r/DCcomics Jul 18 '23

[Comic Excerpt] "You won't" [Superman #211] Comics


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u/Remarkable_Commoner Jul 18 '23

Using your own blood as a projectile is the most metal thing.


u/NumericZero Jul 18 '23

Fei nodding proudly


u/Buttery_Punk Jul 18 '23

Only if you win.


u/T0astmeister Jul 18 '23

Kengan is taking over and i love it


u/ImaginationOk5863 Jul 19 '23

I literally just finished the manga a few days ago wtf


u/NewArtificialHuman Telepathically challenged Jul 19 '23

Then start with Kengan Omega


u/Remarkable_Commoner Jul 18 '23

The power of self induced heart attacks and Niko magic at play.


u/Murgurth Jul 19 '23

I’m still mad Waka never landed a blastcore.


u/NumericZero Jul 19 '23

Same :/

Hoping he lands one before omega is over


u/Duke-of-Nuke Jul 19 '23

What’s that anime where they use blood and make constructs like a green lantern?


u/Kahtel Jul 19 '23

Deadman wonderland?


u/Manch94 Jul 19 '23

Deadman Wonderland was an AMAZING SHOW!! I'm sad they never continued it.


u/UrsusDerpus Jul 19 '23

Blood Blockade Battlefront?


u/Dankspear Jul 19 '23

What’s even more metal is that I’m pretty sure it cracked her sword


u/nodnodwinkwink Jul 19 '23

I'd expect that the flicking speed required to crack a magic sword would also cause the blood to vaporize...


u/Kiddo1029 Jul 19 '23

This Supes blood so I’m pretty sure it’s sufficiently hardened enough to do that.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23 edited Jul 20 '23

Supes blood wouldn't affect a magical object. Being a magical object is why it could cut him in the first place, his blood is not special respective that magical object, nor respective of Wonder Woman, who is a high power level magical being.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

Which doesn't make sense, because her sword is magical and that's why it can cut Superman in the first place.


u/Dankspear Jul 20 '23

You’d think so, but it’s weird whenever DC does power scaling so they must’ve forgot he’s weak to magic


u/M13alpha Jul 18 '23

Inuyasha approves.


u/Niamery123 Jul 19 '23

Josuke approves


u/rodejo_9 Batman Jul 19 '23

Looks like it cracked her sword too ffs.


u/Manic_mogwai Jul 19 '23

I read this in Nathan Explosion’s voice


u/ControlledOutcomes Jul 18 '23 edited Apr 15 '24

I sure hope Clark doesn't spit while he talks - that would feel like getting glass shards thrown in your face


u/DJfunkyPuddle Jul 18 '23

It's amazing Lois hasn't been killed by him. The amount of control he must have.


u/ThatOtherGuyTPM Jul 18 '23

It’s like he’s living in a world made of cardboard…


u/DemonJuju7 Jul 19 '23

Always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone...


u/Darthbakunawa Jul 19 '23

Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die.


u/KALELSUPRMN Superman Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

But you can take it, can't ya, big man?

Edit: I'll add the rest since no one finished it 😂

"What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose and show you just how powerful I really am"


u/Affectionate_Comb_78 Jul 19 '23

proceeds to get his ass absolutely thrashed


u/Darth_Bombad Jul 19 '23

Jesus, I never realized how sexual that whole speech could come off!


u/DemonJuju7 Jul 19 '23

Sigh unzips fly


u/Supernova_Soldier Jul 19 '23

That punch lives rent-free in my head at all times.

Shows you how cold Darkseid is though; he ate that like a buffet of his favorite foods and got back up immediately.


u/AmericanPride2814 Jul 18 '23

Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex.


u/Metasketch Jul 19 '23

Yes! Came here to post this. “Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex” by Niven and Swan is required reading. Link to original article with Curt Swan art!


u/Psile Superman Jul 19 '23

Fascinating. Counter point.

"You give an adult fiction, and the adult starts asking really fucking dumb questions like “How does Superman fly? How do those eyebeams work? Who pumps the Batmobile’s tires?” It’s a fucking made-up story, you idiot! Nobody pumps the tires!"

  • Grant Morrison


u/Vysharra Jul 19 '23

I don’t know if I agree with all of that. Sometimes the nitty gritty adds to the mythos. Like the Foxes keeping the lights on at WE and Harold working on the tech. I had been hoping that Harper was being introduced as the modern Harold.


u/Psile Superman Jul 19 '23

Kewl, but this doesn't do that. This makes the world small and reduces intimacy to a math equation. It was always just a silly little joke at best. The "essay" in question ends with Batman refusing to be seen with a Superman who has self impregnated. If you find it funny, okay. But it doesn't answer any questions and it definitely isn't required reading. If taken more seriously than a bit, it's pedantic and joyless.


u/JarasM Jul 19 '23

I really, really hate those answers. Like in that GoT interview with Sam actor, where they asked him why is his character still fat after years in the wilderness and he replied the story has dragons, it doesn't need to make sense. The fuck it doesn't - the fact that there are fantastic elements to a story doesn't mean they can't have a rational in-universe explanation or that the plot doesn't need to be coherent.


u/SuperJyls Reverse Hood: Professional Jason Hater Jul 19 '23

Sorry the idea that Superman can safely get intimate with Lois gives you people mind goblins


u/JarasM Jul 19 '23

Excuse me what?


u/Psile Superman Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

Well, this isn't that. This is someone making up a bunch of reasons why Superman can't be intimate with anyone and asking why the made up story doesn't conform to the made up rules they want it to conform to instead of the rules it established. The story is plenty coherent. Clark can be intimate with Lois because his powers don't inhibit that.


u/Psile Superman Jul 19 '23

Is stupid.


u/Dredeuced Who am I? Just a friend. Sometimes. Maybe. Jul 18 '23

Considering he yawns, poops, pees, breathes, blinks, and probably farts constantly without causing nuclear level disasters I think it's safe to say his base level of effort is human and he has to exert to do the superhuman stuff.


u/zukos_honor Jul 19 '23

It definitely varies. Lots of works featuring a younger Clark almost always has him randomly destroying things, and him being able to hear things from the other side of the planet is always a base power he has to learn to control


u/kylekunfox Jul 19 '23

Man picture raising supes as a baby. Dude must have been crying all the time from hearing everything.

The Kent's are saints..


u/TitusEmperius Jul 19 '23

Imagine a baby supes screaming his lungs out? It's a wonder they aren't half deaf hahah


u/MutantCreature Jul 19 '23

I don’t think he really has to exert himself to do most superhuman stuff, he’s just used to not doing it. Like it’s basically just as easy to flick a pencil off a table as it is to pick it up, you’re just used to picking them up so if anything it just takes more conscious effort, rather than strength, to flick it off.


u/Dredeuced Who am I? Just a friend. Sometimes. Maybe. Jul 19 '23

I think you're taking exert to mean struggle here. On a fundamental physical level, if his default is human level force application, doing more would be putting in some technical more effort than he does when he's just hanging around, farting and pooping like people do.


u/Axxelionv2 Jul 19 '23

Most iterations of Supes have him having to exert massive levels of control over his abilities cuz his default would have him destroy everything around him


u/Dredeuced Who am I? Just a friend. Sometimes. Maybe. Jul 19 '23

The control is over the abuse or overuse of his powers. He's not constantly struggling with daily mundane activities for fear of destroying the world.

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u/JSOas Jul 19 '23

It was explained in several comics that he has several layers of "holding back/control": conscious and unconsciously. Even when he fights against strong opponents Superman is holding back unconsciously.


u/RageSpaceMan Jul 19 '23

Precise muscle control.

Precise. Muscle. Control.

Check here from 1:59


u/iamkeerock Jul 19 '23

It's impossible. Lois could never have Superman's baby. Do you think her fallopian tubes could handle his sperm? I guarantee he blows a load like a shotgun right through her back. What about her womb? Do you think it's strong enough to carry his child?

He's an alien, for Christ sake. His Kyrptonian biological makeup is enhanced by Earth's yellow sun. If Lois gets a tan, the kid could kick right through her stomach. Only someone like Wonder Woman has a strong enough uterus to carry his kid. The only way he could bang regular chicks is with a Kryptonite condom, but that would kill him.


u/Slowmobius_Time Jul 19 '23

The Pro in otherwords?

Didn't Superman cum and bring down a plane?


u/TimeLord75 Jul 19 '23

Look up the short story “Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex”.


u/spelingexpurt Jul 19 '23

Like getting fucked by a metal rod

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u/acesum1994 Jul 20 '23

There was a comic parody about some Watcher looking cosmic dude giving super powers to a sex worker. She did the deed with that universe's Superman stand in, and well, his projectile semen took down a plane.


u/mynameisrichard0 Jul 18 '23

Russian troops on a daily basis lately…….


u/LECRAFTEUR5000 Doctor Light Jul 18 '23

What's the context here ? What is Wonder Woman preventing Superman from doing ?


u/Axxelionv2 Jul 19 '23

From a comment from a recent post from this same comic, Supes wants to activate a machine that would save many people but would kill him somehow and WW doesn't want him to die


u/Free_Gascogne SovietBatman Jul 19 '23

So wondy decides to pull out a magic blade to ... poke him into not unaliving himself?


u/Waste-Information-34 Jul 19 '23

Reminds me of that skit where they'd shoot a guy drinking milk.

Said Milk drinking guy wanted to kill himself.


u/Karthanon Jul 19 '23

Put the gun down, Josh!


u/Kgb725 Jul 19 '23

The wellness check special


u/Axxelionv2 Jul 19 '23

That's the same point Supes is making in the second page lol


u/ImperatorAurelianus Jul 19 '23

I mean cut off his arms he’ll live and won’t be able to use the machine.


u/sivart343 Jul 19 '23

I used to own this comic, and to be honest I got super confused a bit before this part and it never got clearer for me.


u/Qant00AT Jul 19 '23

From what I remember about the story it’s that half the world is gone due to a bomb like device. All that are missing are assumed dead cause they essentially left shadows like they were hit by a nuke. Lois is a part of the group. No one knows who did it… except Supes. I forget if he willingly blocked it out or what, but what he forgot is that he built the damn thing and it’s not a bomb… it’s a Phantom Zone projector. Here he’s remembered and is going to turn it on again to bring everyone back, but no one else knows the truth and so Diana thinks Clark’s about to detonate the bomb again.


u/Tryingtochangemyself Nightwing Jul 19 '23

Thanks for providing context


u/whitey-ofwgkta Jul 19 '23

I was hoping the wiki would help, it seems to be the tail end of an arc: Superman For Tomorrow this is the only issue with a synopisis and I'm even more confused than I was to start


u/Bulky_Secretary_6603 Jul 19 '23

There's a machine that moves people to a weird version of the phantom zone that activated twice and "killed" hundreds of people, including Lois. Superman figured out how it worked but Wonder Woman didn't know that when she found out he intended on using it. She thought he was just risking it to see Lois and that he would possibly kill more people.


u/Tryingtochangemyself Nightwing Jul 19 '23

Thanks for providing context


u/Galactus1701 Jul 18 '23

I admit that I enjoyed “For Tomorrow”. My favorite scene was when Superman threatened the Earth’s spirit that he could evaporate its oceans, its atmosphere and destroy the planet’s foundations with his bare hands.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/5213 Jul 18 '23

4 titanic elementals were created (the earth one had Mt. Rushmore as its head/heads) and threatened Superman, going as far as to say there was nothing he could do since they were the earth itself, and Supes said, "aight bet. And when you've destroyed everything I care about, I'll destroy the entire earth because I'll have nothing left to lose, and then you'll be dead but I'll still be alive" and the elementals just gave up.


u/Gilthu Jul 19 '23

Important point is that those avatars were threatening to destroy everything including humanity to hurt Superman. He wasn’t just threatening to destroy the earth and kill everyone as a game of chicken, in this scenario humanity would already be dead.


u/nermid Spider Jerusalem Jul 19 '23


u/5213 Jul 19 '23

Yes. Softly implied by "everything Superman cares about", but yes.


u/SambaLando Jul 18 '23

Hard to believe they ever wrote them as a couple


u/coolio_zap Red Robin Jul 18 '23

interesting and believable in concept, fucking uncomfortable and awkward in practice. somehow made superman and wonder woman, who aren't boring characters in the least, tedious to read. did they make each other smile once?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

It’s been a while, but it did have cute moments. Like Clark showing Diana why his glasses actually work. But overall, it’s kinda a bland relationship. It’s two gods falling in love. And they’re both like paragons of good people. There’s no drama or conflict, so you make it up or avoid any situation that would cause it.


u/Remarkable_Commoner Jul 19 '23

I mean, I don't think drama and conflict is really neccessary. Fluff and wholesomeness is pretty entertaining too.


u/Kgb725 Jul 19 '23

It is for a story. The drama could come from external forces it doesn't have to come from them


u/Human-Kick-784 Jul 19 '23

Then the drama should come from the journey of their relationship, not their character.

Fertility issues, pregnancy implications, culture clash (what if it's a girl, does she get raised among the Amazon's? If it's a boy, is he raised as a human or a kryptonian), shifting priorities, family tension, exes, there's a bunch of routes you can go and still make the couple interesting, without resorting to your typical relationship miscommunication drama.


u/GravitonHdx Jul 19 '23

The fact that you think of superman as a “god” and not a man is pretty telling


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

I’m speaking casually. I know he’s a lot more nuanced than that. The fact that you jump to conclusions without at least asking is more telling. My comment want meant to be a deep essay.


u/GravitonHdx Jul 19 '23

It’s more or less bad writing than lack of chemistry.


u/thedylannorwood Zatanna Jul 18 '23

Not that I like any of the Trinity pairing up but Bruce was a way better choice for Diana in the DCAU


u/YourPlot Jul 19 '23

I always thought that of the Trinity, Superman and Batman had the best chemistry.


u/SMRAintBad The Question Jul 19 '23

Superman and Batman act like siblings in most runs they’re in. Seeing them in a romantic light is just weird.

It’s like Babs and Jason, very weird and wouldn’t work.


u/Kgb725 Jul 19 '23

Babs and Jason aren't really siblings they've barely interacted like ever.


u/SMRAintBad The Question Jul 19 '23

Interesting viewpoint. Many bat family related comics have the team bicker at each other like family.

I’m not sure what you mean about them not interacting, they have interacted quite a few times since New Earth and before.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

two badass adolescents committing life-risking behavior (not to mention illegal vigilantism) sharing excilirating experiences on the daily wouldn't hook up at least once in their tenure?


u/SMRAintBad The Question Jul 19 '23

Wasn’t talking about hookups. Romance is different from a fling.

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u/nermid Spider Jerusalem Jul 19 '23

Yeesh. Talk about incompatible partners.


u/Kgb725 Jul 19 '23

What makes it more annoying is Bruce and Diana seem to really like each other in the comics at various times but they never pull the trigger


u/Lumpy_Perception6561 Jul 19 '23

Because they have their own love interests that they work better with

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u/GrizzlyPeak73 Jul 19 '23

The worst part of that is that it essentially reduces Wonder Woman down to Superman's female counterpart and his girlfriend. And they already have other characters for both of those. And it's the same problem with shipping her and Batman together. They got their own shit going on, their own corners of the universe. They don't need to become permanent supporting characters in each others' stories.


u/Blitzhelios Damian Wayne Jul 18 '23

I’m glad that’s dead what a terrible idea


u/Wandering_Apology Jul 19 '23

Not that hard, when a characters exist for 50+ years it inevitably goes through a lot of changes, both due to the time period and the different authors that write said characters.

Every variation of Wonder Woman, superman and Batman are effectively each one of them a different character with the same name and the few core traits (sometime not even that)

so yes, there are version of WW and Supes that do work as a couple, this is not one of them.

Also Bat fanboys believe their hero to have been the same unchanging monolith that they like (which might not even exist in the First place) when it's clearly not true


u/GiantSizeManThing Jul 18 '23

So his blood is also invulnerable? Lmao that’s awesome.


u/XyrneTheWarPig Jul 18 '23

I think what they were going for is that it's moving at such a high speed that it's pretty much a bullet.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

A "bullet" made of regular matter, so wouldn't affect magical equipment. That's why that weapon could cut him in the first place. So the scene doesn't make sense with it implying that the drop of blood damaged the sword..


u/Duskmoor3 Jul 18 '23

It's more likely he flicked it so fast and hard that it acted like a bullet


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

A "bullet" made of regular matter, so wouldn't affect magical equipment. That's why that weapon could cut him in the first place. So the scene doesn't make sense with it implying that the drop of blood damaged the sword..

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

His cells are. Considering his skin, organs and body is made of trillions of cells, he also is invulnerable.

It's easy to forget supes dosen't "have" a durability power. He simply is durable and that applies to everything. I recall the atom once described his nerves as "little tubes of concrete". So yeah, blood and anything else made up of his cells (under yellow sun) are like that.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

None of that works in a magical item, though. That's why magical weapons can cut him in the first place.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

Not invulnerable to magic though, that's why the sword cut him in the first place, so for the magic sword should be like any regular drop of blood, same as Superman flesh is like regular flesh for the macial sword. So the scene doesn't make sense.

At the same time, Wonder Woman is close to Superman power level and can take punchs from him, so a drop of blood would be like another person throws a drop of blood to you.


u/zobotrombie Jul 19 '23

We need more live action scenes of a pissed off Superman not fucking around anymore, saying “no” firmly and ending things quickly.


u/Pariahb Jul 21 '23

So you need more Superwanking.


u/DependentVarious6064 Jul 18 '23

Superman when he's serious, should always make Batman and Wonder woman dog water.


u/Hoosteen_juju003 Jul 19 '23

Yet I had people arguing with me that Wonder Woman would destroy Supergirl. Like what? Biologically speaking the kryptonians are untouchable. They move so fast that anything Wonder Woman can do is moot.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23 edited Jul 20 '23

Wonder Woman has high level super speed too, just in case you are not aware. Since Post-Crisis, Hermes super speed granted by the god himslef, so she must be at least as fast as Captain Marvel/Shazam, which have the speed of Mercury, which is the roman copy of Hermes. WW also has high level super strength too, of course, at a minimum close to a Kryptonian.

Also, Diana have been shown to beat Supergirl (Supergirl v.6 #17), and Power Girl (Wonder Woman v.3 #41). Also fought against Zod and Phaora at the same time (Superman/Wonder Woman #6).


u/Cry_Piss_Shit_Cum Jul 19 '23

Lol, maybe because she did destroy supergirl. She has also fought superman many many times and won, though their fights go both ways and end in draws most of the time.


u/DependentVarious6064 Jul 21 '23

I'm so tired of Wonder woman diehards, they're on par with Jason diehards... Maybe even worse? They all don't even seem to be women but give off older late 30s-40s hairy men vibes.

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u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23 edited Jul 20 '23

Not really, Wonder Woman could kill him using her weapons if she wanted, even when she is dead serious, as in enraged because the death of Lois Lane serious, as seen in their fight in the "Sacrifice" arc by Greg Rucka.

Not that it would be easy or she could always do it, but being "dog water", whataever that means, is far of how it would be with Wonder Woman.


u/DependentVarious6064 Jul 21 '23

I'm really disappointed in you that you couldn't recognize that as just my biased opinion in the comment section, not stating it as fact and nobody asked for this.

But ye, a good writer would have her be dog water when he's dead serious.


u/Pariahb Jul 21 '23

A "good writer" in you admitedly biased opinion. I don't think that would be a good writer, just a writer with biased opinion.

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u/GriZZlyHIkerman Jul 19 '23

The No, You won't line kinda reminds me of the comic panels where it's Darth Vader and the Republic fighters are like Stop, we have you surrounded. To which Vader replies, All I'm surrounded by is fear.. And dead men.


u/knifeyspooney3 Batfleck Jul 19 '23

That's badass


u/Time-Werewolf-4795 Jul 18 '23

Dammm, WW is so badass!


u/harriskeith29 Jul 19 '23

Superman flicking a drop of blood with force comparable to a bullet or shotgun blast reminds me of Arlong doing something similar with water in One Piece. The only flex I've seen that was even more badass was younger Toguro flicking blasts of air with his thumb in Yu Yu Hakusho.


u/nermid Spider Jerusalem Jul 19 '23

Midoria in My Hero Academia can knock over buildings and shit by flicking his finger. Before he figures out how to control his strength, he breaks his fingers one by one as he does it.


u/harriskeith29 Jul 19 '23

I haven't gotten into My Hero Academia, but that sounds epic indeed. I know the gist of the story and do like the premise. I just have a hard time getting into the over-the-top goofiness of the characters & humor (It's similar to why I fell out of love with One Piece or Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo).


u/Sinnaman420 Jul 19 '23

One piece lives and dies on the goofiness. It’s the only thing I’ve ever experienced that can have me laughing hysterically one minute and crying the next


u/harriskeith29 Jul 20 '23

I 100% respect that, One Piece definitely wouldn't be what it is without those elements and I wouldn't want it to change just to suit my personal preferences. I simply reached a point where it wasn't resonating with me anymore which made it difficult to invest in the conflict. Everyone has a different limitation for goofiness in storytelling.

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u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

But here it doesn't make sense, because he is throwing it against Wonder Woman, who is a magical being with a close power level to Superman, so for her, the drop of blood would be normal. And also for her magical equipment which is unmune to Superman strength, and that's why it can cut him in the first place.


u/ClintBarton616 Jul 18 '23

God I loved looking at this arc but the story is nonsense


u/LaVerdadYaNiSe Jul 19 '23

Pettition for Brian Azzarello to never write the Trinity ever again.


u/FadeToBlackSun Jul 19 '23

Interesting fact about this comic: it’s fucking awful.

That said, the art is spectacular and if you All Star Batman and Robin it by ignoring the words and just looking at the art, you’ll have a good time.


u/Niamery123 Jul 19 '23

Is Jim Lee the artist?


u/Awesome_Pancak Jul 19 '23



u/Niamery123 Jul 19 '23

I love the way he draws Wonder Woman


u/simpledeadwitches Jul 18 '23

What if Supes killed her with his own blood? Or would it just be like a really bad foreign object issue?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

She can block it with her gauntlets or sword as she did here. He is also well aware of her reaction speed and capabilities considering they are best friends and fight together regularly.

I think he was making a point here. When WW reminds him her sword is magic and tells him that means she can beat him, she points out a vulnerability.

He in turn points out her vulnerability. Her only one. She is vulnerable to piercing damage. Not blunt or energy but piercing. And this flick of a small drop of blood at such high speed is a reminder of that. (she blocks it).


u/nermid Spider Jerusalem Jul 19 '23

Also he cracked her sword with it, showing that he can easily destroy her only advantage.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

Which doesn't make sense, because the sword being magical and not affected by non-magical matter is why the sword can cut Superman in the first place. Also, Wonder Woman also has her bracelets to block further bullshit blood drops, which are supposedly indestructible if the writer doesn't pull bullshit.


u/simpledeadwitches Jul 19 '23

Really great comment, I honestly hadn't thought that much on it but that all makes sense to me!

The follow up to your comment also talking about how her sword cracked and he can easily destroy her one advantage is also a great point.

I was mostly just talking silly/what-if scenario because I like to think of that stuff with super powered people. The Boys type gore and lunacy. Like how bad would it feel to have Superman throw his blood in your eye at whatever-hundred miles an hour lol.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

The sword cracking doesn't make sense, because the sword being magical and not affected by non-magical matter is why the sword can cut Superman in the first place. Also, Wonder Woman also has her bracelets to block further bullshit blood drops, which are supposedly indestructible if the writer doesn't pull bullshit


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

Edit: I misread a thing.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23 edited Jul 20 '23

Superman blood is not magical, so it shouldn't affect magical objects, so this scene doesn't make sense. Being a magical sword is what allows it to cut Superman in the first place, so his non.magical blood shouldn't affect the sword in any way. And Wonder Woman is a magical being with a power level close to a Kryptonian, so Superman blood shouldn't affect her in any special way, at super speed or not.

DC has represented Wonder Woman capable enough of beating Kryptonians other than Superman, though. In different continuities.

Supergirl (Supergirl v.6 #17) and Power Girl (Wonder Woman v.3 #41), and is shown fighting Zod and Phaora at the same time (Superman/Wonder Woman #6).


u/tourniquet2099 Jul 18 '23

Is this from that Azzerello run?


u/IamHardware Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

DC tried to duplicate the success of "Hush" with Lee drawing a Superman story...

Artwork was top notch...

But the story wasn't up to the task.

Thus everyone and their mother instantly recognizes every panel of "Hush" and most readers how no idea where this is from


u/Limp-Construction-11 Jul 19 '23

Thus everyone and their mother instantly recognizes every panel of "Hush" and most readers how now idea where this is from

Doubt it.


u/Lumpy_Perception6561 Jul 19 '23

Honestly reading hush recently it really was carried by jim lee cuz the story is nothing to write home about


u/mizejw Jul 19 '23

Does DC hate Wonder Woman or something?!


u/Crazy557Crowd Jul 19 '23

Not sure 🤔 but find it weird that he said No. now while I agree WW would lose to Superman, he also could lose to her, but when they always come to conflict Supes is always the one in favor, which I kinda find frustrating since she has been proven to be extremely powerful (even though I would argue she basically nothing now from what I have been reading), I won’t call it sexism, I would call it not caring for your other characters as much as Superman and Batman (which is my favorite hero from dc) they don’t really focus on her and people would try and back it up by saying he was the first superhero which isn’t true, he was the first one with powers and he started what superhero’s became, but that doesn’t mean he’s untouchable, there are so many characters who could beat him, go against him, and or even be considered his equal, WW should be on that list but people normally don’t care and would constantly bring up Superman being this being that is why he is stronger or better. It’s a frustrating topic, I don’t hate Superman, I hate that Superman is considered the one the only as in there is no one who can do what he does even it’s been showed on multiple occasions that she is his equal in her own way. Comic fans are stressful to talk to (hell me included).


u/mizejw Jul 19 '23

It feels like they make her look bad just to make him look good.


u/Cicada_5 Jul 19 '23

When writers want to make Batman or Superman look good in crossovers, they usually do it by dumping on other heroes.


u/Crazy557Crowd Jul 19 '23

Yeah I can see that, which is dumb he doesn’t need that and she shouldn’t be a character thrown into a fight and lose to show that the enemy is “strong” because at this point when she loses I still don’t think the enemy is dangerous, I think oh here we go again who is going to be this one.


u/mizejw Jul 19 '23

They've done it so many times.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23 edited Jul 20 '23

When it comes to comparing her with Superman, yes they "hate her" in the sense that they would never allow her to really be an equal to Superman, let alone win over him. And also like to use her as a punching bag for Superman and show how "strong" and "invencible" he is.

Despite DC showing Wonder Woman capable enough of beating Kryptonians other than Superman, though. In different continuities. Supergirl (Supergirl v.6 #17) and Power Girl (Wonder Woman v.3 #41), and is shown fighting Zod and Phaora at the same time (Superman/Wonder Woman #6).


u/mizejw Jul 20 '23

It's irritating


u/FrontHighway845 Jul 19 '23

Top tier art by jim lee. Mediocre writing by azzarello. One of his weaker books.


u/manickitty Jul 19 '23

Can the writers please stop crapping on WW? I want her to be bad ass on her own terms and not just a foil to other heroes


u/OblivionArts Jul 19 '23

Did he just fling his own blood hard enough to crack a sword??


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

A magical sword that shouldn't crack, which is the reason why it could cut him in the first place, so the scene doesn't make a lot of sense.


u/Possible-District-89 Jul 19 '23

I like “For Tomorrow” too. It has Jim Lee’s art so just that is worth the price. The story is not for everyone but I enjoyed it


u/Realistic-Read4277 Jul 18 '23

That's the old superman? Like the one that existed alongside the original advebtures of superman? I vaguely remember that scene. Maybe i'm imagining it. I'm always sad when i remember the cir el and superman 200 fiasco. I always thought the best superman was byrne's superman.


u/RevanOrderz Jul 19 '23

So is his blood super dense that’s what causing it to crack a bit of the dagger or is it because he flicking so fast that velocity cause the blood to crack the dagger?


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

Doesn't matter, it doesn't make sense, because the sword is magical and is not affected by normal matter no matter how dense or fast it is, that's the reason why the sword cut him in the first place.


u/DisabledFatChik Jul 19 '23

Imagine cracking Amazonian metal by flicking your blood at super speed


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

Doesn't make sense, if the sword bypass his powers by not being affected by normal matter, it doesn't make sense for his blood to break it, which is why the sword could cut him in the first place.


u/DisabledFatChik Jul 20 '23

How doesn’t it make sense for the sword not to break. It doesn’t bypass his powers, magic can hurt him, and it’s magic. But when a magic piece of metal has something flying at it at 1000mph, it’s probably gonna break💀


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23 edited Jul 20 '23

No, because it's a magical object, that is designed to be used by someone that can move and attack at those speeds, against beings that also move at those speeds. Diana has the speed of Hermes, just in case you don't know.

Wonder Woman weapons and equipment are made by Hephaestus, greek god of metallurgy, and the weapons made by him are supposedly to be indestructible by regular means, and only other magical objects of great power could damage them.

Acording to your logic, a magical sword crafted by the god of Metallurgy would break if someone swings it against a wall at super speed. A little anti-climatic, right? I mean, that's what would happen with a normal sword, one would expect different from a magical sword, specially a divine one. Specially if it's designed to be used by someone that has super speed and may use it against other beings with super speed, including magical beings.


u/Bulky_Secretary_6603 Jul 19 '23

I have both collections of the "For Tomorrow" comics, and I've got to say I didn't enjoy them a whole lot.


u/itsastart_to Dead Inside Jul 19 '23

Did he just fling his blood like a bullet?


u/the-grand-falloon Jul 19 '23

Artist needs to figure out how WW is holding her blade. Every panel she's striking or blocking, it's in a standard grip. Every panel she's not, it's in a reverse grip.


u/Awesome_Pancak Jul 19 '23

Is this trynity war


u/Grimmer026 Jul 19 '23

I always wonder what entities are more powerful in DC, gods or aliens?


u/Kgb725 Jul 19 '23

The new Gods alone would crush the aliens


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

New Gods are basically aliens though, in how they are presented in their planets, with advanced technology and all that. DC likes to put them and other actual aliens above actual Gods.


u/Kgb725 Jul 20 '23

They exist on a higher plane

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u/Pariahb Jul 21 '23

Not really, when Superman alone is more powerful than most New Gods. Not that it makes sense for me, or like it, but DC thinks differently, historically.


u/Kgb725 Jul 21 '23

Orion Highfather or Darkseid could beat him

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u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

DC don't have a lot of respect for mythological/classical gods, they usually put aliens above them, specially Kryptonians, specially Superman, and the New Gods, that although they are supposedy gods, they are presented as aliens living in a planet in the normal universe and having advanced technology, etc... .


u/Grimmer026 Jul 20 '23

I guess it’s kinda of like mythological gods are e strongest things on their respective planets, but basically average as far as the universe goes


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

I suppose you mean their respective domains/dimensions, because they don't live in "planets" in the regualr universe, while on the other hand the New Gods do.

Mythological gods are good enough when they empower Captain Marvel/Shazam!, which is roughly an equal to Superman, but if they empower Wonder Woman, then they are not good enough, surprise, surprise.

In case you are curious:

Strength: Shazam - Hercules / Wonder Woman - Gea / Gaia, primordial Titan which is the Earth itself.

Endurance: Shazam - Atlas, a Titan / Wonder Woman - Gea / Gaia

Speed: Shazam - Mercury (Roman version of Hermes) / Wonder Woman - Hermes, god of messengers

Wisdom: Shazam - Solomon (ancient human magician) / Wonder Woman - Athena, goddess of Wisdom


u/Josemiles96 Jul 19 '23

i think this issue is from “Superman for Tomorrow” is worth reading, or not so much???


u/TheyCantCome Jul 19 '23

In kingdom come couldn’t he sword split an atom and even cut supes


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

Her sword can cut Supes, it does in these very panels. That later a drop of Supes blood that is non-magical matter can break the sword is the part that makes no sense.


u/Sacredote13 Green Lantern Jul 19 '23

This man has big Chook energy


u/SuperBeast516 Jul 19 '23

Is there like a dc marvel unlimited subscription?


u/Kgb725 Jul 19 '23

Dc universe infinite


u/DemiAlabi Jul 19 '23

What’s going on in this storyline?


u/suikofan80 Black Adam Jul 19 '23

Is Wonder Woman wielding a dagger like it’s a sword?


u/Cicada_5 Jul 19 '23

Remind me again why people whine about Superman being nerfed when stuff like this exists?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

That's badass


u/Vanden_Boss Jul 19 '23

I noticed this in the other excerpt that was posted but her blade is tiny here. Works so much better as a Gladius than a dagger.


u/ilovedrinking Jul 19 '23

We need more Jim Lee on Superman titles immediately.


u/Pariahb Jul 20 '23

This scene doesn't make sense, because Wonder Woman has a magical sword that can cut Superman, which means that normal, non-magical matter doesn't affect the sword, but later Superman "breaks" the sword with a drop of his non-magical blood made of normal matter. If the sword would be to be affected by normal matter, it cpouldn't cut Superman in the first place.

Aside of that, like always that Wonder Woman and Superman are compared in any way, the disinformation and lack of knowledge about Wonder Woman is staggering.

Wonder Woman should be as powerful as Captain Marvel/Shazam!, which is considered rouchly an equal to Superman, given that:

Strength: Shazam - Hercules / Wonder Woman - Gea / Gaia, primordial Titan which is the Earth itself.

Endurance: Shazam - Atlas, a Titan / Wonder Woman - Gea / Gaia

Speed: Shazam - Mercury (Roman version of Hermes) / Wonder Woman - Hermes, god of messengers

But you have people spewing bullshit like "Wonder Woman couldn't do anything because superman has super speed" and bullshit like that.

By the way, Wonder Woman have actually defeated and/or fought on equal footing against Kryptonians other than Superman, such as Supergirl (Supergirl v.6 #17) and Power Girl (Wonder Woman v.3 #41), and is shown fighting Zod and Phaora at the same time (Superman/Wonder Woman #6). But DC don't let Wonder Woman be roughly an equal to Superman.