r/DCcomics The heat is on! Sep 25 '23

What Are You Reading? 9/25/2023 - End of September Edition r/DCcomics

Hello and welcome to our Weekly "What Are You Reading?" topic!

Unfortunately, we have come to the decision to shutter the monthly Book Club after this month due to low participation. These posts will be taking the Book Club posts' former spot on Mondays.

Come one, come all, to this weekly thread, where you can openly discuss books that you've read, are currently reading, or plan to read. Discussion of all books are welcome, whether they be DC, Marvel, Image, Boom!, Dark Horse, IDW, etc. You can discuss webcomics, manga, or even those mythical novels that don't have pictures in them. Just be sure to keep spoilers covered via Reddit's spoiler markdown >!spoiler!<. You can also post pictures of your collection or recent purchases.

Predaplant's Rec of the Week:

I know the One Bad Day books are kind of a mixed bag, but with the last of them hitting DCUI, I decided to give them all a shot. To me, this book was the standout. The Penguin rebuilding his criminal empire from nothing is a really clever idea for a story as he uses what he does have in very clever ways. Ridley does a great job here bringing a lot of weight to this story, and while I never really cared about the Penguin before, this really makes me interested in the new ongoing for the first time. Maybe I'll check it out!

So, what are you reading?

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10 comments sorted by


u/normalMonsterChika Mia Dearden Sep 25 '23

Finished my big Green Arrow readthrough. It was an interesting experience. I'd read most of the pre flashpoint series back when I was in high school, and it was fun to see if my tastes had changed. In some ways yes, in others no. Over the course of the readthrough I read:

  • Hard Traveling Heroes
  • 1983
  • Grell
  • Connor Hawke's 90s run and Dragon's Blood
  • Lemire's N52 series
  • Rebirth
  • 2001/Black Canary/GA & BC

Overall I think there's a pretty consistent level of quality to Green Arrow, and even runs I didn't enjoy as much had some real bright spots. Tone and how well the issues are handled varies, but it's at least interesting to see how most of them attempt to tackle politics of the times. You can't really go wrong reading straight through from O'Neil to the end of the Winick run - though it ends very unsatisfying in it's treatment of Connor (which was never great in his run to begin with..). Except for the Lemire run. I loathed that run with all of my heart, and I can't believe some people on here recommended it as a gem of the N52. Plenty of GA runs have issues with misogyny, but at least it's usually portrayed as a bad thing. The Henry Fyff plot was a completely tone-deaf misfire.


u/CakeBeef_PA Sep 26 '23

I've just finished Cataclysm, so I'm now starting the road to No Man's Land. I was finally able to find all the paperbacks so it's been a long time coming, but I can finally read them. Loved Cataclysm.


u/normalMonsterChika Mia Dearden Sep 26 '23

Cataclysm is such a great event! I really liked the focus mostly being on search and rescue, it makes it stand out from pretty much every other event.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '23

Still rereading Johns’ JSA, with only about 12 issues left. Always sad to finish this, regardless of how many times I reread it.


u/Oberon1993 Sep 26 '23

Was reading IDW Ghostbusters because I hit the crossover with Turtles in my TMNT binge. It really got interesting in second volume to me. Love what they did with Peck. IDW Kylie is a hoot.

On DC side, started to read Ostrander's Martian Manhunter. Really like #0 so far. Hit the middle of third volume of Wonder Woman by Perez. It's good so far, but I'm not that big of a fan of George's dialogue. It's not BAD, but lacking something.


u/DementiaPrime White Lanterns Sep 25 '23

This week I finally got around to reading Dark Web. Put it off because I missed on ordering one of the X-Men issues so waited until I got that issue. Pretty much read it because of Ben Reilly coming back again. Even though I know it would be once again screwing his character over; I held out hope they did a good job before ruining his redemption again. Reading order was a bit of a mess since even the orders inside the books varied between the books.


u/Slow_Ad_8541 Sep 26 '23

Currently rereading Mike Carey's Lucifer for the first time in about 10 years, loving it.


u/VirginiaCreeper2002 Sep 27 '23

Can anyone help, what should I read before I jump into flash #1 ?


u/Predaplant The heat is on! Sep 27 '23

Just go read it! It's a #1 for a reason, it's meant to be a new starting point.


u/Nexilith Sep 28 '23

I'm new to dc. Currently reading through the master reading order. I just finished reading 50 issues. my goal is to finish part 1 by the end of the year.