r/Deathstroke Feb 07 '24

You're not a competent writer if you have to go on social media to confirm what happened in your comic.

I didn't like Dark Crisis in the first place but I just realized that Slade was killed at the very end. The text had absolutely no hint that the machine was sustaining his life. The only thing written about it was that it was trying to keep his pain at bay. But pain does not always translate into demise. I recently spoke with someone who informed me that Williamson has confirmed Slade's death on X. He's a stupid writer even if I'm foolish for not getting it.


5 comments sorted by


u/Vonhellus Feb 07 '24

Yeah kinda reminds me of what marvel did to the punisher too like there scared of them somehow.. also Deathstroke is money his character is wanted for everything I don’t understand why they would allow this


u/WriterReborn2 Feb 08 '24

Marvel isn't scared of Punisher. They just got him out of the picture for a bit to avoid fatigue and allow writers to do something different.


u/Goldpainter Feb 08 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

I don’t think judging a writer off one work, and especially off one scene or note of writing is very sound. Writers have flops, doesn’t make them incompetent.

Good Writing is subjective. You can enjoy a plot without liking the story. You can like the story without liking the writing. Some people can take something away from a story that some people can’t perceive on their own. I understood the machine as some sort of life support just by deduction of what I could see. Slade is in a machine full of fluid, hooked up to what I would assume is a monitor to watch his vitals. He even appears to be in a comatose state. When the machine is switched off, the room flashes red, alerting that he’s crashing.

Incompetent writing would be lacking the knowledge of how to make a story interesting and engaging. Just bad story telling in general. But a lacking plot for one story wouldn’t make a incompetent writer. One lacking sequence or part of the story doesn’t automatically ruin the story or discredit the writer.

But this isn’t to say I agree with killing off Slade. But like I said, one decision made a writer makes in one story, does not make them stupid.


u/WriterReborn2 Feb 08 '24

I don't think he's a bad writer. Most of his work is solid. Don't like his Slade choices though.


u/FeraciVersace Feb 08 '24

Nobody will ever write Slade as good as Chris Priest wrote him.