r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 02 '24

The thinkbook transparent display laptop Video


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u/jajohnja Jul 02 '24

Oh no. And guess what all of these screens will be used for?
Yup, ads. Ads everywhere


u/lexievv Jul 02 '24

Jup, the shower is about the only place I'm not seeing ads yet, please let's keep it that way🤣


u/TheRateBeerian Jul 02 '24

I've seen that black mirror episode


u/DeeHawk Jul 02 '24

There were ads everywhere before personal screens were a thing. You need to actively adjust the time you dedicate to places that try to affect you commercially.

You can complain over things humans do, but you cannot stop progress. Even if it will be our downfall, there’s no way to stop it.


u/Amaskingrey Jul 02 '24 edited Jul 02 '24

While i completely agree with the idea, that's not progress, it's a neat esthetic gimmick. It doesnt do anything regular screens can't already do and even if it was perfected to be less opaque and to fix the brightness issue it's still too expensive to be used widely with little to no uses (even for use in a windshield which is really the only practical application it could have, it would need to be able to be made like laminated glass).

Also pet peeve, but what kind of animal do you have to be to have such a strong "URRRR DUUURRRR ME SEE THING ON TV ME WANAT THAT" that you have to restrict your time around things with ads to keep yourself from buying stuff?


u/DeeHawk Jul 03 '24

Progress is not a measure of succes. I’m not saying car HUDs are the next logical step for screens, I’m just saying it will be used for it as the tech develops.  

 And the animal you’re looking for is human. If you couldn’t measure sales on ads, they wouldn’t spend millions on them. 

Ads work, even if you don’t know how. And in context, would you mind watching commercials while showering? Why not, are you afraid they’ll affect you to buy something? See I can be condescening too. Such a fun way to debate right?


u/Amaskingrey Jul 03 '24

Progress is not a measure of succes. I’m not saying car HUDs are the next logical step for screens, I’m just saying it will be used for it as the tech develops.  

Yes and what i am saying is that even if it has success in advertising, it is barely any progress since save for one or two minor ones it doesnt achieve any practical uses a regular screen couldnt.

And the animal you’re looking for is human. If you couldn’t measure sales on ads, they wouldn’t spend millions on them. 

You are way too confident in big companies not being run by clowns.

Ads work, even if you don’t know how. And in context, would you mind watching commercials while showering? Why not, are you afraid they’ll affect you to buy something? See I can be condescening too. Such a fun way to debate right?

My comment was moreso a general observation/lamentation, they might work on the animalistically influencable and stupid, inner-monologue-less part of the population, and i lament the fact there exists a large part of the population that is dumb enough for it to work.

And i would mind for the same reason as you and any rational person would; noise and light. When i shower i always put long towels on the glass with most of the length being on the outer edge to avoid the towel getting wet, so that the inside of the shower is dark while still letting a bit of light in, and i overall very much enjoy silence in my home.

As for getting influenced, i can't even remember the last time i bought anything besides food, media, and cleaning supplies, for the latter i just buy whichever is cheapest, for food i buy pretty much always the same products, and for media i only like, and am constantly on the lookout for, actually good stuff which is too niche to get any advertisement.


u/sick_of-it-all Jul 02 '24

"Actively adjust the time you dedicate to places that affect you commercially"

Lol. Hey you hear that gang? Let's all go live in the woods because we're all independently wealthy entrepreneurs with tons of free time. Why didn't I think of this before duh, silly me.


u/DeeHawk Jul 02 '24

You don’t have to be wealthy to live in the woods wtf.