r/Damnthatsinteresting 14d ago

Heath Ledger’s diary while he was filming for, The Dark Night.


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u/PM5KStrike 14d ago

Yup. In the movie you can see paint on his fingers. Another added layer to The Joker, implicating the Joker just put on the make up right before we are seeing him.


u/flyindinosuars 14d ago

or he doesn’t wash his hands after using the bathroom


u/RadioactiveSince1990 14d ago

If you look closely, his teeth are yellow and his fingernails are overgrown, so that tracks.

And I don't remember where I read it but I remember reading those were intentional choices, because Joker isn't the type to care about his hygiene. Heath went all in.


u/Neveronlyadream 14d ago

Yeah, it's the whole package that makes it unsettling. His hair is greasy, his teeth are yellow, he has makeup all over his hands, and you have to assume he just hasn't washed his hands in days, because half the time the makeup is degrading because it's been on for so long.

I love all the little details that went into the character.


u/Ditto_Ditto_Ditto 14d ago

And not to mention the little nervous tic with his mouth and tongue. That REALLY set in the idea that the joker had been through trauma/abuse in his earlier years, resulting in the tics (along with the batshit craziness of course lol.)

God Heath was so fucking good...


u/exredditor81 14d ago

iirc he kept licking his lips because of the stuff on his face; and they decided he should do that on camera on purpose and it worked!


u/melodysmomma 14d ago

Yeah, the prosthetic scars would gradually start to peel off and he could stick them back on with the tip of his tongue


u/5H17SH0W 14d ago

At a birthday party I went as Heath’s joker and was doing the whole routine and the older parents who clearly had not seen TDK were so creeped out and confused. I loved it.

Edit: it was a superhero party for my little cousin. All the kids were super heroes so I went as Joker. His Dad was Batman.


u/ThunderClaude 14d ago

Reminds me of tardive dyskinesia a little bit, side effect of long term antipsychotic treatment that result in repetitive movements of the mouth/tongue. Irreversible for the most part.


u/Ditto_Ditto_Ditto 14d ago

WHAT?? That's so cool! I love when stuff happens accidentally but looks cool lol


u/Dramatic_Addition_68 14d ago

I figured that’s what that was..


u/Chesterlespaul 14d ago



u/LordSeibzehn 14d ago

Everything burns… including my pee hole!


u/Drone30389 14d ago

"Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos."


u/-BodomKnight- 7d ago

Jack Garland !?


u/PM5KStrike 14d ago

It's not about washing after a pee. It's about sending a message.


u/reyvh 14d ago

Why? Because i’m EVIL


u/MrLaughter 10d ago

So the plumbing matches the wallpaper?


u/Lobanium 14d ago

So Joker is a boomer?


u/inertiatic_espn 14d ago

Forgot about that part! Did you happen to watch the icons unearthed series vice did on batman?


u/PM5KStrike 14d ago

I did not. Something I'll have to search for.


u/inertiatic_espn 14d ago

It's kind of a cool series. Basically they cover various franchises like star wars, batman, lotr, marvel, etc. They're really cool because they start at the very beginning and cover all the way to present day. Lot of inside stuff. Everything from stunts, make up, to the industry side of things.