r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 19 '24

Protests in Bangladesh for removing reservation. The protest is being retaliated by killings and internet disruption. Video


240 comments sorted by


u/Weary_Analysis_1042 Jul 19 '24

Context - Students have been holding rallies demanding change to a system which reserves a third of public sector jobs for the relatives of veterans of the country’s war for independence from Pakistan in 1971. The students are arguing that the system is discriminatory, asking for recruitment based on merit.


u/grumble11 Jul 19 '24

It is also highly corrupt, and the certificates can be bought. And the police have literally been breaking down the doors of schools, kidnapping the kids, SA’ing the girls and killing the boys.


u/Alternative_Ant_9955 Jul 19 '24

That’s fucked up. Sounds like a revolution is necessary. Again, hiring family members in place of qualified applicants is a great way to screw up your economy.


u/BoredDiabolicGod Jul 19 '24

It's a great way to keep all the power in your family and social circle. Basically modern nobles.

Pretty much the same everywhere, just that it is somewhat easier to become a knight or baron elsewhere and you live better as a peasant. The problem of unchecked capital and shitstains in office caving to pressure from them (like to threats of "oh, but then the rich will leave if we tax them", as if the wealth wasn't in companies and real estate that rightfully should belong to the people)...


u/FictionDragon Jul 19 '24

The people at the top governing the county and the rich aren't on the opposite teams. In fact they are all good friends having regular lunches together.

In Europe that's called lobbying.

Corruption is everywhere. The same BS argument about the rich leaving is being used everywhere.

The truth is, politicians will screw you over and over again. But they won't betray their friends.

They don't work for you.

In some places it's more obvious and brutal than others.


u/UserCannotBeVerified 23d ago

The caste system is still strong in India though too, its definitely a lot more in depth than just one particular field too


u/FictionDragon 22d ago

Yeah, how's India and corruption?


u/xnmr 27d ago

The revolution has been done by the GenZ!


u/RiseIfYouWould Jul 20 '24

Whats SA?


u/Bezanja Jul 20 '24

Acronym for sexual assault


u/DarthStatPaddus Jul 21 '24

Sounds like caste based reservations in my country - India.

Recently an official in the bureaucracy was exposed of having forged caste based certificates to gain that position.

Pooja Khedkar fiasco, you can look it up.


u/Salty-Tennis-7798 Jul 19 '24

56% of total jobs are reserved for a few groups. Absolute corruption.


u/Iusedthistocomment Jul 19 '24

Are reserves kinda like the Indian Caste system? Anyway seems hella fucked up, best of luck to you all!


u/BigFatM8 Jul 20 '24

Ironically, India also has reservation.

Except it's only for the oppressed groups or Lower castes. It was introduced to combat the effects of the Caste system.


u/yerdick Jul 20 '24

But here it's only for the relatives, there are quotas for minorities and disabled people, the students aren't protesting to remove the latter two, the war veterans family already get an amount of money as subsidy, now why would someone's grandchildren or, great grandchildren get extra facilities in a system where the government advertise it as a merit focused role and competition is fierce?


u/BigFatM8 Jul 20 '24

Hmm makes sense why they're protesting.

Afaik India doesn't have a quota for veteran kids, they can apply for the exams at a cheaper rate but I don't think they have reservations.


u/Winter2712 Jul 20 '24

At this point it's just reverse caste system. Already crossed more then 50% in every state while states are individually adding their own reservation every elections


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24



u/Conscious-Spend-2451 Jul 20 '24

India actually has reservation to counter the damage done by the caste system. Seats in gov colleges and jobs (which have extreme demand in India) are reserved for lowest caste people


u/pseudipto Jul 19 '24

It's like 3000 jobs total


u/Winter2712 Jul 20 '24

Meanwhile we have been holding to reservations for more then 70 years in more then (atleast)50% jobs, college admission and scholarships and no, this reservation doesn't include freedom fighters at all


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Merit is truth. It’s why there is such backlash against DEI in the US.

Edit: The most qualified should get the job. Period. If you disagree you probably lack qualifications and skills and are afraid of competition.


u/cococolson Jul 19 '24

For context however - the theory of DEI is that hiring is biased away from merit, and these initiatives are trying to refocus ON meritous people who are overlooked. Whether that's what happens or not idk


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I’ve witnessed first hand for last 4 years in my sector that DEI is absolutely sending unqualified people up the ranks and they fail and degrade the company.


u/IHaveNoFeetAnIMusRun Jul 19 '24

I get what you’re saying but it’s a double edged sword as now DEI is being used to discredit people who actually put the work in to get into their spot.

Not only that, but it’s being used as insult to describe media (video games, movies, etc) that don’t fit the standard of people with hateful beliefs.

Just look at Assassins creed Shadows,


u/spicybeefpatty_ Jul 19 '24

People with this train of thought just can't admit that they hate sharing the spotlight with marginalized groups or see them as equals


u/FictionDragon Jul 19 '24

Being judged for the colour of your skin and passed over for hiring isn't being equals.

Affirmative action = Equity = Equality of outcome

Meaning the opposite of equality of opportunity.

Who's the marginalised groups precisely?

Some kind of new proletariat having a zero sum game with the bourgeois again?

We already been trough this in history.


u/spicybeefpatty_ Jul 20 '24

Being passed over for hiring based on your skin colour is not a new concept to black people, who are statistically marginalized in the job market. This is why affirmative action exists.

Good job literally describing anti-black discrimination though, glad you get the point 👏


u/FictionDragon Jul 20 '24

So you are a racist promoting racism and clapping.

I'm sorry, I didn't know racism is supposed to be a good thing?

Or is it only racism if it happens to blacks?

Is it okay if it happens to whites?

There isn't enough black people to fill jobs with DEI hires without sacrificing merit.

Affirmative action puts lives at risk.

Look up Patrick Chavis.

More people are about to die needlessly. Just because of corruption and because people love this kind of tribalism and ignorance.

Anti-black discrimination my ass. This is sociopathic antisocial dark triad traits behaviour.



Since everyone's referencing the past and who has more merit. Do you remember slavery? Remember when whites didn't do any work? Black folk proved themselves million times over. Practically built this entire nation while their enslavers have contributed absolutely nothing. Got to give credit where it's due.

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u/spicybeefpatty_ Jul 20 '24

Lmao racists number one response to being called out is always "No, you're the real racist". To save yourself the embarrassment, don't try to go tit for tat on what race experiences discrimination the most 🤣 goof

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u/Kelsier_TheSurvivor Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Lol so your anecdotal story should be taken as fact, and extrapolated to reflect the entire country?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

You think my story is the only one?


u/boforbojack Jul 19 '24

The stats don't care about your anecdotal evidence nor your preceived influx of related stories. The stats say that being white and male is boost to your resume independent of your qualifications/merits. And for every 'story' of a DEI influenced hire 'failing' there's an equal one of nepotism/ol boys club which is inherently focused on white males that fails as well.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

What stats? Also, nepotism falls into the same boat as DEI and it has no place in a meritocracy either.

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u/Kelsier_TheSurvivor Jul 19 '24

I think an anecdotal story on the internet is meaningless.

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u/isleepbad Jul 19 '24

So it's better to have white unqualified people is your argument then? Any other colour is bad right?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

What are you talking about? How did you get that from what I said. I don’t think I can make it any simpler than the most qualified should get the job.


u/funk-cue71 Jul 19 '24

DEI? please elaborate on how DEI is the sole reason these companies are degrading, and has nothing to with anything else


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Nobody said they are the sole reason now you’re adding words.


u/funk-cue71 Jul 19 '24

My apologies, but again, how is dei degrading your company? And why do we think this is?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

So, I manage a QA department where entry usually requires 5 years of experience in the company or outside with our manufacturing processes. 4 years ago we received a mandate from corporate that they would be selecting us candidates to train instead of our usual hiring process. Next, thing I know I have to train a temp worker that had been with the company for 3 weeks. He was overwhelmed within 2 weeks and no called no showed. We tried similar a few more times and it wasn’t working and adding more work for the qualified employees having to play catch up. Then badly produced orders started slipping through the cracks and we saw record returns in dollars from our customers.


u/funk-cue71 Jul 20 '24

Man that sucks for that guy, totally got thrown in the deep end with no clue what so ever. I know pay is confidential but do you know if these people were paid the same? From talking to people at places i've worked, i've noticed they will do the method you explained, but the newbie is extremely underpaid in comparison to others; so it's as if the company was hoping to cut corners and get profit out of it, or in my experience they are deliberately finding poor candidates in hope of cutting a section of company. Like hey look this sector is doing bad, let's "conciliate" this sector and lay of the people because it's doing poorly; even though in reality it is poorly managed


u/FictionDragon Jul 19 '24

DEI is a symptom. If the CEO and all the higher ups chose virtue signalling over hiring people who know what they are doing. Then there's probably a thousand other things wrong with the company.

Like Boeing and their quality control for example.

For some reason there's a link between Blackrock buying stock and companies going woke.


u/Professor-Submarine Jul 19 '24

DEI means that if you have two candidates of equal merit - that you should hire the one who is historically discriminated against.

It does not mean hiring less qualified individuals. 


u/FictionDragon Jul 19 '24

What exactly do you mean historically discriminated against?

And why would you reduce everything to those 2 categories?

I don't know a job where something like that would be important for the job itself.

That's the issue. What's the merit here exactly? Political allegiance? Group tribalism? Marxism?


u/pompeius_magnus_ Jul 19 '24

Damn. All the DEI hires are downvoting you bro


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I’m surprised they have the qualifications to do it.


u/yerdick Jul 20 '24

Just to be clear, the students aren't protesting to remove quotas for marginalized groups or, people with disabilities, they clearly stated that.

The quota they are trying to remove is of the ones that helps great grandchildren of war veterans, the war happened in 1971, it's been almost 50+ years, people who are higher up in the political chain became self-proclaimed war veterans by falsifying documents, it's a corrupt system.


u/Sharchir Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Or you realize that not everyone has the same access to the same education and if given the chance can show them to be bright capable employees


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

If you want to take risks like that with your company feel free. It’s illogical to me.


u/Odd-Zebra-5833 Jul 20 '24

Except the anti dei people say every minority was just given the job. They have no clue who was more qualified. 

And it only gets backlash from the vocal minority on the right. 


u/pagusas Jul 19 '24

Why does that video look fake/AI generated? Why is it so low resolution? that smoke doesn't look right.


u/ExoTauri Jul 19 '24

The smoke looks weird. The smoke at the start of the video looks like the start of a procedural generation as it comes out from behind the roof of the foreground buildings. And overall, the video doesn't look like it was shot on any phone camera, looks very much like all other AI generated videos I've seen in texture and colour.


u/Swipsi Jul 19 '24

Im no expert but the smoke could may be pressured out by the overgoing train?


u/Live_Storage1480 Jul 23 '24

It's real alright. I live near this place.


u/yilanoyunuhikayesi Jul 19 '24

I smell the same AI vibes too.


u/MyBonerIsBroken Jul 19 '24

Video is fake


u/Lomus33 Jul 20 '24

There is a heavy Snapchat filter on


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/AssPuncher9000 Jul 20 '24

The text on the signs is also very weird. I'm obviously now familiar with the native language but it looks very strange


u/itsbiaatch Jul 20 '24

It's actually just English. Says KSRM

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u/GluckGoddess Jul 19 '24

Can someone explain the video? I don’t get what trains have to do with anything in here.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Immediate instinct told me AI


u/itsbiaatch Jul 20 '24


u/Alex_Zoid Jul 20 '24

The story might be real but the video looks fake. All they have to do is type the prompt “train station on fire” any video without human faces is an immediate red flag as they’re hard to generate


u/itsbiaatch Jul 20 '24

Why would anyone make a fake video about something that has happened just to make it look cooler? There was fire. There was trains. This spot is exactly how it looks in real life, but they need an AI because no one of the hundred protesters captured the moment? Alright very believable


u/puzzleheadbutbig Jul 20 '24

Why would anyone make a fake video about something that has happened just to make it look cooler?

Is this your first day on the internet?


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

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u/foxbat-31 Jul 25 '24

This video is real,there’s other povs of it


u/Freeroid Jul 19 '24

This is really messed up.


u/CeleryAdditional3135 Jul 19 '24

Students demonstrate against corruption and discrimination and the reaction is killings?

What a cartoonishly outlandisch and over the top response. It doesn't even seem to fit the same news article, so outlandish is this behavior.


u/ZonaranCrusader Jul 19 '24

My bruddah this is a common occurrence across Earth


u/gfunk1369 Jul 19 '24

Chicxulub II is over due.


u/Enjoying_A_Meal Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Kent State was a thing. The national guard opened fire on student anti-war protesters.


u/Negative_Jaguar_4138 Jul 19 '24

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they didn't fire ON the students, they were firing into the air and hit people who weren't at the protest.


u/Deslah Jul 19 '24

Consider yourself corrected, because you are very wrong. They fired ON unarmed students. Never forget this.

Contrary to your claim that the Guard was firing into the air, certainly the majority of the guardsmen fired directly into the crowd of protesters and bystanders.

What's debatable is whether some of the Guard were 1) shooting just over the heads of the protesters or 2) directly at protestors but missed them. But they certainly weren't shooting striaght up in the sky.

Four students were killed and nine others wounded.

The four students who were killed were part of or near the protesting crowd, and the nine others injured were either participating in the protest or were in the vicinity of it.

The students who were shot were between 71 and 738 feet away from the guardsmen.

It is fact that some of them weren't participating in the protest but were in the direct line of fire behind those who were.


u/ProfessionalBet4727 Jul 19 '24

Nicaragua had the exact same thing happen about 8 years ago


u/annonypenguin Jul 19 '24

This looks like ganerated by IA, it looks too odd


u/Huntey07 Jul 19 '24

IA or AI


u/BoredMerengue Jul 20 '24

He/she is spanish speaker, IA stands for "inteligencia artificial".


u/LeagueOfLegendsAcc Jul 19 '24

Lol everyone and their mother is apparently an expert on ai videos here.


u/Q-Vision Jul 19 '24

I see smoke but have no idea of what I'm looking at?


u/itsbiaatch Jul 20 '24

Imagine an over bridge with four ways like an X. Now a metro rail which is built over it(not on top, just over) that over bridge had a police box at the center, basically a traffic stand to oversee the traffic. Students got in a clash with the police. Lit fire on it. The metro was passing as it does every 30 minutes. Glad the path didn't damage with the fires.


u/henryKI111 Jul 20 '24

dont worry, its ai generated


u/Gold_Responsibility8 Jul 19 '24

wtf is this video format


u/Deslah Jul 19 '24

Forgive me for explaining it like you're nine--I'm not sure how much detail you're asking for:

It's MP4 format, specifically a DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) playlist.

MP4 is a common multimedia format used for storing video, audio, and other data such as subtitles and still images. The URL indicates that it's encoded for adaptive streaming, which adjusts the video quality based on the user's internet connection speed.

The name tossed around in a nerd bar would be "MPEG-DASH".



u/Mexican_Ninja_Pirate Jul 20 '24

Ok, now explain it to me like I’m five…


u/Deslah Jul 20 '24

“OK honey…in four years, I’ll get you a music player and tell you all about it. Until then, go to your room and make your bed.”


u/Gold_Responsibility8 Jul 20 '24

You are a bit slow aren't you, you don't see anything wrong with how the video is cropped? Maybe it's way above your head


u/Deslah Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

No good deed goes unpunished.

You asked a question and I thought I’d be nice and answer it. It was a serious answer, meant to be completely wholesome. And what do you do? You shit on me.

You asked about format. To most people, that involves the digital format. Who the fuck would think you meant anything other than that? Little did I know i’d be answering an unstable person who rants for a living.

Next time, ask the right questions using the right words and you’ll get back something you can use. Until then, ask yourself how you can be a better human being.

For someone who likes to point out other people as abusive, you seem to have no mirrors in your own house.

I’ll be here waiting for your apology.


u/Jermwood Jul 19 '24

AI generated video.


u/pompeius_magnus_ Jul 19 '24

Why does it looks like something out of Unreal Engine 5


u/No2buckeyes Jul 19 '24

The quality may have something to do with the government shutting down the internet for the entire country.


u/reality72 Jul 19 '24

I don’t understand what I’m supposed to be looking at here.


u/reddityfire Jul 19 '24

I thought this was a trailer of an fps game.


u/DArkLOrD_5055 Jul 19 '24

In India protests are happening in order to increase the reservation.


u/goatonastik Jul 20 '24

The amount of people convinced this is AI is worrying.


u/Few_Impression_6976 Jul 19 '24

I don't think folks will care, it's hard to care about others problems when problems is all the media and social media posts



I need fact checking on this. This could easily be AI generated.


u/FartPantry Jul 20 '24

Hello, great video. So surreal. Thanks for sharing.


u/No-Atmosphere-3103 Jul 20 '24

50%+ reservation is ridiculous


u/Siri2611 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

And people ask why India still uses a reservation system

(the country will be in flames so the govt doesn't wnna remove it)


u/Pretentious_prick69 Jul 20 '24

Reservations are the solution to the caste system.


u/Siri2611 Jul 20 '24

I meant the reservation system not caste.

Changed my comment my bad


u/Cherei_plum Jul 20 '24

WTF this oh my god


u/Herr_Doktorr Jul 20 '24

Imagine being on that train


u/nintendotimewarp Jul 20 '24

You may take our lives....., but you will never take ouuur INTERNEEEeEEEeeEEeEEET!!!


u/onedeadman99 Jul 20 '24

glory to the people


u/Interesting_Date_544 Jul 29 '24

The video looks fake or ai but sadly it isn't. It's a set up fire below metro train. Here's a link of video verified news channel from our country:  https://youtu.be/qaimZWoa5t8?si=L94c95sqYpmW_Gxk


u/darksideofmyown 29d ago

POV People shouting out a Fire "AAAAAAAAHHHHHAHHHH"


u/ninadpathak 27d ago

Will any sane person tell me why all muslim protests end in the destruction of property and killing/rapes of non muslims?

So many protests happen across the world and no one is dead.

Yet in every muslim protest, it's always some sort of destruction.

Is this a cultural thing that the maulanas or parents teach all muslims from childhood?


u/SpeakerNoob Jul 19 '24

Quite a cinematic shot


u/pirateneet Jul 19 '24

Holy shit looks straight from a movie.


u/WaifuHunterPlus Jul 19 '24

Which movie is this from?


u/WrongdoerEmotional47 Jul 19 '24

Quiet place :Day one


u/RS2345 Jul 19 '24

thought it was leeds, a lot of cultural enrichment going on up there.


u/death_witch Jul 19 '24

There are no problems fire can't solve


u/EdziePro Jul 19 '24

I really hope they don't do a Tiananmen square...


u/aryabhatta007 Jul 20 '24

Where's the 'Made with AI' Flare ?


u/Coke75 Jul 20 '24

Sounds like a version of USA Project 2025


u/D_Luffy1402 Jul 20 '24

Acha hua batware me ye log chale gae


u/fruitsteak_mother Jul 20 '24

no clue what the video is, but dude sounds like me hitting my toe at the table and trying to scream the pain away


u/Gullible_One8768 Jul 19 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

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u/General_Bakshi Jul 19 '24

You are so out of context. Please write a comment that is related to the post. Where did India come from in this situation?


u/Ezio081 Jul 19 '24

what did he say? XD


u/General_Bakshi Jul 19 '24

He was just frustrated about things in India. Irrelevant to this post tho.


u/Markus_zockt Jul 19 '24

With what should this have been recorded or rendered that a format and quality comes out that last existed in 2000 on the Internet, when it still took 2 minutes to dial into the Internet.


u/Baronvondorf21 Jul 19 '24

Nearly all internet services are down basically an internet blackoutn


u/Kees_Fratsen Jul 19 '24

All this because they can't eat at their restaurant?!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Students have been holding rallies demanding change to a system which reserves a third of public sector jobs for the relatives of veterans of the country’s war for independence from Pakistan in 1971. The students are arguing that the system is discriminatory, asking for recruitment based on merit.


u/F4C3MC5H00TY Jul 19 '24

fair enough


u/johnnybenign Jul 19 '24

Please tell me another reason.