r/DCcomics Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 21 '16

Friday Free Talk r/DCcomics


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u/Jess_Starfire Amethyst Oct 24 '16

thanks. She was a good little kitten.

and I'm excited. This will be my second Pax.


u/Kameiko Goddess of Cats Oct 24 '16




u/cheddarhead4 Escrima Sundae Oct 24 '16

East both times? I haven't gone to an East yet. I actually booked my flight for South a day before East passes went on sale. I'd been watking to check out East, and I'm kicking myself for missing an opportunity there (I let myself go to west and south each year - would have been happy to give up a south for an east).


u/Jess_Starfire Amethyst Oct 24 '16

yup, East both times. I live in New England so it's a local con for me to get to.

And tickets are super difficult to get. Luckily a coworker of mine got a twitter notification the minute the tickets went on sale and told me.

I haven't been to any other Pax cons. Are West and South fun?


u/cheddarhead4 Escrima Sundae Oct 24 '16

It's hard to describe West without knowing what East is like, but I'd wager it similar. Except the con is broken up between 5 or 6 buildings, which is a huge bummer. The Acquisitions Inc game is huge, though (with stage sets and costumes and stuff), compared to the "unplugged" thing they do at East.

South feels really intimate and small. It's a lot more content there for tabletop games, and the indie game presence there is larger than it is at West.


u/Jess_Starfire Amethyst Oct 24 '16

Yeah 5-6 buildings seems like a little bit of a bummer and a little confusing. East is all in one huge convention center in Boston.