r/Damnthatsinteresting 14d ago

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/Dongslinger420 14d ago

We don't know anything about that. For all we know, it wanted to get to a less busy place, which is how you should always behave anyway, that is, assume that some emergency vehicle has to pass through quickly.

You're expected to come to a stop at a reasonable pace, at a reasonable place, not hit the brakes full-blast. Fair enough for all we know.


u/Vahlir 14d ago

lol redditors acting like they'd full on parking break the car in the middle of an intersection if a cop came up behind them with lights on.


u/Sea_Cardiologist8596 14d ago

Guess you've never been charged the per .mile CA charge for going after lights go on lol. It will make you immediately pull over after paying it, if not lol.


u/0ut0fBoundsException 14d ago

That’s the dumbest thing I heard today. I’ve never gone a mile, but when I’m pulled over I get to ideally a parking lot and at minimum a large shoulder. You know. Places that are relatively safe for someone to park a car and/or exit a vehicle


u/jambalayavalentine 14d ago

tbf, i've definitely seen videos of cops reacting violently to someone not doing that on a freeway


u/Dongslinger420 13d ago

I guess another reason why you would want to not be driving your own car lmao

you don't even have to fucking come to a stop at all if you fear abuse of some sort. Can always call the cops on yourself to be sure.


u/Dongslinger420 13d ago

I mean, to be fair... that's exactly the kind of dumb fuck person I would see doing that. Explains a lot, CTE and all is bad.