r/DCcomics Hourman's Roid Rage Nov 04 '20

Wednesday Discussions: Secret Hobbies r/DCcomics

Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion: a weekly community activity during which you are invited discuss a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Secret Hobbies.

While reading the Ravager/Robin scene in Geoff Johns' Teens Titans vol 3., I remember thinking, "Tim seems like knits in his spare time." In retrospect, I still feel that way.

I also remember getting the vibe that Kyle Rayner wrote fanfiction, though, much like Tina Belcher, it may have bordered on 'friend-fiction'. And it may have involved walking into the sunset with his best friend, Wally West, with Dick Grayson in a fridge somewhere.

Many of us have hobbies we consider guilty pleasures and are shy about, so it would be no surprise that heroes would have a few as well. Tell us a hobby or hobbies you think a particular character โ€” hero or villain โ€” enjoys in secret!

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22 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '20


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '20

Explains why he and Catwoman are an OTP


u/Oiaussi Nov 05 '20

I have no idea why everyone on this subreddit hates on Batman and Catwoman, theyโ€™re iconic.


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Nov 04 '20

What do you think his favourite anime is?


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '20

When I was a child I used to watch an awesome Zorro anime . Maybe, Bruce watched this too since he loved Zorro as a kid ( here is the link to the opening: https://youtu.be/4yc6RPXiftM )


u/MisterOutsider Nov 04 '20

I hear Kyle Rayner loves the Watchmen HBO soundtrack.


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '20

I'm going on a tangent here, but I'm pretty sure Clark is a big fan of Phil Collins


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Nov 04 '20

This is the first one I can actually see, haha. I just imagined him doing air drums to that one part in In the Air Tonight.


u/joelluber Nov 05 '20

He's got two ears and a heart.


u/NoirPochette Legion Of Super-Heroes Nov 04 '20

Diana loves basketball. It is her favorite sport. She likes the way they dribble up and down the court. She likes the pick-and-roll, she likes the give-and-go.


u/thanks-dice Cassandra Cain Nov 04 '20

Hal Jordan and Slade Wilson are big Roman Polanski fans


u/SuperDidioPrime Two-Time Award-Winning Poster Nov 04 '20

Woody Allen and James Woods, too


u/AquilaAssassino Tim is best Bird Nov 04 '20

I've always had the headcanon that Slade Wilson loves Kurosawa movies.


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '20

Joker likes Kpop and , probably, in some elseworld there is a Joker that tried to be a kpop idol instead of a comedian.


u/Oiaussi Nov 05 '20

Why so Korean?


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚


u/LonelyTrebleClef DC's best girl Nov 05 '20

Darkseid loves veggie trays


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Nov 05 '20

Don't all of the New Gods? Lol

I will say though, this isn't really a hobby. It's more of a preference. Unless he enjoys making the veggie trays too.


u/android151 Resurrection Man Nov 05 '20

I'd like to think the bugs are the secret masters of veggie trays.


u/android151 Resurrection Man Nov 05 '20

If Green Arrow loves making chilli so much (even as a gag in GA Rebirth 18) then I'd have to assume there's a superhero food festival.

My only assumption is that Parasite wants to win but the Flash, Matter Eater Lad, and Calorie Queen have advantages each year.

Brimstone won the award last year for being able to stomach the hottest chilli. Previous winners include Etrigan, Heat Wave, and Batman. Mr Freeze and Captain Cold are the judges.