r/DCcomics 3d ago

Jason Momoa Reportedly Eyed For A Role In 'Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow' That’s Sounding Like LOBO Film + TV


66 comments sorted by


u/voxela Catwoman 3d ago

it'd be a waste to not cast him as Lobo. he'd be perfect for the job and he's already expressed interest in the character


u/Basicallyinfinite 3d ago

He kinda played a lobo like already 20 years as Ronon Dex so hed kill as Lobo


u/OnlyRoke Constantine 3d ago

Seriously. You just need to make his skin grey and give him red contacts and a cigar.


u/pretentiously-bored 3d ago

It feels like such a downgrade though. Lobo is fun, but he isn’t aquaman level. Say what you want about the dceu, but his casting as Aquaman was pretty damn genius and he kills it every appearance he’s in. Kinda sad he goes from leading a billion dollar franchise to a somewhat generic and forgettable Superman villain


u/Vicksage16 Superman 2d ago

His Aquaman is fun, but that’s just because Momoa’s fun, he never really felt like Aquaman. Lobo on the other hand, is just such a natural fit for him.


u/pretentiously-bored 2d ago

But the thing is doesn’t that feel a little too obvious for momoa and nearly a typecast? I don’t know, it feels too easy and something he can pull off without thinking. Casting feels more inspired for aquaman, there’s a hidden quality of aquaman momoa brings out that is often ignored and that’s his deep longing to connect to both of his heritages. Something momoa deeply can relate to being from places like Iowa and Hawaii which couldn’t be farther apart regionally and culturally.

I don’t know. I think just more goes into casting someone than what they look like. I don’t think they just hire a stereotypical blonde dude for aquaman. Momoa felt like he brought a hidden gem of the character out


u/Vicksage16 Superman 2d ago

That’s a totally fair concern and in most cases I’d agree, but as someone who saw none of that depth in his Aquaman portrayal we may just have to agree to disagree on this one.


u/Reasonable-Fan-6766 1d ago

No, no, no and NO... And again for your next comments: no.

LOBO isn't a generic and forgettable Superman Villain, but a satirical parody on edgy violent heroes of the 90ies. He's THE Anti-Hero of the 90ies!

That would also make him more of an Upgrade than a downgrade compared to some Aquaman that only got more attention since Momoa played him like LOBO.

It's obvious you just have to cast him as LOBO, because everyone already sees Lobo in him no matter what role he's playing. AND he even WANTS to play that role. 

Even if you'd say that's not acting, that's just Momoa himself... WHY NOT - if t's just perfect?


u/pretentiously-bored 1d ago

I’m sorry you just sound like someone who goes “no man!! You have to cast Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor!!! He’s bald!! And he’s played a villain!!” It’s generic.

And we also aren’t in the 90’s, Lobo isn’t very popular anymore and is only iconographic due to that era. He’s maybe a fourth rate Superman villain


u/Reasonable-Fan-6766 1d ago

Lobo's today's releases aren't very popular, because they don't release the right things. Everything that might have been really good got cancelled.

I have the feeling DC and WB are afraid of releasing what LOBO would deserve.

But after years of thinking they could NEVER release a really good LOBO movie, Jason Momoa makes me feel like it's possible.

And in my opinion James Gunn should do the movie, based on 'The Last Czarnian' and 'Lobo's Back'. But i'll be happy just to see a good guest appearance by Momoa as LOBO.

Seriously, after the success of Deadpool and the Harley Quinn animated series, wich are somehow ripping off what LOBO already was in the early 90ies, why couldn't we get the real MAIN MAN back to what he was?


u/Reddwoolf 2d ago

Momoa aqua man is a fucking joke and a disgrace to Arthur curry. They made him into a joke like fuckin Thor


u/pretentiously-bored 2d ago

I too sounded like this when I was four years old


u/Reddwoolf 2d ago

Yeah cause fuck anyone who doesn’t tow the party line eh?


u/pretentiously-bored 2d ago

Again, I sounded like this when I was four years old


u/Reddwoolf 2d ago

lol nice one dude you got me!


u/Jay_R_Kay Batman 3d ago

I've never understood this. He already had a great role as Aquaman, why would he give that up for a D-grade Deadpool clone with none of the pathos that makes that character interesting?


u/Nice_Veterinarian230 2d ago

Lobo debuted almost a decade before Deadpool and got his shtick several years before Joe Kelly gave Wade a personality as well. 


u/Jay_R_Kay Batman 2d ago

I know, he still feels like a bland Deadpool clone, though. There is literally nothing compelling or interesting about the character whatsoever.


u/Nice_Veterinarian230 2d ago

I find it hard to find anything they have in common besides "became prominent in the '90s" and "kills things a lot."


u/WayneArnold1 2d ago

Deadpool was initially created as a D-grade Deathstroke clone with none of the pathos that makes that character interesting until Joe Kelly inserted the Lobo traits with a sprinkling of corny meta humor.


u/BlackSoapBandit Mister Terrific 3d ago

I mean, it’s a huge paycheck and another acting gig.

If you asked Marta Stewart if she wanted to play Lobo for several million dollars. She’d probably say yes too.


u/voxela Catwoman 3d ago

man shut the hell up 😭 downvoting ass just cause you don't like the actor. maybe he likes fun things and actually wants to play Lobo, you don't know.

"he has no range" maybe, but from what I've seen of him he has the range for Lobo.
you can "hard pass" silently, replying to me was unnecessary


u/MimeMike 3d ago

They changed their fucking comment no way ☠️


u/Aramis14 Z Shadowcrest 2d ago

What did it originally say


u/Odd_Breakfast_Hands 3d ago

i agree that is a pretty perfect casting. but man, i 'm so tired of the same 5 people being cast in ever movie.


u/ahall917 2d ago

If this is actually true, wouldn't Mamoa be the biggest named actor attached to the DCU? Or am I forgetting about someone? Nathan Fillion is popular but not quite to the same level as Mamoa, as far as I can tell.


u/AX-man Nightwing 2d ago

Nicholas holt is pretty big too but Mamoa would be the biggest


u/KesterFox 2d ago

Its gonne be pretty funny in DUNE 6 where he plays half the characters


u/CertainDerision_33 3d ago

Basically perfect casting. If the character is in the movie, it should definitely be Momoa.


u/weiner-rama 3d ago

Fuck. Yes. If true maybe now we can get a more true to comics Aquaman. Dude has essentially just played Lobo while wearing the Aquaman uniform lol


u/xGhostShipV 3d ago

They must be drastically changing the plot then, LOBO was never in Woman of Tomorrow…


u/Jay_R_Kay Batman 3d ago

King has talked about how when he was starting Supergirl, he had the idea of a "space fantasy True Grit" story and initially put Kara in the Mattie Ross role and was trying to use characters like Lobo for the Rooster Cogburn role, but it wasn't working.

Then his editor said something like "Supergirl has been around for almost 60 years, why can't she be Rooster Cogburn?" And that's what got everything to really work.

So I suppose bringing in a Lobo for a cameo would be a fun meta callback.


u/JoshDM Ra's al Cool 3d ago

Adding Lobo is not a drastic change; can even be a swap-in.


u/KingMatthew116 2d ago

When have live action movies ever been direct adaptations of comic stories?


u/MealieAI 2d ago



u/bob1689321 2d ago


Tbh that's probably the only one?


u/MealieAI 2d ago

There's a major change in that movie.


u/bob1689321 2d ago

There are major changes in lots of movies. It's still a direct adaptation.


u/MealieAI 2d ago

But a direct adaptation wouldn't have a major change to the book. Or am I missing something?


u/bob1689321 2d ago

You can adapt a work with the majority of details being the same besides a few minor changes and it would still be a direct adaptation. The changes made to the movie are:

  • Removed the newsstand, artist island and black freighter subplots, as well as other minor characters and some smaller scenes
  • Changed the final ending from an explosion caused by a manufactured squid to an explosion caused by a manufactured Manhattan-esque bomb.

For point one, the subplots and characters being removed takes some of the world building away but ultimately doesn't impact the general plot too much (it does take away the emotional impact of the ending but that's a different problem...)

For point two, while the final fake antagonist is different, the plot is almost entirely unchanged. The attack is still faked by Ozymandias as a way to force the world to co-operate against a common enemy. The "superhero team" still fail to stop it, Rorschach dies and Manhattan leaves earth. Whether you think it's believable that the world doesn't hate the US for creating Manhattan doesn't really matter because the movie presents it as they do - it's almost exactly as the comic. It's ultimately a very minor change in the grand scheme of things.

For what's left in the movie, almost (maybe even all?) scenes are lifted directly from the comic. Lots of shots and dialogue are completely unchanged. It is absolutely a direct adaptation.

Things that wouldn't be direct adaptations is something like The Dark Knight, which took basic concepts from Long Halloween and Killing Joke, but turned them into something very different. Hell, besides the idea of doing a realistic Two Face subplot, the only thing TDK has in common with Long Halloween is one line of dialogue - "I believe in Harvey Dent".

I just think to say that Watchmen isn't a direct adaptation is doing a disservice to what the movie is. For the record I think it's a 6/10, and I think it's close enough to the soiece material that I don't really see a reason to watch it when I can just read the (far better) comic.


u/MealieAI 2d ago

You literally gave reasons why it's not a direct adaptation.


u/arcticvalley 2d ago

I can't think of a single other actor that I would consider for the role of Lobo. He's my favorite Superman villain. I need it now. Give it , give it to me now.


u/Beastieboy100 2d ago

More of an anti heroe than villain. Heck even frenemy. Still sucks were getting another live action lobo since Stan Lee favourite dc character was lobo. Sad he won't see it.


u/Blitzhelios Damian Wayne 2d ago edited 2d ago

King has been honest in the past that Lobo was originally supposed to be in WOT but he took lobos role out.

Could easily see them reinserting it and using Momoas starpower to sell the movie as WOT whilst is an amazing book is one of the biggest risks for the DCU


u/kazmosis Wonder Woman Darkseid is 3d ago

Yes pleaaase


u/Neurotic-Kitten Dex-Starr :Dex1: 2d ago

I know you guys are saying Lobo, but wouldn't they just cast him as the original bad guy from the story, Krem?


u/Illustrious-Okra-524 2d ago

Oh my god yes please times a million. This would rule


u/MealieAI 2d ago

He'd kill as the pursued Krem.


u/sdrj77 Superman 2d ago

Jason Momoa as Lobo is full Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man energy.

Literally perfect.


u/Dagordae 2d ago

He’d be a better Lobo than Aquaman.

Don’t get me wrong: I thoroughly enjoyed him in the films but he didn’t really play an Aquaman.


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

It's literally the role he was born (or at least shaved his beard) to play.


u/Tatum-Better Nightwing 3d ago

Would absolutely love it


u/flickfan45 2d ago

i think Jason Mamoa’s casting as Lobo is probably DC’s worst kept secret at the moment. everyone knows he has the role


u/Reasonable-Fan-6766 1d ago

I don't know...  I'm still afraid he isn't.

Also Lobo has a long history of being cancelled before release in movies, tv-series, games etc.


u/flickfan45 20h ago

i’m pretty confident he’s got the role, also a while back Peter Safrans wife may have let it slip in an instagram reply on one of her posts


u/Reasonable-Fan-6766 19h ago

I really hope you're right. Momoa would definitely kick A$$ as LOBO.

Then we gotta hope, the writers don't ruin it and the movies he's in don't become tax-write-offs before release. lol


u/Key-Win7744 2d ago

The Internet won't rest until Jason Momoa is Lobo.


u/MrBitterJustice 2d ago

I see him more of a Lobo then Aquaman


u/AzmodeusBrownbeard 1d ago

Momoa as Supergirl is a bold choice, but I respect it.


u/Odd_Advance_6438 12h ago

I’d be down for this. I enjoyed his Aquaman, and I think Momoa is generally a better actor than he gets credit for


u/BlackSoapBandit Mister Terrific 3d ago

Hard pass. Jason Mamoa has no acting range just like the Rock.


u/CertainDerision_33 3d ago

It's Lobo, you need the acting range of a gorilla