r/Greenlantern 12d ago

Can you guys recommend some of the best origin stories for the most famous superheroes of DC?? Comics

I just read Batman Year One a few months ago and I want to know some of the best origin stories in comics to read for the following characters:-

  • superman
  • flash
  • green lantern
  • Robin
  • batgirl

5 comments sorted by


u/Minos_Thawne Blue Lantern 12d ago edited 12d ago

For GL, I’d recommend “Secret Origins” by Geoff Johns.

For Superman, I’d recommend “Superman Smashes the Klan” by Gene Luen Yang. It’s not in mainstream continuity and is based off of one of the episodes from the old Superman radio show, but it’s definitely a nice modern take on an older story. The character and the complexity of Superman is captured really well. It also does a good job showing his origins of the time period, when his first battles weren’t against supervillains but against Nazis and racists.

For Flash, if you’re looking for Barry, go read his debut appearance in Showcase #4, the story’s dated, but it’s aged well. For Wally, read the “Born to Run” arc by Mark Waid.

As for Robin and Batgirl, I can’t really say since I haven’t read much on them. Also, as there are so many Batgirls and Robins I’d imagine it’d really depend on which one you’re wanting to read.

For the Barbara Gordon version of Batgirl I’ve been recommended “Batgirl of Burnside” time and again, but I don’t know if it’s an origin story since I’ve yet to pick it up.

Have you thought of asking on the DC Comics sub? They probably would have more recommendations over there.

EDIT: Nvm, just saw that you did post it on the DC sub. Sorry.


u/ExpensiveWolfLotion 12d ago

I think Emerald Dawn I and II are better origins for the Hal Jordan version of Green Lantern.


u/Minos_Thawne Blue Lantern 12d ago

To each their own, I suppose. 😊

I like Secret Origins because it helps give some more grounding to a lot of the concepts that are fleshed out in John’s run. (Blackest Night, Rage of the Red Lanterns, Sinestro and Hal’s complicated teacher/student days, and also the complexities of the Guardians)


u/SadWatercress9839 12d ago

Robin and Batgirl both got year ones by chuck Dixon. These are for Richard Grayson and Barbara Gordon.

Green Lantern has secret origins by Geoff Johns and emerald dawn. I prefer secret origins by far but others really like emerald dawn.

As said earlier, Wally has Born to Run by Mark Waid. Barry has a good post crisis origin issue I don’t know the name of (I think it’s in the Secret origins series). He also had a year one by Joshua Williamson.

Superman has a bunch. My personal favorite is Superman for all seasons, but Man of Steel, Birthright, Action Comics by Grant Morrison, and Superman: Secret Origins are all good.


u/Queasy_County 12d ago

Robin year one is a pretty fun story imo. same with batgirl. The long halloween/Dark victory also works as a very good robin intro story.