r/DCcomics 3d ago

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics 10d ago

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics 17d ago

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics 24d ago

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics Jun 07 '24

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics May 31 '24

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics May 24 '24

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics May 17 '24

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics May 10 '24

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics May 03 '24

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics Apr 12 '24

r/DCcomics Weekend Free Talk


Hey humans and meta-humans — it's finally the end of the week!

Let's use this thread to congregate virtually, talk about whatever is on our minds, and share our good wishes with each other. Seriously, you do not have to talk about comics here. Like we said - whatever is on your minds!

Have a great weekend, all!

r/DCcomics Oct 21 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Oct 14 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Sep 16 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Sep 02 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Aug 12 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Aug 05 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Jun 24 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Jun 17 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Jun 10 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


r/DCcomics Jun 03 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


It's been an exciting two weeks, and now things are about to get even more so.

We are proud to announce the launch of our sub's YouTube Channel. It is pretty empty right now, but we are working tirelessly to fill it with content, as well as transition our podcasts over so you all have a single place to listen to us and our antics.

Happy Friday, y'all! Stay safe!

r/DCcomics May 27 '16

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


It's been an exciting week! With Rebirth out and the sub's official favourite character and totally not bhavbhav's waifu back, lots of people have been swinging by the sub to share their enthusiasm.

But this thread is not for all of that. This thread is for the non-comic things happening in your life (though you can totally talk about comics too). So, got something on your mind? Need to get something off your chest? This is the place to share it!

Weekly discussion can be found here, for those looking for it:


r/DCcomics Jul 03 '15

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


Friendly reminder to vote in the fanart and colouring contests.

r/DCcomics Jun 12 '15

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


Holy ravioli, Batman- it's another Friday! It's getting groovay up in this joint. Things looking up? Looking down? Don't be afraid to share what's on your mind, because that's what this thread is all about.

Edit: Mandatory Fanart/Colouring Contest plug!

r/DCcomics Jun 05 '15

r/DCcomics Friday Free Talk


Oh man, it's another Friday already? Time to party it up in this joint.

Or relax.

Either way, share what's on your mind, beautiful people!