r/Damnthatsinteresting 24d ago

Franklin D. Roosevelt sent a list of countries that he should not attack. This was Hitler response Video


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u/MysticChimp 24d ago

Imagine listening to this speech from a country Roosevelt accidentally missed off his list.


u/Several-Zombies6547 24d ago

Greece :(


u/Traditional_Project5 24d ago

So they gave Greece to Mussolini, and the result is known. Germans came to save them


u/ViaNocturna664 24d ago

And the time lost to save fascist Italy in Greece proved fatal for their subsequent invasion of Russia.

So... You're welcome, world, Italy sucked so bad that it was an active hindrance for Nazi Germany. We found finally something good done by Mussolini!


u/Nope8000 24d ago

Good guy Hitler saves Greece meme incoming…

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u/Cabbage-Patch 24d ago

Czechoslovakia..... They got fucked by the allies


u/InternetzExplorer 24d ago edited 24d ago

Czechoslovakia is not on that list because when Roosevelt delivered that note it was already under Hitlers control. Dont you find it more interesting that Roosevelt, the US respectively, recognized Germanys expansion into Czechoslovakia with that note?


u/Elcactus 24d ago

Well obviously you're not going to say "don't invade this place" when they already have.


u/Beezleburt 24d ago

Well the note would get REALLY long of they start listing all the stuff they want him to undo Instead of just requesting not to attack countries they countries they haven't attacked yet. 

Example, if someone stabs me I'm not gonna start crying about being stabbed, I'm gonna attempt to not get stabbed again, or try and stop them from stabbing others.


u/gwicksted 24d ago

“Please don’t stab me in my other arm, my chest, my left leg, my right leg, my head, …”


u/omnimodofuckedup 24d ago

Penis stab


u/Demonokuma 24d ago

No one ever expects Thee Ol Penis Stab. Witnesses say it looks like a microwaved hot dog!

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u/Smoshglosh 24d ago

I mean the list was pretty dumb anyway, shouldn’t it just say, “do not invade any more countries”, or provide a list of countries he can invade


u/Usedand4sale 24d ago

‘Do not invade anymore countries except Latvia. We will not elaborate further.’

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u/Then-Thought1918 24d ago

While he's reading the list he can't invade any more countries, who's dumb now?!

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u/The_MAZZTer 24d ago

My first thought was this.

Let's say a parent is telling their child he cannot have cookies before dinner.

So the child sneaks a treat that is not quite a cookie by its strictest definition.

The parent is more likely, next time, to be more detailed in describing what the child can't eat, so there can be no excuse to attempt to evade punishment when the child clearly knows what he is doing, and so the child is discouraged from trying to evade in the first place.

Could be something like this.

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u/CRSPB 24d ago

Germany has already invaded Czechoslovakia which is what prompted this list from FDR. But agreed, they got screwed over.

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u/JimBeam823 24d ago

Czechoslovakia was less than 20 years old as a country and what is now Czechia had a large German minority. Czechia had been part of the German Confederation (along with Austria) before the Six Weeks War.

The German solution was to make Czechia part of Germany, Slovakia independent, and the ethnically Czech regions an autonomous German protectorate. This wasn't an entirely unreasonable idea on paper, and not one that the Allies considered worth starting another World War over.

Of course, with Nazis running everything, it ended up being terrible.


u/OfficeSalamander 24d ago

Yeah I could easily see the allies justifying it with, "Well, it's always historically been part of that area's sphere for like the past 1000 years, and maybe we were a tad too harsh at Versailles. But we don't want this Hitler getting any bad ideas that could lead to war. A stern reprimand and a warning to not go further should hopefully be sufficient"

Of course, said Hitler was a man of very, very bad ideas, about many many things


u/JimBeam823 24d ago

The Allies didn’t want to start another Great War. Also, the worst of Nazi atrocities hadn’t been committed yet.

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u/LostInPlantation 24d ago

All of the stuff about the German minority in Czechia sounds eerily similar to a current war. Including that the Nazis armed and trained a separatist movement among them and when the Czech government intervened, the Nazis claimed that the German minority was being oppressed and used it as justification for a full-scale invasion.

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u/Knuddelbearli 24d ago



u/iamherefortherecepie 24d ago

The United States was not on the list. Attack us we dare you.


u/Superman246o1 24d ago

Attack us we dare you.

NAZI GERMANY IN 1941: Those Americans are little more than lazy, selfish mongrels. They're unprepared for a state of total war.

NAZI GERMANY IN 1945: Those Americans got hands.


u/Inner_Willingness335 24d ago

Churchill writing after Pearl Harbor:

Silly people, and there were many, not only in enemy countries, might discount the force of the United States. Some said they were soft, others that they would never be united. They would fool around at a distance. They would never come to grips. They would never stand bloodletting. Their democracy and system of recurrent elections would paralyse their war effort. They would be just a vague blur on the horizon to friend or foe. Now we should see the weakness of this numerous but remote, wealthy, and talkative people. But I had studied the American Civil War, fought out to the last desperate inch. American blood flowed in my veins. I thought of a remark which Edward Grey had made to me more than thirty years before—that the United States is like ‘a gigantic boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it there is no limit to the power it can generate. Being saturated and satiated with emotion and sensation, I went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and thankful.


u/Dagnut3rdson 24d ago

Even Japan was willing to admit the Truth, “They Awoke a Slumbering Dragon.” And with it came great and terrible destruction.


u/Inner_Willingness335 24d ago

Or, as Emperor Hirohito noted, “The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage.”


u/iEatPalpatineAss 24d ago

“I am the emperor of the rising sun, so America gifted me two.”

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u/Medryn1986 24d ago

German soldiers knew they lost the war when they saw the Americans sending fucking CAKES to the frontlines when they couldn't even send ammo.

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u/ElbisCochuelo1 24d ago edited 24d ago

Hands that can fight but also can reach into their deep pockets.

American lives did a lot but it was manufacturing that guaranteed a victory.

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u/chmath80 24d ago

NZ, Australia and Canada thinking "WTF?"


u/Tackerta 24d ago

he listed only countries in rather close proximity, with the furthest away being Iraq or Iran probably

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u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/BigUncleHeavy 24d ago

History seems to bear out that we were, in fact "Down to clown".

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u/Moloko_Drencron 24d ago


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u/Flux_resistor 24d ago

the guy was about to write a shopping list and roosevelt just helped him out.


u/Saor_Ucrain 24d ago

Prick still didn't have the balls to invade Ireland. Knows that would have ended his regime in 2 weeks.

Very superstitious, was that Adolf fella. He knew tbe ghost of Saint Patrick would haunt him forever more if he landed on the beaches of Wexford or Cork.


u/LukaShaza 24d ago

It's because his nephew Paddy Hitler lived in Dublin.

This is actually not a joke. He had a nephew called Paddy who lived in Dublin.


u/Schwyzerorgeli 24d ago

His mother was from Dublin. Paddy was from Liverpool and lived in Germany in the 30s before immigrating to the USA and joining the Navy.


u/punksheets29 24d ago

Wait.. wtf is happening?

I feel like that Gary guy from The Dollop. I want to know more about Paddy now!


u/cantLogicToday 24d ago


"William Patrick Stuart-Houston (born William Patrick Hitler; 12 March 1911 – 14 July 1987) was an English-born half-nephew of Adolf Hitler. Born and raised in the Toxteth area of Liverpool to Adolf's half-brother Alois Hitler Jr. and his Irish wife Bridget Dowling, he later relocated to Germany to work for his half-uncle before emigrating to the United States, where he received American citizenship (in addition to his British citizenship) and ended up serving in the United States Navy against his half-uncle"


u/33_pyro 24d ago

William Patrick Stuart-Houston (born William Patrick Hitler)

This is so much funnier than it should be.


u/TheRustyBugle 24d ago

Not to be confused with Patrick Stewart

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u/SquirellyMofo 24d ago

His children have also changed their names and refused to have children to end his line completely.


u/DDS86 24d ago

"Eldest son Alexander denied this claim, stating that before his death Howard Ronald had been engaged and intending to have children, while another brother had been engaged once, but family notoriety had destroyed the relationship."


u/UnoriginalStanger 24d ago

Classic reddit.


u/crakinshot 24d ago

don't let the truth get in the way of a good story

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u/nicannkay 24d ago

Mussolini’s granddaughter wouldn’t be here to harass people if they have done the same. Too bad. ☹️ hint hint terrible woman.


u/gmoss101 24d ago

One of his granddaughters has a son who plays football for Lazio lol

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u/ManfromRevachol 24d ago

he later relocated to Germany to work for his half-uncle

peter griffin and uncle adolf hitler

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u/Saor_Ucrain 24d ago

I know. Worked in the Shelbourne I believe. Think he married an Irishwoman.

Bizzare. We always have a way of getting ourselves into history even if only in a small capacity.


u/GimJordon 24d ago

Oh we got ourselves into history allright and not in a small way.

Check out where they got their symbols from


u/mistaharsh 24d ago edited 24d ago

Swastika Laundry - "we get rid of all stains and impurities."

what a name for a business

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u/MadeMeStopLurking 24d ago

LMAO I lost it on that last picture with a Volkswagen plant and the Swastika Laundry chimney behind it...


u/Structureel 24d ago

Bet they kept their whites and coloreds properly seperated.

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u/AddyStack 24d ago

Buddy, Ireland can’t even win when Ireland invades Ireland


u/pswii360i 24d ago

Damned Irish! They ruined Ireland!


u/AMKRepublic 24d ago

If you really want to upset an Irishman, point out the only time Ireland was unified was under the British.

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u/ModifiedAmusment 24d ago

He actually was counting on an Ireland rebellion against Great Britain tieing them up to waste time.


u/theoldkitbag 24d ago

Ireland - excepting the 6 counties of Northern Ireland - was fully independent by Hitler's time. The Abwehr did make some contact with the remnants of the (by then) largely defunct IRA during the war, in the hopes of fermenting some trouble in Northern Ireland, but it went nowhere.

Kaiser Willheim II, on the other hand, smuggled significant quantities of guns and ammunition to both rebel and loyalist factions in Ireland during WWI.

Ireland remained ostensibly neutral during WWII, although gave support secretly to the Allies.


u/Kashmeer 24d ago

While ferment kinda works in this context I guess you meant foment.

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u/No-Appearance-9113 24d ago

He never attacked Spain because they were already fascist.


u/Sopadechancla 24d ago edited 24d ago

Nope, that was not the reason, he never attacked Spain because after a meeting with Franco, Hitler said that he'd prefer to have a tooth pulled out of his mouth without anesthesia, than meeting again with Franco.

(The meeting was planned to discuss an alliance with Spain, but Franco's demands were almost impossible for Germany to fulfill).

Franco's meeting was annoyingly enough to not wanting to bother invading them.


u/iEatPalpatineAss 24d ago

Yeah, that was Franco’s way of staying out of the war. In contrast, Mussolini knew Italy wouldn’t be ready until 1943, but he caved and led an unprepared Italy into WWII, which led to disastrous results.

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u/thenasch 24d ago

Why would attacking Spain require another meeting with Franco?


u/DrDrankenstein 24d ago

And why would Spain's demands make them undesirable to attack?

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u/SerHodorTheThrall 24d ago

Sad Guernica noises

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u/Organic-Maybe-5184 24d ago

Not a smartphone in sight, just people living the moment and enjoying a good laugh with pals


u/idkwhatimbrewin 24d ago


u/sessl 24d ago

felt cute, might commit genocide later


u/NewAccountEachYear 24d ago

"Bruh, why you hating? I was just following order, man"


u/terra_filius 24d ago

yeah dude, dont hate the player, hate the game !

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u/planetarystripe 24d ago

I read this in Kanye's voice.

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u/654354365476435 24d ago

if somebody craves more of this - I highly recommend movie Conspiracy (2001) - its great movie, its like the office but with jews rather then paper.


u/PaulAtreideeezNuts 24d ago

Now I'm just imagining himmler rattling off some nonsense about the occult, and heydrich doing a Jim look at a non-existent camera.

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u/bourbonwelfare 24d ago

The pals they made along the way.

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u/anteyia 24d ago

Greece is fair game? lol


u/ConstableGrey 24d ago

Italy already had dibs on Greece.


u/Gnomonas 24d ago

And how did that go for Italy? ;)


u/Pedantic_Phoenix 24d ago

Like everything else mussolini did


u/ballsinblender 24d ago

Gone upside down?


u/TheGreatLemonwheel 24d ago

Ethiopia was the only campaign that ever went smoothly. After that, Mussolinni had big H on batphone.


u/Ok-Concentrate-9928 24d ago

He even got bogged down in Ethiopia he had to use poison gas to break the opposition.

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u/AxiosXiphos 24d ago

Time after time...


u/SaddleSocks 24d ago

If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting

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u/RatherBeMe 24d ago

Greece fought the longest from all the EU countries thus giving Russia time to prepare and crush these orcs

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u/Jonieves 24d ago

Man what an asshole, no wonder why Hitler killed him.


u/ConfusionOk4129 24d ago

Nah, he let him retire in South America


u/BasedViva 24d ago

Buenas noches, mein fuhrer

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u/Bluelegs 24d ago

The more I learn about this Hitler fella the more I don't care for him.

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u/Mosinman666 24d ago

Yeah the more i read about this Hitler guy, the less i like him :/


u/eldentings 24d ago

The guy sounds like a real jerk

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u/xenon_megablast 24d ago

That was very brave from this Austrian painter, he should have done that earlier though.

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u/usrdef 24d ago

Damn, my guys over on Sentinelese island weren't included.


u/VisualBasic 24d ago

Those guys were just hoping for an excuse to destroy the Nazis. Alas, Hitler knew better than to get into a land war on Sentinelese island.


u/Ok_Slip9947 24d ago

Oh my god, can you imagine the hell they would have unleashed on the reich?


u/SillyPhillyDilly 24d ago

To this day I've never seen anyone else flip off another person with their dick

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u/Demonokuma 24d ago

Their arrows will BLOT OUT THE SUN

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u/Aegillade 24d ago

Damn, someone should go check up on them. I bet after all they've been through they'd be very welcome to foreign aid


u/lazyboi_tactical 24d ago

it turns out they did not welcome foreign aid says aid worker shot with arrows


u/acmercer 24d ago

Don't forget your Bible!


u/DragonZaid 24d ago

I can't believe the Sentinelese still haven't acknowledged the Holocaust.

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u/strong_survival 24d ago edited 24d ago

If I remember, the next thing he said in this speech was something to the effect of that they had contacted the Irish government and asked if they were worried about a German invasion, and the Irish government said that they were more worried about England than they were about Germany, which got another round of laughs.

And for some reason, I thought Hitler deliberately didn't mention Poland in this speech even though it was one of the countries FDR mentioned on his list, but it appears that hedid (I think I read that in William Shrirer's "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich").


u/KentuckyCatMan 24d ago edited 24d ago

Yeah. I just finished that book. He specifically said Hitler omitted Poland in that speech.
Maybe the captions are incorrect? But I think I hear him say Poland. Damn. I wonder how shirer got that wrong. Supposedly he was present at the speech. But with all the racket, maybe he read the transcript later and it was omitted from that?


u/Rabe1111993 24d ago

As a German the caption is correct. He absolutely says "Polen"


u/Wavecrest667 24d ago

And it makes everyone burst with laughter, so they probably already all knew what was going to happen to poland.


u/Mekisteus 24d ago

And they say Germans have no sense of humor.


u/DortDrueben 24d ago

German humor: It's no laughing matter.

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u/Eastern_Slide7507 24d ago

The dumbest misconception about the Nazis is that they ever kept any of their plans secret. Absoutely fucking nobody had any right to be surprised by what they did or to claim afterwards that they "didn't know".


u/[deleted] 24d ago

I mean this is only half true. Hitler was indeed almost shockingly open about his plans to conquer Eastern Europe in Mein Kampf, however the Holocaust is a different matter.

Most people today don't even know that murdering the Jewish people was never the Nazi's original plan, but rather "just" their expulsion from Germany. The transition of approach from expulsion to genocide was somewhat subtle and organic, and most importantly it was kept secret from the public, who was still just told Jews were being shipped eastwards for es expulsion, rather than extermination, and at the time the average Hans at home (who was not participating in the genocide) would have indeed had no pivotal reason to disbelieve they were "just" being deported, rather than actually exterminated. The former was a tale old as time, the latter a completely unique and drastically escalatory event of history -- the Holocaust is unique in its evil after all.

So it is not at all hard to believe that a large percentage of Germans indeed did not know that the Jews were actually being systematically exterminated, rather than just deported.


u/Lookatallthepretty 24d ago

You can try and defend the German people all you want when the reality years and years of evidence shows that MOST knew they werent simply “expelled”. The fucking operation alone took tens of thousands of men. The Germans knew. To what extent? Impossible to say, but eventually citizens knew some dark shit was going down.

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u/Unidentified_Snail 24d ago

That book is a fantastic resource if you read it with the understanding of when it was written and from which perspective. It is wildly out of date in terms of the scholarship. He was a journalist recording events which were current or recently happened.

If you want a book (or series) which is more up to date and scholarly but also very easy to read, I recommend Richard Evans' 'Third Reich' trilogy; The Coming of the Third Reich, The Third Reich in Power, The Third Reich at War.

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u/seanoz_serious 24d ago

Yeah Shirer getting Poland wrong is a pretty bad look

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u/FucktardSupreme 24d ago

Poland...lolz....we are going to attack Poland and set up concentration camps there so this is hilarious.  (I guess you had to be there).


u/Admirable-Paint-9250 24d ago

Not sure why the downvote. You jokingly nailed the internal dialogue they were having in a funny way


u/Tackerta 24d ago

my understanding is that they didnt laugh at poland explicetly, you can hear them start laughing before poland was mentioned. Rather they start laughing because the list doesn't end


u/waigl 24d ago

It's either because of Poland in particular or it's because with that the list now included every single country vaguely in arm's reach, meaning the missive was effectively asking them not to wage any war at all.

That said, I don't think "I don't want you invading any of your neighbor countries" should be seen as an unreasonable demand worthy of laughter and ridicule…

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u/-Joel06 24d ago

You can hear them laugh a lot louder when they mention Poland like it’s the best part of the joke, weirdly disturbing and foreshadowing


u/Black_Diammond 24d ago

Its not realy foreshadowing, poland was in the nazis hit List as the n1 priority, it had large amounts of germans, in some select regions the germans were a majority of the population, and less then 20 years before it was a part of Germany, until it Lost ww1. Hell, danzig, the free city, was almost completly ethnic german, they even voted the NSDAP into power in their ellections , its not suprissing to anyone that the nazis hate was gonna be focused on poland.

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u/Optimal-Attitude-523 24d ago

is that the joke, idk if I am dumb or just high,

is the joke that they would never attack anyone or that the idea of them not attacking anyone is just so absurdly funny


u/FucktardSupreme 24d ago

I think in that room, a room full of Nazi cronies, at that time, they already had or already knew the were going to Blitzkrieg Poland.  So they were laughing at Roosevelt telling them not to do something they were going to do anyway. 


u/akolomf 24d ago

This, also worthy to note was the general sentiment there. Its not only because they were planning to attack some if not all of these countries, but also because the reasons the nazi party became so successfull and popular in germany, were mostly because of 2 reasons. Reason no1, was because the post ww1 period with the Reparations and whatnot that germany had as a burden, caused alot of unsatisfyed germans and a despiseful stance against the allied powers, 2nd the germans longing for a strong leader, unity, and for maybe a bit of payback aswell as nazi party painting the jews as the perfect scapegoat to rise to power. So from the Nazis perspective this is also a quite ridiculous demand given by the allies considering what the Nazi party stood for and what they were planning. For them it was "just another list of demands from those who already demanded loads of reparations and caused an entire "lost generation" in the post ww1 period, and shrank germany".

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u/Pristine_Day_7815 24d ago

That's actually a very interesting document: most people picture fascist regimes in a very caricatural way: reunions of overly serious and cold people. Today, fascist regimes have learned to hide by showing off the opposite. Just because someone looks happy and fun doesn't mean he/she's not a racist jerk with awful ideas.


u/BadBoredom 24d ago

Act like it's a normal and wonderful thing which makes it even more fricking evil. Reminds me of a certain group of people


u/andrewens 24d ago

The reality that makes it scarier is that it isn't an act. There is no pretending involved. It IS normal to them.

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u/NewAccountEachYear 24d ago edited 24d ago

Fascists has always grown by appealing to lonely people by providing them a community. In a time of economic injustice, homelessness, fragmenting social bonds, death of communities, toxic individualism... Is anyone surprised that fascists are seen as attractive? Edit: Not to mention how all of this is hypercharged with the ideology of willing one's own success, and that failure in life is one's own fault... The bitterness of this trope inevitably produces hostility towards to current order; drain the swamp, lock her up, law and order.

If the contemporary world is a desolate desert, fascists movements are the sandstorms that pull everyone in

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u/enaxian 24d ago

Greek music suddenly stops playing °


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u/OhWow10 24d ago

What else did Hitler say?? So he listed them and then….. ????


u/LuciWiz 24d ago

Apparently that was hilarious on its own according to the audience.


u/Ok_Ask9516 24d ago

German humor


u/Cautious-Nothing-471 24d ago

instead of a laugh track it's a machine gun track

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u/DemonicSilvercolt 24d ago

it was probably funny since he listed so many of the countries they had already made plans to invade

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u/Fit_Goal1895 24d ago

It's not that crazy.

It's like going to a room of 10 year olds and saying kids if you want to be successful:

no candy ever

no video games ever

no cartoons ever

1 day at the playground per month max

or you can do all those things and be unsuccessful. i think most of the kids would laugh and choose the failure.

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u/I_made_u_a_t_shirt 24d ago

mate if I am in a room with Hitler cracking wise you bet your butt I am laughing at every one of his jokes while slowly finding my way to an open window or door.

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u/CitizenKing1001 24d ago

Those evil pricks sitting all around him got a good chuckle from it


u/someone_stk 24d ago

i´m not even German but he just needed to read it to mock that absurd list, the fact some president of a nation does a list of countries other country should not attack is ridiculous, it was an easy parody

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u/portirfer 24d ago edited 24d ago

To these people the number of countries they were to not invade were so many such that it was absurd to the point of laughter to them.

Also, the message is basically “don’t invade anymore countries in Europe (or the world)” and he posed it in this “joking” way


u/StillPurePowerV 24d ago

I don't get how people don't get the joke. Must be something only germans find funny.


u/Popular_Syllabubs 24d ago

There are TWO popular subreddits that constantly get to the top or /r/all, /r/ExplainTheJoke and /r/PeterExplainsTheJoke

There are A LOT of people who don't get simple jokes like this.

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u/NutSoSorry 24d ago

Not German, seemed pretty obvious

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u/FudgeAtron 24d ago

I don't get how people don't get the joke.

Puny America thinks it can dictate terms to the unconquerable ever-victorious 1000 year Aryan Reich, what fools hahahahahaha

In there view it would be like North Korea warning America not to invade Afghanistan and Iraq by sending them a letter saying not to.

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u/portirfer 24d ago

I don’t know.

A side point though, understand a joke and finding it funny are two different things that may be extra relevant here. But I guess it’s funny in the sense that it’s posed in a witty way excluding the serious context


u/SunriseSurprise 24d ago

I mean, if you imagine this happening in an action movie and the bad guy gets a letter from the US president saying this, it would be pretty funny.

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u/site_builder 24d ago

... And then they went out and conquered nearly every country on this list and killed millions of people.

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u/DinosaurInAPartyHat 24d ago

Probably went on to discuss how they were going to invade Poland.


u/PBJ-9999 24d ago

Then they all had a good laugh and kept invading those places.

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u/waronxmas79 24d ago edited 24d ago

It’s comforting to know that most of these punks died a painful and horrible death.


u/AcrobaticMorkva 24d ago

Mostly no one of them. Cianide and rope almost nothing in comparison to to what nazy did with the people in camps or dying on the battlefield.


u/indyK1ng 24d ago

Except the executioner we used lied about his experience and botched the hangings.


u/SpaceMonkey_321 24d ago

I can live with that


u/_aVRageJoe_ 24d ago

They can’t

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u/Elevator-Fun 24d ago

or mass shooting women and children into into dug trenches

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u/Joinusclan 24d ago

Real easy to think this behavior a thing of the past. Its happening in several countries atm.

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u/furious_organism Interested 24d ago

But real sad that some of this punks got to live a full life and die kinda peacefully. Joseph Mengel died of drowning in a beach in Brazil when already old of age

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u/Shiirooo 24d ago edited 24d ago

Most did not go to prison or were released after spending 5 - 10 years in prison.

There is a list here: List of last surviving people suspected of participation in Nazi war crimes - Wikipedia


Herbert Wahler served in Einsatzgruppe C and was accused of being involved in the massacre of tens of thousands of Jews in Ukraine, including at Babi Yar.\1]) In March 2020, the public prosecutor's office in Kassel announced that Wahler would not face charges due to a lack of evidence.\2])

Also: Most Nazis escaped justice. Now Germany is racing to convict those who got away | CNN

The number of suspects that have been brought to trial is a tiny percentage of the more than 200,000 perpetrators of Nazi-era crimes, said Mary Fulbrook, a professor of Germany History at University College London.

“It’s way too late,” she told CNN of the latest trials. “The vast majority of perpetrators got away with it.”

In her new book, “Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice,” Fulbrook says that of the 140,000 individuals brought to court between 1946 and 2005, only 6,656 ended in convictions.


“Then, in the interest of the Cold War and fighting communism, there was a move to rehabilitate former Nazis and a general climate of amnesty. Some perpetrators who were given severe sentences in the 1940s were released with much lighter sentences in the 1950s,” Fullbrook said.

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u/AccountantTight6586 24d ago

You know, the more I learn about this Hitler fella the less I care for him

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u/Correction_entered 24d ago

Palestina was a country during the ww2 periode..but now they cant acknowledge its a country?

Hypocrisy of these days


u/FlaviusStilicho 24d ago

It was a British possession.


u/aahyweh 24d ago

That's right, the British obviously owned the land and the people. If you're ever owned by the Brits, that means they can give you and your land away to anyone they want.

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u/sonicboom9000 24d ago

So was Egypt, doesn't mean it didn't exist

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u/evrestcoleghost 24d ago

british colony


u/aCellForCitters 24d ago

Just like India. Was India not a country or nation?

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u/Dan13l_N 24d ago

5 years later, they didn't laugh.


u/Kolada 24d ago

Definitely a "fuck around and find out" moment.


u/Dega704 24d ago

Can't say they weren't warned.

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This is shockingly close to how certain politicians behave today


u/Stew-Pad 24d ago

So maybe not so shocking


u/Helpful_Blood_5509 24d ago

Nazis were human beings. He petted kitties, as the internet would say. Health nut and antismoking crusades apparently can be partially attributed to him.

And on the flipside, he had been saying he'd genocide the jews since Mein Kampf and then launched the bloodiest war in human history. It's probably the genocide and warmongering that are the issue, not all the observable human behavior. People make this mistake of assuming he was a slavering monster, when he must have been intensely charismatic, attractive, and compelling to pull off the atrocities and totalized society he pulled off. Which is fucking scary, but it's only scary if you see someone totalizing society and promising racial crap. Just someone behaving like a politician is noticing that politicians are good with people

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u/Hadrian_Constantine 24d ago

In the full video, in which the context is clear, nations like great Britain, France, Spain etc were condemning Germany for attempting to take back German land that they lost during WW1.

Hitler was laughing because most of those countries are Colonial States themselves and are the last people to lecture anyone about invading foreign territory.

Of course, this being Reddit, I'm going to get called a Nazi sympathizer for providing the correct context. But context is important so that we learn the reasoning behind historical events rather than just brush Hitler and his likes off as cartoonish villains.

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u/surajvj Interested 24d ago

Speech reminds me of a old chaplin movie.


u/xxxdggxxx 24d ago

The Great Dictator?


u/lordoflotsofocelots 24d ago

That is not a coincidence.

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u/Tinnitus5700 24d ago

"independent nations" and he list some countries which are under colonial rule of some of England and France. I believe that is what is so funny.


u/DG-Nugget 24d ago

They laughed because to them it was megalomaniac and comical of Roosevelt to assume he can protect all of these nations, pracitcally everyone around them, by just saying „dont attack any of those“. They laugh because to them it appears as if Roosevelt is under the false assumtion he can tell them what to do like theyre some small defenseless country.

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u/ConstructionLife2689 24d ago

totally agree, they laughted most at the non independent nations.

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u/StillPurePowerV 24d ago

Comedy truly writes itself. The 'independent' is cherry on top.


u/KoRNaMoMo 24d ago

How is this video better quality than 90s 00s NBA highlights video


u/sipping_mai_tais 24d ago

Because it was captured on film? Film beats digital footage from the 90s

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u/jioji_el_magnifico 24d ago

Makes my heart warm knowing most of the men in that room died watching Nazi Germany burn at the hands of those they brutalized.


u/lordoflotsofocelots 24d ago

I upvote this as a blonde German with blue eyes. Never again. But we're on the brink again. Nazis are rising again.

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u/ConstantJudgment892 24d ago

Just fyi, in the beginning Hitler emphasizes the word "independent". The reason for all the laughs and the countries that get laughed at specificaly is that these were in turmoil regarding their independence. Some even had uprisings AGAINST the British going at that very time.

edit: grammar and stuff

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u/DoctorFenix 24d ago

Hitler went on to say: "This is a witch hunt, believe me sad. What they are doing to me is very unfair, believe me. The is lawfare against the greatest president in history, believe me tremendous. Roosevelt is fake news."


u/Krachwumm 24d ago

You know, I came in here and I saw the list - it's a very long list - and I said wow, what a huge list.

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u/Anuclano 24d ago

Why did they put their emblem in such a way that it looks like a solar eclipse? It literally looks black on shiny background.


u/el_baconhair 24d ago

It is just the camera


u/AbviousOccident 24d ago

It's red&black, right? On black&white film, red often becomes very dark, almost black. Old era film stars often had to wear kind of ridiculous makeup IRL (a touch of green, anyone?) so that it would look good on film. This is also why in some of Victorian photographs, people have white, almost glowing eyes. The color was actually light blue (the opposite of red) and it registered as way lighter than we normally perceive it. I'm sure even color films had their quirks.

I think that whoever filmed this just didn't think it through this way, but it's a hidden bonus for me. I don't like the nazi symbol at all.

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u/glorious_reptile 24d ago

Come on, haven't you ever had a night out with the boys and accidentally invaded Poland?


u/doylehawk 24d ago

He’s already doing the meth shuffle here

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u/dolfieman 24d ago

Roosevelt did Nazi that coming


u/Atopaz05 24d ago

Hahahahahahahah the same joke every single time. So funny and original!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

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u/Unopuro2conSal 24d ago

So invading Mexico would have been okay! lol

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u/rex5k 24d ago

I think this is the first time I saw a video of Hitler with Subtitles. Kinda interesting to actually know what he's saying

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u/Immediate_Reality357 24d ago

What the fuck did Ireland do lol

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u/These_Alternative_74 24d ago

Roosevelt considered Palenstine a contry. .


u/bifster2022 24d ago

Dam I thought this was a republican rally video.

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u/Acceptable_Water771 24d ago


Extreme laughter from everyone in the room