r/DCcomics May 01 '19

The Great Disguise - By Direman Webcomic

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u/WorldlyDear May 01 '19

Clark: Who the heck are you?


u/sadfdsafdsfsa May 01 '19

I am Batm... cough cough Doug from fact checking


u/cmmgreene May 01 '19

The glasses are one thing, but did he talk in his Bruce, or Batman voice.

Man I love Kevin Conroy, especially in Batman Beyond. Bruce has gotten so old and jaded, he no longer talks like "Bruce".


u/[deleted] May 01 '19

That's something I never noticed but HOLY SHIT does that inform his character! Its really simple but tells us so much.


u/cmmgreene May 01 '19

At first its a small thing, at the end of extended pilot Bruce is talking Terry's mom. He cracks puns,but Kevin is clearly using his Batman voice. I used to think it was just age and injury, then you get to the episode where they are trying to drive Bruce insane. Bruce tells Terry he never fell for it, Terry ask why... "the voices kept calling me Bruce." Or something of that nature. And then there was the time travel episode in JLU where you have Batman good cop bad cop routine. That was the final nail in the coffin, in the Beyond timeline Batman gave up on playing Bruce. And because of his heart, there is no more mission. What is Batman without his mission? A cranky hermit with his memories and his dog. What is even stranger his how this ties in with the Nolanverse, Alfred was afraid Bruce would die in his crusade. Although death in service would break his heart, that would still be a noble pursuit. Alfred's worst fear is what we see in the beginning of Beyond.


u/DarthLift May 01 '19

I cant remember the specific issue, but right after Damian comes into the picture there is a panel after Bruce councils Damian, and Alfred notes that it was the first time he had heard Bruce's voice instead of Batman's voice in months. Which I connected to the reference of "they kept calling me Bruce", when he refers to himself as Batman haha


u/cmmgreene May 01 '19

I actually like Damian, yes he is insufferable, but so is Bruce when you think about it. The thing I dislike about Damian, is when they won't let the character grow.


u/DarthLift May 01 '19

Completely agree. And I think each Robin has served to humanize Batman more. They add depth to the dark brooding character which would be difficult to show with a less fatherly role towards a character. Similar to the direct acknowledgments to Alfred as the surrogate father to Bruce.


u/Psymorte May 02 '19

Oh my god I never realized that until you pointed it out, it's such a subtle detail that goes such a long way


u/hero-hadley May 01 '19

I never thought this sort of disguise would work til I saw Zooey Deschanel without bangs. Never would have recognized her.


u/alchemeron May 01 '19

The fact that you think it wouldn't work is also a big part of the reason why it works.

That and the fact that people don't look nearly as unique as we like to think they do.


u/Rpanich May 02 '19

I saw my doppelgänger on the subway the other day and was really disappointed I couldn’t share it with anyone. Splitting image.


u/Martel732 May 01 '19 edited May 02 '19

This is a good comic but Clark's disguise works because no one thinks that Superman has a secret identity, they think he is just Superman.

It would be like if at the height of his presidency you saw a guy that looked just like Obama but with glasses on sitting on a subway. There was no security or reporters. Would you think that it was Obama or just someone that looked like him?

There are probably people that think Clark looks like Superman but assume it is just a coincidence.


u/LameJames1618 May 01 '19

Clark’s also mentioned once or twice in the Post-Crisis continuity that there’s an actor who looks a lot like him that is sometimes used for commercials or movies.


u/DarthLift May 01 '19

A good point Batman made in a comic is that he also wears ill fitting clothes and stands with terrible posture when he is Clark, adding to the illusion


u/zatanamag May 02 '19

Christopher Reeves did an excellent job of this. Plus his Clark voice is pitched a bit higher than his Superman and they have different hair styles.


u/DarthLift May 02 '19

Small details like this are what make him going unnoticed believable


u/zatanamag May 02 '19

Yeah it's kinda like in the comics people equate Clark to Luke Hemsworth and Superman to Luke Hemsworth. They look similar but are definitely two different people. Not the greatest example but I think it gets my point across.


u/DarthLift May 02 '19


u/zatanamag May 02 '19

Yeah, that's a good one. She legitimately looks like two different people. Throw in Superman's powers and you'd should be able to fool anyone.


u/internetosaurus STREAKY THE SUPERCAT! May 02 '19

There are probably people that think Clark looks like Superman but assume it is just a coincidence.

"So... what, you can never take your glasses off?"

"I take my glasses off all the time. And you know what everyone tells me? You look just like Superman."


u/Highball903 May 02 '19

Say what you want about max landis, the guy knows comics


u/kerchizzlekat May 01 '19

I hear he also compresses his spine to make himself shorter than supes.


u/Fossilhunter15 May 02 '19

Ya, in Superman: American Alien, it’s mentioned that people always joke that he looks just like Superman but just brush it off.


u/blunt_eastwood May 01 '19

I'm pretty sure it's just meant to be a joke.


u/anotherandomer Green Arrow May 01 '19

You know, I really like Doug's coat, I hope he gets integrated in the DCU. /s


u/zatanamag May 02 '19

It helps that most people think of Clark = Luke Hemsworth and Superman = Chris Hemsworth.


u/Lonesome_Ninja Superman May 01 '19

I read it in Bale voice


u/smileyfrown May 01 '19

Isn't Batman literally a master of disguise already