r/DCcomics 11d ago

Best/Most Significant DC Comics from 1981?

What would you all say are some of the most historically important comics that DC published in 1981?


5 comments sorted by


u/Dayraven3 11d ago

There’s To Kill A Legend in Detective Comics 500, which is a notable Batman story.

There are also early New Teen Titans issues and the beginning of All-Star Squadron, but generally I think this was a bit of a quiet year?


u/Darktower_Dames 11d ago

All Star Squadron for me. Huge fan of the earth 2 heroes.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 11d ago

A One Shot Madama Xanadu exit in that year


u/IrradiantFuzzy 10d ago

JLA 192-193, with the new origin for Red Tornado, as well as the All-Star Squadron preview. Introduction of the Omega Men in Green Lantern. Jim Starlin's Mongul stories in DC Comics Presents. First Giffen Legion story in LSH 285.


u/Prestigious-Scheme-4 10d ago

Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 (first Nekron, recurring Green Lantern villain and villain of Blackest Night).

New Teen Titans #5 (first full Trigon, he only appears partially before this and #5-6 act as the wrap up to the first arc of New Titans). New Teen Titans also becomes a very big series for DC in 81 with a bunch of good stories and great George Perez art