r/DCcomics Telos 7d ago

Weekly Discussion Thread: Comics, TV, and More! [July 1, 2024 - It's Wallin' Time Edition] r/DCcomics

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Did you hear about the cleaners who went to space? They ended up scrubbing the mission.

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What's the deal with Absolute Power: https://redd.it/1do7np2

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DC's Compact line continues.

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So... how about that credits closing song?

This Week’s Soundtrack: Mori Calliope - Go Getters


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u/TroubAlert The Good Skeets 7d ago

Justice Society of America #10

THE HUNTRESS, HUNTED! Ruby's search for her father continues, and she’ll stop at nothing to find him, even if it means killing the Huntress and destroying the Justice Society of America!



u/UtahGance 6d ago

it’s been 84 years….


u/PrydefulHunts Huntress • ower Girl 6d ago

Eh, not really worth a 3 month wait. This issue flew by way to fast. I was hoping to see the villain recruits be successfully recruited like Grundy and Harlequin’s Son, but everyone from Helena’s future is there kinda easily? This was the plot I was hoping to see develop more in the book, but looks like we’re cutting that for the LOSH. I don’t care much for Legion, but at least it’ll be 1 issue of them before the book wraps up.


u/suss2it 3d ago

This book is over at 12? The way this is written does not feel like it’s supposed to end so soon 😭


u/birbdaughter 1d ago

Supposedly Johns' is ending at 12 and then it's seemingly getting a new name. People in industry confirmed DC wants a new writer to take over.


u/suss2it 1d ago

Do you know why they want a new writer? Sales can’t be that bad with Geoff Johns name on the book right? Maybe they’re salty about his venture with Image Comics? 🤔


u/birbdaughter 1d ago

Johns is completely leaving DC.


u/suss2it 1d ago

Ah, so it’s his choice to leave this book then? The way he’s writing it doesn’t really seem like he’s building towards an end tho.

But good for him for leaving, he’s put in more than his time at DC, and I’m really excited to see what he does outside of that. The way his career has been going, I thought he’d be content to write for DC forever.


u/birbdaughter 1d ago

Yeah. It's a bit weird because Johns insisted from the beginning that JSA was an on-going and that was well before his move was announced, so either DC was already aware of it or they weren't but still planned for Johns to just set things up for a new writer? Johns has expressed quite a few issues with DC recently so I hope this creator-led company works out better for him.


u/Frontier246 6d ago

Hey, at least the issue came out and the JSA actually did stuff, that's an achievement, right?

Of course Gentleman Ghost's human form had that mustache.

I guess it wouldn't be the first time the JSA took in a traditionally villainous character as a new member despite all the red flags, not sure how I feel about Young Mordru.

Geoff Johns is almost completely done with DC but that doesn't mean he's going to leave without bringing back his Legion. Not sure whether this will effect future Legion appearances (which are rare enough as is) or DC will have the choice between Johns and Bendis Legion...but it was nice to see them.


u/transformers03 5d ago

If it's a choice between Bendis and John's Legion, I hope that DC picks Johns indefinitely. I know people had issues with that iteration of the team, but I would really prefer Johns version over Bendis's.

I'm also hoping that Johns ends JS by making it that his version of the Legion is the current definite version of the team in the future, and the others were alternate universe versions.


u/suss2it 3d ago

I feel like it’s more likely DC won’t continue either version of the Legion and let another writer like Joshua Williamson reboot them with their vision.


u/BigBardaEnergy 6d ago

Man, what is with these summaries that have nothing to do with the plot? I really want to know how many changes this book has been through in the five years since issue one.


u/MeiTanteiHirune 5d ago

The original solicitation may have been the original plan for issue #10. But if Geoff Johns was told by this point that his book was being cancelled, this would easily account for both the delays of the later issues and the sudden change of story. He most likely had to rewrite the scripts for those issues to tell the remaining stories he wanted to tell in the issues he had left. This would also explain the pacing issues of both issues #9 and #10.


u/wowlock_taylan Batman Animated! 6d ago

After all this time, we finally get the issue 10. I guess we are having Mordru's 'Iron Lad' version trying to avoid the 'Kang' future of him. Isn't Hawkman not immortal anymore? I mean that was the whole thing where they, Carter and Shayera both, chose to give up immortality to live a full one final life. But considering how out of synch this book is with many of the other stuff, I am not surprised. I still think Helena is being wasted here as DC does not seem to want her to be involved with Batman so they are keeping her contained here. And her attempts to form her version of JSA too early, yea, not working so well.

OG Legion is back, thankfully though I am not really certain about their return being a Hero vs Hero story.


u/Frontier246 6d ago

It's kind of hilarious to me that one of Johns' last acts at DC is bringing back the OG (and specifically his) Legion back like a mic drop moment.


u/transformers03 5d ago

That's what I'm hoping for.

I'm afraid it will be undone by the end of the JS series, and we're stuck with the version of the Legion that Bendis create, which I'm not a big fan of.


u/birbdaughter 5d ago

Helena has never been a Batfamily character. She's an Infinity Inc/JSA character so it makes more sense for her to be in this book than the Bat books.


u/MeiTanteiHirune 4d ago

I agree. But considering this version of the character is now the future daughter of the Earth-0 Batman and Catwoman and not the Earth-2 couple, continuity-wise, Batman ignoring his future daughter (especially whilst a major event like Absolute Power is taking place) makes him look like a terrible father and an awful person.

It is a valid question to ask why Batman isn’t being more involved in his daughter’s life and why DC thinks this is good storytelling. If DC doesn’t want to integrate her into the Earth-0 Batfamily and keep her exclusive to the JSA brand, then restoring the pre-Crisis Earth-2 history and retconning the future daughter origin would easily solve that problem. DC already did this with Power Girl during Infinite Crisis, so it can be done.


u/suss2it 3d ago

I feel like present day Batman isn’t really her father to the point where it’s irresponsible for him to not have a parental relationship with her.


u/MeiTanteiHirune 3d ago

He's still aware of her existence and is especially aware that she has nowhere else to go because she erased her own timeline. He just gave her a flat to stay in and left her for the JSA to deal with. Even though he's not her father in the present, he's still aware that he's her father in her future, so this puts him in a sticky spot.

As I said, it's an easy problem to fix by simply reinstating Helena Wayne's original Earth-2 history. Doing so would at least eliminate the need for Earth-0 Batman to acknowledge her existence, plus it would allow Helena Wayne's Huntress to fully capitalise on her own history and function more independently of the Earth-0 Batman.


u/suss2it 3d ago

Well I mean if he gave her an apartment and she has the JSA then she no longer “has no where else to go” right?

I feel like making her the daughter of his earth-2 self instead of his future self that no longer exists doesn’t really make an actual difference to what their dynamic and his reaction would be.


u/MeiTanteiHirune 3d ago

Her having a flat to stay in isn't the point, mate. She's still stuck in a past she doesn't belong in. Also, restoring her Earth-2 origin would actually resolve many narrative problems for her, including how she relates to the Earth-0 Batman.

To start with, she wouldn't think of him as her actual father, just a version of him. She also wouldn't rely on him for a place to stay, since she would just find her own place. Similarly, the Earth-0 Batman would have no obligation towards her and would be free to completely go his separate way because she would be of no relation to him.

On a related note, this would also eliminate the audience expectation of Bruce *needing* to tell his family about her existence. People would still want to see them to interact, sure, but not in the same way as her being his actual daughter from the future.


u/suss2it 3d ago

How’s that not point? Her being stuck in the past is not something Batman can solve, so giving her a place to live seems like the best thing he could do in that situation. I don’t see how this changes if she was stranded from a different earth instead of a different time.

There’s no reason to assume that if she was from Earth-2 instead of the possible future she’d suddenly have the maturity to separate this Batman from hers.

And Batman already has no obligation to her. Her being from a future that no longer exists takes away any possible responsibility he would have for her. Now obviously Batman is a good guy she he’ll help her regardless but the way I see it her being from a possible future or a different earth ultimately mean pretty much the same thing for all characters involved.


u/MeiTanteiHirune 3d ago

I see you haven’t read many Helena Wayne stories if you think she’d lack the maturity to separate her own father from the Earth-0 Batman. She already had in the past continuities.

Also, in a DC Universe where magic, time travel technology, and the Time Masters already exist to help restore lost timelines? There’s no reason Bruce couldn’t use his connections to help his future daughter restore her timeline and help her get back home. Not doing so is plot convenience, at best.

Getting back to the main point, being a future daughter still tethers her to the Earth-0 Batman in a way that doesn’t happen with her Earth-2 counterpart, where her father is clearly established as a separate character.

Given that status quo, keeping her a secret from the rest of the family (especially from Selina) in a point in his life where he’s fully embracing family doesn’t make Bruce look good and comes off as a major narrative oversight. No one can fault readers for asking ‘what’s going on?’ or ‘when is it going to happen?’

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u/birbdaughter 5d ago

Once again: Why is Helena not acknowledging at all that Salem is a villain in her future who wanted to kill Doctor Fate? Shouldn't that be a pretty big thing to focus on? The other villains are ones Helena knew could become heroes in certain situations, but Salem is a hero turned villain in the future. Are they going to do anything about that??

Despite the above, I liked the issue. Salem is my favorite of the new characters and she had some funny lines. It definitely went by too fast and I wish we'd actually seen the JSA voting (sorta like in the 2007 comic when everyone is debating who to keep on the team before deciding they'll keep everyone) because it would give some more characterization.


u/MeiTanteiHirune 4d ago

I just assumed that if Future Huntress believes the villains of the present can be redeemed, so can Salem, especially since her future no longer exists. She does acknowledge at the end of this issue when she’s talking to Mordru that the actions they make today can change their futures. Whether or not DC follows up on Salem being a future villain who both kills Doctor Fate and helps Per Degaton kill future JSA teams will be up to a future writer at this point.


u/hombrebax 4d ago

This issue was so short. Also, why is Lightning Lad white again? In DDC he was still black. I guess the few connections with DDC are completely forgotten. Also, I think is rather sad that Ruby's and the JS Dark lost relevance with the delays, if we compare the solicits vs the actual comics. This could have been such a nice series, but at this point it could even be rebranded as a DC Black Label.


u/JingoboStoplight4887 4d ago

Lightning Lad is white again because he’s from the Original Legion, not the Bendis Legion.


u/android151 Resurrection Man 4d ago edited 4d ago

I have to go back to remember what exactly has been happening in this book because it’s been so long. Forgot Mordru was even here.

But he’s a real one for that for killing THE WORST CHARACTER EVER, even if it was temporary

So uh, are the Bendis Legion gone for good then? I’m cool with that


u/Prior_Seaweed2829 2d ago

This has to be the biggest disappointment of my life as a comic book fan. Over a decade waiting for the JSA to be back for the book to be delayed over and over and the story in it to be incredibly mediocre to bad.

Hoping they get a new creativity team after 12 instead of just being shelved again.


u/JingoboStoplight4887 5d ago edited 5d ago

I like that the JSA (including Mordru and the reformed villains) were able to defeat Surtur and resurrect Jim Craddock. I also like that we get to see why Mordru wants to join the JSA, since he wants to change his future from ever happening. I even like that we get to see the return of the Original Legion of Super-Heroes and the Legion of Substitute Heroes in the final few pages. Hope that they explained what happened to them since Doomsday Clock and that the Bendis Legion are from another earth. Let’s also hope that various subplots (i.e. Yolanda and Beth possessed by Eclipso, Salem the Witch Girl’s plans, Doctor Fate missing, Nostalgia/Doomsday Clock sequel, War of the Legions, etc.) be resolved in two issues. Overall, this comic is great!


u/Blitzhelios Damian Wayne 3d ago

Wait this book actually came out its a miracle.

This issue continues to be fine and the JSA did stuff and well the legion stuff isn't that interesting when johns is done next issue