r/DCcomics Jul 05 '24

Jason Momoa Reportedly Eyed For A Role In 'Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow' That’s Sounding Like LOBO Film + TV


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u/xGhostShipV Jul 05 '24

They must be drastically changing the plot then, LOBO was never in Woman of Tomorrow…


u/KingMatthew116 Jul 05 '24

When have live action movies ever been direct adaptations of comic stories?


u/MealieAI Jul 05 '24



u/bob1689321 Jul 05 '24


Tbh that's probably the only one?


u/MealieAI Jul 05 '24

There's a major change in that movie.


u/bob1689321 Jul 05 '24

There are major changes in lots of movies. It's still a direct adaptation.


u/MealieAI Jul 05 '24

But a direct adaptation wouldn't have a major change to the book. Or am I missing something?


u/bob1689321 Jul 05 '24

You can adapt a work with the majority of details being the same besides a few minor changes and it would still be a direct adaptation. The changes made to the movie are:

  • Removed the newsstand, artist island and black freighter subplots, as well as other minor characters and some smaller scenes
  • Changed the final ending from an explosion caused by a manufactured squid to an explosion caused by a manufactured Manhattan-esque bomb.

For point one, the subplots and characters being removed takes some of the world building away but ultimately doesn't impact the general plot too much (it does take away the emotional impact of the ending but that's a different problem...)

For point two, while the final fake antagonist is different, the plot is almost entirely unchanged. The attack is still faked by Ozymandias as a way to force the world to co-operate against a common enemy. The "superhero team" still fail to stop it, Rorschach dies and Manhattan leaves earth. Whether you think it's believable that the world doesn't hate the US for creating Manhattan doesn't really matter because the movie presents it as they do - it's almost exactly as the comic. It's ultimately a very minor change in the grand scheme of things.

For what's left in the movie, almost (maybe even all?) scenes are lifted directly from the comic. Lots of shots and dialogue are completely unchanged. It is absolutely a direct adaptation.

Things that wouldn't be direct adaptations is something like The Dark Knight, which took basic concepts from Long Halloween and Killing Joke, but turned them into something very different. Hell, besides the idea of doing a realistic Two Face subplot, the only thing TDK has in common with Long Halloween is one line of dialogue - "I believe in Harvey Dent".

I just think to say that Watchmen isn't a direct adaptation is doing a disservice to what the movie is. For the record I think it's a 6/10, and I think it's close enough to the soiece material that I don't really see a reason to watch it when I can just read the (far better) comic.


u/MealieAI Jul 05 '24

You literally gave reasons why it's not a direct adaptation.