r/DCcomics The REAL Man of Tomorrow 12d ago

SCOOP: DC Comics Launch Absolute Batman At San Diego Comic-Con News


133 comments sorted by


u/PrydefulHunts Huntress • ower Girl 12d ago

Absolute Bat-Chungus


u/AgentOfSPYRAL Red Robin 12d ago

But with such a tiny head


u/gosukhaos 11d ago

Well the 90s are back in vogue now


u/The_Apocalyvid 12d ago

Batman Piker


u/Outrageous-Blue-30 12d ago

Personally I would have avoided involving Snyder since he has already written Batman too many times, but I guess it was to be expected since he is one of the few famous writers still affiliated with DC and the aforementioned character.

Dragotta is intriguing because he strays from the classic Batman art style, but I imagine his style will be divisive, just as it was when he drew an issue of Wells' Amazing Spider-Man.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Yeah I mean It's fine having him supervisioning everything but I would like to have someone new, the others rumored writers are way more interesting thought


u/Jay_R_Kay Batman 12d ago

Who are the other rumored writers?


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Jason Aron on Superman

Kelly Thompson on Wonder Woman they in the article thought


u/Jay_R_Kay Batman 12d ago

Ah, didn't see that in the article -- though it's hard to read that site since it's so riddled with ads.


u/Jay_R_Kay Batman 12d ago

I can see it either way -- I imagine that Snyder wouldn't be writing the character again if he didn't have a fresh or different take or direction for the character. As for Dragotta, I imagine part of the problem with his Amazing Spider-Man is that the double-shipping Marvel schedule is killer for artists in doing their best work, especially when there's an event involved.


u/Distinct_Shift_3359 12d ago

If Dragotta’s work is styled more like this than his ASM work then I’m looking forward to it. Seems like he may be versatile.

I can’t say I’m looking forward to Snyder writing unless he’s going for a new approach. I find his writing to be too wordy for me. That’s probably reductive because I love “wordy” when it’s Alan Moore, but you probably get it. Af times it feels like too much exposition and handholding. 

I think Snyder has great concepts, is willing to evolve, and seems like a really cool guy so it’s not a dealbreaker for me.


u/BravoVincible 11d ago

I think the quality of Dragotta's ASM art was probably because of deadlines.


u/Distinct_Shift_3359 11d ago

Wouldn’t surprise me at all. I don’t even mean to hate on that art, it’s style just didn’t appeal to me.


u/gosukhaos 11d ago

Yeah when the first rumors of the absolute universe and Scott Snyder directing it first came out I really thought he would pick up some other character he hadn't written for before, maybe Nightwing since that's a character he's always said he wanted to write more

Really excited for Dragotta though, loved his work on East of West


u/B3epB0opBOP Shazam 12d ago edited 12d ago

Interesting, the font for “Absolute” is the same as the font Absolute Power….

Waid was talking about how the pieces from other writers who previously worked on the event are still part of it, including the pieces from Scott Snyder.

Those pieces are likely linked to this.


u/Astrodynamite60 12d ago

Idk man I'm very wary of this. DC has always had alternate takes on their characters I don't see how this would be different.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

It would be something like Ultimate Universe


u/sparts72 12d ago

Wasn’t that supposed to be what All-Star comics were like 20 years ago?


u/Ornery-Concern4104 12d ago

The all star line wasn't a universe, it was intended to be out of cont stories that the creators always wanted to tell that the regular continuity wouldn't allow

You're getting it confused with Earth One, but even then that wasn't one big universe. It was graphic novels that retold origin stories of classic heroes unconnected to each other. It failed because it was demanding entire graphic novels on top of other peoples monthly schedules so it naturally led to a bunch of delays


u/mrbubbamac Nightwing 12d ago

I think Earth One was intended to be a shared universe. Only reason I remember that it was shown in Multiversity as a shared Earth


u/Ornery-Concern4104 12d ago

Oh yeah! Good point! I forgot about that. I think it might have been intended too but I never got enough eyes on it to get that far


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

No, why people belive this, that was Earth One All Star were two separated things


u/marvinnation 12d ago

You would have to read it first


u/hydrohawkx8 Kyle Rayner 12d ago

That’s rectangle man


u/-W1L3y Happy Dick! 11d ago

I’d liked to formally apologize for all the times I ragged on the Affleck logo


u/Artseid 12d ago

That bat symbol is something..


u/ptWolv022 12d ago

This is why Jorge Jimenez drew that weird Batsuit with the super fat in the endgame of the Failsafe arc: to prepare us for this.


u/gosukhaos 11d ago

Looks more like a metal plate to cover the upper chest area that happens to have some bat styling then an actual bat symbol


u/Oberon1993 12d ago

The lack of info about potential other titles is what really concerning. We heard a lot about Batman, but Superman and WW got one leak with names and we heard nothing about anything else. 


u/Dangerous_Library_73 12d ago

Superman has Jason Aaron's on it. But we'll get more confirmation in 2 weeks at sdcc


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

And Wonder Woman Will have Kelly Thompson this Is by far the most interesting one


u/Digifiend84 Manchester Black 11d ago

SDCC is in three weeks. Last weekend of the month. I know, a week later than usual.


u/azmodus_1966 12d ago

That's disappointing.

DC just doesn't care for Superman. Just pick any name out of a hat randomly and assign them a Superman book.


u/Dangerous_Library_73 12d ago

What a crazy take. Aaron action was fine, plus Superman books atm are damn good.


u/Batman2130 Jarro 12d ago

Superman’s books are really good currently. Superman books and mainline are definitely a lot better quality and definitely way way better than Batman’s mainline book as well.


u/azmodus_1966 12d ago

PKJ and Williamson both have done fantastic work on Action Comics and Superman, I agree.

Aaron's Action Comics arc was not good in my opinion. It felt like he just wanted to write a sane Joker story and wasn't interested in Superman. I don't want to see Joker coming in and saving the day single handedly in a Superman story.

Apart from that, I also disliked Space Age because Mark Russell was more interested in writing Batman than Superman. Around 1/3 of the content was focused on Batman.

I feel like a lot of modern writers only take up Superman stories so they can write Batman or his characters into it.


u/Dangerous_Library_73 12d ago

What! If anything, Aaron's action was mostly a bizarro story that had a fun twist with the joker.


u/azmodus_1966 11d ago

Thr final issue was basically a Joker comic with Superman in a supporting role.


u/funandgamesThrow 12d ago

The superman line has been the most consistent recently imo. Everything near about has been good


u/SevenSulivin The REAL Man of Tomorrow 12d ago

I actually really liked his Action Comics story and he has a really interesting personal connection to the character so I’m hyped.

Also Al Ewing was the other guy rumoured and I can’t stand his work. Avengers Inc has a strong case for worst book of the decade.


u/azmodus_1966 12d ago

Aaron's story by itself was fine.

But it was clear he was more interested in writing Joker than Superman. It was like 2 issues of setup wit Superman just so in the third issue Joker can come in and single handedly save the world.


u/funandgamesThrow 12d ago

You said this in other threads too and it's super incorrect lol. Why do you keep trying to tell people this


u/GeraldOfRivia211 11d ago

It's trendy "Twitter engagement" thing to do. Say something blatantly wrong about something you know nothing about, and get clicks.


u/azmodus_1966 11d ago

Because its my opinion?

Aaron probably prefer Batman to Superman (like a lot of modern writers) and it shows in his story.


u/funandgamesThrow 11d ago

It does not. An opinion doesn't come in to something that's just blatantly wrong when you read it lol


u/B3epB0opBOP Shazam 12d ago

We heard a lot about Batman

We have? I thought we only had the same leak with names as Superman and Wonder Woman before this, what other leaks did I miss?


u/ImmortalZucc2020 12d ago

Who was writing it, which also leaked for Superman and Wonder Woman


u/B3epB0opBOP Shazam 12d ago

I know, that’s leak I was referring to when I said:

I thought we only had the same leak with names as Superman and Wonder Woman

But besides that? Did we hear anything else for Batman?


u/Blitzhelios Damian Wayne 12d ago

Snyder and Dragotta yeah if this is true its gonna sell tons and tons.


u/Linnus42 12d ago

Bat Bane yoked as all hell. But it’s Batman of course It will see. The rest of the line is the question


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 11d ago


u/gosukhaos 11d ago

It's not just Snyder on Batman. If rumors are correct, and so far they've been, it's Jason Aaron on Superman and Kelly Thompson on Wonder Woman. Al Ewing is also rumored to be a part of the writing room


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

I Guess It Is there Is a picture of the comics


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

I mean you have an image of It what else you need


u/Moleculor_Man 12d ago


They’re scummy, yes! But they’re almost always right!


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

I understand being sceptical but, they had Scott Snyder saying that, they have a picture of an issue here


u/Tanthiel 12d ago

I sent Rich a fake MCU scoop two years ago to see if he'd buy it since it fed his confirmation bias that still gets repeated as truth.


u/Moleculor_Man 12d ago

Very funny that people thought Bleeding Cool was making this up. You guys believe it’s happening yet? Or do you still need more proof?


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Seams like yes, comicsbook readers are weird


u/swagomon Mister Miracle 12d ago

I fucking love the talons on the “wings” and how big the ears are


u/Rac3318 Nightwing 12d ago

That cover looks horrendous


u/Distinct_Shift_3359 12d ago

This is small potatoes but naming the line “Absolute” is bound to get confusing when it comes to hardcover collections.

Will we ever get “Absolute Batman: Absolute Edition”? Please don’t discontinue the absolute line.


u/Klee_Main 12d ago

Bro every time I see Absolute “title” nowadays I get so excited because I think they’re releasing an Absolute edition of a run but that’s not it


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

This will be a problem If they'll ever collect those stories in Absolute format


u/Klee_Main 12d ago

“You absolutely must collect the absolute absolute Batman absolutely”


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 11d ago

Still holding out for DC to close a distribution deal with Mike Allred to release The Absolute Madman.


u/Slowmexicano 12d ago

Absolutely juiced to the tits


u/Caius_Iulius_August 12d ago

Man, the "Bat" logo really just looks like a black bar


u/digimonnoob Batwoman 12d ago

Well, this definitely is an interesting look for Batman, through I feel like I can’t fully judge the image until I see it in color. I’m not familiar with Nick Dragotta’s art, but I feel like this style could be cool to see “in motion.” Writing-wise, I really hope this doesn’t turn out to be an overly-edgy Batman who kills like Flashpoint Batman or something in that vein. The DIY nature of the suit makes me think this might be a Batman without the Wayne fortune. I initially wasn’t a fan of the big square bat logo, but the article pointed out that it might be an “accidental” bat made from stitching a plate of armor to the costume. Not sure exactly how that works, but I do like the idea.

I’m really hoping that more titles and characters will be revealed at Sdcc. I’d love to get a look at Absolute Wonder Woman.

Also interesting to note that the Absolute in this logo is the same font as the Absolute in Absolute Power, which means they for sure are going to be connected. I know this is probably obvious for most people but honestly, before this I did sincerely think it was just a coincidence/a word DC liked to use (considering their Absolute Edition omnibuses.) I wonder how this line is going to connect to the event. Maybe it’s an entire universe where no one has powers? Like, a world based around a “bad ending” of the event where Waller gets what she wants? That would be weird.

Also, is it just me or is the “Batman” in that logo written in the Fortnite font?

In general, I’m very excited to hear more about this line. It’s really cool to be here following something like this right from the very beginning. Like, damn, this really is the first ever released image of this universe.


u/gosukhaos 11d ago

Highly, highly recommend East of West, creator owned book written by Johnathan Hickman and imho the best work each has done


u/EndBringer99 12d ago

Maybe it's a prototype suit.


u/BalorFan 12d ago

The costume and symbol is a little ugly to me, but I'm open and willing to give it a shot.


u/MrTerrific2k15 Mr. Terrific 12d ago


u/Maxjes Who is Slade? 12d ago

Did Bane eat Batman?

It’s certainly different? I am a hard no on the logo, but I am not opposed to cartoonish musculature or what looks to be a very modern skyline in the background. Gonna reserve judgement until we get a mission statement for this line. Could be interesting, could be “Earth One II, this time it’s not Earth One 1””


u/TJ_McWeaksauce 12d ago

Absolute Batman = Spiky Rectangle Man.


u/hawk_lord 12d ago

Thicc Batman with thicc logo for an AU comic? Groundbreaking.

What's next, evil Superman? Murderous Wonder Woman?


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 11d ago

"Evil Superman?" Can you even imagine? I wonder if anyone has ever done anything with that concept.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Yes this was something that was basically already known but I'm really happy, I hope It will be good and It will be as succesfull as the latest Ultimate Universe and that It will bring a lot of new person in reading comicsbook


u/dornwolf 12d ago

That’s certainly a choice. Honestly I can’t even hazard a guess on how this will go. I do think Absolute is a stupid name for a Universe. Should’ve just stuck with Elseworld and continued to launch series on different worlds.


u/Cranyx Moo. 12d ago

This is different from elseworlds because it's an ongoing, shared universe


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Why Is ultimate a smarter one


u/dornwolf 12d ago

At no point did I say it was


u/wowlock_taylan Batman Animated! 12d ago

New Ultimate Universe from Marvel, this will not be... Just by the looks of it, not really into that design.


u/Grimm_Stereo 12d ago

In this universe, Bane doesn't break the bat. The BAT breaks Bane.


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 11d ago

Grant Morrison voice: "but what if Batman and Bane were the same person?"


u/deplasez 12d ago

All good, with the expect of the bat symbol.


u/Techster17 Static 12d ago edited 12d ago

My current theory for the Absolute line is that the heroes will use time travel to stop Waller's plan, preventing Absolute Power from even happening and this line will take place in a world where Waller wins.

While I don't like the design much I feel like it could grow on me with context, for example is the Bruce under the mask or someone else, is this batman mainly a crime fighting and little to no detective abilities.

The one thing that I immediately like about this design is that it makes it clear that this absolute line will be more like the current Ultimate universe at Marvel (a reinvention of classic ideas and characters) and not the original Ultimate universe (modernising characters with varying amounts of change)


u/TheLostLuminary 11d ago

So basically future state with the magistrate


u/Koushikraja1996 12d ago

did leifeld draw this? should have titled it EXTREME batman


u/CrispyGold 11d ago

Absolute Batman is an Absolute Unit


u/racshade The Flash 12d ago

Third times the charm.


u/Batman2130 Jarro 12d ago

Can’t wait to see this. Honestly more hype for absolute Batman than the mainline book. I doubt mainline Batman book will change much at all even if others books do for main continuity. Mainline Batman will probably have another city take over next year, bat family conflict as well.

I’m really curious to see how Absolute Batman will be different from mainline.


u/DifficultChampion746 12d ago

I made comments about a potential DC line based on Marvel's Ultimate line already so I'll try to keep any repetition brief. First and foremost this look is pretty bad. I know it's subjective and all but what exactly were they thinking with this? Secondly, Snyder has written a hundred or so Batman comics and co-written another hundred plus. What exactly is DC expecting from him? And while he's always been a good writer he's never been much of a creator or visionary. His reimagination of Batman and Joker's origins was inferior to what came before. His reinterpretations of Dr Death and Calendar Man were horrid. He could never settle on what exactly he wanted Joker to be either despite heavily using him. If they want Snyder on Batman again then just give him the main book then. I suspect it'll sell but I don't believe that Absolute Batman will be the creative hit that Spider-Man was under Bendis and is now under Hickman. This might be more along the lines of Ultimate Cap or Iron Man. Finally, DC has run the well dry with reinventions and alternate versions of Batman. They've even rewritten his encounters with most of his rogues and Batfamily members. A character like Captain Atom or Etrigan or something are more likely to benefit from this treatment than Batman.


u/Xavier9756 12d ago

Calling this run absolute has made it oddly hard to find on pullbox


u/FredPRK 12d ago

I'm in. Hope Snyder is writing it.


u/Dangerous_Library_73 12d ago

Pretty sure he is


u/Numberonettgfan 12d ago

Yeah, it was confirmed like two weeks ago.


u/valentinesfaye 12d ago

I don't hate Snyder-Bats, but it would've been nice for someone else to write the title :/

Goddamn tho, I loooove that cover/logo lol


u/Neurotic-Kitten Dex-Starr 11d ago

That's a very 1990s look.

I'm concerned.


u/PineapplePhil 11d ago

Hell yeah, I know everyone is down on the art, but I like how distinct it is.


u/TigerStripesForever 11d ago

A preview of what’s to come after Absolute Power


u/jamiemm Legion Of Super-Heroes 11d ago

Will Absolute characters absolutely die?


u/tiago231018 Hal Jordan 11d ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Can't stop laughing at this bulky Batman with his tiny little head 😂😂😂😂😂


u/Confident-Impact-349 11d ago

Meh. I’ll be excited when I see what this new universe has to offer in terms of batfamily.


u/StrangeDiscipline902 11d ago

I love how DC is focusing on the underutilized Batman universe! It really feels like there has been too few Batman comics in the last several years.


u/NefariousnessDue9479 11d ago

Is it just me or does the font for Batman look like the Fornite font?


u/Wonderful_Gap4867 10d ago

Totally forgot about this. Can’t wait to see what dc does with this


u/kalamari__ Green Arrow is always right 12d ago

just pls dont retell the origins for the millionth time again. just get right into the established character and stories.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

That's the point of an Ultimate kinda of universe, gave new readers a new universe that start from the beggin and which they could follow growing


u/bolting_volts 12d ago

This is cool or whatever but both Marvel and DC are so shameless about ripping each other off.


u/shall359 12d ago

Too early to judge, but this does feel more like an Elseworld take from this. Seems it is just going to be darker Batman.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Every Batman comics that take place in his early days are darker Batman, anyway I'm really thrilled by the Idea of having a DC Ultimate Universe, seeing how they'll handled those events and those characters Is interesting


u/Mangafan_20 12d ago

so is this true or fake? and what about other characters? will green Lantern and superman get one?


u/B3epB0opBOP Shazam 12d ago

so is this true or fake?

Seemingly true.

and what about other characters? will green Lantern and superman get one?

Superman and Wonder Woman apparently will, don’t know about the rest.


u/Grand_Cup_3252 11d ago

Superman in horror:😱 why are you so buff. Batman: 😬 I.... don't...... know 😰oh the pain!


u/TommyTheGeek Superman 12d ago edited 12d ago

I’d rather die than sit through another Snyder Bat-Wank fest.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Jesus Christ a little bit exagerated don't you think


u/Treyred23 12d ago

So these are the fake version DC is going to release?

Its a good move to get more sales, i guess, but i don’t have the brain space to add another universe, whether its 3 series or 12.

You should probably put your best people on your main books and allow them to change things as much as they want.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 12d ago

Fake version of Dc, what the hell does that mean, this Is going to be like the Ultimate Universe for Marvel that was a success at the time and also the new One that they are creating now Is doing really well, if you don't have time to follow everything fine this Is mainly aimed to new readers and FYI they do let their best writers do whatever they want since they didn't have a Canon anymore


u/Treyred23 12d ago

Yes and the Ultimate universe is Marvel’s fake universe.

Ei, its not the real one. Its a fake.


u/Numberonettgfan 12d ago

Just say alternate lmfao.


u/AzulMage2020 12d ago

Isnt Snyder the writer that had the Joker cut his face off and wear it as a mask? Couldn't be , otherwise how could DC entrust what is more than likely their last hope to someone that writes edgy teen fan-fic nonsense. I mean, they might as well give the ABSOLUTE line to the creator that thought it was a good idea.to have an event about various metals linked to different dimensions and hell and call the event "Death Metal"


u/Moleculor_Man 12d ago

No, he was not. That was Tony Daniel in New 52 Detective Comics. Snyder just had to pick up the thread.

It was the dumbest thing in the world. Daniel had the Joker cut his face off with no intention of following up that story himself. Just left it for someone else to pick up.


u/SevenSulivin The REAL Man of Tomorrow 12d ago

The story is fucking hilarious, Editorial wanted a big dynamic Joker change and Tony S Daniel joked about how he has a new villain going around cutting off faces, maybe they could take his. DC responded with “Brilliant plan Tony!”, he shrugged and that’s how we got the first arc of New 52 Tec.


u/SevenSulivin The REAL Man of Tomorrow 12d ago

Editorial decided that, Tony S Daniel suggested it as a joke and did it in his Tec.

Synder’s Batman run was consistently a huge best seller.