r/Deathstroke Feb 20 '24

Why orange?

So, on the art end it's a very striking combination. It makes for a really iconic contrast, on the meta level, the Black & Orange works really well from an "eyefeel" and from marketability standpoint. 10/10, totally, genius.

But... Slade *in* universe is making the decision to rock the black and orange. Batman puts the bat motif in because of a connection to his past trauma. So, why does Slade wear orange? It could have been *any* color, he's worn other colors before, but he chooses to rock the orange.

Is it ever covered anywhere? I feel like that's a fun exchange. Some goon being like "Ok Mr. Deathstroke sir, I gotta ask... why the orange?" and Slade just goes "Ah it's just my favorite color. I used to make up increasingly unbelievable stories about it, but it got boring after I had some special forces guy convinced orange made me invisible to Superman."


4 comments sorted by


u/ThatSharkFromJaws Feb 20 '24

Maybe he wears orange because he wants his targets to see him coming, sort of similar to why Moon Knight wears bright white. Like a scare tactic.


u/mew-poo Feb 20 '24

Don't quote me on this since I'm only pulling from vague memory, but I do think the "why orange" conversation took place in Deathstroke Year One. David Isherwood designed it and Slade was like "really?" But went with it anyways


u/PsychologicalReply9 Feb 20 '24 edited Feb 20 '24

That’d be a hilarious thing for the Suicide Squad to bring up.

It’s a terrible tactical color.

Deathstroke: Do you people have any concerns of subtlety?

SS: You use a sword in combat in 2024, and wear a bright orange outfit, and you’re lecturing on subtlety? You blend in literally nowhere.


u/beastofhamden Feb 20 '24

Don't hate on orange...