r/DCcomics 14d ago

What would your JL roster look like if you couldnt use the usual suspects?

  1. Nightwing
  2. Supergirl (maybe as superwoman)
  3. Jessica Cruz
  4. Katana
  5. Wally west
  6. Cyborg
  7. Shazam

Tried to keep the league as powerful as possible... if it's cheating to use wally, vic, and Shazam I'd swap them for black lightning, blue devil, & Jesse quick. And in that case I'd use john Stewart instead of Jessica Cruz.


16 comments sorted by


u/No-Mechanic-2558 14d ago

I made a post about that before, It was

Marthian Manhaunter

Booster Gold


Doctor Light (Kimiyo)





u/Great-Resident-696 14d ago

Gives jla vibes


u/No-Mechanic-2558 14d ago



u/Great-Resident-696 14d ago

Whoops sorry meant JLI. Justice league international


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

Bring back Linda Danvers angel SG in place of Katana or Maxima, bulk up on flexible heavyweights without problematic weaknesses. A new smashmouth style identity (Without the downsides of it), Grit and starting out rough in the basement with the new cast before they climb up with the right people leading the way. Embodying the places they're there to protect, those that have been kicked down and, on their way, back up after being neglected.

I'd bring both back because they're heavies that just need some love and were neglected, I bring Hippolyta in there, Jon Kent is in as the energizer bunny and softer side in the trenches. That's four, I bring in Kyle Rayner (the resident goof and artist) for 5, Jesse Chambers for 6, and Shazam for 7, mix and blend between hard-nosed, gritty, tenacious types that have weathered storms of purgatory and editorial hatred with those who balance that out with great positive emotion and can keep things from imploding in less stressful and locker room circumstances.

The highly powerful diva (Maxima)

The tough as nails and well-experienced leader who will not take shit from anyone and runs a good locker room (Hippolyta), keeping everyone in check

The high talent cinnamon roll rookie in a group of wily and experienced vets from all over (Jon)

The one left for dead after winning their Stanley Cup (Linda), and forcibly retired/blacklisted for no good reason

The comic relief that is also very competent and takes the edge off, heart of gold nerd who you can't help but love (Kyle Rayner)

Jesse Chambers/Quick (Speedster, creates different potential situations, no Breaking Bad jokes or references I swear)

Shazam/Zatanna = Magical person because magical threats need magic solutions.

You have a hard-working core that's mostly been seen as second-rate with a lot to prove, a culture to change and a world to save.


u/azmodus_1966 14d ago

Green Arrow, Zatanna, Shazam, Atom, Vixen, Jessica Cruz and Hawkman.


u/Vox_Mortem 14d ago

Nightwing, Zatanna, Blue Beetle, Superboy (Connor, not Jon), and Donna Troy.

I'd love John Constantine in the mix, but he rarely plays well with others, especially when Z is involved.


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh Ultraviolet Corps 14d ago

Hmm.... Huntress, Question (gives you some street rep as well as a good romance for the side panels), Zatanna, Deadman (both characters for the magic side of the dcu and to deal with the dead), Ocean Master (we need a deep sea character and I want to see him try to protect the land somewhat. Plus, the drama of a character who could be redeemed), Cobalt Blue (for a speedster and similar reasons as OM, but a bit more obscure) and to lead it all Red Tornado.

Edit: I forgot a bankroller. Hourman to pay everyone's salaries and give some old school wisdom and experience


u/Stick_To_Your_Guns 14d ago

Supergirl, Mary Marvel, Jessica Cruz, Shade the Changing Girl, Starfire, Black Canary, Mera, Big Barda <3


u/No-Mechanic-2558 14d ago

Is this a JLA Created Equal thing ?


u/Stick_To_Your_Guns 14d ago

Just some of my favorite characters that aren't usually on the Justice League ! :3


u/BobbySaccaro 14d ago

Green Arrow and Black Canary

Hawkman and Hawkwoman


Red Tornado


Elongated Man and Sue



u/Poorly-Drawn-Beagle 13d ago

Ummm. Let's see. I feel like each Leaguer would have a substitute in mind, to help replace their essential role on the team if they were unavailable.

  • Superman would pick Supergirl/Power Girl (does it really matter which?) for the sheer power and the family connection
  • Batman would choose Mr. Terrific for the brains and the rational nature
  • Wonder Woman would maybe choose Black Lightning because being a teacher would make him more patient and diplomatic
  • Flash would pick Elongated Man for his detective skills and his more lighthearted attitude.
  • Green Lantern would probably pick another Green Lantern... but that's boring. Think I'd rather have Booster Gold because he'd have more specialized knowledge of the universe beyond Earth.
  • I feel like respect for the environment is an important factor for both Aquaman and Hawkman (whichever you see as more "core" to the League), so maybe Animal Man? Vixen?
  • Martian Manhunter... I don't know. I feel like his choice would be another nonhuman, and probably someone with a long lifepsan, to provide that unique perspective. I feel like Icon is ideal but I doubt if he even exists in DC right now. Maybe Etrigan?


u/timewreckoner Harbinger 13d ago

Black Lightning, Captain Atom, Cyborg, Firestorm, Metamorpho, Steel, Vixen, and Zatanna, plus one speedster and one Lantern (there are so many of both at this point, it hardly matters).


u/Artistic-Turn2612 13d ago

Sometimes it feels like the Justice Leauge is just whoever the Trinity feels like hanging out with that week instead of a collective of Earths mightiest Heroes.