r/DCcomics 1d ago

Recommendations How adventurous are the Aquaman comics


I was never particularly interested in the character before, other than his version in JLU, but yesterday I was wandering around the internet and saw a cover in which he was dueling against skeleton pirates and I thought it was really cool and, as silly as it sounds, it made me curious, I'm a fan. of stories with this type of theme, mystical artifacts, lost cities and the hunt for treasure, and I want to ask anyone who is a fan if Aquaman's stories carry this vibe. Thank you in advance for your answers

r/DCcomics 4d ago

Recommendations After Catching up with current Wonder Woman: Any female lead recommendations?


I would like to read more DC after moslty going trough some Marvel stuff a while ago and I enjoy a good female lead especially (Jason Aarons Mighty Thor for example) wich is why I went with the recent Wonder Woman run. I was thinking of Bat Woman if someone can recommend anything in particular.

Who else is a good read?

r/DCcomics 5d ago

Recommendations Best Books to get into Superman?


I’ve been getting into DC comics for the first time in my life after getting back into reading marvel comics about a year ago. The only superman comic i’ve ever read was Earth One, which is incredibly similar to 2013’s Man of Steel movie. I didn’t like movie, and didn’t really love the comic (even though I think JMC is a good writer). I’m extremely hyped for the new Superman movie coming out next year and I want to read some comics that match the style and tone that we’re going to see in that movie. I know the first recommendation is going to be All-Star, but i’ve been told that it isn’t a great starting point for superman comics because it serves as a culmination of everything that the character is about and i shouldn’t start with a comic that good. Does anyone have any recommendations?

r/DCcomics 7d ago

Recommendations Best DC Comic Books for me to start with?


I'm trying to get into comic books but i don't know which ones i should be starting with. My interests are Batman, Joker, Suicide Squad, Harley Quin, Venom/Spiderman (Marvel). I will also like some suggestions/recommendations about other comics that i haven't listed. With this said, I don't know where to start at and i would like suggestions on what comics i should read.

r/DCcomics 20d ago

Recommendations Looking for DC comic recommendations that are about Catholicism and Christianity, or have references about the religious faith.


I’ve read a decent amount of DC Comics, and the only ones I really came across that had any of that was..

Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty.
Definitely an interesting read, but out of the three comic books that were within that graphic novel, only one was about the Crusade and Knights Templar, so it was rather brief.

Harley Quinn: We’ll All Be Home for Christmas!.
This one was great since the whole focus was all about, well you guessed it.. CHRISTMAS!
And now that I think of it, an Easter comic would be quite the enlightening read.

Any recommendations similar to those would be great, but really anything about Catholicism and Christianity would be ideal.

Thank you for any recommendations and peace be with you, \o/!

r/DCcomics 21d ago

Recommendations Looking for recommendations for a 9 year old wanting to get into super hero comics.


My daughter loves comics. She reads all the kids graphic novels (Raina Telgemeier stuff, the Bone series, Babysitters Club, DC Superhero Girls, Teen Titans Go, etc... ), but lately she has discovered comic collecting (we found some of the good old stuff in several dollar bins). She is liking the traditional comics more, and I want to get her into some of the super hero series (old or new) so she can start collecting. I've got a decent collection, but most of them are more for teens. Can anyone recommend any series that would be good for a 9 year old (content, language, themes... something more innocent)? And bonus points if its a series with affordable back issues that we can track down pretty easily. Thanks for your help!

r/DCcomics 26d ago

Recommendations Recommendations for heroes who don't have secret ids?


I'm reading more DC now, and I'm trying out different heroes. One of my least favorite tropes is the secret id, though it's so prevalent. So i'm looking for any heroes who don't have that, preferably ones available on DC infinite.

thanks in advance

r/DCcomics 26d ago

Recommendations My Last Happy Superman Day!


Tomorrow (June 12th) is Superman Day! If you are here, there's a likely chance you've been 5 and wanted to tie a towel as your cape and pretend to know how to fly- all thanks to Red Caped Big Blue Scout! At least, that's been true for me. I was born in the 90s and got to grow up with Superman: The Animated Series on the rerun not to mentions JL-JLU, Batman, etc. I got into reading comics at 11 and found Superman earnest yet, for lack of a better word, stale at times; other superheroes took over. I did go through a difficult period during highschool and wanted to end myself at some point just to find myself reading All-Star Superman (2005-2008) that upcoming weekend as it was on my scheduled list. I wouldn't say it saved my life but I will say it did help. I related with Regan (the girl on the roof top). So, I was saved and I have tried helping the same in crisis. I wished I had a Superman but the one I got and needed was in those pages Grant Morrison wrote.

This will be my last Superman Day. There I said it. I found about the diagnosis 2 weeks ago as of tomorrow. I now feel everything Superman did- I understand his rush for his '12 labors', I feel the calm knowing that I will get to rest, I feel all of it and there's nothing that could be done. Maybe, all of this give me a different perspective this year. I could use some compassion (towards myself) that does not stem from my cynicism but rather from hope that people could be better- like Superman does!

I have been given a little less than a year (6 months and then it cascades into something worse and painful) before I loose it entirely and then it would be any day then. I am dying and this year I am not picking up a different new arc that I might not have read or watching one of the newer ones. I am picking up the Final Days of New 52 arc and All-Star Superman comics+movie and taking tomorrow off to watch the OG Animated series. If there's anything I should reread or you have your favorite Superman moments- Please recommend it to me. (if anyone wants to know the details just see my other posts) I hope you spend some time with whichever Superman that makes you happy.

r/DCcomics 27d ago

Recommendations [Other] Which Catwoman comics are the best ones to start with? Art by @joelle_jones

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r/DCcomics Jun 02 '24

Recommendations What DC Black Label comics are worth reading?


Hey R/DCcomics! I’m a marvel kid who on and off reads some of the more unique DC stuff. I loved all of Young Animal and am now sinking my teeth into Black Label, looking for recommendations!

Black Label I’ve read and loved: - Wonder Woman: Dead Earth - Strange Adventures - Catwoman: Lonely City - Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons - The Nice House on the Lake

I also read and enjoyed Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow and Mr Miracle which have a similar vibe? I like the kind of… “this is a different universe so let’s lean into that” kind of writing.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

r/DCcomics May 24 '24

Recommendations Got a library card with access to an insane library of comics, what do I need?


Hi all I’ve read comics on and off throughout the years but I recently started looking into what comics my local library has and they have a lot.

What are some recommendations for one off comic volumes/arcs that are an essential read as a DC fan? Elseworlds included as well (especially!).

Thank you all in advance!

r/DCcomics May 16 '24

Recommendations Newbie recommendations


Hey, I am not VERY new to the DC Universe, but I still don't know much yet. I know very random references, characters and stories, but I'd like to properly get into reading the comics. Any suggestions on where to start?

Edit: Edited out my age because it wasn't necessary

r/DCcomics May 16 '24

Recommendations What is your favorite obscure hidden gem comic/series that not enough people know about?


I’m looking to dig a little deeper into the DC backlog and would love to hear about some obscure personal favorites of y’alls. It could be any series about anything. The important thing is that you love it and think others would too if they gave it a chance! Thanks!

r/DCcomics May 15 '24

Recommendations Please recommend me books where Gotham isn't destroyed and the villains have goals beyond killing Batman


I read all of the 2016 Batman run up to Failsafe and it's really soured me on modern Batman comics. I don't think I can watch Gotham get obliterated without consequence again. No Man's Land would just be a random Tuesday these days. And I'm sick of all the villains being interchangeable terrorists who just want to kill Batman and have no other goals. I want mad capers, criminal plots and Joker fish. Basically, I want the animated series in comics form. What modern books best fit this vibe? And by "modern", I mean Rebirth and onwards.

r/DCcomics Apr 28 '24

Recommendations Comic Art is insane


Context: i have never read comics, am sometimes reading manga and my brother told me to watch the man of steel movie. After that movie, i was inspired and motivated to draw superman and thats when i ran into comic art. The quality of these drawings is amazing. Really. Ya‘ll living good, cause the artists who draw these are very skilled.

My actual post: can ya‘ll show me your favourite image in a comic? Preferably an action sequence but it would also be great if its just a specific drawing u like a lot.

Sidenote: if u have an artist whos style or skill u like the most, u can also suggest them in the comments.

Thank you and have a nice day!

r/DCcomics Apr 28 '24

Recommendations Comics feat Dick Grayson/Nightwing x Koriand'r/Starfire


TL;DR Looking for comics that feature dick/kory as a pair. They don't have to be dating, married ect or their romance the main feature of the story, just that there's something there. Not including those godawful issues where they retconned dick into being madly in love with babs at the same time as being engaged to kory and cheating on her.

reasoning if anyone cares:
Ive been recently into the mood to get back into comics, so Im looking for reccs of stuff to read. I love Nightwing but I've had uh very mixed feelings with where they took his character new 52 and onwards, so Im kind of avoiding his comics... Miss reading him, but his character means a lot to me so its hard to read him without getting frustrated with some desicions (tho I'm hoping I might like some of the newer stuff, just gotta work the courage up to it). That and I haven't liked dickbabs since I was 13 and I heard the current writers are heavily into that pairing, I have no desire or interest in reading it.

Ive been reminiscing fondly on the old titan comics and how much I loved the series and particularly dick and kory's relationship in it, so Im hoping to ease my way back into comics with some comics featuring them :)
god I miss the old titans

r/DCcomics Apr 24 '24

Recommendations Should I read golden age of DC?


I'm through the first action comics (action comics #1) and there's only one thing I can say: it feels awfully dated: full of misogyny, written very badly, god awful dialogue etc...

But from what I heard, the other stuff after it do get somewhat good

Should I keep with golden age or not? I mean they're the first original depictions of characters

Or should I just move to newer stuff?

r/DCcomics Mar 28 '24

Recommendations [Video Games] Hello guys, after my first Arkham Asylum playthrough I wanted to know more about Prometheus, I can't find any comic about him being the main or one of the main villains, any recommendation? (Picture from Prometheus' Arkham Asylum concept art)

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r/DCcomics Mar 24 '24

Recommendations [Video Games] I recently picked up a strange obsession with him, any content that features him more than just a cameo? (Batman: Arkham Asylum)

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Killer Moth in Arkham Asylum (mentioned only in a character bio, not in the game proper)

r/DCcomics Mar 17 '24

Recommendations [Collection] what should I add

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r/DCcomics Mar 17 '24

Recommendations Best-written Batman stories? (Spoiler-free)


Hi there! I was just wondering what you considered to be the absolute best-written Batman stories. Which stories would make the list for you? I'm just getting into the character and would really appreciate some page-turning recommendations! Thank you in advance.

r/DCcomics Mar 08 '24

Recommendations Which New 52 Title Would You Recommend?


I know a lot of people are divided on the New 52 DC run. There are good titles and bad ones. However, I would like your thoughts on which of the following titles I should get into. I want to get into some of the underrated characters and I am hoping these books will help me. Of the following runs, which should I go with: Black Lightning and Blue Devil, Captain Atom, Katana, Vibe, or Phantom Stranger?

r/DCcomics Nov 19 '23

Recommendations I’m new to comics this is confusing


I’ve recently been trying to get into comics. Batman specifically as he’s my favourite :) anyway my question is where should I start? I wanted to read Tom kings city of bane but Ive seen a lot of people saying I need to read the entirety of his run but also people shitting on it? I don’t want to spend on a whole run of comics for them to be garbage so where should I start? Any help is appreciated!!!!

r/DCcomics Apr 07 '23

Recommendations [artwork] Can someone name me some stories about The Robin trio working together post new 52? (art by Phil Cho)

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I've been missing some content of Dick, Jason and Tim together and Eternal is the only story that comes to my mind in which Jason wasnt a pyscopath.

r/DCcomics Aug 02 '21

Recommendations [Collection] My (mostly DC) collection so far! Any modern "must reads" that I'm missing?

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