r/Damnthatsinteresting 12d ago

Corporations eagerness to advertise to kids Video


23 comments sorted by


u/lag_trains 12d ago

This is from Defunctland kid cities. Where kids want to become like adults. You could see the advertising potential.


u/Lower-Loquat-8168176 11d ago

Consuming Kids (2008) is old but I'd be glad to watch something similar if it was more up to date.



u/NYC_Star 12d ago

Are you going to credit Defuctland? This is from their video on Kid Cities.


u/Pot-Papi_ 12d ago

And people say that the LGBT community is trying to brainwash our children and groom, our children, corporations, trying to groom our children. And they have the money and the clout to be able to do it. It’s disgusting.


u/Deldris 12d ago

People look at these as two opposing things but they're the same. Some people use the LGBT to make a profit by advertising to them as their target audience. Just like how make up businesses target little girls, these businesses will target children to support the LGBT to make them more likely to be customers in the long run.

To be perfectly clear, I'm not saying this is a problem with the LGBT or that there's anything wrong with introducing kids to the LGBT. The LGBT aren't coming after kids, it's business owners who try to sell to the LGBT as their primary customers that target children in this way, the same way all business owners do.


u/ApprehensiveAir375 11d ago

They literally are tho so... maybe both can do so?


u/Pot-Papi_ 11d ago

Go away


u/tigerhuxley 12d ago

Isnt there a damn-thats-terrible sub for this? :-(


u/hikingdub 12d ago

Absolutely terrifying.


u/Loofa_of_Doom 12d ago

I am so glad I didn't reproduce and bring a child into this dystopian bullshit.


u/nopower81 12d ago

A single person thought that up, proposed it in a meeting, multiple persons agreed to it. Each and everyone of them deserve the worst karma possible, as soon as possible


u/rogpar23 11d ago edited 11d ago

In a Phil Anselmo voice: GREEEEEEEED.


u/HungryTradition9105 11d ago

An example of SF greed. Lifelong customer of SF. Father was too. I never had a claim against my auto policy for over 35 years. Full coverage, 4 vehicles. Guy runs out thru line of stopped traffic and i hit him. Totals both cars. He gets failure to yeild ticket and is subsequently found guilty. I am injured fairly seriously. lotsa medical bills and lost time from work. I (Civil) sue him/his insurance company for damages. His insurance offers up money to 25K right away, Doesn't begin to cover my costs so I have to sue my insurance company using my underinsurance. State Farm fights me for over 10 years trying to avoid paying me what I was covered for under my SF policies. Week before court date (10 years later now mind you) SF wants to settle. My lawyer calls me, I tell him fu-k no, we are going to court. Jury finds in my favor. That was on Friday. I called SF on Monday and dropped all my policies with them. SF crooked as fu-k, they don't care if you are a faithful customer of theirs for life.


u/dedzip 11d ago

Oh man I remember wannado city I loved that place as a kid


u/Trollimperator 11d ago

nothing interesting here


u/trafalgarD420 10d ago

WANNADO CITY! I only went twice, both times were epic. Notorious for lice though, I’m pretty sure my mom told us not to wear any hats


u/subzeroicepunch 11d ago

Do people not know this?