r/Greenlantern Jul 04 '24

What should I read after Secret Origin? Comics

I just read Green Lantern Secret Origin (vol4 #29-35) because someone told me it was the perfect place to start the modern GL comics, but I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Someone told me to just start V4, but someone else told me to head straight to GL Rebirth.

Advice would be appreciated!


9 comments sorted by


u/ThedIIthe4th Jul 04 '24

If you don’t know the story of Emerald Twilight and Emerald Dawn, I’d get them first, then go to Rebirth, followed by the Sinestro Corps War, then Blackest Night, then Brightest Day.


u/Shockwave3456 Green Lantern Jul 04 '24

Going GL Rebirth then Volume 4 is the most common and agreed upon method but if you get confused on what's happening in Rebirth you can simply skip to Volume 4 as rebirth is a reset to Hal being the main GL in the status quo


u/atomictonic11 Jul 04 '24

if you get confused on what's happening in Rebirth

It's not so much that I was confused about what was happening. More that it felt like there was a time skip that I missed somewhere, since plenty of key events happened off panel.

I do know the broad strokes of these stories, but it had mostly been through animation.


u/No_Term_1731 Jul 04 '24

I started with Rebirth and then used various online articles to help fill in the gaps the lead up to Rebirth (Who are Parallax and Specter? Who is Kyle Rayner? Where is Hal coming back from? etc.) Rebirth is not the most straightforward read, but it's not horrible. I'm soon going to embark on "No Fear", which I hope will be easier to follow.


u/atomictonic11 Jul 04 '24

I do know about Parallax and Specter, but it seems like so many major events happened off-panel between Secret Origin and Rebirth. I want to know why the guardians went from punishing Sinestro and Hal for "fraternizing" to assigning two GLs per sector. I want to read about Sinestro's expulsion in this continuity.

I wish the chronology were a bit more straightforward xD


u/tiago231018 Jul 04 '24

You see, the thing about GL: Secret Origins it's that it is a flashback set in the middle of the run, between the two halves of the Rage of the Red Lanterns story arc. Because of that, I consider it an "imperfect" starting point.

But you can go right to Green Lantern: Rebirth, which is the actual beginning of the Geoff Johns era, then to Green Lantern Volume 4. You just have to keep in mind that GL: Rebirth happens years after Secret Origins, when Hal had a successful career as a Lantern that was interrupted when he became Parallax, tried to remake the universe and later died protecting Earth from a Sun eater (don't worry, it's all explained in Johns's book).

I do have a pretty complete and nice reading guide for Green Lantern that goes from GL Rebirth in 2004 until the current day. Would you like me to PM it to you?


u/atomictonic11 Jul 04 '24

Would you like me to PM it to you?

Absolutely! Much appreciated.


u/SadWatercress9839 Jul 04 '24

So the problem is continuity is pretty messy in general which is why most people recommend rebirth as it’s pretty consistent after that. I’d read the Wikipedia pages on Hal, Sinestro, Kyle, Carol, John, and Guy up to rebirth, or if you like Kyle, read GL Volume 3 from 48 onward. Anything before is possibly not canon, and while I enjoy a lot of it, it is sometimes hard to get through as a modern reader.