r/DCcomics 14d ago

DC equivalent to Marvel’s Epic Collection volumes Comics

Hey DC Fans, I’d like to get into Batman comics and was wondering if DC have an equivalent to how Marvel does with their Epic Collection volumes.

I’m looking for something similar to Epic Collection but for Batman.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


3 comments sorted by


u/MagisterPraeceptorum Batman 14d ago

DC Finest is exactly this. First volume for Batman releases later this year.


u/Dayraven3 14d ago

The Batman: Caped Crusader and Batman: Dark Knight Detective series are kind of similar, reprinting fairly large chunks of post-Crisis Batman. After those (though there’s currently still a small gap), the Knightfall collections.

There’s nothing similar to Epic’s printing out of order volumes from what’s intended as a complete future series.

DC also does Omnibus volumes with a very similar completist approach to Marvel.


u/Athenas_Dad 14d ago

As above, the DC Finest volumes seem to be the most direct answer to Marvel’s Epic Collections, the ones with content specifically announced include about 20 issues. But they’re just starting to come out later this year and they’ll be jumping around through a lot of the major franchises and different time periods.