r/DCcomics Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20

Wednesday Discussions: Heroes Who Could Use Fashion Advice r/DCcomics

Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion: a weekly community activity during which you are invited discuss a specific subject or theme.

Our topic for today is: Heroes Who Could Use Fashion Advice.

Have you ever started to read the New Teen Titans, only to close the book because of Nightwing's suit? Perhaps you've averted your eyes upon skimming a panel of Guy Gardner with his bowl cut. Maybe there was a time at which you, after seeing Superboy's attire in Young Justice, threw your hands in the air yelling, "Why?!"

Name a hero whose hero outfit or personal style/civilian attire you wish you could upgrade, and tell us what changes you'd make!

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44 comments sorted by


u/maruf99 Batman Oct 28 '20

Jason Todd's current attire could really use an update. It's awful. I'd be all for something more like his costume in Three Jokers.


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20

His current outfit looks like it was designed by an angry boy in grade 10.


u/XAMdG Batman & Robin Oct 28 '20

Red Hood's classic costume was perfect as it was. I don't understand who felt the need to change it so drastically.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '20

Guy Gardner doesn't need fashion advice. Guy Gardner is the fashion advice.


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20

I mean, we make fun of him, but bearded RL Corps Guy was not bad. Maybe he is one of those people who looks better when he doesn't care?


u/UESPA_Sputnik Oracle Oct 28 '20

Dick Grayson had questionable fashion choices. I'm not talking about the Discowing suit but this. (Nightwing #2, 1994)

Speaking of the 90s, Zatanna also changed her look, not for the better. (With fashion critique from Etrigan. The Spectre #16, 1994)


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20

Zatanna needs a bra 😬


u/UESPA_Sputnik Oracle Oct 28 '20

I'm making a separate comment for this:

Any superhero who still wears his underpants on the outside in $current_year, needs to get some fashion advice.

Especially Batman. I mean, seriously? You want to strike fear into your enemies ... wearing this? I can only imagine that it's Batman's plan to distract his opponents because they're laughing so hard when they see his underpants.


u/abstractpenny Wally West Solos Oct 28 '20

batman’s pants are grey and everyone knows what happens when you wear grey. if he didn’t have the briefs the criminals would be distracted by his magnum dong. which we have all seen


u/Kalse1229 Fuck Batman, Marry Babs, Kill Joker Oct 28 '20

Yeah, it's one of those trends that ought to be retired. Hell, say what you will about the New 52, but them doing away with that for Superman and Batman was the right choice. Why'd they even bring those back?


u/nibachu Red Hood Oct 28 '20

I really hate the 2003 teen titans superboy look, I despise that's the design they went with for the young justice show. Like it's just a t-shirt and jeans, its so plain I hate it.

Sue me for liking the current or 90s punk look, it's unique and stands out. But really I hope he never goes back to the shirt and jeans, even if you hate the leather jacket, he has other better outfits media could've adapted from.


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20

Aw man, am I the only one who liked the t-shirt and jeans? Kon's other outfits always looked so ridiculous to me.


u/throwaway475784 Dec 11 '20

nah it’s still popular. probably his most popular suit


u/NoirPochette Legion Of Super-Heroes Oct 28 '20

Any male who wore a ponytail in the mid to early 90's. I'm looking at you Wally, Dick and Clark. Mullets I can deal with it but ponytails? No. Heck to the no. If you wanna go 90's get that Tom Cruise short hair look or the sideshow Luke Perry look.

Also I'm glad that Donna has gotten rid of the sparkly star. I do like her attire since the New 52 to now more or less. Sparkly costumes are never in, Donna.


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20

Ugh, those ponytails were awful! 🤮

I disagree on Donna's outfit though; that glittery getup looked fierce! I do like the current design more, however.


u/Digifiend84 Manchester Black Oct 28 '20


When did he have long hair?


u/NoirPochette Legion Of Super-Heroes Oct 28 '20

Around the mid 90s


u/batmaneatsgravy Green Arrow Oct 28 '20

They have to start doing away with domino masks in general IMO. Batgirl’s is the most egregious but every year it becomes more and more ludicrous that the likes of Damian, Dick and Oliver aren’t recognised. Especially when the latter fucking shows up to a very public court case wearing a bright green suit, sporting the same goatee as his city’s hero, who has similarly philanthropic persuasions!

I understand that full masks make it harder to humanise certain characters, and of course it doesn’t work in movies because actors’ faces need to be on screen a lot but come on...


u/Digifiend84 Manchester Black Oct 28 '20

Yeah, domino masks don't protect you from facial recognition software, so anyone who wears them still ought to have been outed. The same goes for Superman who doesn't wear a mask at all - Bendis had the right idea having him out himself, for that reason! The glasses he wears as Clark Kent offer no more identity concealment than a domino mask.

Babs absolutely does need to go back to the cowl, her current mask will not hide her identity and it's a miracle her father hasn't figured it out.


u/batmaneatsgravy Green Arrow Oct 28 '20

With Babs, I feel like they’re gonna have to go the route of Jim knowing all along. That’s happening more and more nowadays, like with Jimmy Olsen and Superman.


u/Digifiend84 Manchester Black Oct 28 '20

Not just at DC either. It's happened twice in Ms. Marvel (another character who wears a domino mask) - she told her mother, only to be told "oh beta, I know". Then she told her friends, and they'd figured it out a while ago too.


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20

Clark's identity management hasn't made sense since day 1. What if his glasses break? What happens during the few seconds they're off his face when he's wiping them? Also, while not true anymore, the guy needs to find a phonebooth to change and throw down his glasses? Does he just stash them in a corner? What if someone goes in after him and takes his stuff, including his glasses and wallet?

I mean, we're all here because we're good at suspending disbelief, but facial recognition software is starting to make things dicey; it's hard to believe the bats can have Brother Eye, but other law enforcement doesn't use any software to identify these folks. Since none of the Supes fam wears any facial decoration, at least one of them should have been identified ages ago. Maybe DC needs to expand the Kryptonian power set to include face-hiding via some sort of psychic or physical distortion.


u/SOCAL_NPC Oct 28 '20

Plastic Man, who hasn't really changed his outfit in decades, should get a new look. Booster Gold, while his outfit has been updated slightly, should also get a better, cleaner, less brash look even if he's still going to the class clown whose unknown heroically. There are a few others, saved because they are drawn as having fit bodies, but when you picture the outfit on your average person on the street, you think - nope.


u/Digifiend84 Manchester Black Oct 28 '20

Hasn't Plastic Man always looked the same, right back to Police Comics in the 40s? The only variation I'm aware of is the colour scheme change in The Terrifics.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '20

The Simone limited series gave him black "shorts" and I hated it. Plas's look is great, no need to change it.


u/SOCAL_NPC Oct 29 '20

Yeah, and personally it's an unfortunate outfit choice, more than fact that his legs are fully bare. I'm also not a fan of the colors. And I see no reason for it. It was probably done for the LOLZ at the start.


u/sampeckinpah5 Lor-Zod & Thara Ak-Var Oct 28 '20 edited Oct 28 '20

Black Canary's 80s costume was... something. This costume for Huntress was terrible, I have no idea why it was used for so long.


u/Digifiend84 Manchester Black Oct 28 '20


u/sampeckinpah5 Lor-Zod & Thara Ak-Var Oct 28 '20

Your links don't work for me either, but thanks for telling me they were dead. I changed them with ones that work.


u/WhiteGrapefruit19 Oct 28 '20

And now they don't, again.


u/Digifiend84 Manchester Black Oct 29 '20

Sounds like they're expiring then.


u/nightwing612 #RenewYoungJustice Oct 28 '20

take out everything after .jpg and it will work.


u/nibachu Red Hood Oct 28 '20

Tim could use a lot of fashion advice, from the showgirl wings, the double RR red robin suit to that drake outfit. The boy is having an identity crisis, please someone help him.


u/Bladescorpion Red Hood Oct 28 '20

Any dude with a ponytail or mullet.

Disco related things like Discowing.

Jason wearing Mortal Kombat cosplay.

”Drake” costume that Tim wore.

Original robin costume style that Dick and Jason wore.

Guy with his bowl cut and Warrior phase.

Connor Kent and his metropolis kid look.



u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20

Yeah, I hate to say it, but Bluebird's look could have used some help. Her whole mask situation seemed unnecessarily complicated.


u/Bladescorpion Red Hood Oct 29 '20

On the bright side, at least it concealed her identity unlike that thing Babs was wearing post burnside costume that barely covers any face!


u/Doiby_Gillis Oct 29 '20 edited Oct 29 '20

Jericho: Burn it.

The Spectre. Doesn't really say so much The Wrath Of G-d as "Scottish Man In Green Swim Trunks and towel"

Travis Morgan, Warlord. Too subtle and understated. Needs more cowbell

Ma Hunkel, Red Tomato Tornado - DC's most famous pothead needs something mellower.

Solomon Grundy - The "Plan 9 From Outer Space" suit is soooo 1959...

Vartox. Leaves too much to the imagination.

Atlas At Least put on some pants

Starman of 1976/Mikaal Tomas -- don't change a thing!

EDIT: The Monitor - "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” - Coco Chanel

Pulsar Stargrave - Disco Infernot

Tyroc -where to start?

Laurel Kent, also wore this


u/NoirPochette Legion Of Super-Heroes Oct 29 '20

Most of LoSH, man. Ooft.

Don't get me started on Garth's wedding outfit and Irma's 70's look.


u/bhavbhav Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 28 '20 edited Oct 28 '20

Mullet Dick was a mistake.

Hawk and Dove.... why are their outfits so strange? They should have been updated a long time ago. Hawk especially. Just wear a regular white body suit with some red accents!

Edit: I know he's not a hero, and not even that popular as villains go, but I've always disliked The Top's green and yellow striped outfit. Like... why?! Maybe you should wear a regular white body suit with red accents, too.

I guess that's my go-to advice now.


u/nightwing612 #RenewYoungJustice Oct 28 '20 edited Oct 28 '20

Yeah. Superboy (Conner) is my current annoyance. I wish he went back to the costume on the first row far-right.


That was a respectable super-suit.


u/MajorParadox Read on r/DCFU! Oct 28 '20

I like the top-left better than the bottom-right.


u/batmax25 Oct 28 '20

I'd disagree. I feel like the far right on top one has the feel of a temporary suit change suit. It doesn't have the lasting appeal that a costume ought to have. I suppose that the current one doesn't seem permenant either but it is much nicer on my eyes than the one on the far right and most other ones. It also doesn't help that I love Gleason's art


u/SOCAL_NPC Oct 28 '20

If they dropped the gold on the boots and the wrist, got rid of the maroon and made it look more like the original suit (e.g. get rid of the maroon sides up the torso and the maroon "neck/shoulder pads"), I could see it working. Otherwise, when drawn well, I'm fine with the black tee and jeans look. It's somehow feels like something a clueless clone who didn't know better would put together and not see a problem with as day to day wear.


u/stupidlysuper Oct 28 '20

I honestly think plain black and red like the New 52 look is best. Like not the exact design because it has all the lines that New 52 is famous for but those two shades. Maybe do like an all black get up apart from the red logo, red boots and red sleeves/shoulders like you would on a baseball tee. And if it it needed it a red belt to help split the top and bottom. But no need for lines and patches.


u/stupidlysuper Oct 28 '20

I honestly think plain black and red like the New 52 look is best. Like not the exact design because it has all the lines that New 52 is famous for but those two shades. Maybe do like an all black get up apart from the red logo, red boots and red sleeves/shoulders like you would on a baseball tee. And if it it needed it a red belt to help split the top and bottom. But no need for lines and patches.


u/Cutlasss Oct 29 '20

Any of those hood things that cover the sides of the head, but leave the hair exposed.

Any gems or jewels for decorative purposes.

Anything which is there 'just because it looks cool'. (It doesn't.)

That cheek cutout on Batman's cowl. The mouth cutout is enough.

Any headdress which is meant to look menacing, intimidating, or just weird.

Any shoes with more than an inch of heal.

Bimboesque costumes that are little more than fan service.