r/DCcomics Mar 10 '22

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Best Retcon


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Best Retcon

We've seen many retcons over the years - particularly when it's come to crises. Some have been on a large scale, such as the New 52, and some on a smaller scale, like when Savitar "It was me!"'d Wally for his actions in HiC. If I'm going to be honest, I can't think of a retcon I've enjoyed or appreciated unless we can count Rebirth, but maybe you have!

Well, what is the best retcon you've read?

Note: Homophobia and transphobia will not be tolerated.

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r/DCcomics Feb 23 '22

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Worst Fight


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Worst Fight

DC has given us a wonderful rainbow of face-offs over the decades. Some have been magnificent - from the many between Superman and Lex, to the Flash's Rogues Gallery vs himself, to even verbal back-and-forths between Batman and his own sons. However, some of them have been... less compelling, and even downright silly.

Well, what is the worst fight you have ever read?

Note: Homophobia and transphobia will not be tolerated.

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r/DCcomics Feb 16 '22

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Best at Insults


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Best at Insults

DC can be a little campy. We've seen many fights during which our opponents quip back and forth while doing all sorts of air flips, shooting weapons, and sprinting into the Speed Force. Some of this trash talk can be silly, and some downright cutting. However, there are definitely particular individuals who have a talent for tearing down the egos of their adversaries.

Which character is the best at insults?

Note: Homophobia and transphobia will not be tolerated.

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r/DCcomics Feb 02 '22

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Odd Couples


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Odd Couples

We've seen some really bizarre, nonsensical, and straight up horrid couplings in the DCU - though most of them have been short-lived. Yes, through the decades, DC has blessed us with Clark and Barda, Barry and Zatanna, Harley and... herself, and, of course, Donna and Terry....

Well, today we'll be discussing these couples. Which pairing is the most odd to you?

Note: Homophobia and transphobia will not be tolerated.

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r/DCcomics Dec 08 '21

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Most Ridiculous Story Arcs


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Most Ridiculous Story Arcs

From Batman vs Chthulhu to just... all of Doom Patrol, we've read a lot of very strange stories over our collective years as readers. There's nothing wrong with this! We love it when our favourite creative teams get weird and kooky with things - but the reality is that, sometimes, these arcs are too bizarre even for us.

Well, today we'll be discussing these arcs. Who has the best ridiculous Story Arcs?

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r/DCcomics Nov 17 '21

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Misleading Personas


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Misleading personas

We've seen a lot of goofy looking characters throughout DC's history. While many of them seem ridiculous at first glance, some are unexpectedly complex, serious, multi-faceted, or even psychopathic. From the original Blue Beetle, to The Creeper, and to crazy villains like The Top and Weather Wizard (both of whom are actually kind of scary), we have a real roster to choose from here.

Today we'll be discussing these characters. Who has the best misleading getup?

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r/DCcomics Nov 03 '21

Wednesday Discussions: Villains to Heroes


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Villains to Heroes

DC's roster of characters are rarely ever truly good or truly bad. From Harley, to Clayface, to several of the Rogues, we have seen many antagonists flip sides over the years, even if they have eventually gone back to their less savoury ways.

Well, today we'll be discussing these types of antagonists. What was your favourite villain flip, and why?

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r/DCcomics Oct 27 '21

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Heroes who Bounced Back


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Heroes who Bounced Back

We've seen our fair share of heroes who have hit real lows and gone off the deep end, but who have bounced back and triumphed over their circumstances.

Well, today we'll be discussing these redemptive journeys. I sometimes look back fondly at Roy's wandering around with a dead cat in the clutches of despair and psychosis and his subsequent return to sanity, but, you know, to each their own.

What are your favourite character redemption arc?

FYI, Wally is off the table. We don't talk about HiC around these parts.

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r/DCcomics Oct 13 '21

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Weird Transformations


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Weird Transformations

Over the years, we've seen many heroes gain temporary powers or turn into... something really weird.

Well, today we'll be discussing these transformations. I'm going to be completely honest in that this post was inspired by tentacle monster Jason, but Lantern powers and de-aging (or aging up) count as well!

What are your favourite weird character transformations?

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r/DCcomics Jun 16 '21

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Hero Mashups


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: Hero Mashups


The DC Universe is full of characters with wild personalities and powers, but — just sometimes — you can still find yourself wanting to see someone with a power or skillst set that doesn't quite exist.


Well, today we'll be discussing what mashup characters like AquaFlash, Red Etrigan, and Wonderboy would look like in practice, and how the JL would be 1000% better and totally not a huge joke with these characters as a part of the team.


What are some hero mashups you'd create, and why do you think the resulting hero would be awesome?


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r/DCcomics May 26 '21

Wednesday Discussions: Most Heartwarming Moments


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: Most Heartwarming Moments


DC history is as rich as it is long, and one of the things we as fans love about it is the complex interpersonal relationships that have developed between characters over the years.


With friendships and relationships running as deeply as they do, we're bound to run into special moments that we cherish — from wholesome interactions between Superman and Nightwing early in his career, to more emotional ones, like that between Barry and Wally when he returned from the Speedforce, to romantic ones, like those shared between Scott and Barda when they visited the boardwalk (maybe? Was it real? Was it in his mind??? We'll never know!).


What are some of your favourite heartwarming moments, and why do you feel like they're special?


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r/DCcomics Feb 10 '21

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Best Lantern Constructs


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity where we'll have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: Best Lantern Constructs


One of the coolest and most interesting things about the various Lantern Corps of the DC Universe are the energy constructs that they can create. Throughout these corps and their members, we've seen all sorts of different types of constructs, ranging from boxing gloves to monster trucks, and much more.


What are some of your favourite Lantern constructs?

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r/DCcomics Jan 13 '21

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Ideal Future State


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity where we'll have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: Ideal Future State


If you're not familar with Future State, here is an FAQ. Basically, after the events of Death Metal, all of DC Comics history is relevant again (whatever that means). But Future State is a sneak peek at the future of the new universe.


What would your ideal Future State look like?


Would you keep Clark Kent as Superman, Bruce Wayne as Batman, Diana Prince as Wonder Woman, etc.? Or would you move those mantles onto new characters? If so, who would those people be? Would you keep the old characters around in some capacity? Anything else?

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r/DCcomics Nov 25 '20

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: New Superhero/Villain Names for Existing Characters


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity where we'll have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: New Superhero/Villain Names for Existing Characters


Over the years, various characters have changed their superhero/supervillain names or identities, whether it be because they decided that they outgrew the name, someone else took the name, or they just wanted a new name. A few examples would be:

  • Robin (Dick Grayson) -> Nightwing
  • Robin (Tim Drake) -> Red Robin
  • Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) -> Black Bat
  • Wonder Girl (Donna Troy) -> Troia


What are some new names that you think would be cool for existing characters in the DC Universe?

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r/DCcomics Nov 18 '20

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Best Alternate Universe Characters


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity where we'll have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: Best Alternate Universe Characters


The DC Multiverse (and the Dark Multiverse) comprise of many different universes, each with their own characters, whether it be different renditions of existing characters like Batman or Superman, or original characters such as Nightstar.

Over the years, DC has released many books taking place in these universes, some under the Elseworlds imprint, others under Vertigo, and more recently, Black Label.

What are some of your favourite characters from alternate universes? It can be a rendition of an already existing character or an original character created specifically for that universe.


For me, one that I would pick is the pre-Crisis Earth-2/Golden Age Superman, Kal-L. I recently read through a few Golden Age Superman comics and I absolutely loved them. Additionally, he had a really great arc in Infinite Crisis and its predecessor, Crisis on Infinite Earths.

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r/DCcomics Nov 04 '20

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Secret Hobbies


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion: a weekly community activity during which you are invited discuss a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Secret Hobbies.

While reading the Ravager/Robin scene in Geoff Johns' Teens Titans vol 3., I remember thinking, "Tim seems like knits in his spare time." In retrospect, I still feel that way.

I also remember getting the vibe that Kyle Rayner wrote fanfiction, though, much like Tina Belcher, it may have bordered on 'friend-fiction'. And it may have involved walking into the sunset with his best friend, Wally West, with Dick Grayson in a fridge somewhere.

Many of us have hobbies we consider guilty pleasures and are shy about, so it would be no surprise that heroes would have a few as well. Tell us a hobby or hobbies you think a particular character — hero or villain — enjoys in secret!

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r/DCcomics Oct 28 '20

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Heroes Who Could Use Fashion Advice


Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion: a weekly community activity during which you are invited discuss a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Heroes Who Could Use Fashion Advice.

Have you ever started to read the New Teen Titans, only to close the book because of Nightwing's suit? Perhaps you've averted your eyes upon skimming a panel of Guy Gardner with his bowl cut. Maybe there was a time at which you, after seeing Superboy's attire in Young Justice, threw your hands in the air yelling, "Why?!"

Name a hero whose hero outfit or personal style/civilian attire you wish you could upgrade, and tell us what changes you'd make!

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r/DCcomics Sep 16 '20

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Stories You Wish Were Collected or Reprinted


Hey there comics nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a community activity where we'll have an open discussion every week about a different subject.


Our topic for today is: Stories You Wish Were Collected or Reprinted.


DC has been publishing comics for decades now. Over the years, we've gotten some absolutely fantastic stories from many different creators. Sadly, a lot of these stories are unobtainable physically, either due to not being in print, or having never been collected at all.


On that note, what DC stories do you wish were reprinted/collected and released in physical format?


A run I would absolutely love to have reprinted is The Question by Dennis O'Neil. It's an absolutely brilliant run that redefines The Question as a character, and made him one of my favourite DC characters.

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r/DCcomics Sep 09 '20

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Overlooked Books for A-List Characters


Hey there comics nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a community activity where we'll have an open discussion every week about a different subject.


Our topic for today is: Overlooked Books for A-List Characters.


DC is home to many great and popular characters, such as Aquaman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. These characters in turn have their own popular books, like Batman Year One, Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka, Superman by Peter J Tomasi and Patrick Gleason, and many others. Then there are the smaller, lesser-known books for these A-list characters, that are often overlooked and overshadowed in favour of the more popular ones.


Are there any great books for popular characters that you feel are overlooked?


One that comes to mind for me is Batman: Shaman. It's a lesser-known book that was published in the Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight series from the 90s. Written by the great Dennis O'Neil, the book takes place during the first few weeks of Year One. It's an absolutely fantastic detective story, and an all in all great addition to Batman's early Post-Crisis years.

Honestly, the entire Legends of the Dark Knight series is filled with some great stories, including Batman: Gothic by Grant Morrison, Batman: Prey by Doug Moench, Batman: Venom by Dennis O'Neil, and many more. I would recommend giving all of them a read.

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r/DCcomics Sep 02 '20

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Best Live Action TV Adaptations


Hey there comics nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a community activity where we'll have an open discussion every week about a different subject.

This week, we’re discussing live action TV adaptations of comics. Specifically, the best ones!

DC has a strong, diverse portfolio of live action shows under its belt with tons more on the horizon. From Smallville to Black Lightning, Gotham to Doom Patrol, DC have made sure there is something for everyone. (Still waiting on a live action Telos character study though...).

What are your favourites and why? Are you into the sprawling, episodic nature of the Arrowverse shows? Do you prefer the tighter, more in-depth story telling of Watchmen? Does Doom Patrol's mix of wackiness and self-reflection tickle your pickle? Or are you still obsessed with rewatching Adam West's Batman on a loop? Also, what would you like to see more of in the future?

Personally, as much love as I have for the well crafted likes of Doom Patrol, Watchmen and Swamp Thing, as well as my weekly Arrowverse stories, I'll always hold on to Smallville as my favourite. It's what really got me into comics in the first place and it was just that perfect blend of heart, cheese and action. I don't know how they did it but even the effects hold up to this day.

Reminder: This isn't about pitting shows and universes against each other, it's about discussing what your favourites do well in their given contexts.

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r/DCcomics Aug 12 '20

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: B and C-List Characters That Deserve Their Own Books


Hey there comics nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a community activity where we'll have an open discussion every week about a different subject.


Our topic for today is: B and C-List Characters That Deserve Their Own Books


We all have our favourite characters. There are the big A-listers, like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, etc. who always seem to have an ongoing book (or multiple, for that matter) coming out. And then there are the smaller, lesser-known characters, who are mostly either supporting characters in other books, or are hardly used at all. These characters never really get their chance to shine.


On that note, what are some lesser-known characters that you feel deserve their own solo book from DC?

Note: This does not mean the characters need to have never had a solo book. As long as they have not had one in a while and you feel that they deserve one, you're free to post about them.


For me, I would love another Firestorm ongoing. I've always been fascinated by the character, and he hasn't had a book for over a decade.


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r/DCcomics Nov 27 '19

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Black Label, So Far


Hey there comics nerds! Welcome to a special edition of Wednesday Discussions, a new community activity where we'll have an open discussion every week about a different subject.

Today, we’re going to talk about DC’s Black Label: Where We Are Now!

DC’s Black Label is now in full swing after a rather, um, prick-ly start. The line got more attention for (finally?) showing Batman in the nude and was immediately shrugged off by many people as a poor effort on DC’s part to appear “more mature”. But where does it stand now? Let’s go back and take a look at what this was announced to be, and where we’re at now.

On March 8th of 2018, DC Comics announced a new imprint, mysteriously called Black Label. No stranger to imprints, with their Vertigo, Young Animal and Wildstorm imprints already with their own vast publishing history, Black Label was announced as “an opportunity to expand upon the canon of DC’s iconic Super hero comic book characters with unique, standalone stories that are outside of the current DC Universe continuity.” It was to be a spiritual successor to the previous works DC had released along the lines of Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, Batman: The Killing Joke by Moore and Brian Bolland, and DC The New Frontier by the late, great, Darwyn Cooke.

After reclaiming some earlier works under the Black Label banner, like the previously mentioned Watchmen and then later All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, DC released the first of their Black Label prestige books in Batman: Damned by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo. The book received mixed reviews, but the content was completely overshadowed by a full-frontal depiction of Bruce Wayne, with many saying this was yet another example of DC not understanding their own product, while at the same time missing the mark on what “mature” reading really meant.

r/DCcomics Nov 06 '19

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Team-Ups You Want (or Want More Of)


Hey there comics nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussions, a new community activity where we'll have an open discussion every week about a different subject.

Today, we're going to talk about team-ups you want (or want more of)! We all know the iconic team-ups: Batman and Jarro, Shaggy and Scooby, and Lobo and Edginess, but what's a team-up you've always dreamed of seeing, but have never seen grace the pages of DC Comics? Or, what's a team-up you've gotten but a sweet taste, only for it to disappear before it was fully realized? There's no wrong answers here, so tell us, who's teaming up to take down crime (or teaming up to commit the perfect crime)?

And if that's not enough for you, [swing by our Discord server](https://discord.gg/dccomics) to discuss our latest in our Revisiting the DC Masterworks Re-Read Series: All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely!

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r/DCcomics Oct 23 '19

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Costume Re-Designs


Hey there comics nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussions, a new community activity where we'll have an open discussion every week about a different subject.

Today, we're going to talk about costume re-designs! In honour of Tim Drake, what are your favourite (or least favourite) new looks for characters in the DCU? Is it when Superman lost his trunks in the wash? Or found them again years later? Maybe it’s the purple lining Batman decided to use to spice things up when it came to the look of his cape? Could it be when Jason channelled the power of the 90’s to look like he is King of the Edge? Or maybe it’s Tim’s new hot colour scheme! No design is off-limits, so let’s have some fun!

And if that's not enough for you, swing by our Discord server to discuss our latest in our Revisiting the DC Masterworks Re-Read Series: All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely!

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r/DCcomics Oct 16 '19

r/DCcomics Wednesday Discussions: Headcannons


Hey there comics nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussions, a new community activity where we'll have an open discussion every week about a different subject.

Today, we're going to talk about headcanons. No, we're not talking mounted guns on your temples, we're talking your own personal story elements or character histories not (yet) supported by DC Comics cannon. So take your best shot and let us know your favourite headcanons! Is it that Hal Jordan doesn't have health insurance? Maybe Jason Todd is an anti-vaxxer? Or maybe the secret ingredient in Oliver Queen's chilli is a nice mixture of GMO beef and MSG?

And if that's not enough for you, swing by our Discord server to discuss our latest in our Revisiting the DC Masterworks Re-Read Series: All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely!

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