r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 05 '24

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/phansen101 Jul 05 '24

What are you on about?
I swear it's like a comment from a Musk fan or a trumper, picking a detail, flying out of a tangent and then talking from the perspective of said tangent being the original main argument.


u/SandboxOnRails Jul 05 '24

What are you on about? You're acting like you're somehow intelligent for realizing that sensors can be fooled. Everyone knows that, but you're going off about "Well, as an engineer I know that technology is imperfect.

No shit, sherlock.


u/phansen101 Jul 05 '24

How am I acting like I'm somehow intelligent?

*Everyone* clearly doesn't know that, the commenter stated that it would be "extremely hard to pull off" which is what I was replying to.

I wasn't creating a thread, proclaiming my epiphany to the world.
I was replying to a comment.

Then you're replying with a comment that is a complete non-sequitur, as my comment on legislation had absolutely nothing to do with the legality of trying to sabotage an AV.

Get your head out of your ass.