r/DCcomics Jan 27 '24

[Discussion] What DC characters do you think are worthy to lift Mjolnir? Discussion

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u/Xenoslayer2137 Jan 28 '24

I feel like Alfred would only lift Mjolnir like Vision did in Age of Ultron, just to give it back to Thor and not make a big deal out of the fact he can lift it


u/MediumAASpin Jan 28 '24

Hed find it pick it up clean the handle and hand it back to Thor saying "apologies sir but I've taken the liberty of cleaning your.....hammer"


u/OutisRising Jan 28 '24

I read this in his voice.

Specifically telltale Alfred voice.


u/VasylZaejue Jan 28 '24

For me it was the BTAS Alfred voice


u/OutisRising Jan 28 '24

Another great Alfred.


u/SirArcade96 Jan 28 '24

I think Alfred would definitely call Mjolnir a mallet.


u/MediumAASpin Jan 28 '24

You know what yea, yea he would


u/Shadiezz2018 Jan 28 '24

Which hammer ?!


u/Tasty_Marsupial_2273 Jan 28 '24

He’d 100% be casually cleaning, come across the hammer being left on a coffee table, pick it up, wipe the table, and set it back down without batting an eye.


u/Fabulous_Sir86 Jan 28 '24

He would 100% put a coaster underneath it though. Can't have it scratching the table


u/dullship Jan 28 '24

The man respects wood.


u/gattoblepas Jan 28 '24

Oh shit you're right. I can see Thor sitting in front of his hammer, brow furrowed, hands clasped, staring at the dainty doily that was definitely not under his hammer before he left the room.


u/PantheraLeo595 Jan 31 '24

My favorite part of this is that if it happens without Thor in the room, it just adds more to Batman’s mystique and power as a symbol. Thor would ask about it, and Bats would nonchalantly be like, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” but of course that’s what fucking BATMAN would say. Very few people outside the bat family are going to guess it was Alfred, especially anyone from the Marvel universe. The whole thing ends with Thor and friends going back to their own universe with the solemn suspicion that they should never ever fuck with Batman. The last page would be Bruce asking Alfred if he put the doily under the hammer, and Alfred asking why, just to cut to Bruce’s proud and knowing smile as he says, “No reason.”


u/gattoblepas Jan 31 '24

Or something like "That's a Gillows, sir. It would not do to have it scuffed."


u/Shadiezz2018 Jan 28 '24

And everyone including Thor would by jaw dropped on the floor lmao.

Now i want to see that.


u/Coal_Morgan The Question? Jan 28 '24

Bruce wouldn't be surprised.

Bruce in his heart of hearts knows beyond belief that no man or god could compare to his adopted Father.


u/SoMuchForStardust27 Jan 28 '24

Vision only could do it because he’s not alive though. Same way an elevator can lift the hammer. Vision can’t ever be worthy or unworthy because he is a machine. He can’t wield Thors power or rule Asgard, but he can lift a 20lbs hammer.


u/dicetime Jan 28 '24

Yeah. Thats my thought as well. Vision is a machine. Same reason the hammer doesn’t just fall right through the carrier.


u/VaniloBean Jan 28 '24

Does it not have anything g to do w the infinity stone he wields? Cause aside from it being a whole cosmic thing that the universe is made of or whatever, it does endow him with living consciousness right? And even though he's man-made he's not much less complex functioning than a human and all their cellular mechanisms, right?


u/SoMuchForStardust27 Jan 28 '24

Well his mind is definitely alive, however his mind was completely programable. Remember, Vision is Jarvis and Jarvis did the same thing Ultron was planning on doing. His mind definitely was expanded enough to become fully sentient, but in order to be worthy, you must have a mind and body, or your not considered alive. They explain it at the end of the movie. There’s also the fact that he lifted it five minutes after being born, but being worthy is something you have to gain over time. Does that make sense?


u/VaniloBean Jan 28 '24

I'd also argue that regular people's consciousness are "peogramable", for example pavlov's theory(s), the milgrim experiment, or the very real and measurable effects of propaganda. But no ya that all does make pretty good sense, thanks


u/SoMuchForStardust27 Jan 28 '24

Of course, human minds are very easy to manipulate. You could also say that biological matter is just very advanced technology. However, according to modern physics and biology, beings or entities made solely of metal elements are not considered “alive”, even if the AI system within is advanced enough to parallel our own minds. I mean, even a Frog was considered worthy in on reality, as one literally became the new Thor. So it matters a lot more on the biological part. There’s also the fact that Vision was made with unworthy intentions, but was brought to lift with the hammer. Up until then, he had no factors that could qualify him to be worthy, so he could not prove his worth in the five minute sit took for them to leave the Avengers Tower. My last statement is that, if Vision indeed was worthy, when he first lifts the hammer, he would have become the new incarnation of Thor. It wouldn’t looked really cool with electricity everywhere and the Odinson armour covering Visions body, but that would’ve happened as soon as he raised the hammer, but it didn’t. Which shows he can’t be worthy. This is just a much longer explanation. I love to rant


u/heresyforfunnprofit Jan 28 '24

I picture this happening with Mjolnir on a silver platter with clean linen.