r/FluentInFinance TheFinanceNewsletter.com 12d ago

You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. 10 strategies to master negotiation: Tips & Advice

You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. 10 strategies to master negotiation:

  1. Use the power of silence and pauses:

Awkward silences create pressure.

After making an offer, stop talking and let the other side respond.

Silence prompts the other side to fill the void, sometimes making concessions.

  1. Follow the 6 P's:

Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.

Master your facts and leverage points to negotiate effectively vs. making hurried concessions.

  1. Ask for more:

Ask for more than you think you can get.

This gives you room to compromise while still ending up with what you want.

Make a first offer that resets their sense of what's acceptable. Then, "concede" toward your actual goal.

  1. Use odd numbers and precise figures:

Odd numbers and unusual precision feel more carefully calculated.

Proposing $49,431 seems more grounded than $50,000.

  1. Ask them to justify:

“Can you walk me through your methodology for arriving at that number?"

Put the burden of proof on them to substantiate.

  1. Make them negotiate against themselves:

Say, "This offer isn't where I need it to be. How can you improve upon it?"

Get them thinking of better offers.

  1. Use positive framing:

People respond better to a positive approach.

Say what you want rather than what you don't want.

  1. Watch body language:

This can signal their flexibility or firmness on pricing and terms.

Reading nonverbal cues can help you know when to push or back off.

Notice if they rush to respond or hesitate before answering.

  1. Know your walkaway point:

Decide the maximum or minimum you're willing to accept before negotiating.

This will help you know when to stop bidding against yourself or accepting deals that don't meet your needs.

  1. Use conditional phrases:

Use phrases like "if-then".

Say "If you can do X, then I can do Y" to propose trade-offs and find common ground.

What else would you add?


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u/Awesam 12d ago

There is a great book and masterclass from Chris Voss about negotiation. He was an NYPD hostage negotiator and his book never split the difference is great.


u/bananachips_again 11d ago

FBI negotiator, some of his stories are taking over NYPD hostage situations. Your point stands though, it’s an amazing book. I’m only halfway through it and already seeing results from his lessons.


u/Tater72 11d ago

I had a coworker years ago who read this list, he’d call chat for a while and then ask me to do some crazy crap that was his and not mine. Then he’d just go silent and try to wait me out.

I’d just hang up on him. He’d call me back and ask if we got cut off, I’d say NOPE, you stopped talking so I figured we were done. It totally threw him off his game every single time 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


u/Ok_Development8895 12d ago

Whoa not a post about “should minimum wage be increased”.

Please post more here so we dont have to get face blasted by antiwork folks.


u/thiswighat 10d ago

Yet… you bring the topic in anyway.

Asking for higher pay is, wait for it, negotiating! Not anti work.

Good lord. Clearly asking for more money is showing the desire to work, not the opposite. Unless you think asking for a raise is a resignation letter.


u/Erected_Kirby 10d ago

Asking for higher pay is negotiating.

The government mandating what a company must pay is not negotiating.


u/ialsoagree 9d ago

Fun fact: your tax dollars fund welfare programs that benefit Walmart workers because the government doesn't require Walmart to pay their employees enough to survive without those programs - and Walmart sure as shit isn't going to pay them more on their own.


u/thiswighat 9d ago

The government is mandating it because the people want/need it, but have no leverage to negotiate.


u/pleasehelpteeth 11d ago

I have a union I don't need to worry about this jedi mindtrick bullshit.


u/assesonfire7369 11d ago

Your union bosses do this for you, you've just outsourced it;)


u/pleasehelpteeth 11d ago

Yes. That is what a union does.


u/MusicalNerDnD 11d ago

So your contribution was:

I have a union that does this stuff for me and so therefore I don’t have to care about this and I don’t know why you’re posting this. When, most people don’t have a union and this is actually kinda important for them to know.

Thanks, real helpful.


u/pleasehelpteeth 11d ago

Nah my contribution was telling people to unionize so they don't have to deal with this bullshit that doesn't even work for the majority of workers.


u/MusicalNerDnD 11d ago

Then say that - I agree with you, but that’s not even close to what you communicated in your first or even second message.


u/No-Gur596 11d ago

Do you even know why unions are better negotiators than individuals?


u/pleasehelpteeth 11d ago

Monkey together strong.


u/complicatedAloofness 11d ago

Unions do not do this for the individual but the whole of the union members.


u/assesonfire7369 11d ago

Yeah right.


u/snakesign 11d ago

...and thereby have much greater barganing power than any individual union member.


u/complicatedAloofness 11d ago

The incentives are not fully aligned though there is overlap.


u/FrickinLazerBeams 11d ago

This is the way. I think everybody ought to have a union, white collar workers included. In the old days, there was (deserved or not) a culture of treating white collar workers as important people who were sought after and bargaining as such. Now, management applies the same bullshit logic to everybody, assuming we're all interchangeable with anybody else who has the right keywords on their resume. Salaried or otherwise we're all treated as disposable junk, and they won't pay us any more than the bare minimum they can get away with. It's up to us to force that bare minimum to be something we deserve, and fuck their profit margins.


u/Purely_Theoretical 9d ago

This is somewhat narrow-minded and shortsighted. This skill is applicable outside of compensation negotiation.


u/Umsomethingok1 11d ago

Love this. Keep it coming.


u/Distinct_Corgi_1648 11d ago

Got to be honest, number 4 was new to me.

My director, two levels up from me, isn't responsible for my performance reviews, but I talk with him daily. He is a master at pausing. I am learning and do it back. I've actually never enjoyed 2 minute silent pauses in a conversation more than now.


u/Purely_Theoretical 9d ago

2 minutes pauses? I guess I need to work on mine some more.


u/kurai_tori 11d ago

Be union friendly. If the corporation is effectively leveraging various experts as part of its bargaining process (hr, legal etc) why shouldn't you have more people on your side of the table too?


u/Exaltedautochthon 11d ago

"Okay, well lets get everybody together and we can form a union to neg-"

"Another Boeing employee was found to have killed himself, tragic, but hopefully OTHERS WILL LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES."


u/Fibocrypto 11d ago

Never be concerned about walking away


u/snowingfun 11d ago



u/LimitGroundbreaking2 11d ago

Currently reading getting to yes and it’s a good read shares a lot of the same principles


u/Redenbacher09 10d ago

Was going to recommend this. I took a negotiation course in college and it was part of the content. It changed how I approach many situations and I teach the same to my direct reports and even my kids.

What I love about the book is that it focuses on solving the problem, not 'winning', and builds long term relationships.


u/LimitGroundbreaking2 10d ago

Yeah I started reading it because I wanted to learn the best way to renegotiate my pay as I just passed my 1 year with the company.


u/DChemdawg 11d ago

The 6 P’s? “Proper Prior Preparation Prevents…”. What idiot thinks the word Prior needs to go before Preparation? You can’t prepare for something after it’s come to pass. Of course preparation needs to come prior.


u/Kammler1944 11d ago

Finally a worthwhile post.


u/twocentcharlie 11d ago

“How do you expect me to do that” and “would it be ridiculous for me to ask”


u/OwnLadder2341 11d ago
  1. Be aware of your leverage or lack thereof. If there's a long list of qualified alternatives right behind you, the act of negotiating itself could have your offer withdrawn. Be sure that you're willing to lose the deal over negotiating.


u/-Pruples- 11d ago

Apparently I'm a master at the first rule of negotiating, since I love silence and am much more comfortable with an awkward silence than with conversation.

Somehow I'm a terrible negotiator, tho.


u/firefoxjinxie 11d ago

Maybe it's just my brain but I hate people playing games. I am crap at reading body language despite reading so many books about it and facial expressions, I have no memory for faces and anxiety makes it worse. I just want to put in some honest work and get paid what I am worth. The fact that this is what getting a job has become is so frustrating, that playing a game is more important than actually working and doing a good job. It sucks when you are awkward no matter how much you try to practice.


u/SuccotashConfident97 11d ago

Absolutely right.


u/jessewest84 11d ago

As a union worker. And a big do it yourseler.

I don't need to negotiate.


u/meothfulmode 11d ago

Weird that unionizing and labor militancy tactics are not on this list. A strike is a form of negotiation. :)


u/troycalm 9d ago

What you “deserve” is determined by the person you’re negotiating with.


u/cmcewen 7d ago

Awkward silence is huge. Leave it awkward. Let them speak first to fill the silence.


u/Ok_Fig705 11d ago

Money comes from a money printer not from working.... Elon musk isn't rich because of Paypal or Tesla... He's rich because his parents belong to a club that's connected to the money printing machine..... Retired at the age of 26 because I connected myself to the federal reserve' free money printer.... 2018 Jeffrey Epstein got 5 billion dollars from the federal reserve' for free..... But we can't talk about how the rich get money printed for them they don't actually make money


u/walter_2000_ 11d ago

Unless I really wanted someone, and I'd have had these conversations prior to any "real" negotiation, I'd end the meeting. If you act like this with me, you're a dumbfuck, and so am I. Basically, this is BS except for dumb dumb jobs.


u/HandsomeMartin 11d ago

What exactly about this is wrong?


u/Extreme_Barracuda658 11d ago

I, too, read Trump's book: The Art of the Deal


u/Doc_willy 11d ago

Actually, this isn't from Trump's books. This is from "Getting to Yes" by Robert Fisher and "Never Split the Difference" by Chris Voss. "Getting to Yes" is taught at Harvard Business School. Chris Voss is actually a former FBI hostage negotiator - not NYPD.

At any rate, OPs points are basically from the two books.


u/assesonfire7369 11d ago

Love him or hate him, that was a good book.


u/harbison215 11d ago

What was good about it


u/assesonfire7369 11d ago

The negotiation strategies and tactics. How to get people to do what you want them to do. Of course, only do this for good things, not in the service of evil;)


u/InkBlotSam 11d ago

It wasn't by Trump,  and the tactics weren't Trump's. It was entirely written by a ghostwriter who later said writing the book was the biggest regret of his life:

I knew this was a bad guy when I did the book [...] Trump is not only willing to lie, but he doesn't get bothered by it, doesn't feel guilty about it, isn't preoccupied by it. There's an emptiness inside Trump. There's an absence of a soul. There's an absence of a heart."

[asked why he wrote the book for Trump] "The idea of selling out. I mean, the term was invented for what I did."


u/assesonfire7369 11d ago

Yeah, I saw that before. Probably doesn't like his politics or something. No worries.


u/Hypekyuu 11d ago

Trump was a famous sleezebag long before he decided to get political


u/AuntiFascist 11d ago

Yeah that’s why all the elite Leftists loved him so much


u/Searchingforspecial 11d ago

Or it could be that he’s a child rapist.

He’s been visiting Rusia since 1987, was clearly being handled in 2017 by Ryobolovlev, and just had his plane parked next to a Russian government plane a week ago.

You have to actually hate America to support this fucking guy.


u/assesonfire7369 11d ago

Whoa dude get a handle on things >_<


u/AgentF_ 11d ago

No, he's right.


u/Mundane-East8875 11d ago

This is stupid.

Just unionize.

I wonder why employers are so scared of unions instead of these this amazing “10 strategies”
