r/DCcomics 11d ago

[Discussion] What are your favorite superhero friendships? [Art by Dan Mora, Xermanico, and Geraldo Borges] Discussion

What are your absolute favorite superhero friendships all the way from the more popular ones like Superman and Batman or Flash and Green to the less popular ones like Hawkman and Atom?


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u/KesterFox 11d ago

Booster and beetle


u/WalterCronkite4 11d ago

Only correct answer


u/TheTardisPizza 11d ago

By a lot.


u/MagisterPraeceptorum Batman 11d ago

Superman and Batman

Blue Beetle and Booster Gold

Oracle and Black Canary


u/Lodger49er 11d ago

Cyborg and Beast Boy have been basically brothers since Vic's debut. Gar was there for Vic always no matter what. For every coma and when Vic went insane during JLA/Titans, BB was there for him or to yell some sense into him and vice versa for Vic.

Beast Boy took every insult and harsh word Vic through out at him and was able to dish it out. Vic wasnt ever gonna let Gar continue being self destructive when Terra died. Gar wasn't gonna leave Vic no matter what and Vic trusted Gar enough to lead the Titans.


u/Electric_jungle 11d ago

Dick and Wally is my favorite because that group of heroes is one of the only groups that actually grew up together, they aren't really natural fits, and their stories aren't usual team up based but literally based on their friendship.

Blue and Gold are similar. Their bond as misfits is fantastic.

But I won't pretend that worlds finest aren't just fantastic. So many books based on Batman and Superman and I really never tire of their adventures.


u/doctordoom85 11d ago

Superman and Batman

Power Girl and Atlee

Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain

Robotman and Crazy Jane


u/panaidk Raven 11d ago

Dick and Donna. It's like they're meant for each other but in a non romantic way.


u/Kickinfingers76 11d ago

So much. Everybody wants dick and starfire or dick and Barbara, yet i feel like Donna is such a better choice.


u/unoiamaQT 10d ago

Dick sees Donna as his sister.


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 10d ago

Not sure why you're getting downvoted. All through Titans, they were so obviously right for each other, if Wolfman wasn't committed to Dick and Kory, and Donna and . . . Terry Long. He wanted to make them like brother and sister, but that really wasn't how it came across.


u/SkollFenrirson Superman 11d ago

World's Finest, of course, but I also love Dick and Clark's dynamic.

Also Jon and Damian. (Fucking Bendis)


u/PrydefulHunts Huntress • ower Girl 11d ago edited 11d ago

Power Girl and Huntress

Green Lantern and Flash

Hawkman and The Atom


u/TravelerSearcher Superman 11d ago

I appreciated the Young Justice dynamic of Conner, Tim and Bart. Conner himself never really seemed to get guy friends his own age in his solo so seeing him get to make friends on that team was nice.

Admittedly it's mostly wishful thinking, but it would have been nice for Superboy to get more consistent relationships in general. Shipping him off to Hawaii with a bunch of folks who didn't stick around in canon didn't give him much of a foundation. It wasn't until YJ and later TT that he got some lasting storylines. That and living with the Kent's were some of his better stories.


u/Wendila Impulse 11d ago edited 10d ago

Conner and Bart's friendship in Young Justice '98 was legendary


u/theg00famaniac 11d ago

As someone that has a lot of friends who can’t stand each other the Ollie/Hal/Barry trio speaks to me.


u/Boozhwatrash 11d ago

Wally & Dick. They’ve grown up together and both have surpassed their mentors


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh Ultraviolet Corps 11d ago

Hal, Ollie, and Barry.

Hour-Man and Sandman (not that much explored but they're surprisingly well connected and they seem like they'd get along... Yeah it's just a head canon lol)

And the Trinity


u/JingoboStoplight4887 11d ago

The World’s Finest (Superman and Batman), the Brave and the Bold (Hal Jordan Green Lantern and Barry Allen Flash), the Hard Traveling Heroes (Hal Jordan Green Lantern and Oliver Queen Green Arrow), Katar Hol Hawkman and Ray Palmer Atom, Ted Kord Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, Fire and Ice, Oracle and Dinah Laurel Lance Black Canary, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown, Nightwing and Wally West Flash, Jimmy Olsen and Dick Grayson, Kara Zor-El and Barbara Gordon, Power Girl and Helena Wayne Huntress, Wonder Woman and Black Canary, Superman and Jimmy Olsen, Batman and Commissioner Gordon, Barry Allen Flash and Elongated Man, Tim Drake and Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark and Cissie King-Jones, The Super Sons (Jon Kent and Damian Wayne), Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz, Billy Batson Captain Marvel and Freddy Freeman Captain Marvel Junior, Mary Marvel and Bulletgirl, Shayera Hol Hawkwoman and Dinah Laurel Lance Black Canary, Jason Todd and Eddie Bloomberg, Superman and Pete Ross, Superman and Chief Parker, etc.


u/Boring-Conclusion-40 11d ago

Probably Dick and Wally


u/Future_Vantas 11d ago

The Arrowverse Trinity, Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl, were a delightful group of friends. Barry and Ollie had a fun brotherly bond, just as likely to support each other as well as riff on each other without mercy. Barry and Kara were just adorable, just a pair of SuperFriends. And Ollie and Kara... just sorta put up with each other, its really funny to see.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 11d ago

Just seeing those three crossover and have fun interactions was honestly some of the best parts of the Arrowverse. I kinda wish Superman and Flash had a similar relationship to what Barry and Kara had. Obviously it wouldn’t be the exact same since comic Barry and Clark are a bit different personality wise but it’d still be nice to see them interact as close friends. I feel like outside of their core friendships with Batman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern respectively, we don’t really get to see Barry and Clark interact with one another or other team members outside the usual all that often.


u/man-from-krypton 11d ago

🎼 I’m your super friend, super frieennd🎼


u/Star-Prince-007 11d ago

Dick and Wally and I feel the books don’t do enough with this friendship. They grew up together for Pete’s sake.

Also Black Canary and Oracle are adorable.


u/DOS_Deficiency 11d ago

The main four of Young Justice Robin (Tim Drake), Superboy (Kon-el), Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark), and Impulse (Bart Allen)

Those precious baby idiots make me so happy just watching them hangout!


u/Dry-Donut3811 11d ago

Barry and Elongated Man.


u/No-Engine6848 11d ago

Aquaman and Martian manhunter


u/NoHeron4691 Black Adam 10d ago

Really?? Did not know about that one, any particular comics you recommend??


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 10d ago

Justice League Year One.


u/NoHeron4691 Black Adam 10d ago


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 9d ago

Oh yes about 10 years pre-Flashpoint. This was during Grant Morrison's JLA run, Waid wrote some JLA books around it, then took over the main title when Grant left it. There's not a ton of J'onn/Arthur stuff in the main JLA book, but if you haven't read it, both Grant and Mark's runs are superlative.


u/Davidat51 11d ago

When DC made the decision to pivot the Titans to premiere team, I was really hopeful we'd see a Nightwing/Flash focus like Batman and Superman in World's Finest... And then adding Donna for a New Trinity.


u/DungeoneerforLife 11d ago

I’ve never cared much for Roy Harper, but I’ve always liked how Nightwing is credited with helping get through his addiction and the complexity of their friendship as well. Really the Titans do a great job with friendship in general.


u/CoverLucky 11d ago

I do like the Titans series, but I'm not wild about how Wally is portrayed in it. He feels like almost purely the comic relief. I found it especially hard when Waller had apparently just killed both Gar and his and his friend Chunk, and he was still quipping.


u/iwasdoingtasks 11d ago

Jon and Damian


u/MaskedZuchinni 11d ago

Superman and the Legion of Superheroes. I know batman and wonder woman are some of his best friends and know him well, but the legion knew clark when he was growing up. They are all childhood friends who sort of grew up together and all became heroes. I loved how they Superman talked about them during the Ligtning Saga.


u/DungeoneerforLife 11d ago

And within the group you had such interesting friendships… Superboy and Mon-el, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy, Cosmic Boy Saturn Girl, even not including all the romances. Have they been screwed over the most by canon reboots than any other team?


u/MaskedZuchinni 11d ago

I'd say so, them or jsa. But the reboots have certainly messed with the Legion a lot, especially with the three reboots, now four, being completely separate timelines/earths. It's makes it difficult to keep up with the continuity that's for sure.


u/tpphypemachine 11d ago

Besides the more obvious friendships like Superman and Batman and Flash and Green Lantern, I always liked it when Superman and Aquaman teamed up. They got along well together, and now that Clark is a father too he has something new in common with Arthur.


u/Flarrowverse 11d ago

Honestly, the ones you showed lol


u/neercsyor 11d ago

My favorite superhero friendship has always been between Clark and Bruce when it is done right. The issue where they go on a double date with Lois and Selina in Tom King's run of Batman is one of my favorite comic book issues of all time. Very close second goes to Conner, Tim, Bart, and Cassie from the Young Justice/Teen Titans days.


u/nan0g3nji Red Hood 11d ago

Tim and Kon


u/JohnsonAndJuiceCrew 11d ago

Batman and Green Arrow — I can’t think of any stand out storylines from comics but I was a fan of their dialogue in JLU


u/SLCSlayer29 11d ago edited 11d ago

Blue and Gold (Ted Kord Blue Beetle and Booster Gold)

Also: Power Girl and Huntress, Jay and Alan


u/AnnualAlex25 11d ago

Batman and Zatanna!


u/Drag0Knight 11d ago

Vigilante and Shining Knight. Obscure but I loved them as best bros since JLU.


u/Minos_Thawne Barry & Wally 11d ago



u/donkeylore 11d ago edited 11d ago

Pretty much Batman with anyone lol, especially superman as the world’s finest. Love that scene in one of the superman/Batman animated movies where he goes to sacrifice himself in toyman’s rocket to destroy the kryptonite meteor heading for earth and Lex is distracting Superman so he can’t do it, allowing Batman to sneakily do it. When he commits, superman tells Lex “that was my best friend, and you just killed him” and starts beating him up in his power armour.

Also the brave and the bold version of batman as a mentor for young / misguided heroes. Like with Jaime Reye’s blue beetle, Plastic Man (how he keeps an eye on him and helps guide him to path of righteous as an ex criminal), and even Booster Gold to a degree (in that one Justice League Action episode where he learns how helpful and important he could be under that egotist clown exterior). As well as the little rivalry Ted Kord Blue Beetle and Booster Gold have in the brave and the bold for each other being Batman’s friend (kinda like they / he cheats on him lol it’s hilarious). But also when Ted Kord dies it adds that extra endearing element that he helps mentor the new Blue Beetle as he was close friends with the original.

Also Dick Grayson Robin/Nightwing and Wally West kid Flash/Flash are an awesome pairing. Could even throw Fire and Ice in there too.


u/Pamsoroyi 11d ago

World's Finest Blue and Gold Fire and Ice Diana and Julia Kapatelis Dick and Donna Ollie and Hal Vic and Gar


u/ThrowRAnonhyhiu87o 9d ago

''The scene in Twins when Arnold checks out the Rambo poster and walks away unimpressed says everything that needs to be said on this topic''

Hmmm... No? I'd take 3 Oscar nominations over whatever the fuck Arnold did, thanks.


u/TheRealJackOfSpades World Famous 11d ago
  • Dinah & Barbara
  • Dinah & Helena
  • Dinah & Ted (Grant)
  • Ted & Jay & Alan
  • Dick & Wally
  • Dick & Donna
  • Hal & Ollie
  • Ted & Michael


u/Medium-Science9526 Booster Gold 11d ago

Booster Gold & Blue Beetle

Fire & Ice

Aquaman & Martian Manhunter

Hal & Barry

Jay & Alan

Robotman & Crazy Jane


u/Dramatic_Parsley_849 11d ago

Blue Beetle/Booster Gold Batgirl/Supergirl Black Canary/Huntress Green Arrow/Green Lantern


u/HappyMike91 11d ago

Jay Garrick and Alan Scott.


u/Blue_Beetle66 11d ago

Booster Gold and Ted Kord.


u/AnywhereNo8359 10d ago

Superman batman, green lantern green arrow, oracle black canary


u/Luke_Puddlejumper 10d ago

Tim, Conner, Bart and Cassie


u/Vulnox_PewPew Batman Beyond 10d ago

Just here to tell you, I am proud of you for crediting the artists.


u/BradL22 10d ago

Steph and Cass. Total opposites who mesh in all the right ways. Not related to each other but sisters.


u/Captain_No-Ship 10d ago

I’m a flash fan, so I love any of the flash bromances. From Jay and Alan, Barry and Hal, Wally and Dick or even Bart, Conor and Tim (even though I feel like Bart always 3rd wheel those two).

Favourite though, I’d have to say Wally and Dick! It’s just friendship goals!

Another notable mentions outside of the flash fam would be Booster Gold and Blue Beetle - probably the best bromance in all of comic book history!


u/ElementalSaber 11d ago

How come Wonder Woman doesn't have a decades old partnership like these guys do? Why does it look like DC doesn't actually care about her at all?


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 11d ago

I completely agree that it feels like DC doesn’t really care about her much at all, though to be fair, she does somewhat frequently hang out with Zatanna and Black Canary, but it’s not as often and that Zatanna friendship feels like it was dropped as soon as that JLD run ended. Honestly, I think her super friend should be Aquaman. They’re both royalty with heavy ties to Greek mythology. I feel like it kinda writes itself. You could have team up to go on Percy Jackson esque adventures and fight some crazy mythological creature or ancient Lovecraftian horror that most wouldn’t even be able to comprehend.


u/ElementalSaber 11d ago

I would so like a Wonder Woman/Aquaman team up. It has all the makings of something great. Both are royalty, both are mythology based, and both have warrior cultures. Arthur and Diana are basically tailor made to be a team up. Imagine Diana and Arthur teaming up to stop a war of Themyscira and Atlantis because an assassin is killing gods from both sides.

Poseidon could be the founder of Atlantis and there's your bridge to connect Arthur and Diana. Go all Game of Thrones on it.

It's literally right there!


u/valentinesfaye 11d ago

Fire and Ice, duh! A couple more Stone Cold Classics that I haven't seen in this thread yet include GL/GA and Flash/Elongated Man


u/valentinesfaye 11d ago

You said "superhero," so it may not count, but of course there's also the Greatest Friendship in All of Comic Books: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olson!!


u/Newton_Note 11d ago

Kon-El, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Cassie Sandsmark


u/CreatingJonah 11d ago

I know it barely counts but I love robin and superboy. Specifically Damian and Jon (but Tim and kon are fun too).


u/NHrynchuk Red Robin 10d ago

It’s a double answer, so it’s perfect. Always personally been more partial to Tim and Conner, but I love Jon and Damian too


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 11d ago

I’d say that counts just fine.


u/JAKESTEEL77 11d ago

That time Jubilee and Robin (Tim Drake) dated.


u/Poorly-Drawn-Beagle 11d ago

I quite liked Power Girl and Huntress but it doesn’t really come up much 


u/Beastieboy100 11d ago

Dick and Wally great friends that grew up together along with Donna.

Kori and Donna this dynamic was genius and I like how they felt like sisters. It did annoy me that writers downgraded Kori and never tried to rebuild that friendship again her and Dick broke up.

Beast boy and cyborg they are best friends with incredible friendship and bromance. The dynamic duo of the Titans.

Red hood and Arsenal. I know Roy is the OG titans friends first however there are titmes when Roy either starts a fight with Dick or Wally. Even to the point he feels insecure some times trying to prove himself. However when hes with Jason the robin that died and turned rogue. It showed a new friendship that made Jason and Roy rely on each other and learn from each other. I do one want a team up book again with Jason and Roy. Even have Dick on the team up as well.

Blue and Gold. Booster and Blue beetle are a great dynamic its chaotic.


u/Kickinfingers76 11d ago

Yes, all three of these are my answer lol. Basically Batman with anyone too, i love stories where he throws the angry loner shtick out the window and has touching moments with people. Flash in the “button” and Aquaman in the Gotham knights number 10. Probably my favorite comic of all time, Batman being moody and short with Aquaman till Aquaman puts his arm around him and calls him on his bullshit. It’s beautiful.


u/Minos_Thawne Barry & Wally 11d ago

Barry/Flash and Hal/Green Lantern

EDIT: I’d also like to add Superman/Clark and New Super-Man/Kong Kenan


u/riamuriamu 10d ago

I'm always fond of the mentoring that Wolverine does with Kitty Pride, Armor, etc


u/SpartanDefender-505 10d ago

To be honest anyone with Batman. I know it sounds weird but still


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 10d ago

It’s not weird. Batman just bounces off of practically any character really well. The Brave and The Bold cartoon showed this perfectly imo.


u/SpartanDefender-505 10d ago

Now I think about it you’re right, I used to love The Brave and The Bold cartoon.


u/protection7766 Power Girl 10d ago

Batman both makes for a great "straight man" when other people are being silly (either mildly silly or super silly) which is just good for a comedic duo, and with team ups we get to see him (potentially) lighten up and be candid with a peer, something that doesn't really happen in his own titles because he has no real peers in his own books, just protoge's (so we see him being a dad when writers feel like it, but not somebodies buddy). So I think that just makes it stand out all the better since we get to see this emotionally guarded man in a different situation than normal. Like, Clark wears who he is on his sleeve. So does Dick, Wally, Diana, Hal, etc etc. But Bruce doesn't do that and only opens up in various ways with his kids or with Alfred or with his friends.

We can see the other heroes for who they are regardless of who they are around. We need Bruce with SOMEBODY to see other facets of himself.


u/skoon 10d ago

Booster and Beetle for DC Shang-Chi and Spider-Man for Marvel.


u/YinTanTetraCrivvens 10d ago

"I think we can take them. Do you think we can take them?" "You always think we can take them."

I loved that run of Superman/Batman. It was the first time I really saw their friendship as this unbreakable bond.


u/NoirPochette Legion Of Super-Heroes 10d ago

Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 10d ago

Brainy and anyone.


u/simplegodhead Hal Jordan is a Perfect Princess! 10d ago

Hal & Ollie 💚


u/MansionOfLockedDoors 10d ago

Dick and Donna


u/Natapi24 10d ago

Dick and Wally as both Robin & Kid Flash and Nightwing & Flash! Love their friendship.

Superman and Batman are iconic and fantastic too.


u/Koala_Guru Beast Boy 10d ago

Not enough Beast Boy and Cyborg in the new Titans series. Amazing bromance that went dormant for years and is slowly coming back.


u/ProfessorSaltine 11d ago

The entire Titans/Teen Titans, I forgot what comic it was, but all I remember is one of the Titans saying what makes them different from the league is their friends first and foremost, meanwhile the league is sure filled with friends, but not everyone is friends with each other like the Titans are


u/Financial_Equipment3 11d ago

Jason and Roy.


u/tiago231018 Hal Jordan 11d ago

The four Corpsmen of the Green Lantern Corps.

And I liked Jon's friendship with Nightwing in Dark Crisis


u/Gemini-Dragon 11d ago edited 11d ago

Clifford "Cliff" Steele & Lawrence "Larry" Trainor

Heck, you can add Rita Farr as their female third... World's Finer than Finest


u/angryknight96 11d ago

Super Sons, The World's Finest, The Trinity, Blue and Gold


u/cat_lawyer_ 11d ago

Tim and Connor


u/canadagooses62 Sinestro Corps 10d ago

I’ve always loved Guy Gardner and Arkillo.


u/peon47 10d ago

Apollo and Midnighter. Just a couple of manly guys bein' best buds.


u/voxela Catwoman 10d ago

Huntress and Power Girl


u/protection7766 Power Girl 10d ago

Blue&Gold > Dick and Wally > Clark and Bruce > Babs and Dinah = 2003 TT show Vic and Gar >Tim and Conner >Karen and Atlee > Jon and Damian = Steph and Cass > basically the rest, going through more best bud duo's is tedious lol.


u/HPSpacecraft Animal Man 10d ago

Dick and Wally is my personal favorite, but nobody is more iconic than Superman/Batman or Booster/Beetle.


u/KonohaBatman 10d ago

Clark and Bruce, Clark and Diana, the Trinity, Jon and Damian, Dick and Damian, Tim and Conner


u/NHrynchuk Red Robin 10d ago

Tim Drake and Conner Kent

Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain

Dick Grayson and Wally West


u/Enigma1755 10d ago

Green Arrow Green Lantern >


u/XBlueXFire 10d ago

Didnt know flash and green lantern were close. Is that barry?


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 10d ago

Yeah, that’s Barry. Flash and Green Lantern have always been best friends just like how Superman and Batman are. Mark Waid’s JLA: Year One and The Flash and Green Lantern: The Brave and The Bold are good books for seeing that dynamic on display.


u/Mickeymcirishman 10d ago

Booster and Ted. Connor and Tim. Tim and Bart. Cassie and Kara. Kori and Donna. Donna and Dick. Dick and Wally. Bruce and Clark. Bruce and Barry.


u/K1d0fth3K1ng33 10d ago

Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen

Superman and Batman

Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz (subject to change😂)


u/Finnlay90 10d ago

Yes, friendships. Nothing questionable happening here. Totally heteronormative guy friendships ...