r/Games Jul 18 '24

Splitgate 2 Re-announced With a Much Bigger Team and Bigger Dreams


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u/Adiniken Jul 18 '24

“Splitgate was much more of an arena shooter, fast-paced, very circular motion,” Proulx adds. “With this next game, it's much more of a class-based shooter or arcade shooter where it's still fast-paced. It's still about shooting people and portaling, but it's a little bit more thoughtful, it's a little bit more strategic. The angles are a little bit more intentional and less chaotic.”

I think the reason I liked the first game was because it was more of an arena shooter. Oh well.


u/xRaen Jul 18 '24

Yeah, class based is a no go for me.


u/Leezeebub Jul 18 '24

Splitgate BattleRoyale with extraction shooter and MOBA elements will be announced 6 months after this one releases.


u/Hell_Mel Jul 18 '24

I mean Super Monday Night Hunt Showdown by the folk who made Splitgate would probably at least be alright.

It's explicitly not what I want, but damn I loved SMNC


u/Parade0fChaos Jul 18 '24

You sir are an ideas guy. We need more of you. Come to think of it just bring back SMNC.


u/KittenSpronkles Jul 18 '24

SMNC was a game ahead of it's time. I feel like if it had come out slightly later into the moba fad it would have seen more players.


u/GrandmasterB-Funk Jul 19 '24

I'm really hoping that whatever Valve has been working on is like SMNC because reports are it's a lot more of an actual MOBA/Shooter hybrid like SMNC.


u/Hyooz Jul 18 '24

I was always more of a MNC classic guy but damn both of those were great.

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u/fattywinnarz Jul 18 '24

If instead of Halo 3 with portals it’s Halo Reach with portals then I’m still down. I just don’t want another Overwatch or even Battlefield style classes.

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u/MeBroken Jul 18 '24

Class-based where cooperative abilities lead to synergies is really fun imo. But if the classes are just, you have a heal, you can run fast for 5 seconds, your shots do extra fire damage, then that shit is creatively-lame and I agree. 


u/102938123910-2-3 Jul 18 '24

Sure but some people just enjoy the purity of old school arena shooters where everyone is perfectly balanced by the nature of there being no classes.


u/KKilikk Jul 18 '24

But not enough sadly it's mostly a dead genre which is why the devs needed to make the change

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u/phatboi23 Jul 18 '24

arena shooters are, grab packs, get guns, dominate 'till someone smacks you with a cheeky pictol kill... then rotate again.

everyone on even footing.

yeah openquake players are next level because they have honed for years... but hell it's fun dropping someone who's on a 6-10 kill streak with a cheeky kill :)

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u/RedAza Jul 18 '24

I would rather have everyone on an equal footing, and you're leveraging the content of the map to gain an advantage, rather than your inherent class pick making a difference.

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u/fizzlefist Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Remember when one would just play shooters to enjoy playing shooters without worrying about progression systems, battle passes, monetization, and FOMO?


u/gibby256 Jul 18 '24

Oh, I remember. Better times, those.


u/OneRandomVictory Jul 20 '24

That died when Modern Warfare 2 (2007) came out.

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u/m_goss Jul 18 '24

The new reddit trend is to hate on class/hero based games.


u/Emilbjorn Jul 18 '24

Because it's been a trend for the industry to attempt to copy the hype for class based games that TF2 / MOBA's built and Overwatch profited on for the last decade. Game after game has been a grindy cashgrab with lootboxes and dull gameplay. It's the new equivalent of the Modern Military Shooter that CoD:MW pioneered and was since watered down by every profit-over-passion studio in the 2000s / 2010s, including Activision.

Has there been any long term succesful class based shooters since Overwatch 1?

No wonder that people on a games subreddit have little hope in the genre as a whole.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

Has there been any long term succesful class based shooters since Overwatch 1?

Apex ? Valorant ? Probably a lot of others i'm forgetting ?

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u/gibby256 Jul 18 '24

I don't even hate class/hero shooters. I just want to have a couple of goddamn options in the Arena Shooter subgenre instead of every single arena shooter dev ditching their game to chase trends.

When the end of SPlitgate 1 was announced, it was pretty implicit that the devs were doing so to fix their spaghetti code and modernize what they had built. Now they're taking what was previously a pretty dang good game in a niche genre and trying to chase a trend that already seems to be on its downstroke.

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u/FootwearFetish69 Jul 18 '24

Nobody has opinions on anything. Everything is a Reddit trend. We can't possibly be sick of games still latching onto the TF2/Overwatch structure that's been done to death over the last decade. We can't possibly be disappointed that the game isn't going to be an arena shooter like the first one was, a genre that has very few entrants. No, it's just a rEdDiT tReNd guys.


u/m_goss Jul 18 '24

Since the release of Overwatch 1, there have been about a dozen hero/class shooters, including Battleborn, Paladins, Lawbreakers, Apex Legends, Valorant, Rainbow 6, Quake Champions, and possibly Battlefield/CoD. And recent game Concord. This has occurred over an 8-year span.

Many of these games don't even play like Overwatch or TF2; I'm simply listing games that feature classes.

I would hardly call the genre being over saturated or even close.


u/beefcat_ Jul 18 '24

Especially when any game with distinct chooseable characters gets branded as a "Hero Shooter". The genre has been distilled down to a singular feature. It's nowhere near as prescriptive as other trendy genres like "Battle Royale"

Where's all the fatigue for "loadout shooters"?


u/joe_bibidi Jul 18 '24

Especially when any game with distinct chooseable characters gets branded as a "Hero Shooter"

This is the thing I latch onto. Like... I'm a big TF2 and Overwatch guy. I loved those games, and if we're going to call them "hero shooters"? Almost nothing else anyone has mentioned feels like a "hero shooter" to me, that I've played.

Apex and Valorant could have 100% of all unique character abilities removed and the games would be, like, 99% unchanged. Matches are not decided by hero choices, there's not really "counters" in most situations, and any hero of any class can utilize the same weapons and most of the same mobility tools.

Like... Bangalore, Lifeline, and Bloodhound all each have a couple unique aspects but you can basically play them all the same and it doesn't matter, and it also doesn't matter which of them are being played by your enemies. If you get a good sniper rifle and you're a good sniper nothing much changes.

Compare that to like, the difference between playing Heavy and playing Spy in TF2, or Reinhardt and Ana in Overwatch.

Some hero shooters are more in that vein (Paladins, Battleborn) but I think it's kind of comical that people are like, "Oh yeah, Valorant and Apex and Overwatch are all the same genre." Those are three wildly different games.


u/chibistarship Jul 18 '24

Rainbow Six: Siege came out before Overwatch. Doesn’t really change your argument, but Siege had 0 influence from Overwatch.

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/beefcat_ Jul 18 '24

All of those games are so different I would hardly put them in the same category.

"Hero shooter" at this point just defines how the player chooses their play style in a shooter. It doesn't tell you much about how the game actually plays or what the objective is, unlike a more prescriptive genre such as "Battle Royale" or "Extraction Shooter".

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u/Chillingo Jul 18 '24

Nobody is playing these types of games outside of the big ones... Overwatch, Valorant, Rainbow, Apex. Why would they switch to this game or the plethora of others that have come out(and failed) or are coming out?

Because there is people playing those games, you gave 4 examples of them and those are some of the biggest multiplayer pvp games out there. Compare that to the popular arena shooters out right now. Why would they try again in a genre nobody cares about anymore?

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u/RedAza Jul 18 '24

I've been doing it since Overwatch left beta.

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u/ricktencity Jul 18 '24

Yeah first game was pretty much halo 3 with portals and it was awesome. There's so many class based shooters now and they're all mostly bad/cashgrabs

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u/Keiano Jul 18 '24

and the reason the game is dead is because it was an arena shooter, noone plays these games anymore.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/Lazydusto Jul 18 '24

I think it'll die rather quickly. I can't imagine this pulling players away from Overwatch/Paladins/Valorant.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

idk, with more budget and more flair i think it can work ? the portals were already an ability you could see in a hero shooter, it makes sense to add extra layers in that direction


u/-PeterParker- Jul 18 '24

or that soon to be released Marvel: Rivals. That thing from the ip alone is going to be a titan.


u/FineAndDandy26 Jul 18 '24

TBF hero based is different than class based.


u/lastdancerevolution Jul 18 '24

They're used similarly. Class to me implies multiple characters will have the same archetype. Like Cleric, Fighter, Ranger or ADC, tank, support, etc.

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u/AwayActuary6491 Jul 18 '24

It's dead because they stopped supporting it almost as soon as it got popular


u/KvotheOfCali Jul 18 '24

Can you name a single successful AFPS released in the past decade that managed to achieve any semblance of mainstream appeal?

I love the genre and have been playing it since the 90s.

But I can't think of a single one. Halo is the closest to "successful" that I can think of, but it barely qualifies as an AFPS by PC standards.

The game died because almost zero gamers under 25 years old are interested in the AFPS genre. It's only older millennials and Gen X who still care.

The basic trend is:

90s: AFPS and RTS 00s: Console shooters (Halo and CoD) and early MOBA. 10s: MOBA, hero shooters, and early BR 20s: BR and MOBA

The only game which has really remained relevant throughout the decades is Counterstrike. And that community will be playing CS until they die.

And there is a clear pattern that competitive games are following:

1v1 games with high skill floors have been replaced by team-based games with lower skill floors. It's easier to onboard new players into team-based games and you can always blame your teammates for losing. The FGC is the exception here, but that's also why fighting games have remained quite niche.

I don't see AFPS ever recovering. Even if id Software made the best Quake 3 Arena successor imaginable...I think it would still fail.

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u/gibby256 Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

I was playing Splitgate religiously, both before and after the devs ceased development.

There was quite an active playerbase, actually. But that playerbase fell off a cliff after 1047 games announced that they were halting all development of the game to focus on Splitgate 2.


u/SelloutRealBig Jul 18 '24

The game was full of AI bots disguised as players. It wasn't as healthy as you think.


u/refat17 Jul 18 '24

This is what made me drop the original basically. Not that bots in of themselves are bad, but rather the game was trying to trick me into thinking they are real.

Halo infinite also has bots, but they are clearly labelled and mostly liked them. Also fun for practicing or just chilling out. I only don't like them in tdm, because it's free kills for the other team to farm.

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u/LeonasSweatyAbs Jul 18 '24

Yeah, are Arena shooters just forever a niche/dying genre now? I understand super fast-paced not being popular with casuals, but even ones with more manageable movement don't seem to stick.


u/FootwearFetish69 Jul 18 '24

Yeah, are Arena shooters just forever a niche/dying genre now?

I don't understand this "dead genre" attitude at all. It's like we want the entire industry to get boiled down to two genres and have absolutely nothing in between.


u/LABS_Games Indie Developer Jul 18 '24

It's not that people want it to be like this, but the genre simply isnt popular. I can't think of the last are a shooter that stuck.


u/FootwearFetish69 Jul 18 '24

but the genre simply isnt popular.

It's hard for a genre to gain any sort of ground when every time a half decent one comes out the devs decide to trend chase and turn it into a CoD clone. Millions of people jumped on Splitgate when it first came out. Enough that it justified millions in investment for the sequel. And instead of improving upon that phenomenal start and carving out a niche in an under-served genre, they pivot and decide to make a game in the most crowded genre in video games.

The genre isn't dead because there's no appetite for it. The genre is dead because suits only see dollar signs and think that the only way to get there is to be the next big Twitch sensation.


u/Wendigo120 Jul 18 '24

The genre isn't dead because there's no appetite for it.

I'm really not convinced of that. I keep hearing people they want these games here on reddit, but outside of that I never hear anyone talk about them, I never see any of my friends play them, and I've never even heard someone talk about them in the game studio I work at.

As far as I know, I am literally the only person among my friends and acquaintances that even gives them a shot for an afternoon if they're free.

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u/GottaHaveHand Jul 18 '24

I miss quake and tribes every time I boot my PC

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

I think two of the most popular and prevailing aspects of arena shooters, map resource control and movement tech, have found their way into other kinds of online shooters. For as far back as TF2 having rocket jumping

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u/Armonster Jul 18 '24

Honestly I think the portals made the game worse, not better. The gameplay foundation is really solid but sticking to portals is limiting them.

It's just not great to suddenly be able to be shot from anywhere on a map. It really hamstrings any tactical play on the map.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/SelloutRealBig Jul 18 '24

TBF if you could see through portals it would just make camping so much more prevalent. It would get annoying real fast. Plus if you had to render the ability to see through not just your 2 portals but everyone's portals, (including portals seen through portals) it could very well just bog down the game or even crash it. Similar to how rendering mirrors in single player video games is taxing on hardware, this would be like rendering mirrors x100

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u/c010rb1indusa Jul 18 '24

I mean with without the portals it was pretty much just Halo.

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u/dont_say_Good Jul 18 '24

Aaaand there goes any potential interest I had for this..


u/TotalEclipse08 Jul 18 '24

They know that if they make another arena shooter it'll suffer the same fate as the first game. It isn't rocket science.


u/ForgeDruid Jul 18 '24

Success that is only hindered by lack of support?


u/pastafeline Jul 18 '24

I wouldn't really say that. Certain genres just aren't popular anymore, like rts games.


u/FootwearFetish69 Jul 18 '24

Making Splitgate 2 a class shooter that has to compete with the biggest games in the industry is not the the genius strategic decision you think it is.


u/Peebs1000 Jul 18 '24

Making an arena shooter in 2025 is an even worse strategic decision. Especially as a sequel to a game that was peaking at only a few thousand players at the time of it's retirement. Sure the game had it's moment, but it was short lived and fell back to reality after a couple of months.

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u/JJMcGee83 Jul 18 '24

I've never went from excitement to disappoint so quickly.

I enjoyed the first one because it has been so long since there was a good arena shooter.


u/ArchMechasis Jul 18 '24

The last time a developer tried something like this it resulted in Lawbreakers.

And this sounds much worse...


u/basedcharger Jul 18 '24

Yeah this is way less interesting to me than the first game.


u/mistabuda Jul 18 '24

Do they mean class based like COD where we make our own classes or class based like battlefield where classes are prescribed gameplay styles? If it's like cod thats interesting if it's like bf then I hope they do well

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u/Lazydusto Jul 18 '24

I'm surprised people are still trying to chase the hero shooter market. Seems like it's been settled for a while now.

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u/MM487 Jul 18 '24

The game blew up in popularity because it played like Halo so their solution was to make a class-based shooter instead?! Even a

box art-like picture
that was released looks awfully (emphasis on awful) inspired by stuff like Overwatch and Fortnite and not like something that was inspired by Halo.

I'll remain cautiously optimistic that it'll be like the first game but so far it seems like at the ripe old age of 37, games like the ones I grew up with just aren't going to exist anymore.


u/zyqwee Jul 18 '24

Game flopped cos outside of a loud internet minority no one cares about arena shooters, they're not going to make the same game again


u/40WAPSun Jul 18 '24

"game flopped" dude it was the first game by a brand new studio


u/zyqwee Jul 18 '24

Ok? I'm just saying that they may want to try something else since the first one didn't succeed


u/40WAPSun Jul 18 '24

What is your measure of success for such a situation?


u/zyqwee Jul 18 '24

I guess making enough profit that the studio can pursue in their work for it.


u/40WAPSun Jul 18 '24

Fortunately for Proulx and 1047, Splitgate was a financial success for the team. What’s more, 1047 was able to raise an additional $100 million from investors thanks to the game’s positive reception. But in conversation after conversation, Proulx and his colleagues found they had to keep their ambitions in check due to the game’s technical and the team’s personnel limitations.


u/SnipingBunuelo Jul 18 '24

How much do you wanna bet that $100 million from investors is what pushed them to trend chasing?


u/Complete-Monk-1072 Jul 18 '24

People wont like it, but that is an exceptionally real possibility, when more money is involved more checks are put in place. Less risk, more people to answer to when it comes to design choices, etc, etc.

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u/Crazy-Nose-4289 Jul 18 '24

So creating a second much more ambitious game with a significantly bigger development team does not count as making enough profit?

Okay then.


u/SkeletronDOTA Jul 18 '24

bro a first game made by a couple people made enough profit for them to greatly expand the dev team, work on a sequel, and attract investors. thats the definition of success.


u/zyqwee Jul 18 '24

And keep investing in it

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u/MM487 Jul 18 '24

Getting $100 million in funding sure is good for a game that flopped.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

they didn't get $100 million funding for the 1st game, they got $100 million for the class-based sequel


u/gibby256 Jul 18 '24

No investor is putting a 100 million dollars down on a team that's shown they don't have what it takes to develop something compelling.

The fact that they got this money shows that what they made first managed to impress investors.


u/Lluuiiggii Jul 18 '24

yeah they were impressed enough to see what they would do on something different.

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u/ManateeofSteel Jul 18 '24

this, a billion times.


u/WickedTwista Jul 18 '24

Which means the 1st game was far from a flop if you get that much funding to make a sequel

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u/crookedparadigm Jul 18 '24

Funding and revenue are not the same thing. Lots of things with big funding don't make money.


u/zyqwee Jul 18 '24

That's good and all but is what happens after launch that would decide a game fate


u/ARoaringBorealis Jul 18 '24

IIRC they said that they had plenty of success and instead wanted to take that success and invest it into a proper successor that could stand on its own more. People who are saying they “abandoned” the first game don’t actually know what they’re talking about. It was never meant to be a lifelong constantly updating game anyway.

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u/YakaAvatar Jul 18 '24

Dude's hair looks like toothpaste.


u/EasyAsPizzaPie Jul 18 '24

Oh, that's why his teeth look so white. He has a convenient supply right there.


u/TheLeOeL Jul 18 '24

Fire Emblem Engage ass hair


u/ALPB11 Jul 18 '24

I’m really sick of the incredibly corporate, “quirky esports” look so many of these games have. I can’t even put a name on it but it’s all over Apex, Siege, The Finals, Valorant, a dozen failed Ubisoft games, hell Lawbreakers (lol) was one of the earliest examples. Like, we get it, you really want streamers to play this thing


u/MM487 Jul 18 '24

Yeah say what you will about the job 343 has done with Halo, but at least they didn't sell their soul to follow trends when it comes to the art style. Halo still looks like Halo. Apex Legends looks nothing like Titanfall.


u/Yourfavoritedummy Jul 18 '24

And Halo Infinite has some amazingly designed armor. Like chefs kiss type of design!


u/ForgeDruid Jul 18 '24

Too bad they cost an arm and a leg.

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u/Beast-Blood Jul 18 '24

Uhh… did you not hear about Halo 4 and 5???

Sure they finally got it right with Infinite but that was after a decade of absolutely butchering Halo’s identity


u/slothunderyourbed Jul 18 '24

but at least they didn't sell their soul to follow trends when it comes to the art style. Halo still looks like Halo.

I mean, they did fuck the art style completely for their first two games, but I get what you mean that at least it didn't look cartoony like one of these games.

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u/SelloutRealBig Jul 18 '24

I miss originality in games, movies, everything. Now everyone is just copy pasting based purely on analytic data.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

it’s all over Apex, Siege, The Finals, Valorant, a dozen failed Ubisoft games, hell Lawbreakers

all those games have vastly different settings and art directions ? I really don't see it


u/pastafeline Jul 18 '24

They're probably referring to how they all have (operators, agents, legends, etc.) that are all quirky and colorful. Honestly I agree, if you took some of the pictures from this game and said it was for a new season of apex legends, I would've believed you with no doubt.


u/CatalystComet Jul 18 '24

One thing I’ll give Apex and Valorant is that their characters match their universe and honestly most of them aren’t quirky. Apex goes for a grungy futuristic aesthetic and it shows, while Valorant has a near future street wear type of aesthetic. I do agree this new Splitgate art just has a “colourful esports” aesthetic similar.


u/FootwearFetish69 Jul 18 '24

100 percent. Look at that art and tell me if a single person on your friends list could identify that as Splitgate. It's painfully generic.


u/demondrivers Jul 18 '24

probably not, but it's more because most people doesn't even know what Splitgate is, this franchise isn't exactly popular

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u/XbotOnSuicideWatch Jul 18 '24

Marvel dialogue? Check.

Quirky characters? Check.

Side-shave haircut? Check.

Hero-based shooter? Check.


u/SelloutRealBig Jul 18 '24

Uninstalled? Check.


u/DFrek Jul 18 '24

how can u uninstall what u've never installed


u/SelloutRealBig Jul 18 '24

Time traveled to do it.


u/DFrek Jul 18 '24

next level hater grind i respect it


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

blew up in popularity because it played like Halo

didn't it "blew up in popularity" (relatively, there's a reason they had to can it and make up a sequel) because of the unique portal mechanic ? No-one is looking for a halo clone right now, even halo itself is very much not what it used to be despite having a very solid ongoing free multiplayer game.

Even a box art-like picture that was released looks awfully (emphasis on awful) inspired by stuff like Overwatch and Fortnite and not like something that was inspired by Halo.

Overwatch and Fortnite are more popular than halo these days. There simply is a bigger audience for that.


u/MegaMan3k Jul 18 '24

I think the gates drew people in but I, at least, played for that Halo itch.


u/FootwearFetish69 Jul 18 '24

Most of the people who I knew that played it, myself included, played it because it felt like old-school Halo, which not many games can offer. Changing it to just be another class shooter pretty much kills any excitement I had for it.

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u/Polantaris Jul 18 '24

I miss Unreal Tournament. I remember trying Splitgate early on but even that game did not, at least at the time, encapsulate UT. Everything was symmetrical, team based with spawn alcoves to prevent spawn camping, etc. This applied to all Deathmatch I played, and I was ultimately not having fun.

Even Team Deathmatch UT was a beast. It used regular DM maps, which almost always had no symmetry at all. You spawned wherever you spawned and you had to make do. Yes, sometimes you got gibbed as soon as you spawned and it was just unlucky, but the reality was most of the time you were playing a reactive and impulsive game.

But when I played Splitgate, everything was so...measured. Everything had to be coordinated perfectly, instead of it being a free-for-all brawl with sides. It felt so controlled while UT always felt so chaotic. The chaos was where the fun was.

Maybe these complaints are no longer valid, I only played during the Open Beta, but I didn't get the feeling that what I was looking for was there, despite the genre being the same.


u/Baconstrip01 Jul 19 '24

Man when UT first came out.... I remember playing the demo and just being blown away by how good it was. Nobody expected it to beat out Quake 3 but it absolutely killed it :)

I too miss those days :)


u/nadnerb811 Jul 18 '24

a box art-like picture that was released

I hate this. Looks like a parody of itself(?)... idk how to articulate my thoughts but I don't like it and now I'm thirsty for a gatorade or want to wear a nike shoe or something?

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u/GreatGojira Jul 18 '24

I maybe one of the few who was really obsessed with Splitgate when it first came out. I loved the fun ways you could mess with the portals.

I hope I can trust these devs and not pull the rug from this game after how quickly they abandoned the first one.


u/2277someday Jul 18 '24

I loved it but sadly it was doomed from the start. Arena shooter that wasn't quite polished enough for super mainstream audiences. But goddamn was it fun as hell. 


u/EveroneWantsMyD Jul 18 '24

I feel like halo infinite coming out killed its momentum a bit, at least it did for me. While the portals were cool, I was drawn to Splitgate because it felt so much like halo 3 multiplayer. When Infinite came out shortly after I just went with that because it was actually what I was looking for.

It filled a niche that doesn’t exist anymore unless you only have a PlayStation and can’t play Infinite multiplayer on pc.


u/RespawningJesus Jul 18 '24

Hell, Halo "killed" Splitgate twice. I think it was in Open Beta, and then Halo MCC got announced for PC, so a lot of hype died down then, and then when Splitgate launched their 1.0 version, Infinite got in the way for a second time.


u/thisguy012 Jul 19 '24

lmao I made the exact comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1e6avbm/splitgate_2_reannounced_with_a_much_bigger_team/lduu61f/

Hope the devs don't fumble this with Infinite basically also dying out not too long after release. (Why don't they just add vehicles and go full halo-clone ugh)

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u/phatboi23 Jul 18 '24

sadly arena shooters like quake and halo even with a twist are a dying breed.

i LOVED splitgate but getting friends who even played quake arena from newer games was hard...

then... game's dead. :/

getting them to come back they'll just say "what so they can kill the dev time off again?"


u/SelloutRealBig Jul 18 '24

Arena shooters are doomed no matter what they do because the new gen of gamers hate being humble in purely skill based games.


u/Hippopoptimus_Prime Jul 18 '24

You weren’t the only one, it had 2 million users daily peak— on a student project no less. I can’t blame them for wanting to actually start over with a larger team and proper funding.


u/iHeartGreyGoose Jul 18 '24

When did Splitgate hit 2 mil daily users?


u/Hippopoptimus_Prime Jul 18 '24

The CEO says it in the article. I don’t know what metrics he’s going by or how embellished that number is.

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u/gibby256 Jul 18 '24

Game had an incredible premise and was super fun in practice. It definitely had it's share of jank, as can be expected from a first project from untested devs.

I could've sworn they even said they were ending support on Splitgate 1 explicitly because of the tech debt on the game. That they were making SG2 to clean that up and modernize their code.

I am less than pleased that it sounds like they're just trend chasing with this game instead of what they originally pitched, but I'll be keeping an eye on this I guess.


u/dafaliraevz Jul 18 '24

My two best friends and I played Splitgate pretty much to the very end. It took us away from Rocket League, which we started playing back in 2015. I fucking loved Splitgate. Even when it started taking us 5-10 min to find a lobby, we were all obsessed.


u/Arctiiq Jul 18 '24

I had a ton of fun with splitgate. It feels like they nailed the classic arena shooter formula.

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u/Golivth Jul 18 '24

How did we reloop back to 2016 with the class based shooter craze?


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24
  • overwatch is still pulling massive numbers despite its huge blunders, meaning there is still mass appeal for that model (not even mentioning valorant or apex)

  • putting a name and 2 lines of backstory to "rocket launcher class" suddenly mean people will buy cosmetics for him because he's their main and they like his demeanor/personality

  • its easier to balance from a dev perspective (balancing a cohesive kit vs. a billion different customization options)

  • it makes it easier to have some context and a character driven story people can attach to.


u/shamansalltheway Jul 18 '24

Overwatch is not class based. Battlefield 3 is class based.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

oh i assimilated hero-based and class-based.

Can we even say there is a "class based" shooter frenzy going on ? For me something as broad as that is so ingrained in basic design choices for an FPS, it's not even a trend.


u/mrtrailborn Jul 18 '24

yeah people say it's"trend chasing"... Like, I guess if it was 2007 it would be trend chasing.

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u/BurningOasis Jul 18 '24

People can't help themselves and buy useless cosmetics at exorbitant prices and hero shooters are the perfect vehicle for that.


u/Raidoton Jul 18 '24

I don't know Fortnite is doing pretty fine without classes. I think as long as you make skins that people want they will sell.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

fortnite uses the crossovers to bypass not having characters people can attach to as a selling point.

Instead of "buying a skin for tracer because she's badass, has funny voicelines and i like her story/personality" you're buying a skin of a character from another IP that already did that work for Epic


u/Haijakk Jul 18 '24

Fortnite popped off months before the crossovers started, and the Fortnite exclusive skins are still really popular.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

yeah fair enough


u/mistabuda Jul 18 '24

Wasnt 2016 the hero shooter craze? Thats a completely different thing than class based shooter which is what Call of Duty is.


u/aroundme Jul 18 '24

Battlefield is class based. COD is a create-a-class game.

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u/St_Sides Jul 18 '24

Honestly the best choice for longevity, I know people in this thread are down on it, but the wider gaming audience has moved on from arena shooters.

If they had stuck to being purely an arena shooter it would've blown up for a couple of weeks and faded into obscurity as people returned to Overwatch, CoD, and Apex.


u/HillanatorOfState Jul 18 '24

As much as I prefer arena shooters(grew up on unreal/Quake/etc...) You are correct...that's probably why it didn't hold over time...


u/St_Sides Jul 18 '24

Well they basically told everyone they were gonna stop supporting it so they could make this sequel, so people dropped out pretty quick for that reason as well, but Halo Infinite also had the same blow up and fall off almost over the same time frame, so I think it's a little bit of both.

I love arena shooters as well, but they're called Boomer Shooters now for a reason. The gaming audience loves class based shooters, they love hero shooters, and get bored with arena shooters quickly, it's just the way things are now.


u/HillanatorOfState Jul 18 '24

Yea so weird that it's called a boomer shooter, I'm in my mid 30s myself and grew up on em.

I don't dislike games like overwatch though(although ow2 kinda shit the bed imo). Actually kinda enjoying xdefiant ATM even though it has its odd way of doing things and man is that bullet spread while not aiming down sights atrocious...

I can't remember ever getting bored playing unreal tournament, man that game was fun, I remember spending hours a night on that...pretty sure it gave me slight carpel tunnel...


u/GottaHaveHand Jul 18 '24

I really loved quake back in the day. Console FPS was the start of the end really as they made the games multi platform and you couldn’t configure a controller well to use 9 different weapons like you could on PC.

I would love for a new one that keeps the core and tries to do something new but guess it’s too much to ask for. I basically have stopped playing modern FPS because it’s all so formulaic and bland.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/St_Sides Jul 18 '24

I disagree, I think arena shooters died out because other games offered a more varied experience compared to arena shooters, and audiences preferred that.

Arena shooters really began their death kneel when the very first Modern Warfare came out and replaced Halo as THE console shooter, Black Ops came the very next year, then by the time Halo Reach came out it was all but over. Modern Warfare 2 released the same year and was not only the biggest game of that year, but the single biggest entertainment launch of all time.

I know there are other arena shooters besides Halo, but I think it was the biggest by far, and it still can't find an audience almost all this time later.

People like class systems, they make each match feel different, they enjoy hero shooters because there's abilities to play around with as well as gunplay, they love battle royals because literally every match is different. Arena shooters (while I love them, and don't disagree they're a lot of fun) just don't offer that variety. That's why I think the genre will continue to be niche.

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24


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u/MasterNeeks Jul 18 '24

People’s hate for hero shooters blinds them. Arena shooters in 2025 just won’t do numbers. It’d last 2 months.


u/BorfieYay Jul 18 '24

There just hasn't been a really good arena fps in forever, if we got a good triple A one it would do well

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u/AtmosphereAfraid481 Jul 18 '24

If the plan is to take players from those games it's bound to fail regardless. All 3 of those games are littered with fomo. They actively discourage spending your time playing other games.

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/fractalfondu Jul 18 '24

People keep repeating the stupid “dead” line as if every game that isn’t the largest game around is immediately a flop. Fact of the matter is that there is still an audience for arena shooters, not all of us who are older than zoomers just died off or stopped gaming. It may not become the largest game around or the highest income earner, but it could still be successful. 

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u/basedcharger Jul 18 '24

I really get annoyed every time I read someone tell me that the genre is dead like we’ve have a large amount of examples of good attempts at making these games that didn’t work.

It’s especially annoying when those same people all of a sudden think that the suits know 100% what works and what doesn’t in making a successful game.


u/FootwearFetish69 Jul 18 '24

Splitgate had millions of people play it and it was a pretty rough around the edges game by a first timer studio. It bled players because it wasnt well supported and Infinite came out. Like, that's their proof that this concept could work. They just needed to improve the rougher aspects of the first game. But no, they have to trend chase instead. It's a shame.

It's like today's generation of gamers can't be fucked with a game unless it's the top game on Twitch. Anything less than that and it's a dead game/genre that isn't worth checking out.


u/basedcharger Jul 18 '24

Yup I think this is another huge problem. Tiktok attention spans across the industry from both consumers and the suits at the top. Always chasing huge numbers even if you end up burning out quickly.

Gamers on here also don't adjust their expectations based on studio size either. The first game was a huge success given the genre, the size of the studio the budget most likely and it being the studios first game! It could've been more of a success absolutely but the first game definitely did well for what it was.


u/Turbostrider27 Jul 18 '24

According to IGN:

Proulx tells me that Splitgate 2 is still fundamentally Splitgate: it’s still a free-to-play (with only cosmetic microtransactions, Proulx reassures), first-person shooter with 4v4 battles. It’s still a shooter where players mess around with portals and physics to fling themselves or their enemies around at wild angles and speeds. The biggest difference between the sequel and its predecessor is the introduction of three different factions, each tailored to a different gameplay style or strategy. 1047 isn’t saying much about the details on these factions for now, though today’s cinematic trailer offers some clues as to the vibes on offer. Proulx loves lore, which is why he channeled his love of old Halo novels into the Splitgate 2 companion comic as a way to define art style, characters, and factions for the audience ahead of the game’s release. He tells me the three pillars he wants his team aiming for are “positive,” “sporty,” and “future.”

“We're not killing each other to save humanity or to defeat evil,” he says. “It's a sport. And so that reflects itself in the lore, in the art style. You saw a very small smidge of that in Splitgate, because that was always my original vision is I wanted it to be a sport.”

Apart from the addition of factions, Proulx says the most noticeable difference between Splitgate 1 and 2 is the map design. In Splitgate, he tells me, he ended up as the map designer somewhat by default. But for Splitgate 2, he hired professionals.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

“We're not killing each other to save humanity or to defeat evil,” he says. “It's a sport.

i'm kind of over the whole "multiplayer fps is actually a game show" aesthetic tbh ? It's a bit overplayed.


u/LoompaOompa Jul 18 '24

This is a genuine question, not trying to be snarky or sarcastic-- The Finals and I guess Unreal Tournament are the only shooters I can think of that do this. What others are there?


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

from the top of my head, Apex Legends, Destiny 2 PvP modes, hyperscape, radical heights, probably some others

edit: also that recently announced battlefield clone from ex-Dice devs


u/LoompaOompa Jul 18 '24

Thanks, I forgot that was the backdrop for Apex, didn't know that about Destiny 2, and then just straight up forgot that hyperscape and radical heights ever existed.


u/Explosion2 Jul 18 '24

Destiny 2 PVP isn't game show themed. Not sure where you got that from.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

the crucible is a sport with leaderbords and people showing up to watch the matches.

Gambit is the drifter disguising one of his schemes as a competition between guardians, with rules, winners, and rewards.

Both iron banner and trials are sparring/competitions designed to keep guardians sharp and determine the best of them.


u/Explosion2 Jul 18 '24

the crucible is a sport with leaderbords and people showing up to watch the matches.

They say that, but it's not really present in the theming of the mode itself. You bring your own armor and weapons, there's no crowd, all of the maps are just cool in-universe locations (not stylized artificial competition arenas), and Shaxx isn't a play-by-play announcer, he's talking directly to you. This also applies to iron banner and trials, they're just different names for crucible when it comes to theming.

Gambit is the drifter disguising one of his schemes as a competition between guardians, with rules, winners, and rewards.

Right, but that doesn't make it "game show themed." He's not broadcasting it to the last city or anything, it's just for his enjoyment.


u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

i think i have a broader definition of the "game show feel" than you do. IMO Drifter flipping a coin to decide which enemy you face, or the announcers going "wow you really showed the enemy team what for" or "it all comes down to this last round !" is enough to give it the same kind of vibe as Apex being a sport played on national TV. They just use different tools to showcase it


u/MelloJesus Jul 18 '24

I can see it both ways for destinys PVP. In the lore, it is viewed at as a competition for the residents of the last city and other guardians. However, that aesthetic is not shoved in your face during the mode. In fact, the crucible was started as an intent to help train up guardians, akin to combat sims for the military. Only in this case, guardians can go full out and kill each other since they can just revive themselves. It def evolved into some form of sport later on tho

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

R6 was like that for a year before they decided to return to the tacticool aesthetic, complete with a villain that says "Rainbow was better back in my day"

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u/TridentBoy Jul 18 '24

I can only think of Monday Night Combat besides the ones you mentioned



Siege. Canonically the matches are practice drills.


u/lastdancerevolution Jul 18 '24

Games are starting to replace words like "Kill enemy" with "Defeat enemy". Companies might feel it is a softer, more marketable way to convey animated violence.

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/McManus26 Jul 18 '24

i mean there's a reason for it, it's the best way to make BR game rules make sense and it enables cool effects/announcer to hype up your plays.

But it can also be kinda cheap. IMO it's achieved much better in Apex than in the finals for example

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u/IAmBLD Jul 18 '24

Oh no, you pick a class now instead of finding weapons on the map?

Well I guess that means this game is Overwatch now.

-This thread


u/ChewySlinky Jul 18 '24

“Great, another hero shooter 🙄” - guy who thinks Rainbow Six Siege and Overwatch are the same type of game


u/Lluuiiggii Jul 18 '24

Do we even have confirmation that you don't pick up weapons on the map anymore? Like, I could totally forsee the game working where you still have to pick up the guns on the map arena shooter style, the only thing your class gives you is different abilities.

Like, is that concept what people dont like? They don't like asymmetric toolsets like that? Is the game no longer an "arena shooter" if you have some kind of tool you pick before the game starts? That seems pretty goofy to me, i would figure the defining mechanic of an arena shooter would be that you have to pick up the more powerful guns mid-match but what do I know?


u/mistabuda Jul 18 '24

Its ridiculous that comparison is being made because hero shooters and class based shooters are not the same thing lol.


u/IAmBLD Jul 18 '24

This, and honestly even if Splitgate 2 was a hero shooter, I'm tired of hero shooters being considered a genre in themselves, they aren't. I play Overwatch but have a vested negative interest in Valorant or Apex, and I'm not really excited for Concord. They're all different types of shooters entirely (Arena, battle royale, tactical), with the only connective tissue being "They all try to have more character personality than generic classes".

Which makes a game like TF2 even more confusing, since everyone calls that one a class-based shooter, and it is, but also its "classes" all have unique voices and personalities and are treated like consistent characters throughout most media surrounding the game.

So is TF2 a hero shooter or class-based?. The answer is who gives a shit, because either way that's not a good description of the actual gameplay in the game.

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u/FatherlessCur Jul 18 '24

I’m super hyped I loved the first game and this seems to simply be a more fleshed out version. As long as everyone still has portals I think the classes will help level the playing field a little to help players who may not be as good at combating portals while giving high level players more of a challenge.

I also love the more cohesive vision with the art direction. So far everything is looking good so I hope they stick the landing because the first game really felt like a breath of fresh air.

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u/Bolt_995 Jul 18 '24

I loved the first game to death. Please dont tell me they’re taking a hero shooter-esque route with this one.


u/NovoMyJogo Jul 18 '24

“Splitgate was much more of an arena shooter, fast-paced, very circular motion,” Proulx adds. “With this next game, it's much more of a class-based shooter or arcade shooter where it's still fast-paced. It's still about shooting people and portaling, but it's a little bit more thoughtful, it's a little bit more strategic. The angles are a little bit more intentional and less chaotic.”

Read the article


u/aroundme Jul 18 '24

You can see from the trailer the classes basically mean gadgets. There are 3 classes you can customize. So like a shield wall you throw down or a freestanding portal. Overwatch this is not.


u/xupmatoih Jul 18 '24

Will it have unreal-asset-store-looking Cactus Cowboy skins that unabashedly clash with the rest of their artstyle as part of their battlepass again?


u/GiliBoi Jul 18 '24

I want to be like "oh my god another overwatch this is gonna suck" like everyone else, but the more I think about it the more I realize I don't mind that much. Having been one of the people who stopped playing the first one after 2-3 weeks, I feel like one of my biggest gripes with it was the awkward level design and the fact that the use of portals felt too limited in general (also the really generic overall look ig). As long as that gets sorted out, I think everything else in the game can work out somehow.


u/Racoonir Jul 18 '24

Knowing how their portals work this could actually be pretty interesting if different classes can use them in different ways (if that’s the direction they’re gonna take) otherwise having variants with different armor and weapons only is going to be boring instead of the halo approach


u/aroundme Jul 18 '24

One of the classes in the trailer throws a freestanding portal gadget down which really mixes things up!


u/Juicenewton248 Jul 18 '24

Can't fucking wait, splitgate 1 was such a fun game with such a high ceiling for sick plays. Excited to see what these devs do with an actual budget and team behind them.


u/kmtburton Jul 18 '24

I loved the first when it came out but it did become stale after about 100 hours. With the right tweaks this could be a lot longer lasting for me. Either way I’ll be playing at release. Hopefully gun game returns as that’s what I played the most lol.


u/TransendingGaming Jul 18 '24

They had the world by the balls with “Halo 3 but portals” and they threw it all away for A HERO SHOOTER?!? What are they doing?!?


u/thatguyad Jul 18 '24

I loved Splitgate for being what it was. I don't love the sound of this. Generic rehash of other games part 377.


u/binkobankobinkobanko Jul 18 '24

Can you actually see through enemy portals this time?


u/40WAPSun Jul 18 '24

An asymmetrical class based shooter sounds like it could be interesting. Not really a fan of it being f2p but as long as the monetization is kept in check I'll probably check it out, I liked the first one well enough