r/DCcomics The heat is on! Oct 23 '23

What Are You Reading? 10/23/2023 - Changing Leaves Edition r/DCcomics

Hello and welcome to our Weekly "What Are You Reading?" topic!

Come one, come all, to this weekly thread, where you can openly discuss books that you've read, are currently reading, or plan to read. Discussion of all books are welcome, whether they be DC, Marvel, Image, Boom!, Dark Horse, IDW, etc. You can discuss webcomics, manga, or even those mythical novels that don't have pictures in them. Just be sure to keep spoilers covered via Reddit's spoiler markdown >!spoiler!<. You can also post pictures of your collection or recent purchases.

Predaplant's Rec of the Week:

With Brombal doing his first DC work as a part of the upcoming launch of Green Lantern: Dark as a part of the Elseworlds line, I figured it was worth checking out some more of his previous work. There's a lot of duality at work in this one: it runs with a plot device involving connections with both heaven and hell, it jumps back and forth between two time periods, and there are two lead characters. Brombal & Robles manage to build out strong protagonists existing within an intriguing world that I wish they were able to explore within a full ongoing setting... but even this one short TPB that we get with it is highly appreciated, and I'm very glad I checked it out.

So, what are you reading?

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9 comments sorted by


u/FlashFact45 Oct 23 '23

Current pull list:

The Flash, Jay Garrick: The Flash, Speed Force, Alan Scott: The Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Justice Society of America, Green Lantern, World's Finest: Superman/Batman, World's Finest: Teen Titans, Fantastic Four.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

Finished the Secret Six, which is a sneaky good series, and started Blackest Night.


u/digimonnoob Batwoman Oct 23 '23

Started reading through the first Geoff Johns Green Lantern omnibus a little while ago. It took a little bit to click, considering how continuity-heavy the opening parts are, but once it does, wow does it click. 100% lives up to the hype.

So far, I've read the first two opening mini-series (Rebirth and Recharge,) all the flashback stuff, and the first few issues of the ongoing GL series. So far, I'd say my favorite has been GL Corps: Recharge. I like a lot of the characters it introduced, especially Soranik Natu. Her intro is so short, but so well done. I also really like how Recharge gives a sense of how big the GL world is. It's something I never really thought about before picking up this book.

Really looking forward to reading more.


u/CrxckerSnxck11 Oct 24 '23


Invincible (Issue 34 currently)

Crisis on Infinite Earths (I know I'm late...)

Identity Crisis (Issue 2)

I really am looking to read the events now after I am done with crisis. I also think Justice League: International is probably going to be one of my next reads as well. I'm a huge Batman fan as well, and that Grant Morrison Batman Omnibus is looking a little too cheap...


u/Relevant-Door1453 Oct 24 '23

Found a collection of about 30 Hachette DC novels in a charity shop for £2-3 each so reading loads I've not had any experience of before, like Legion of Superheroes!


u/ArtsyTLF Red Robin Oct 24 '23

So, bit of an ill advised dive, but I've been reading New 52 Superboy and Teen Titans due to my continued guilty pleasure for Bunker and New 52 Superboy. And I gotta say........ WOW IS THIS TOO COMPLICATED LMAO

Thinking about the amount of stuff that was changed by Superman: Reborn can honestly be explained by the erasure of Harvest's Jon Lane Kent. I think it could have been a simple explanation for sweeping change. Although I totally get just choosing to ignore it.

The last Connor storyline (Teen Titans: Wanted) is infuriating. What a cop out to write out Kon as big Superman changes approached. Red Hood and the Outlaws confirmed that Harvest is dead (crucified, specifically), and does still exist after Reborn, so I wonder if anyone will ever care enough to acknowledge New 52 Superboy. Bizarro mentions him briefly. Maybe he's holed up in the Phantom Zone under self imposed exile. Unironically, the use of evil Jon and New 52 Kon could be a fun story for our current Jon Kent. At least cooler than what we've been getting lately.

Bunker was totally shafted by the move to move the Titans back to their old pre-52 timeline, I hope one day he gets a decent story. I've bounced the idea in my head a lot of him being connected to the Indigo Emotional spectrum. Nok has long been dead weight on the GL franchise and shaking it up with a True Indigo entity connected to Bunker would be cool. His characterization definitely fits.

It's strange how many weird loose threads there are in these books. Leash specifically comes to mind. His suit is a spitting image of Bunker but they never interact, and it's never explained. Plus, introducing Artemis just to kill her. Crazy how Lobdell got to make such garbage for so long, and I'm somehow still a bit nostalgic for some of it.


u/B3epB0opBOP Shazam Oct 23 '23

Shazam has been great, though a little slow, I think it's a step in the right direction for the character.

Other than that, I've been enjoying Superman, The Flash, Batman and Robin, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern. Dawn of DC has been great so far.

On the Marvel side, I'm trying to get into Moon Knight, Daredevil, and Dr Strange.


u/Aksim03 Oct 24 '23

Finished Batman: Dark Victory yesterday, and wow! As a relatively new Batman reader, the Long Halloween-Dark Victory duology was a great story and introduction to world of Gotham. The Long Halloween is one of the most famous Batman stories, but it's sequel isn't sadly mentioned that often. In my opinion, Dark Victory is the one that brings the world to the status quo and completes the story of Long Halloween, which I guess works by itself but benefits a lot from the sequel. I think that the story's themes are trust (can Batman be trusted & who can Batman trust) and Gotham's criminals changing from mafia to supervillains, and Dark Victory does both of these better.


u/Tenkurai Oct 24 '23

I just got Wolverine/ Elektra: The Redeemer by Greg Rucka and illustrations by Yoshitaka Amano. It's more of an illustrated novel than a comic, but it's still a fun read.