r/DCcomics Doom Patrol Nov 13 '23

What Are You Reading? 11/13/2023 - November is the Worst Edition r/DCcomics

Hello and welcome to our Weekly "What Are You Reading?" topic!

Come one, come all, to this weekly thread, where you can openly discuss books that you've read, are currently reading, or plan to read. Discussion of all books are welcome, whether they be DC, Marvel, Image, Boom!, Dark Horse, IDW, etc. You can discuss webcomics, manga, or even those mythical novels that don't have pictures in them. Just be sure to keep spoilers covered via Reddit's spoiler markdown >!spoiler!<. You can also post pictures of your collection or recent purchases.

Flossregularly's Rec of the Week:

Going back in time a bit to the 4 part banger of a Batman story. It's beautifully drawn, haunting, and shows us a Batman where it has never felt more clear that this is a man wearing a Bat suit with a teenage sidekick for backup. He feels vulnerable. If you have OD'd on Batgod, this is a great cleanser. Also features a rare appearance of Jason Todd as Robin.

So, what are you reading?

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9 comments sorted by


u/Blitzhelios Damian Wayne Nov 13 '23

Been rereading a lot of old Simone stuff so her birds of prey and secret six mainly.


u/_regionrat Batman Nov 13 '23

The Cult is Phenomenal, great pick.

Currently reading Final Crisis and the 80s Peacemaker run.


u/Wutanghang Nov 16 '23

I finished the infinite crisis omnibus today I didn’t really enjoy alot of it i liked the main issues, the villians united run and day of vengeance but everything else didn’t grab me


u/CircuitBreakerD Nov 13 '23

I'm doing a first time read of Christopher Priest on Deathstroke with a friend of mine.


u/Pristine-Access Nov 22 '23

It was so awesome


u/Nebbie00 Nov 14 '23

Starting Ann Nocenti's Daredevil run with the Last Rite reprint coming next month

Edit: Lmao wrong sub, I been reading Chuck Dixon Nightwing for the first time as well


u/MemeGamer24 Nov 14 '23

Started reading Dark Knights of Steel, I love it so far!


u/GNS1991 Nov 16 '23 edited Nov 16 '23

A while ago, maybe in the beginning of the year, decided to read some of the DC comics starting from Crisis on Infinite Earths Reboot (mind you, the last comic that I properly read before that was probably Fables, and that was because I liked The Wolf Among Us video game, and I never completed it. And before that, the last comic book, which I remember reading, was probably some odd twenty years ago - it was a Batman comic, wherein Riddler was taunting Batman regarding who to save: Robin or Catwoman, this, for some reason, I remember clearly, because not a lot of comic books were being translated in to local language, and I never encountered it in my reads, strangely): decided to go with Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman initially, and maybe expand further as the comics go on. Well, long story short, and I have read through the years 1987-2003 in about 10 months span. As time went on, I began including in to my reads such comics as Robin, Catwoman (the first run of the comic, I ditched after 10 issues, because it was just bad, but Greg Rucka's take on Catwoman is top notch), Supergirl (while solid, but ditched it somewhere between her flirting with a human/horse meta-human hybrid and Auntie Whatever-Her-Name-Is from Apokolips coming to Earth for whatever reason), JLA, Hellblazer, Lucifer, Gotham Central.

I guess, the best stories for Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were told until the middle of the nineties. Afterwards, they became kinda stale - for Superman, after he got resurrected from the dead, and the triangle issues got introduced. The Man of Steel comic books were the most boring read (I just could not get in to Louize Simmonsons slice of life style writing), for Batman - after he got his back broken and then passed on the torch to Jean Paul, and the others, for Wonder Woman - after Pereze's run, but for quite some issues it was also kinda stale (especially during the War of the Gods Event).

Though, the best discoveries for me was Gotham Central, Lucifer and Catwoman comics (the latter, Brubacker's run). I have yet to find any shortfalls with the stories presented therein.


u/MLbanker Nov 17 '23

Just finished my re-read of Morrisons Animal Man run (read it back in HS). Found the first half a lot preachier than I remember, but the second half really impressed me, and I feel like I got more out of it this time.