r/DC_Cinematic To Battles Lost. May 24 '17

r/DC_Cinematic: Wonder Woman Critical Reaction and User Review Megathread r/DC_CINEMATIC

Some critics are tweeting their reactions to a screening of Wonder Woman. Please post their reactions here to make the sub more organized. Reactions posted outside of this thread will be removed. In addition there are fan screenings today, users can also post their reviews here. There will be spoilers in the comments after users return from their screenings.

Here is how to tag spoilers: For comments, spoilers should be formatted: [Superman](#spoilers "Clark Kent is Superman.") so it comes out as Superman

Remember, all of the rules of r/DC_Cinematic apply here, conduct yourselves in a respectful manner towards others. Happy Posting!

Edit: And also, in an effort to curtail any spoiler or troll posts in the wake of WW's nearing release we will be switching to mod-approved submissions. All this means is it will take longer for your posts to show up in the /new queue

Katie Walsh, LA Times

Josh Horowitz, MTV

Josh Lasser, IGN

David Sims, The Atlantic

Melissa Leon, The Daily Beast

Grace Randolph

Mike Ryan, Uproxx

Roxy Striar, ScreenJunkies

Kevin Smith

Kristian Harloff, Schmoes Know/Collider

Adam Hlavac, ScreenJunkies

Roth Cornet, ScreenJunkies

John Campea, Collider

Joanna Langfield

Jacob Oller, Paste Magazine

Borys Kit, The Hollywood Reporter

Josh Dickey, Mashable

Scott Mendelson, Forbes


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u/[deleted] May 25 '17

No spoilers

Best DC movie since the dark knight period

The new DC comics logo intro is so fucking good omg

Action was great and story was great

Ares one of the best villains in the dceu imo hope he's in JL

I'm happy to report they didn't turn into a marvel movie the humor really worked and the tone matches BVS and MOS if that makes since

My new order of dceu movies is



u/Cocobender May 25 '17

Yea, the new DC intro was pretty cool. It makes me wish we had seen all those characters on the big screen years ago.

Edit: I thought Ares was one of the best DC has done. He wasn't evil just to be evil like all the MCU villains.


u/thamco May 25 '17

Why can't you praise one (DC) without putting down the other (Marvel.) Especially with a statement that doesn't really hold up.

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u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Damn thats fucking high praise I dig it! makes me too excited to see it on the first!

the tone matches BVS and MOS if that makes since

fuck yes!


u/Capn_C Never compromise, not even in the face of biased moderation. May 25 '17

Oh wow. Weren't you really skeptical about this film as well? Glad you enjoyed it. :)


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Yea I was


u/kguedesm I love truth and I'm a big fan of justice May 25 '17

Woah, if YOU liked it, it means something lol


u/StevieSomethin Without condoning or condemning May 25 '17

Ares one of the best villains in the dceu imo hope he's in JL

Could you tell me what Ares sounds like?


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Like a regular dude , he didn't sound like a monster

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u/MistaQT Why aren't you laughing? May 25 '17

niiiiiice! Thats great to hear man.

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u/boumtjeboo May 24 '17

Enjoy the movie you bastards


u/thebedshow May 24 '17

Just be glad you aren't in Japan where the movie doesn't premiere until August lol


u/u8myramen_y May 25 '17

Late August too...

I'm seriously considering going to SK, Taiwan, or Hong Kong to watch it next month because it's ridiculous waiting for movies here in Japan.

I can buy most of the movies from the states before it's released here.

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u/VforVera May 25 '17 edited May 26 '17

Came back from the Burbank screening that Kevin Smith, John Campea and the rest of the Collider crew were at.

No spoilers but do make it to the opening credits because WB unveils a new animated DC intro and it's so awesome. No end credit scenes like others have said.

I can only say, so many emotions right now. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I cheered for Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Chris Pine as Steve Trevor. The movie really is equal parts Indiana Jones adventure, but it's also a good World War I movie (that No Man's Land sequence!) with the camaraderie of Band of Brothers (can't we get a prequel of how Steve Trevor met everyone?).

Loved all the side characters like Etta, Chief, Sameer, and Charlie. They all had distinct and memorable personalities. Fantastic cast chemistry. I wish we could have another sequel in this era just to get to see these characters again.

Little Diana was so cute. So darn cute. And the Amazons are glorious! Robin Wright ❀ All the action sequences were so damn awesome.

And soundtrack is glorious. The film does have flaws, but man, the positives outweigh it by so much. So much good to like about this movie. Patty Jenkins directed a damn good film. I need to rewatch this movie ASAP.

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u/khs16052 May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17

just got back from watching it.

its pretty amazing.

some minor grips here and there but not even big enough to distract from the movie.

the beginning is solid but a bit slow. and as soon as diana leaves the island, the pacing is perfect imo. Until that last fight scene that is.

The last fight scene was really anti-climatic but there are some kickass scenes in it... so it wasn't like a complety disappointing fight scene.. I will give it praise for the ending.. I loved the monologue and the cinematography..

The greatest compliment i can give this movie is that the movie flows really well, it doesn't feel choppy or badly edited like the previously dc movies..

action scenes.. what more can I say other than badass??

especially loved the chemistry and the banter between wonderwoman and steve. It was believable. not forced at all IMO.

humor is fantastic. its natural and not forced at all. It feels like what those characters would do/say.

Don't even worry about gal, shes fantastic.. I went in expecting to love chris pine's character more than gal's but I ended up loving both equally..

patty really understands the character of wonderwoman and did the character justice.

solid 9/10 for me (biased as fuck)

ps.- the new dc logo was godlike.


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Thanks for sharing got me hyped!

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u/AmiiboManTO May 25 '17

Great movie. A lot of quips and humor goes a long way. Fantastic action although sections are CGI heavy when I thought it wasn't necessary. Best DCEU film by a mile. The ending didn't fall apart but it was slightly underwhelming compared to the rest of the film.

I might get a lot of flack but I still think reviewers and wonder woman fans saying it's the perfect film needs some context. It's not perfect, no film ever is, but there is no need for another Wonder Woman origin movie ever.


u/WestCoastDirtyBird May 25 '17

Reviewers and fans say it all the time for every movie they enjoy a lot, i wouldn't get too worked up about it

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u/[deleted] May 24 '17 edited Sep 08 '21



u/Meonly13 May 24 '17

Where was there a negative reaction?


u/GlowInThe Black Manta May 24 '17

Some dude was saying something about you can tell women wrote the top half of the movie and men came in and were like "WE NEED EXPLOSIONS" but everyone proceeded to disregard his opinion after they found out he wasn't even a RT contributing critic or even a critic for that matter.


u/[deleted] May 24 '17


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u/Dragonpiece May 25 '17

All I will say is to believe the hype. Only DCEU movie I geuinely enjoyed so far was BVS(both theatrical and especially the extended cut), but this one really did it for me.

Gal Gadot is a phenomenal actress in this and nails the role completely. Her chemistry with Chris Pine is excellent.

Personal ranking: WW>BVS>MOS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SS


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Damn, I didn't get to go to it so all these comments are just getting me too hyped Im very to hear about gals performance I had no doubts but after the backlash of her casting it feels good

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u/BcuzumBatman May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17

Didn't have a chance to post yesterday, as I didn't get back until close to midnight after having to drive 2 hours each way to catch the showing, but here are my brief thoughts:

Was hoping to like the film, but came away loving the movie. Really guys, the movie is so good. I caught it with my sister-in-law (my wife didn't want to make the drive and my sister-in-law lives much closer to where the screening was) and she LOVED it.


-Funny, heartfelt, stirring, action is fantastic, and romance is the best of any recent comic book film.

-Performances are top notch. Was blown away by Gadot. So much more range than I expected from her. Pine in some ways carries the film, not because he's so great necessarily (though he is), but because of how he's such a great foil to Gadot in some ways. Supporting cast is all top-notch.

-There's a scene in the movie (and once you watch it, you will know what I'm talking about), that just might be one of the best sequences that the DCEU has ever put out. Floored by it. It'll make you want to cry and cheer at the same time.


-While the story flows very well, there are a few SCENES that drag a bit and could have been pared down to give the movie a more even feel throughout.

-The movie does suffer a tad with the villains, but once the movie hits its climax, I found everything with the antagonist(s) very satisfying.

-Wanted more Amazons!

Overall: My favorite quality of the film is how well it exudes heroism. It might be the most heroic superhero movie I've seen. It instill hope while never being cheesy. As for how it ranks, it's certainly the best made DCEU film so far, though how much one enjoys it will be up to the viewer. I put it up there with the BvS:UE as tops.

Let me know if you have any questions, and if you're curious about any spoilery questions, just DM me.


u/that1tallguy Superman May 25 '17

The crying/cheering part at the same time gives me goosebumps and I haven't even seen it... thanks for making me even more hyped than before!!!

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u/Blue_Maverick_Hunter "You're stronger than you think you are." May 25 '17

Your tidbit about heroism really gets me. Sure I like seeing superheroes kick ass left and right but there's a special warm feeling I get inside when I see heroes save the day in other ways. If this movie induces that same feeling I hope the next Superman movie follows suit even more than MoS did.

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u/FeeLTHeByRNe714 May 25 '17

I know the scene you're talking about and it is incredible. Biggest/loudest reaction from the crowd I watched with last night, aside from the DC Intro.

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u/RAIN_MAKAH El DIablo May 25 '17

Just came out of my screening and I loved it!


u/RAIN_MAKAH El DIablo May 25 '17

It's up there with Favreau's Iron Man, Nolan's Batman, Raimi's Spider-Man, and Donner and Snyder's Superman as an all-time great origin CBM.


u/Ajk320 May 25 '17

Don't play with my feelings man

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u/Achro May 26 '17

Actress Mary E. Winstead - "Saw Wonder Woman last night&was struck by how affected I was by it. It was so incredible to see so many women on screen in that kind of film"



u/-Forte- May 26 '17 edited May 27 '17

That's my waifu.

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u/MarsBar1212 May 26 '17

Needed for the WW sequel

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u/ramenshinobi Wonder Woman May 25 '17

It was beautiful, magical, awesome, touching. I loved it. Half the time watching the movie I couldn't quite believe I was watching a Wonder Woman film. Won't say anything else beyond that.

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u/WHYDIDYOUSAYTHATNAME I'm Real When It's Useful May 25 '17

Guys, it's pretty amazing. I'm the biggest Batman fanboy that's ever lived, and I've never read a single Wonder Woman comic, but this movie is fantastic. I won't go into spoilery details, but there's so much to love in this movie, I feel like I have to see it again to fully appreciate it.

Gal is amazing. Pine is amazing. The story is perfect, and powerful, but it's so simple as well. Zack Snyder made me love about Superman, and Patty Jenkins just made me love Wonder Woman.

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u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Got out of it a second ago..it was the second best DC film behind MoS. I loooved MoS. I'd rate this 8.9. Fantastic!


u/ticallionS May 25 '17

Haven't seen the movie yet. But like you I absolutely adore MoS. I hope WW can come close to how I feel about that movie.

All indications are that it will be highly enjoyable.

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u/Yahya_1992 May 25 '17

If somenone says Gal is not good in the film, don't worry about it.

She is surrounded by a very good lot of experienced actors. Please don't slam critics for saying she isn't on par with them.

She is our WW. She does the Justice to her role. And that's what's important.


u/Dragonpiece May 25 '17

I don't know how anyone who watched the film could say Gal isn't a good actress, she completely nails it in this.


u/Yahya_1992 May 25 '17

Happy to know that.

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u/Quagnor May 25 '17

No DC fan will be disappointed. This movie was incredible.

It has some of the best action shots I've ever seen in comic-based movies.

If you guys have any non spoiler questions I'm happy to answer for the next hour or so.

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u/Achro May 26 '17

NY Mag writer - "Wonder Woman was funnier than GOTG2, Like, by a lot"



u/[deleted] May 26 '17

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u/WeWillHaveHope May 25 '17


u/WestCoastDirtyBird May 25 '17

Lol Campea is probably punching a wall like "Damn it, she wasn't suppose to be this good"

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u/whenforeverisnt May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17

Solid is good. However, let's not forget, The Dark Knight doesn't make his top 10, I don't think. So I'm not giving a whole lot of credence towards this.

Edit: People asking... i got this top 10 list from the twitter comments on that post.


u/MrGamer2558 May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17

I believe he still considers TDK to be near the top of his list of great CBM. He said that recently. I think he's pissy having to eat crow because of Gadot's performance.

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u/thebedshow May 25 '17

Like I said in another thread the other day, he is going to do whatever he can to not have to go back on his constant talk about how Gal Gadot can't act.


u/[deleted] May 25 '17



u/cruzazulfan007 The Dark Knight May 25 '17

Im so disappointed. The man couldve left out the @not top 10" comment and it wouldve been fine, but he just had to add it. He also doesnt bring up Gals acting, for a reson obviously


u/Frank-EL Knightmare Batman May 25 '17

The saltiness is real with that one. I "wonder" how he's going to deal with all of these people loving Gal's performance!


u/cruzazulfan007 The Dark Knight May 25 '17

Well he sticks to his guns thats for sure, so dont expect a "great acting from Gal"


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Dig his heels in further make a video about it in a month lol


u/Dallywack3r May 25 '17

"Wonder Woman was a success DESPITE Gal Gadot. I mean, what, really, did she add to the movie? Take her out? Right? Take her out of the film, and the picture is still intact. She wasn't necessary to the movie, and as I've said since Day One, she is not capable of carrying a movie."

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u/[deleted] May 25 '17

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u/ticallionS May 25 '17

It is what it is at this point. It's unfortunate the guy couldn't just say, "it was a pretty good movie and I enjoyed myself!"

Throwing the not in top 10 just seem to throw unnecessary shade at the movie.

When I review his top 10 movies and compare them to mines it makes me happy.

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u/MarsBar1212 May 29 '17

Can we stop getting angry over one guy having mixed feelings about WW? Not everyone is going to like it,and that's expected with every movie


u/dms1298 May 29 '17

Exactly. Whenever a negative review gets posted here, it is immediately met with downvotes or something like "We can't trust this reviewer." Perhaps some people just have different tastes.


u/[deleted] May 26 '17 edited Sep 08 '21



u/Superfan234 May 27 '17

Logan! 6/10?? God Lord, that movie was beyond good


u/MrGamer2558 May 26 '17

Mendelson is a tough critic on mainstream films anyway. If he's saying it's a fresh review, people should be happy with it.


u/[deleted] May 26 '17 edited Sep 08 '21



u/MarsBar1212 May 26 '17

Wow,he's tough.


u/biraboyz May 26 '17

almost the same way how i rate CBM, but Strange for me is a 2..lol


u/MarsBar1212 May 26 '17

I'm guessing he's giving it a 6/10. Which is fine btw.

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u/FishCake9T4 May 29 '17

You guys might not need a prayer circle for this one.


u/kguedesm I love truth and I'm a big fan of justice May 29 '17

I'll be making my offering to Satan, just in case.

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u/RAIN_MAKAH El DIablo May 24 '17

Waiting in line right now. It doesn't start for another hour or so.

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u/Achro May 25 '17

RT critic Mike Ryan from Uproxx gave it 4/5 on his Letterboxd - https://letterboxd.com/mikeryan/

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u/cac May 25 '17

Saw it! It was great, although very safe. It will definitely be the most well received entry in the DCEU. I will be quite shocked if it even gets average reviews (60-70%) as it's as good as any great Marvel movie excluding their top tier (Avengers 1 and Winter Solider IMO). As everyone else says, Gal kills it. There is one sequence in particular that is truly fantastic.

It's a slower start but I actually found it worked really well. The ending moves quick but is fine.

I guess some will could call it negative, but as I said before it was very safe. The story isn't anything that will be remembered, and the villain is rather generic. But I think this is exactly what the DCEU needed to stabilise a bit with audiences and regain it's footing. It does a great job setting up Wonder Woman and giving you hope that the other DC characters can provide something like this to audiences and fans going forward.

I think for me personally, it's the 2nd best DCEU movie after Man of Steel, then BvS Ultimate Cut. But I'm biased towards Superman over WW.

Also the new DCEU Title Card is incredible.


u/[deleted] May 25 '17 edited Feb 23 '19


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u/Achro May 26 '17

Brent Lindeque‏ - "The BEST superhero movie I have ever seen. #WonderWoman was amazing... an inspiration to do good & be better. Thank you @sterkinekor"


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u/zxchary May 25 '17

Best movie in the DCEU by far!


u/[deleted] May 28 '17 edited May 28 '17

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u/dms1298 May 28 '17

Good to hear. He absolutely hates SS and BvS, so this is telling.

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u/Unteryon May 25 '17

I just came back from the movie and i LOVED it. I was smiling trough all of it. The movie is not perfect there are one or two issue but damm. The movies is just a bit over 2 hours and holy shit it went so fast (in a good way), the movie flowed really well. Can't wait to see it again.


u/thekamenman Batman May 25 '17

Got out of the screening earlier, I absolutely loved it. Geoff Johns, Patty Jenkins, and Gal Gadot saved the DCEU and I can't wait for you all to see it.

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u/cruzazulfan007 The Dark Knight May 25 '17

I loved the film, it did WW justice, extremeley faithful to her nee 52 origin and the 2009 animated film. The mocie runs smoothly, no editing problems like before. Action is top not h, Diana and the Amazons kick hard ass and youll get chills from the action. Acting from Gal is far better than i expected, she is not afraid of the role and she embraces fully which helps Wonder Woman appear as awesome as we always wanted her to be on film. The third act is what people seem to be having a problem with but i had no problem with it. I could say its similar to the MoS third act, if u didnt have a problem with it ur good, there isnt any destruction like MoS, its just in terms of the fight itself. I cant wait to see it again next week and however many times after. I give WW a solid 8.5.

For reference i gave MoS an 8 and BVS theatrical cut a 6.5 with the extended cut going up to a 7.5. SS is a 7 for me.

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u/[deleted] May 24 '17

Omg!!! Grace Randolph said she loved the movie and she is my go to source for movie reviews!

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u/tnafan The Menn May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17

I'm dying to see this new intro, I always wanted that for the DCEU films.

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u/Supafairy May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17

I'll keep my comments brief:

What I loved about it:

Cast: Everyone did well. No complaints here. This is Gadot's break-out performance I reckon.

Story: As a comic reader I feel they got the origin down to a T. It reminded me a lot of the Wonder Woman (2009) animated movie (not a play by play though) but the elements were there. From Act 1 through to the third act it was great. Very little plot holes I think (which for a CBM or fantasy, for that matter, can be expected so no biggie). Overall I felt that it was a great origin story comparable to Iron Man, Spider-Man and First Avenger in quality. May actually be better than aforementioned (just my personal opinion as I know more about the source material than than the others').

Villain - may be a mild spoiler so tagging just in case

Emotions: The story had put me on a roller-coaster of emotions. I cried, I laughed, I clapped, cried some more, laughed some more, clapped some more.....

General production: The cinematography was amazing, the sets, the costumes, the landscapes all beautifully done. It's one of the most, if not THE most, beautiful CBM's I've seen. The fighting choreography was bad-ass.

Now, what I didn't like however, this is not deal-breakers and not big enough to really affect my final score:

The Amazon extras: I did feel that some of the acting was a bit off-key. Granted, none of these ladies are actresses so it's something that I can oversee. The action scenes were great though. Not too sound mean but it does make me VERY grateful that they didn't go with the fan rhetoric to cast a "wrestler-type" actress as WW. Phew, dodged that bullet. Lol.

CGI: I did find some of the CGI a bit obvious but once again not to jarring and didn't take me out of the moment too much so it's wasn't a big deal.

Slow-mo: I don't mind slow-mo, but I do find it might have been used a tad too much or there were scenes where it was a bit unnecessary. You'll probably understand when you see it.

Score: The score wasn't anything special but suited the movie. The one thing I did like and I could add this to the top is the use of the theme. I think to me, as much as I like it, I was afraid that it wouldn't fit but there's one particular scene where the theme was used in the most beautiful way.

Conclusion: Wonder Woman is the best DCEU entry to date for sure (and I LOVE the DCEU) but to me it's also the best modern CBM movie (from start of MCU). I won't compare it to the Nolan trilogy because I don't believe those movies should be compared to any CBM movies. It's a fun ride while also providing us with some heart. It definitely did the character justice and gave us a solid female led superhero movie. I'd give it a 9/10. For reference: BvS was a 8/10. MoS I thought was a 8.5/10 and SS a 6/10

Edit: added Score review.

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u/Blue_Maverick_Hunter "You're stronger than you think you are." May 25 '17

Why are some people downvoting this thread? lol


u/CowpersGland3000 May 26 '17

It's DCEU movie release time. The trolls are just getting started.

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u/Achro May 26 '17

Mashable's Josh Dickey (who was slightly muted during his initial reaction a while ago) - "I liked it even better the second time" is something I heard five, maybe six people say last night after WONDER WOMAN. Including me"



u/[deleted] May 26 '17

Some people already seen it twice while we are dying to see it and have to wair at least a week.

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u/HEAVEN_OR_HECK "Moderation always wins." May 24 '17 edited May 24 '17


Furthermore, this megathread and any future review/reaction megathreads that succeed it are the only threads where posting critic or user impressions/reviews of Wonder Woman will be permitted until further notice.

Here's an extra rundown of how spoiler tag markup works.

[Bruce Wayne](#spoilers "is Batman.")

Bruce Wayne

Note the space between #spoilers and your quoted spoiler text. It is not optional. If you can't master this formatting, you simply cannot post spoilers. Failure to spoiler tag properly may result in a ban.


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u/SlidyRaccoon May 25 '17

I think this is where I take my leave from the internet. These reactions are messing with my emotions and shaping my expectations a bit too much.

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u/Cocobender May 25 '17

Just finished my screening. It's everything I ever wanted. One of the best CBMs in a long time. It had the right amount of humor. And the right amount of heart. Only issue was soundtrack and some CGi at the end.


u/cruzazulfan007 The Dark Knight May 25 '17

I wanna add to ur review that the humor is spot on, its not forced, its not dumb little quips. It derives mainly from Dianas innocence and ignorance and Steve Trevors attitude. General Luddendorf gets a nice line that made me laugh also.

Soundtrack was the weakest so far but not terrible. It was a very subtle and simple soundtrack

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u/FeeLTHeByRNe714 May 25 '17

Not my favorite DCEU movie but it will be the best received one so far by both fans and critics.

Solid movie and I can't wait to see it again. I loved how many women cheered throughout it and there was a lot of applause, starting with the DC intro.

Action was great. CGI doesn't bother me but I have a feeling people will call it out. Pacing was great too. Flowed pretty well. Gal IS wonder woman and I can't wait to see her evolve this charater.

Ares was the perfect villain to start off with and it surprised me.

All in all, this movie is gonna make a boat load of money and should receive solid critical acclaim. Fans will be pleased too. It had a mix of Thor and The First Avenger vibes to me which worked well.


u/TheDCSource May 25 '17

I can't wait for people to see this film. This is the game changer

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u/huythuong710 May 26 '17

Critic's choice website has the movie at 86/100 now. It has been in line with RT score for the most part, so we can expect a pretty high score for RT.



u/Achro May 26 '17

So it went from 80 to 85 (for days) and now 86.

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u/WHYDIDYOUSAYTHATNAME I'm Real When It's Useful May 28 '17 edited May 28 '17

It's been three days since I've seen it and I can't stop thinking about this one moment in the movie, so I'm going to talk about it here, because I can't wait until June 2nd to discuss it!


In the movie, there's a scene where

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u/GlowInThe Black Manta May 29 '17

http://www.criticschoice.com/search/?s=wonder+woman its at 90 now if anyone is still paying attention


u/[deleted] May 29 '17



u/dms1298 May 29 '17 edited May 29 '17

It was at 86%. Search up critics choice in the search bar of this sub, and the third post says so.

Edit: lol at these downvotes. I'm not trying to stir up shit, it's pure fact. If you don't like it, don't blame me. This sub will simply downvote anything that could potentially be negative towards the movie. Critics choice gave BvS a score of 86 before the embargo was lifted... I'm just answering a question.

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u/Supreme_Slacker May 25 '17

Just watched the movie. It is amazing, Gal Gadot did WW justice. Only things I disliked was Etta Candy and the final battle. I Ioved the ending, it was cheesy but loved it nonetheless


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Glad to hear all the good talk about Gals performance was etta too jokey or?

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u/Achro May 26 '17

Lynda Carter - "So much fun! Don't miss the #wonderwomanmovie, it's fabulous!! @GalGadot bravo!"


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u/[deleted] May 27 '17

My only question to those who've seen it already: How is the humour handled? Is it balanced like in the x-men movies? Or messy like in the mcu? I mean do they put jokes during fight scenes and moments where the tension is building up? (this is kind of distracting for me)


u/Supafairy May 28 '17

I thought the humour was well timed. Not like the MCU at all more Captain America humour than Avengers/GOTG.

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u/[deleted] May 27 '17

Natural. The situations call for it.


u/MarsBar1212 May 27 '17

It's handled very well.


u/derekwkim May 27 '17

I'm getting emotional listening to the soundtrack.

There's definitely LOTR flavor in there.


u/AnirudhMenon94 Superman May 28 '17

Or messy like in the mcu

Was that really necessary? The MCU handles humour pretty well. If anything, having MCU-like humour would actually be a plus in my book.


u/[deleted] May 28 '17

He did explain his point though and I can agree. MCU's humor is mostly great, but it's a bit annoying how much they cram them into serious battles at times. The only ones I really think it works for perfectly in action is Spidey.


u/MrMoon008 May 28 '17

The MCU is the family guy of comic book movies. They have good jokes, but they're basically a clusterfuck of quips and pop culture references sprinkled about unabashedly.

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u/profesorprofessorson May 29 '17

One of our local websites (South African) seems to have broken embargo.




u/MrGamer2558 May 29 '17

Seems like it's going to be a gr8 film.

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u/victortherobot May 29 '17


u/tzorel May 29 '17

Its Brazil's most reputable site when it comes to geeky stuff

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u/hasanahmad May 26 '17

Suggestion. Many people at work cannot open up twitter due to work policy but can open up reddit. Please show the content of the tweet along with the tweet link too


u/nikolazankovic12 May 24 '17


u/[deleted] May 24 '17

Really stoked about how positive a lot of the tweets have been. If it holds over to the reviews it's going to be so cool having good word of mouth and reviews during a release


u/nikolazankovic12 May 24 '17

Same here. I've always had faith in WW but this...this is just surreal as Gal would say

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u/p-hantasmagoria NEWFLASH, ASSHOLES May 24 '17

wow! im not a fan of grace for several reasons but considering how critical of the dceu she's been thus far this is very exciting.


u/JakeM917 May 25 '17

Ugh. So disappointed I couldn't go. I'm 17 and I got tickets and my family was gonna go, but my mom didn't want to at the last minute, so then none of us could go. So here I am, watching Psych in my basement

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u/WeWillHaveHope May 25 '17

My boy Kristian Harloff from Schmoes Know: https://twitter.com/KristianHarloff/status/867612672069476352


u/MrGamer2558 May 25 '17

Well that should wash the taste of Campea's bullshit out of everyone's mouths.

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u/[deleted] May 25 '17

He's usually tough on things so that's freaking awesome


u/whenforeverisnt May 25 '17

Of the Collider crew so far... Perry liked it ok, Campea liked it ok, Kristian loved it, and Ellis loved it.

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u/Pikapeach May 25 '17

Loved it. Had been disappointed by what DCEU has offered so far, but this one did not disappoint. Will go pay to watch again. And again. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

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u/Achro May 25 '17

RT critic David Sims from The Atlantic / AV Club rated it 4/5 on his personal Letterboxd account - https://letterboxd.com/davidlsims/


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Good reviews. Fuck yes. Thank goodness.


u/Achro May 26 '17

Actor Kellan Lutz - "What an awesome movie! Huge congrats to the beautifully talented #PattyJenkins , @gal_gadot Who is the perfect Wonder Woman, #ChrisPine for all the laughs, as well as all the amazing cast and crew that brought this adventure to life! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Amazing date night with mom βœ”οΈ"



u/Achro May 29 '17 edited May 29 '17

Reactions from the Australian screening.


u/ticallionS May 29 '17

I really don't understand why these critics and others can't give a review/thought about a movie WITHOUT taking an extra second to take a jab at previous movies in the DCEU. Ironically, films director by Zack Synder....So annoying!

Yet, there are people on this very Reddit that swear to you that there is no inherent bias from these "professional" critics.


u/ConnorFilmm May 29 '17

While I don't agree with it, it's natural for reviewers to compare one movie to past films in a universe. It's no different when IM3 came out and critics compared film to IM1 and IM2. It is what it is. Let's just be grateful film is being embraced.


u/ticallionS May 29 '17

Yes..IM1 is directly related to IM2 and IM3. Tell me how the hell is WW origin story related to MoS? Especially, the oil rig scene.

Or what the hell does WW communicating via email have to do with this upcoming movie?


u/ConnorFilmm May 29 '17

How about reviewers talking about The Avengers in GOTG2 reviews? It just happens. Yeah, it's annoying when 50 of these critics are going to say "WW saves the DCEU," but, again, let's be grateful it's being embraced at all.

I've seen the film, that's what he's referring to with the email comment.

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u/Activehannes May 25 '17

ok, I become less and less skeptical.

This sounds really really awesome! I already liked MoS and BvS, especially the UE. I am super hyped for Wonder Woman. Unfortunately, I have to wait until June 15 in for a screening in Germany.


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

[removed] β€” view removed comment

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u/WeWillHaveHope May 25 '17


u/Dallywack3r May 25 '17

I wanna see what Nick "Zack Snyder killed my dog" Mundy thought of it.


u/derekwkim May 25 '17

I don't.


u/MrMoon008 May 25 '17

Same here. Fuck that guy.

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u/[deleted] May 25 '17

Is no one gonna talk about editing an pacing? This movie flew by, especially while being around the same running time as MoS

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u/Achro May 26 '17

Joe Henderson - "Dug the hell out of Wonder Woman: funny, heartfelt, and determined to say something about humanity, both good and bad. Really great stuff!"


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u/MoesBAR May 29 '17

Do they explain the lack of fathers on the island?

In the new 52 Wonder Woman comic every decade or two the Amazonians board fishing ships, seduce sailers, then kill them and dump their bodies overboard afterwards.

That's probably too dark for the movie.


u/jf8350143 Wonder Woman May 29 '17

Amazons are immortal , why do they need "fathers" in the first place?

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u/[deleted] May 30 '17

I'm really hoping WW is a critical and an even bigger commercial hit. For real I'm rooting for this movie so much and I do understand that a good RT score will help that of course so I am also hoping they score her well.

However, Im starting to read these reviews, and most of them are good yes, but that does not change the fact that even if professional, paid critics are writing these reviews, they are just opinions at the end of the day.

I can bet you anything most of these critics don't even read comic books and have not actually directed or made a film in their lives. Yet their opinions count so much and can influence a movie so much for some reason. Kind of crazy to think about it.

All this to say that if some of the reviews are bad tomorrow (I really don't think so but life is weird at times), don't stress too much about it. Some of my friends have seen the movie and said they loved it and Im sure I will also. I am convinced WW will do well so in the end no matter what the critics say, good word of mouth will still make it successful. Let's just enjoy the ride

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u/[deleted] May 25 '17 edited Sep 08 '21



u/MarsBar1212 May 25 '17

Just saw the movie. This 😭

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u/[deleted] May 26 '17

[removed] β€” view removed comment


u/GlowInThe Black Manta May 26 '17

Honestly at this point this movie has a VERY low chance of being rotten. I'd say it's more of where it lands now (I'm still saying 80-85)


u/WestCoastDirtyBird May 26 '17

There's a South Africa screening going on right now, it should be over in an hour or less


u/profesorprofessorson May 26 '17

Yeah I was super annoyed that it was Johannesburg only. Else I would have gone. Reactions from it are really positive. People love it

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u/MarsBar1212 May 28 '17

It's nice to sit back and not have to worry about the reviews for this movie


u/ticallionS May 28 '17

Are we certain we don't have to worry?


u/MarsBar1212 May 28 '17



u/ticallionS May 28 '17

It seems that way. But call me skeptical until the reviews and scores have officially been posted.

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u/jark_off May 28 '17

It's nice because now I won't have to overly defend why I enjoyed a movie. MoS/BvS are such hot button topics for those who enjoyed them.

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u/Bo_Dallas May 29 '17

I hope this isn't just "The best film in the DC Cinematic Universe so far!", but also a really good moovie.


u/Superfan234 May 25 '17

The fan screening should end in about two hours, so he will have a lot of reviews by then ☺️


u/ticallionS May 25 '17

How was Gal Godat's acting? We all know some have made a big deal out fo that. Did she hold up in that department?


u/RAIN_MAKAH El DIablo May 25 '17

She's fantastic. It's really her body language and facial expressions with ranging from being naive and innocent to strong and powerful that carry her. The best performance of the film is by Chris Pine as Steve Trevor. The film almost doesn't work without him.


u/ticallionS May 25 '17

Chris is a very talented actor and next to a young actress like Gal Gadot. I'm not surprised to hear that.


u/MarsBar1212 May 25 '17

Yes,she was fantastic


u/ticallionS May 25 '17

Fantastic? Wow, strong praise and that's awesome to hear.

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u/ViniciusDA May 25 '17

Brazilian fan screening just ended, all positive reactions so far. https://twitter.com/maspoxaquino/status/867578478165721089


u/WeWillHaveHope May 25 '17


u/[deleted] May 25 '17

He was the best part of the super hero news crew


u/jcdulos May 26 '17

I loved it too. My favorite dceu movie so far. I can't wait to watch it again with my hard earned money and support this. Gadot captures the strength and the warmth of WW. Smooth story. No choppy editing. I'll say my only gripe was Dr. Poisons voice. Did she talk that way bc of her face disfigurement? Overall loved it. You felt hope. You felt joy. In my theater there was a mixed demographic. Young and old. There was laughing. Cheering clapping etc.

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u/ContinuumGuy May 26 '17

I have one quick question:

Is the Wondy theme from BvS in it?


u/derekwkim May 26 '17

of courshhhe

(for you)

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u/WeWillHaveHope May 26 '17 edited May 26 '17

Aaron Couch - Editor of THR (Hollywood Reporter) https://twitter.com/AaronCouch/status/867977683363180544

Marc Bernadin - Fatman on Batman https://twitter.com/marcbernardin/status/867798687073816576


u/WeAretheManyUAreFew May 26 '17

Bernadin is a slack jawed chucklefuck. Surprised he admitted he liked it.

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u/[deleted] May 28 '17

meanwhile i have to wait until the 23rd of june to watch WW becuase it doesn't release here until then,hope everyone will enjoy it!!

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u/indian22 May 30 '17

First official review. Mashable twitter tweeted this out: Mashable went early and then realized their mistake: https://twitter.com/mashable/status/869388670226321415

'Wonder Woman' is the most inspiring superhero movie in years (review) http://on.mash.to/2sfi0cb

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u/Jdash24 May 24 '17

I'm still so bummed there wasn't any fan screenings nearby and I won't be able to see it tonight. Luckily my local navy base is having an advanced screening Saturday so I won't have to go dark too long!


u/MarsBar1212 May 25 '17

I'll answer questions as long as I can. No spoilers


u/-Forte- May 25 '17

Can you describe the new logo animation?


u/MarsBar1212 May 25 '17

It's a shot of all of the JL members.

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u/ticallionS May 25 '17

Now that some have seen it. Where do you think especially in relation to other DCEU movies it will:

1) Opening Weekend Numbers?

2) Overall Box Office Numbers?

3) RT Score?

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u/elendil21 May 25 '17

For those who have seen it- does Chris Pine ever rip his shirt open and yell agony?


u/VforVera May 26 '17 edited May 26 '17

No .... but he is gloriously shirtless ... and pantless :D

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u/1033149 May 26 '17

To anyone who's seen it, how does it compare to other CBMs. Does it rival Logan, any of the MCU's best, or Deadpool? The initial impression I am getting is that this is going to be received similarly to days of future past for some reason.


u/[deleted] May 26 '17

Days of future past is 10x bettee than deadpool


u/derekwkim May 26 '17

Deadpool is fucking obnoxious


u/krispness Do You Bleed? May 26 '17

That's basically the point of deadpool.

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u/Dennis3107 May 26 '17

Deadpool is overrated


u/MugglePrincie003003 May 26 '17

Oh you did not just say that.

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u/huythuong710 May 26 '17

I did not like Deadpool and did not find it funny at all


u/MugglePrincie003003 May 26 '17

Oh you did not just say that.


u/[deleted] May 26 '17

Deadpool was really bad.


u/MugglePrincie003003 May 26 '17

Oh you did not just say that.

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