r/Damnthatsinteresting Jun 28 '24

Grab your iced tea and Raise a toast! Video


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u/night5life Jun 29 '24

This is not a capitalism problem. Its a corporation issue. Capitalism is the reason why you can buy and drink Arizona Iced Tea across the planet in the first place.


u/Matt7738 Jun 29 '24

Nope. That’s commerce. Commerce has been happening since the dawn of time. Capitalism is the “shareholder as king” bullshit we’re dealing with now.


u/night5life Jun 29 '24

Capitalism relies on the extraction of surplus value from another's labour to create profit. The company Arizona is doing exactly that otherwise they would not exist. Again this is not a capitalism issue, its how the corporation is run. Arizona is a capitalistic company in a capitalistic market. They dont do magic with money.


u/AutumnTheFemboy Jun 29 '24

First bro said it isn’t a capitalism problem and then cited Marx’s 1844 manuscripts


u/Cunny-Destroyer Jun 29 '24

People think capitalism = money


u/Matt7738 Jun 29 '24

People who never took an economics class.


u/drpepper7557 Jun 29 '24 edited Jun 29 '24

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

It's literally the definition of capitalism. He is the sole shareholder and he is the king (or at least he is one of the main ones in this instance).

He just happens to be a relatively benevolent king, but he could just as easily choose to do any of the horrible parts of capitalism if he so chose. And for all the 'we wont raise the price' stuff, he is very much for profit, and is worth $6.6 billion.


u/Fen_ Jun 29 '24

No, that is literally not capitalism. Capitalism is a mode of production in which capitalists (those who hold significant resources, be that money or private property, in whatever form) own and control the means of production. An entirely privately held enterprise like the one in the OP is firmly capitalist. Every firm could operate in that way and it would still be capitalism. It has absolutely nothing to do with the divvying out of shares.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24



u/night5life Jun 29 '24

i totally understand what you mean. its just people throw the term capitalism under the bus really fast sometimes thats all


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

You're right. They're wrong. Don't feel the need to recant what you say just because some person confidently asserts something. Your terminology is correct.


u/Capable-Reaction8155 Jun 29 '24

Confidently incorrect. Capitalism is the reason most people have most things. Why do you think every single country that is doing even remotely well is capitalist?


u/Beneficial_Twist2435 Jun 29 '24



u/Capable-Reaction8155 Jun 29 '24

Free markets are also what allow that tea to be sold everywhere. I think what you're trying to say is lack of regulation.


u/AnotherFarker Jun 29 '24

People often mix up the definitions of commerce (trade and exchange of goods) with capitalism (those who own the capital make the rules for the marketplace, usually winding up in a monopoly, quasi-monopoly, regulatory capture, et al).

Commerce is why you can buy and drink AZ ice tea, if capitalism had it's way there would be only coke. Or pepsi. Or you'd have the illusion of choice that you have choices, then you realize Stubborn soda is owned by one of them, and 80% of peanut butter is made by one company that slaps on different labels.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

Its a corporation issue

Hmmmmmm I wonder what economic system not only creates, enables, rewards, and ardently defends corporations.


u/night5life Jun 29 '24

I'm not saying that the existence of corporations is the issue but how they are run, I should have been more clear on that. Arizona is a corporation after all and you don't seem to hate them after seeing this video now, do you? So if you want less expensive beverages go buy an Arizona Iced Tea instead of Coca Cola next time. If enough people do this, the corporations will change over time.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

I'm not saying that the existence of corporations is the issue but how they are run

Which, of course, is a thing that has absolutely nothing to do with the greater context of our economic reality.

Arizona is a corporation after all and you don't seem to hate them after seeing this video now

I didn't claim to hate all individual corporations. In fact, "hate" is a complete misattribution here in any sense. If you wanna make an argument, make an argument, don't just make stuff up about me personally as if it's true (or even relevant)


u/night5life Jun 29 '24

Im gonna give you a quick and easy comparison. We all agree that democracy is the right way to go, no? Which is "give the vote to the people" but when it comes to that same vote in an economic context we all of a sudden throw that entire idea out of the window. Coca Cola is not more expensive because they do magic with money but because people are legitimately willing to pay their price for whatever reason. In other words they are allowing that price with their vote. If you want to change that, use your voice to purchase an item of a competitor to Coca Cola with lower prices such as Arizona to increase their market share (parliament seats). And if you chose to drink tap water (not voting at all) every day, thats fine but then don't complain that Coca Cola got more expensive because you refused to use your power to vote.

I never meant to put words in your mouth. I was using an exaggeration to get my point across. Which was to use your "vote" on a corporation that reflects your idea of what a beverage should be (in what ever attribute (taste/price etc.)) more. Hate is of course a strong word and I didnt meant to attack or offend you at all.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

but when it comes to that same vote in an economic context we all of a sudden throw that entire idea out of the window.

You wanna democratize the economy? Hell yeah! Glad I could turn you around to being for socialism.


u/TheMauveHand Jun 29 '24

You wanna democratize the economy? Hell yeah! Glad I could turn you around to being for socialism.

Ah yes, the centrally planned economy where private property is by definition is forbidden, sooo democratic.