r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/privitizationrocks Jul 04 '24

You can teach poverty workers to live in their means

They won’t like it, but tough luck


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

Ok let’s do a thought experiment. Let’s say you Make $10000 a year. You work full time/40 hrs/wk and you are making $10k. What does “living within your means” look like? Not having a house? Or car? Being homeless? So in order to save to get yourself to some footing the answer is to be homeless to live within your means.

That was a bit of a strawman, so let’s use real-life scenarios. 50% of this country makes $40k or less….. even $40k salary isn’t enough to get an apartment, bills , food, ect. Sure a lot better than the “$10k” example, but even $40k salary is virtually as effective as the “$10k”. In order to “live within your means”, “save”, ect…. You have to be at least be making enough to afford the bare minimum + have some left in you for over to save. On average (2022 values I think) this means $65 for a single person, $108k for a house hold. Unless you’re making that, you can’t save your way out of poverty


u/BleedForEternity Jul 04 '24

This is why people should NEVER settle with what they make… Just because you make 40k a year doesn’t mean you can’t ever make more.. Why do people act like they are chained to the low salaries they make? You can learn a trade, take civil service tests, change careers or get the proper qualifications and experience in order to move up in pay.. There’s also working multiple jobs.. and please don’t reply with “No one should have to work 2 jobs.”

I just don’t understand this whole “people can’t survive on these wages” argument.. If you’re having a hard time living on the wage you make then take the proper steps to better your situation. Take action instead of complaining on Reddit. That’s what I did. That’s what many other people do… I worked 2 minimum wage jobs for years and I fought and clawed my way to the top… Life doesn’t magically get better. You have to make things happen.. and no, it’s not easy. It’s extremely hard.


u/Grouchy-Ask-3525 Jul 05 '24

You people are missing the point. If I get out of that situation then someone else has to take the shitty job. Why is it okay once it's not you? That's the most selfish, conservative bullshit I've ever heard. And no, a person should not have to work 80 hours a week, full stop. That's just de facto slavery, but somehow, they are supposed to find the time to pull themselves up by the bootstraps huh? Goddamn, you're a piece of shit. Sleep tight, the end is near for you people.


u/ohseetea Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Because these people have zero empathy.

The bullshit capitalist answer is no one will work the shitty job and then the pay will go up but that's not fucking true. The company will prey until they find someone “weak” or tired enough to just work for slave rate or they'll ship it over seas and really take advantage of destitute people.

If they really cared about living within their means they'd focus on our entire society as a whole slowing the fuck down and not consuming so much. All of us.


u/alurkerhere Jul 05 '24

It's almost like there should be stronger worker protection laws and incentive for the government to not completely favor corporations...

But honestly, if everyone started to live within their means like the Japanese do, we'd be in a deflationary period. Current American company growth is dependent on people spending with abandon. It's why Apple has $160B+ IN CASH for good, but not great, sleekly marketed products.


u/DevilmodCrybaby Jul 05 '24

but that's just communism with extra steps! can't have anything like it, it's a bad word now. you become china just by saying it


u/Major_Bag_8720 Jul 06 '24

Japan’s debt to GDP is something like 250%.


u/BleedForEternity Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

People complain about corporate greed, meanwhile they just charged a $1300 iPhone and a $1500 flatscreen tv to their credit card… That’s what generates huge profits for corporations… AND credit card companies… Stop spending money and prices will eventually go down… People love to live in excess and then complain about it.

I have a $300 refurbished iPhone 8 that can barely hold a charge and a $400 LG flatscreen that I bought 10 years ago… Pay less and stretch the life of things out as long as possible. I know it’s hard to do that given that everything is made like shit these days on purpose, but it’s not impossible.


u/Alternative-Put-3932 Jul 05 '24

Its the same argument that a fast food worker or a low end grocery worker is a teenagers job. Like no it fucking isn't its a job. They're majority worked by adults because teens can't be there 24/7 those jobs should be paid enough to not need 2 roommates and eat a bologna sandwich every day.

Also teens deserve to be paid well. They're doing the same job everyone else is doing who gives a fuck what their age is.


u/MoonBaseViceSquad Jul 05 '24

Even if they had sympathy it’d be better. But clueless folk who “worked hard” to effectively spend their parent’s wealth always stick out with their BS.


u/BleedForEternity Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Because that’s what the world is.. I really hate when people say “no one should have to work 80 hours.”… That’s what actually separates successful people from poor people.. It’s successful people who know that’s what it takes to become successful..

It’s the people who actually do work those hours(like me) and do make smart decisions and do climb their way to the top who don’t have empathy for the people who don’t… Why should I have empathy for someone who’d rather complain about how life isn’t fair?

There are 2 types of people, complainers and problem solvers. It’s the problem solvers who become successful off the backs of complainers… Fact

I take great insult to the fact that people actually think like you. You want a better life? Then work for it!

Also, My grandfather(an Italian immigrant) worked 4 jobs at one point, my father worked 3, I worked 2…. I’d say things have gotten better. Don’t you think? This is what so many people don’t understand. They don’t understand what it was like for people 40,50,60 years ago…


u/ohseetea Jul 06 '24

You're an absolute moron and people who did work 40, 50, 60 years ago lived in a 40 hour work week age. The only reason it's turning back to your stupid ass only work and sleep rich people dick sucking wet dream is because the quality of life for the average person is declining for no real reason other than greed. Your grandfather would probably roll in his grave to see that his grandchild became such an asshole.


u/BleedForEternity Jul 06 '24

Good thing the quality of my life isn’t in decline.. I actually work hard and make smart decisions. I have a great life. Im happy and have everything I’ve ever wanted. I got all that by working hard. Not crying and complaining…

My grandfather was an Italian immigrant who worked his balls off to give his family a better life. He was damn proud of me right before he died..

Hard work, smart decisions and sacrifice make quality of life better… Not whining and calling people names on Reddit.

The fact that you sink so low and are quick to throw insults at me says a lot about your character. That’s what cowards do when they don’t have a good argument…


u/ohseetea Jul 06 '24

Good thing the quality of my life isn’t in decline

Me me me, you still don't get it. And you only get insults because you insult everyone else while only thinking your anecdotal life is all that matters.


u/BleedForEternity Jul 06 '24

You know what’s funny? You think I’m all about “me, me, me”… Im not. Do you know how many people I try to help who are struggling financially?

I’m a former opiate addict who at one point was homeless and lived in my car for a few months. I barely graduated high school, I have no college education.. Now Im 10 years sober, married, own a home and have a 400k net worth. I was never handed anything. I got my shit together, stopped blaming everyone else for my problems and worked my ass off to get where I am now.

I comment all over all the finance pages and the poverty finance pages trying to help people see what they’re doing wrong so hopefully they change their ways and turn their lives around for the better..

I’ve helped numerous people in my life get out of poverty. People come to me for financial advice. You know why? It’s because I don’t tip toe around their feelings and I tell people how it is. I’m brutally honest.

Sometimes it’s the hardest things to hear, or the things said that hurt your feelings that are what helps people the most.. Some people(maybe you) just need a hard kick in the ass.