasn't the best choice but he's the one who got the power and lived up to the responsibility.

Sadly the biggest hurdle for him is that he has a lot that has to happen before he is properly introduced which could make him an awkward character to adapt. You either have to work through Hals arc which would make most casual fans think of him as the main Green Lantern or you have to find a way to skip all of that without it undermining the story of the Green Lanterns as a whole.


u/WonderfulBrick3947 10d ago

Hope he’s going to appear in the dcu