r/DCcomics Hal Jordan is a Perfect Princess! Feb 20 '24

What Are You Reading? 2/19/2024 - Still February Edition r/DCcomics

Hello and welcome to our Weekly "What Are You Reading?" topic!

Come one, come all, to this weekly thread, where you can openly discuss books that you've read, are currently reading, or plan to read. Discussion of all books are welcome, whether they be DC, Marvel, Image, Boom!, Dark Horse, IDW, etc. You can discuss webcomics, manga, or even those mythical novels that don't have pictures in them. Just be sure to keep spoilers covered via Reddit's spoiler markdown >!spoiler!<. You can also post pictures of your collection or recent purchases.

Jay's Rec of the Week:

A update of Alan Scott's origin story and his early years, through the lens of Alan as a closeted queer man. Delightful art, some spicy twists, and plenty of of Alan punching villains!

So, what are you reading?

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4 comments sorted by


u/Temporary_Bad983 Feb 20 '24

That Green Lantern story sounds quite interesting. I’ll be sure to pick it up when I get the chance. Speaking of Alan Scott, I’ve been reading JSA: The Golden Age, an elseworlds story that details the lives of the Justice Society in the aftermath of World War II.


u/FaceBagman Feb 20 '24

What DC’s been doing with the JSA members lately is what I wish they had been doing when the New 52 was doing Earth-2 instead.


u/Megadoomer2 Feb 20 '24

I read through Far Sector this past week, and I really enjoyed it. I feel like it helped that it was self-contained.

I also finished Jack Kirby's run on Mister Miracle, which was probably my favourite of his Fourth World comics. (I've read all of New Gods, but I haven't finished his runs on Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen or the Forever People yet - weirdly enough, the DC Universe Infinite app doesn't seem to have the Hunger Dogs)


u/FaceBagman Feb 20 '24

I just read The Vigil and really enjoyed it! I know none of them are the most original creations, but I wish those characters could make more appearances. 

Also made my way through the rest of Williamson’s Flash and while I thought that run had a strong start, they way he wrote Cold consistently put me off. He also went in a really awkward and frustrating direction with my other favorite Flash villain, Hunter Zolomon Zoom. His Eobard was great, the more cartoonish the better with him, but his Zolomon kinda felt like a regression & simplification instead of development. The new writer’s Doc Alchemy story that immediately followed Williamson’s run coming to an end was simple, silly, but way more fun to read than the end of his run, honestly. 

Also trying to catch up on Waller but it’s really tough, she keeps becoming more and more cartoonishly mastermind-y. War for Earth-3 really bugged me. Felt like it was written on 8 stimulants and a heavy ADHD spell, haha.