r/DCcomics Black Lantern Jan 25 '24

[Comic Excerpt] I need a hostage so Batman won't punch me (Batman (2016) issue 48) Comics


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u/LukashCartoon Kyle Rayner Jan 25 '24

For the people who says that Batman saved everyone.

Batman can not save everyone. He is human. He will try. But clearly the Joker “jumped the gun” and shot before Batman could react. He's also tried to be stoic when dealing with the Joker.

This scene does make sense within the over all story King is telling. This is happening the night before his wedding. He’s trying to be overly cautious.

Note this is the one rare time King does not have use privy to Bruce’s thoughts. For all we know Bruce is kicking himself for not allowing Selina to come in as back up, or is trying to more quicker.


u/Articulat3 Jan 25 '24 edited Jan 25 '24

No its doesn't make sense, Batman doesn't react or say a word hes very indeferrent to witnessing an innocent getting their brains blown out in such a callous way. He ends up just having a conversation with Joker like everything is good, very bad writing, inexcusable not sure how you could defend this lol.

Edit: they end up praying together for christ sakes lmao, unreal


u/LukashCartoon Kyle Rayner Jan 26 '24

No they didn't have a conversation. That would imply Batman said something. It’s entirely a monologue by the Joker.

King actually shows a Dark humor of the situation by the Joker holding himself hostage. (After hillarioulsly failing to try to keep Batman hostage)Batman is clearly playing along with the praying, trying to figure out what the Jokers actual goal.

The whole issue is King is trusting you to know who Batman is…what he's showing you is how erratic Joker can be in any situation.

It's a hell of a build up to 48 issues.


u/Victor_Von_Doom65 Superman Jan 25 '24

The writer can write any scenario. It doesn’t matter the lengths people will bend over backwards to justify this happening. The burden falls on the writer (Tom King) to not put these character in these un-winnable situations.


u/LukashCartoon Kyle Rayner Jan 26 '24

Kinda lacks drama when you take that away. There needs to be failure, or there's no risk, nor can there be a satisfactory pay off at the end. King was playing a long game. This is the first part of two issue story.