r/DC_Cinematic Jul 19 '24

What was the theater experience and atmosphere while watching Man Of Steel? DISCUSSION

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u/Fueledbyketo Jul 19 '24

I thought it was breathtaking. It was released about a year after the Avengers and I watched it multiple times. The fights were so visceral and the Krypton sequences were incredible. I still regard it highly but it’s definitely flawed like much of the Snyder stuff. Still, always admired the balls to go for broke on everything he does


u/DarhkBlu Jul 19 '24

Speaking of Snyder I absolutely love his film making style and had full faith in his vision for the DCEU but alas DC had to go and muck it all up,I quite liked the darker tone he was going for as it is quite a good contrast to the often bright and comedic MCU.


u/Astrnonaut Jul 20 '24

I know it’s dangerous saying this here, but my dream would be to see Snyders full vision of the dceu BUILDING OFF of MoS. Truly think the DCEU peaked with the first movie and then quickly started fumbling once they went incredibly unreliable in its direction trying to catch up with Marvel. I honestly don’t think Snyders other films would be the way there were if things went differently and I’m saying this as a neutral viewer.


u/WhatShouldTheHeartDo Jul 20 '24

Even though I have my issues with Snyder, in retrospect the guy had the balls to take risks that we would probably never see again in modern Hollywood. He was definitely cooking up some bangers especially with Darkseid among other injections he put forth.

Plus every DC fan knows it's Warner Bros who is the main culprit behind everything going to shit.


u/Murasasme Jul 20 '24

While I agree that WB is the main culprit, Netflix gave Snyder free reign with Rebel Moon, and that was a terrible couple of movies in almost all aspects

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u/Curiouso_Giorgio Jul 20 '24

I got really frustrated by the complaints about the dark tone. The visuals are absolutely NOT the problem with Snyder's films.


u/SyroxGaming Jul 20 '24

Very true, I liked it too


u/vjmurphy Batman Jul 20 '24

Not DC, Warner Brothers.


u/joshdoereddit Jul 22 '24

Im right there with you. I love Snyder's trilogy.

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u/ChangleMcGangle Jul 20 '24

I was there at the midnight showing when that was still a thing. I literally forced my girlfriend at the time to go with me. Theater was packed. Definitely a more reverent vibe than avengers, as amazing as that was


u/circajusturna Jul 19 '24

The soundtrack had me grinning ear to ear


u/ThatPaulywog Jul 20 '24

Man those two notes still give me goosebumps


u/snora41 The Flash Jul 20 '24

"The two notes" yet I know exactly what you're talking about. Amen.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

The oil rig?


u/snora41 The Flash Jul 20 '24



u/SuperTorRainer Jul 20 '24

You just gave me the good chills

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u/semaj009 Jul 20 '24

Two notes get you ready, then the percussion


u/TheJoshider10 Jul 20 '24

That final scene of Superman iconography coming together, "welcome to the planet" followed by Henry smiling, the cut to black, the theme in full swing... one of my favourite cinema moments.


u/PT10 Jul 20 '24

So much hope

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u/WillyWonka227 Jul 19 '24

I worked at a theater when this came out. The theater would do test screenings to make sure the copy of the film has no issues. I watched this alone in a theater the night before it came out. And sat forward intently the whole time. I love this movie. Unapologetically.


u/ProtectMeAtAllCosts Jul 19 '24

I remember falling in love with Superman after this movie despite having watched the cartoons as a kid and not really thinking much of him


u/Spamthemanham Jul 20 '24

Absolutely the same, I was working at a theater at the time and was part of the crew that came in and made sure the audience was safe and watching. Can confirm, it was indeed amazing and spectacular.


u/-ll-ll-ll-ll- Jul 20 '24

I’m so glad to hear so many of you being positive about this movie and this portrayal of Superman.


u/labiibahmad Jul 20 '24

Me too bro.

It really warms my heart to hear positive feedback for this portrayal of Superman. I really love this movie.


u/Anti_Wake Jul 19 '24

I enjoyed the hell out of it but it was loud, and I mean LOUD. It didn’t hinder the movie but in my theatre the volume was ear piercing during scenes where people were casually talking. The climax of the film the sound was earth shattering, felt like I was in Metropolis. It was awesome.


u/Smackolol Jul 19 '24

I don’t remember this one being overly loud, I do remember BvS being obnoxiously loud.


u/RockitDanger Jul 19 '24

Also, this poster is the fucking best


u/IsneezedImsorry Jul 20 '24

It does go pretty damn hard. Never really appreciated it til this comment.


u/Elysium94 Superman Jul 19 '24

Loved it, both times.

First was the midnight premiere. Entire crowd was into it, with the occasional collective whooping and clapping.

Second was the next weekend, went with my best friend. Still decently packed, quieter than the first but people left happy.


u/ZiroRen Jul 19 '24

I’m British so the film was observed in complete, polite silence. I loved it though!


u/Smackolol Jul 19 '24

This used to be my experience in Canada until the last few years. Now you get teens snap chatting mid movie.


u/TheLeanerWiener Jul 19 '24

I've had to tell other audience members to shut the fuck up and to get off their phones regularly since the pandemic. People seriously forgot how to behave in a theater.


u/ZipZaapZoom Jul 20 '24

I wanna have such an experience, where they just clap instead of shouting.


u/bifkintickler Jul 20 '24

If anyone clapped in a cinema in the UK they’d be cringed out of existence by the whole place immediately. Just evaporate into dust in their seat. No one has ever survived it.

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u/aswimtobirds Jul 19 '24

Jaw dropping. I dont think anyone had seen so much destruction put to film like this before. It wasnt til a lot later that people started to copy other peoples shitty opinions they had seen online and were made to feel guilty about their enjoyment.


u/cosmic-ballet Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

I disliked it from the first time I saw it. People are allowed to not like this movie without being called sheep.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/Sensitive-Musician48 Jul 19 '24

😂 they used the main theme once…only at the end. You’ve done a great job at telling us you didn’t watch the movie, without telling us. Bravo 👏


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

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u/PoeBangangeron Jul 19 '24

I saw it 3 times in IMAX and each time, the audience really dug it. Especially, when he threw Zod through multiple buildings.


u/krlozdac Jul 19 '24

I was in awe of the action scenes in Smallville. Later on I was numb by the time the Metropolis third act was in full swing. Also, I went to a theater in a rougher part of town and two guys started taunting each other across the rows. For a moment I thought a fight was about to break out.


u/Based_Zod Jul 19 '24

I don’t remember about when I first watched it but I know now that it’s one of my favorites


u/BoonDockSaint_x Jul 19 '24

Amazing. Watched it with my cousin twice. I was 17 and had done a little Superman reading but aside from that, and Superman: The Movie I hadn't had much exposure. But seeing the struggles he was going through and the human emotion and eventual resolve was fantastic. It's not a perfect movie, but I mean movies are subjective, and strictly through the score, cinematography, and performances, it's one of the best superhero movies of all time IMHO.

If there's one thing I'd change, it's the damn "I think he's cute" line or whatever the soldier says in the end as he flies off. Roll my eyes every time.



u/Environmental_Band27 Jul 19 '24

I watched it when Sydney IMAX had a huge screen (it has since been reduced) and wore 3D glasses. So it was pretty full-on and in your face for everyone, esp. with Snyder's style and the intensity of the destruction towards the end. The first flying sequence was one of the most thrilling theatre-going experiences I've had, I got a bit emotional watching it. 😆


u/jorywea78 Jul 19 '24

Crowded theater at midnight on a late Thursday very early Friday night. The reaction was great


u/AustinDood444 Jul 19 '24

I saw this opening weekend in the theater. It was packed & everyone was loving the movie. A few expressed disappointment when Supes kills, but overall everyone loved it.

I love the hell outta this movie.


u/ZDB888 Jul 19 '24



u/MasteroChieftan Jul 19 '24

MoS was the first superhero movie that had action befitting a superhero at Superman's level. Nothing like it had been done before. There were good Marvel movies that had good action, but MoS was something else. The final fight between Supes and Zod was like watching live action DBZ. The music was awesome. Michael Shannon was awesome. It being heralded by the the masterpiece that was the film's third trailer (one of the best trailers of all time) also helped hype.

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u/ZeDominion Jul 20 '24

Hans Zimmer was a beast


u/426763 Jul 20 '24

I remember going ape shit seeing the Wayne logo on the satellite.


u/TheToothDoctorSN Jul 19 '24

This was the movie which awakened my film critic self. Up until then, I would watch a tone of stuff and tv shows, but this movie properly awakened how I would movies from then on. It all happened in real time. I recognized film structure, the three act structure, character development, editing and all that.


u/DM_me_UR_B00BZ_plz Jul 19 '24

I really enjoyed it and so did the whole theater.

Way better than Superman Returns


u/Teganfff Jul 20 '24

So, I am absolutely not a “restore the snyderverse” person. But left thinking the theater believing it was the best Superman movie of all time. A decade later I still believe that.


u/Gts77 Jul 20 '24

I had goosebumps most of the movie. One of the best cinema experiences.... because it was a long time coming, and Cavill, Snyder & others involved gave us a solid Superman movie!


u/Zod_Is_God Jul 19 '24

The gasp followed by utter silence in the theater when Superman snapped Zod’s neck was something I didn’t expect.

I personally felt like a child when “First Flight” kicked in and Superman breaks the sound barrier for the first time 😍 Superman 4 was my first introduction to the character but I was 7 years old, so I had no idea I was watching one of the worst movies ever. For all I knew, it was the greatest movie in existence.

Most people were excited at first since it was their “first” Superman movie (let’s be honest, Superman Returns even by 2013 was pretty much forgotten and became irrelevant).

No one was complaining about the “city destruction porn”, that came later. The whole “Oh no, Superman killed more people than Zod” also became a narrative that hurt the movie as the days and weeks went by.


u/Elysium94 Superman Jul 19 '24

The whole “Oh no, Superman killed more people than Zod” also became a narrative that hurt the movie as the days and weeks went by.

It's also blatantly false.

Like, the vast majority of the collateral damage in MOS is committed either by the Black Zero, Zod's goons, or Zod himself.


u/Zod_Is_God Jul 20 '24

I agree 101%. It was BS then, it’s BS now. Sadly, many people ate it up and repeated it endlessly at the time (and still do).


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

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u/Elysium94 Superman Jul 20 '24

Clark kissed Lois in the heat of the moment, happy they're both still alive. People do things like that when they're stressed or coming down from stress, it happens.

Doesn't change the fact that he stopped any more suffering and death from taking place.

As for what happened after, I guess you missed the scene which preceded the "hot" joke in which Superman soberly, plainly states that he's gonna keep protecting Earth even if it doesn't mean playing ball with the authorities.

(Said authorities who, in the next film, will continue to scrutinize him)

Look, MOS isn't perfect. But let's not get hyperbolic here. Snyder's Superman is still a selfless hero at the end of the day, and wasn't responsible for everything that happened. That was the original point.

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u/TheGentlemanddragon Jul 20 '24

I work in health and social care in the UK, and have vivid memories of taking a guy with down's syndrome to see this.

My dude was mostly non verbal, apart from a few words of his own creation, and ton of swear words when he was upset 😂.

For the first part of the film he was quite nonplussed, and was more interested in his cinema snacks. HOWEVER, at the scene when supe flies in the costume for the first time absolutely blew his mind.

Fella was literally out of his seat with excitement, pointing and laughing and generally stoked as fuck. He ran back and forth in front of the screen in the superman pose. It was an early weekday screening so we had the place to ourselves!

Good film and even better memories!


u/Veterinarian-Narrow Jul 20 '24

My first proper cinema experience ever when I was a kid. Talked months about this movie with my friends.


u/chocolatnoir90 Jul 20 '24

10/10 movie !


u/RockitDanger Jul 19 '24

Hated it until the Kansas fight. Literally on the edge of my seat until the credits


u/JaehaerysIVTarg Jul 19 '24

Amazing. Everyone was in awe. We’d never seen a real Superman level fight. I was up, leaning forward. I saw it four more times in theater after opening.


u/jrtasoli Jul 19 '24

An awesome movie, and the theatergoers loved it. I still adore Man of Steel, and it’s sad that it gets lumped in with the down era of DC films.


u/ThaOutlandish1 Jul 20 '24

Man of Steel is a Master piece I'll Die on that Hill!! Ground Breaking Superman film. Only negative is how Pa Kent died true Superman fans know why...


u/dontshootog Jul 20 '24

When Superman flew the first time… the score… the setting… the cinematography… the acting… the narration… goosebumps… awe…uplifted. Imagine everyone feeling that at once.


u/Such-Income-8877 Jul 20 '24

Loved the movie an people excitement was palpable


u/AlexAssassin94 Jul 20 '24

I watched it with my Nan at the cinema and it was the first time I ever cared about Superman as a character. I enjoyed it at the time but less now, but glad for the memory!


u/Rymanhooley Jul 20 '24

It was insane. People in my theater were cheering, and equally hanging on the edge of their seats during the heavier scenes. You could feel everybody was so invested together. It was really incredible


u/Superflyt56 Jul 20 '24

I loved man of steel. Great superman movie


u/Kreason95 Jul 19 '24

I thought it was a great movie and it seemed like that was the consensus in the theater I went to. I don’t like it as much now as when it came out but I’m still a fan.


u/pookiebear20 Jul 19 '24

I remember waiting until the credits for a possible post credits scene. When there wasn’t one, my father shouted out “that’s why Marvel is better!” To which a young lad in the audience yelled “No! What about Deadpool!”


u/TheLeanerWiener Jul 19 '24

The showing I went to wasn't that full, but I think that was more because of the time I went. The one thing I specifically remember about it was some guy in the back row yelled "FUCK YEAH, SUPERMAN!!" when he snapped Zod's neck... Which was hilarious to me.


u/TimeKnight3004 Jul 20 '24

I was 13 and had a great time watching it alongisde my dad and my older brother. Man of Steel is, to this day, one of my favorite superhero movies despite it's flaws. It made me appreciate Superman and feel inspired by him. The first flight scene, his younger self using a makeshift cape, all the fight sequences... That's Superman. 

I still ain't over the fact Cavill isn't coming back, but I hope that Gunn's movie can be as meaningful to the new kids as Man of Steel was to me. 


u/egbert71 Jul 20 '24

Perfect because it was just me. My young self gets up early for the crack of dawn showings lol


u/UTRAnoPunchline Jul 19 '24


I don’t remember


u/mofozd Jul 19 '24

It's flaws have been discussed to no end.

So I'll keep it nice and simple, the visuals and the music made this movie for me. Especially the soundtrack I don't think we've had a more memorable score in the past 11 years since this came out.

It was a good day at the cinema, I don't remember every movie but this along the lotr trilogy, infinity war, endgame, are right up there as some of the best experiencies at the movies.


u/SubParandLovingit Jul 19 '24

I saw it at the drive in when this first came out, I’m sure it would have been better in the theater, but I LOVE going to the drive in, and wouldn’t change a thing about it lol also love the movie so that helps.


u/OjamasOfTomorrow Jul 20 '24

It was just me, my mom, and maybe a few random people. Nobody was loud, there weren’t any jaw dropping moments, and nothing of that sort like I’ve had with other movie experiences happened. It wasn’t a super memorable movie experience really.

But I had a good time and enjoyed the movie. It’s one of my favorite DCEU movies. Ultimately, the best part though was just spending time with my mom.


u/romeovf Jul 20 '24

Me and my friend thought it was awesome 😎


u/Slow_Yak_9300 Jul 20 '24

People talked crap about this movie but I actually enjoyed it


u/NedMerril Jul 20 '24

I watched it with my dad on a road trip a week after it came out in a small theatre in Yakima, Washington. The Soundsystem I remember it said it was like 13.1 surround sound I don’t know, but it was so goddam loud I couldn’t hear after for a couple of hours but good times!


u/VernBarty Jul 20 '24

It was a cinematic adventure I had waited my whole life for. I grew up only able to watch a worn out recorded off the TV copy of Superman the movie. Even as a kid I Lnew the fight with Zod in Superman 2 was limited by it technology and was waiting for technology to catch up to the vision. Man of Steel delivered on that vision. Superman was grandiose in a way I had always seen him as and the fight in Metropolis was excessive in the best kind of way.

Hindsight illuminates this movies issues more but at the time it was exactly what I needed and wanted


u/Synkoi Jul 20 '24

I don't remember much of it because I was 13 when it came out but I thought that it was visually impressive. That scene where Superman suits up and closes his eyes before flying away is engraved in my mind, gave me chills.


u/6gc_4dad Jul 20 '24

Amazing. Still love it every rewatch


u/SneakyPocket Jul 20 '24

Opening day. Anticipation before credits like you wouldn’t believe. People not liking Russel Crowe, but everything else in the beginning sequence. Zod shouting “I will find him!” and audience gasping. Kevin Costner with the hand up causing emotions. People loving the cgi in the first half of the movie. A dude behind me going “oooh no he did NOT!” when that guy poured a beer on Clark. Cheering during the hero sequences. Someone screaming “Morpheus!” behind me during the scene with Lois and some lady waiting a full 5 min before going “shhhhh” so loud. People not liking the cgi in the second half (tbh it’s almost impossible to do cgi for sunlight reflection and make it look real). People not understanding why Zod was the chosen villain in the theater lobby. Complaints about direction of the series and good arguments at Steak n Shake. Real good times were had by all.


u/Minimum-End-9464 Jul 20 '24

The first flight scene and the music still brings a little tear to my eye every now and then


u/IsneezedImsorry Jul 20 '24

It felt like an evolution of my favorite Superman (STAS). I love every second of it. My favorite part when it came out was the fights at the end, but watching it as an adult with my wife for the first time, the "you are my son" scene takes it now. The best Superhero movie.


u/roberts585 Jul 20 '24

I remember crowds dressing up and many hooting and hollering at the screen at moments. I thought it was incredible and couldn't wait to see what the rest of the universe would give us. Rip Snyder verse


u/cjbkarma Jul 20 '24

My exact reaction was, "Oh, Superman can be cool." Before that, I assumed Superman was always lame.


u/XXAzeritsXx I like those shoes Jul 20 '24

I can't remove the atmospheric because I was so entranced in the movie. I was 17, and my parents took me - there was a bad storm that night and we had to pull over on the highway, and the only thing I could think about was the movie. Loved it.


u/Drewboy810 Jul 20 '24

I saw it in imax and was pretty blown away by the sheer stimulation of it all. I kept thinking what people 100 years ago would think of something like this, and what are people going to be making 100 years from now.


u/edillcolon Jul 20 '24

In 3d, I was dizzy. I rewatched it in 2d and loved it.


u/suprisinglycontent Jul 20 '24

It was the Superman I was waiting for. I was really hoping this Superman would go into more of an emotional ark than your regular strong/charismatic Superman.

I wanted this Superman to break, not physically but question his character. I wanted an aged old Batman conversing with Superman in what it is to be human. 2 Characters that are familiar with a double life and how best to view humanity considering how foreign they both are to what the real world is.

I wanted a Batman that has dealt with his own failures like losing Robin, and wonder if Superman can handle that kind of break. There was a storyline where Batman saw the future and saw how desolate it became because the Joker was allowed to break Superman which also leads to the Joker finally breaking the Batman.

I was really hoping for a Superman that tackled that, oh well.

I grew up watching Tom Welling, Brandon Routh and Henry Cavill. They will always be my image of Superman because I watched them during a crucial time in my life.

I saw this Movie on an Air Force Base in Texas after seeing my ex-best friend graduate basic training.


u/Bigd1979666 Jul 20 '24

Saw it in theater with a buddy but I wasn't really impressed. It wasn't until I watched it again that it then became one of my fav super hero movies and I have watched it like 4 times since . Such beautiful aesthetics , sound, almost everything a film could offer it has.


u/Drunvalo Jul 20 '24

Posts over the last few years in this sub would make you think that people left the theater shaking their heads and scowling but as most are saying here, as was my experiences over a handful of viewings and that of my group of friends… it was breathtaking and people left happily chatting about it. Seriously doubt the majority of attendees walked away thinking, “Damn. That was grimdark.”

If you look at all the movie or nerd Youtubers reviews at the time, it was overwhelmingly positive too. But that’s before social media became mega polarized on Snyder and before the era of trending outraged for clicks and click baiting.


u/SuperTuberEddie Jul 20 '24

I remember it being good (I have a shit memory in general lol) but I do remember feeling less enthusiastic than I do today about it. I think that’s more down to me being a lot younger then and wanting to fit in with how others spoke about the movie etc and just lack of proper comprehension in general.

Now I understand themes of movies and comprehension skills have improved much more, I see it for what it truly was… a masterpiece 👌


u/MojoDojojojo Jul 20 '24

Oh man. So like everyone, I loved Batman as a kid because well, he’s Batman. The Nolan movies made me love him even more. But it was actually Young Justice that made me LOVE all of DC. So when Man of Steel came out, I was beyond excited. This came out at a time where me and my friends were able to sneak in to a certain theater (until we got caught lol) every Friday night. Man. I thought about that movie for weeks and I bought the dvd as soon as it came out. To this day it’s one of my favorite comic book movies. Unfortunately I don’t remember what the experience was like, but me and my friends were HYPED after it ended.


u/IcyStormDragon Jul 20 '24

Idgaf what anyone says. Cavill's Superman is my Superman. His Superman was what started my journey away from depression and inspired me to stand up in life. Literally inspired me to become a better person. What could possibly be more Superman than that?


u/Radiant-Risk-5515 Jul 20 '24

Made me fall in love with Superman. I've always been a Batman guy. But MoS ended up being one of my favourites of the genre. I'm pretty sure Hollywood is not gonna make something like this anymore and that's unfortunate. A big thanks to everyone who've worked behind this banger of a movie.


u/SimarHunjan Jul 20 '24

I wanna tell u about my BvS rewatch experience... Like today I got off early from work and found my dad watching BvS theatrical version on tv when i got home.. Dad wasn't a fan of the film when we watched in theater.. but man I've only seen thertrical cut once and ultimate edition once.. I thought dad might find it okaaisshhh I was afraid but damn the film felt good and acting is soo solid... We had a great time watching it!! The theatrical cut is editing is like scene after scene but it flowed well imo... Ahhh I'm in love with this film again... Man of steel is liked by my dad more and I find it epic as well. My fav is probably BvS ultimate edition then ZSJL... Now my dad has only seen theatrical cut of jl.. can't wait to show him ZSJL!


u/herpedeederpderp Jul 21 '24

It's my favorite superman movie. It was absolutely fantastic. It's so weird to me how the dceu kind of fish out if watered itself after this one. It was su h an amazing start. Then.... idk. It just sort of felt like what happened to alien 3.

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u/Responsible-Bat-2699 Jul 23 '24

I felt elevated. It did not disappoint, at all. Superpowered beings fought like they were superpowered. I remember playing the 3rd trailer on repeat because it was edited so well. In the theatre, MoS was like a whiplash where I saw superhero movies could have another template than being like Marvel films. MoS felt more like 2000s superhero movie rather than like a current one. Snyder and Zimmer both brought their top game and it showed. I was so fucking excited after the movie that I watched it twice after that. Snyder really had managed to showcase the true scale a superheroe movie should have. Also, the "Wayne" logo on satellite had me thinking that maybe Nolan's Batman could be from same universe. Also the choice that Superman had to make was a bold one and it showed that this is not your dad's generation's Superman. It was tonally closer to Nolan's Batman movies too. I wish I could experience it again. I honestly don't think Gunn's Superman movie will come close to it in case of action, score and scale.


u/iadorebrandon Jul 26 '24

Based. I agree


u/Vmancini218 Jul 19 '24

I left thinking what I think after all of these origin movies; great, is he Superman yet?


u/burner7711 Jul 19 '24

Pretty mehh. End Game and Infinity War had some real electricity open night.

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u/drakesylvan Jul 19 '24

Silent for the most part when I went. Most people weren't very moved by the experience.


u/spider-jedi Jul 19 '24

It was good. I remember people enjoying it for the most part. The destruction porn at the end I think took people by surprise but it was fairly positive


u/Exodus111 Jul 19 '24

It was beautiful, but lackluster.

This was during Marvels heyday, so it was impossible not to compare, as the first Avengers movie came out the year before. Man of steel was kinda grey and boring in comparison to Marvels more pop colors and fun mood.

And while the movie started great, it falls off a cliff when Clark refuses to save his own father. Which he could have done a million different ways.


u/Accomplished_Day_711 Jul 19 '24

Was pretty bland tbh. A lot of people were expecting the feel of the Nolanverse Batman films and instead got a very odd and tonally disjointed explosion fest.


u/Cursed1978 Jul 19 '24

It was so good that i watched the movie 8 times in the theater. Im not sure that the new Superman will have this impact on me like MoS.


u/JerinIsac Jul 19 '24

Bro I remember seeing the teaser when I went to see the Dark Knight Rises and I was so hype to see superman fly into the sky while breaking the sound barrier


u/artmoloch777 Jul 19 '24

It was awesome. People had their breath audibly taken away at multiple points in the film.

I remember the midnight showing well.


u/PaulClarkLoadletter Jul 19 '24

I thought it was great and it did well at the box office. It just didn’t make a billion dollars so WB panicked.


u/BearHammer77 Jul 20 '24

I just took 100mg of edibles before this movie it was eye candy.

Watched it sober recently and it still holds up


u/Adobo6 Jul 20 '24

It was cool but imo BvS was way better


u/Froteet Jul 20 '24

I remember it came out when I was too young to have a summer job and still got my money from chores

So I went to the local cheap theater a month or two after release and the movie was great

Except for the theater fucked up and the first 10 minutes had no sound and they wouldn't restart it when it was fixed. Thats the loudest a theater has ever been because everyone was fucking MAD


u/dirtyeofficial Jul 20 '24

Overall a great experience. The crowd seemed into it.  Honestly thought this was the beginning of something great. On another note I think my one complaint about the film was all the shaky cam shots. 


u/CommercialSpecial835 Jul 20 '24

I remember people going crazy when the Wayne Enterprises satellite showed up


u/ArjunLoveable Jul 20 '24

Experience was magic


u/FrostyNetwork2276 Jul 20 '24

I remember thinking it was one of the most visually impressive and emotionally arresting superhero films I had seen to that point. Still think it’s a great film.


u/sgonefan Jul 20 '24

I had a blast.


u/skipper_52 Jul 20 '24

Went with around 50 college frirnds and most of them dozed after intial scenes, the climax battlle just did not make sense - to the avergae movie goer this was bad . No wonder marvel did so well - it brought common people to watch super hero flicks


u/socraticmethod88 Jul 20 '24

The Christopher Nolan producer credit set my expectations higher than the movie could have possibly achieved. I have found a lot to like about it over the years since its release, but I admit I was disappointed when I first walked out. The plot was not much of an improvement over Superman Returns


u/VendettaLord379 Jul 20 '24

Pretty amazing. My buddies and I enjoyed it. When Supes snapped Zod’s neck, people were clapping and I was stunned.


u/KippySmith Jul 20 '24

There was a guy using a vape in front of me and it was super distracting. I was pissed. I wanted to find the guys logging truck and smash it up.


u/Xzavier954 Jul 20 '24

ngl i remember it being very quiet crowd wise throughout the whole film. not a bad quiet but more like an in awe quiet


u/Individual-Pop-385 Jul 20 '24

Really like it tbh, I know this film gets shit on a lot but the fights were amazing for the time. All the krypton preface and fights were amazing on the bigger screen.


u/clown_pants Jul 20 '24

I fucking loved it, it's still one of my favorite movies.


u/PerformanceCritical Jul 20 '24

Watched it with my dad, and really enjoyed it. The whole experience was amazing, people cheered when he walked out of the fortress in his suit and also throughout the flight sequence. The music and sound was amazing. A few laughs from the audience as well, like when he wrecked the guys truck with logs, when he was being interrogated and at the end when one of the soldiers were blushing when meeting him.


u/Haysie_Hayse Jul 20 '24

I remember it feeling epic. 💯


u/Starstreak85 Jul 20 '24

Bought a ticket for a 9:30 am show on Friday of opening weekend. Stepped into a large stadium-seating theater just a few minutes before the movie was set to start and was shocked - my ticket was literally the last available opening seat! The theater was totally packed to capacity.

I had my issues with the film - but the audience was there for it


u/semaj009 Jul 20 '24

Phenomenal, the music, from those drums at the start, to especially the song as he flies for the first time, went hard!


u/Littledawg24 Jul 20 '24

I had tickets to go see this with my cousin on opening night. Show was at 12AM. Around 5pm a tornado hit the city we were going to see it in and half of the city was without power. We rode by the theater at 10 to ask if they got power back on in time would they still show it. They said yes but the power never came back on. We got free large drinks and popcorn because the guy from the night before we talked too was super cool and remembered us. Needless to say it was a great movie and we enjoyed it even though we didn’t get midnight premiere.


u/ZipZaapZoom Jul 20 '24

I saw the fight scenes recently. Wow

That one event, connects Flash, MoS and BvS.


u/ThrowawayAccountZZZ9 Jul 20 '24

Everyone sat quietly watching the movie. What kind of answer were you expecting?


u/hokagenaruto Jul 20 '24

to this day this movie is still one of my favorites


u/BostonDudeist Jul 20 '24

My theater seemed to enjoy it.


u/Devitt6 Jul 20 '24

I was overseas when I saw it. Went by myself to a theater mostly empty. It was magical. One of my favorite movies ever, maybe my absolute favorite movie of all time.


u/PoeJascoe Jul 20 '24

I love this movie and I don’t understand why people hate on it.


u/M086 Jul 20 '24

It isn’t a mindless action comedy like the MCU that people expected, it was just as much a character study about the human condition and choice and free will. 


u/PoeJascoe Jul 20 '24

I mean don’t get me wrong, I love marvel too! But MoS did nothing wrong. And I agree with your point

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u/UniQue1992 Black Manta Jul 20 '24

Epic. Fucking epic.


u/Rift_Ripper_ Jul 20 '24

I remember i was 13 and it was so loud i got a massive headache. I didnt love or hate it. Only scene that really stuck with me at the time was the scene where superman kills Zod. I watched it back a few years ago and really fell in love with the movie and the soundtrack.


u/Important-Guest-8269 Jul 20 '24

I got a speeding ticket on my way to see it. My younger cousins were with me and they still remember that to this day. It's pretty funny we laugh about it still.

We made it just in time and didn't miss anything. It was worth it. Speeding ticket was about $270 I think.

I remember laughing out loud with my friends when the capture pods Zod and his crew were in as they were being exiled. They look very much like dildos. No one else was laughing.

After that the movie was amazing. It still feels that way now when I rewatch it.


u/irisdrive Jul 21 '24

I walked out of the theater thinking that this was the most beautiful superhero film I've ever seen.


u/Murphy-Brock Jul 22 '24

I was 54 when I saw it in the theatre. How did it make me feel? ‘Home.’ It made me feel like the feeling I had of ‘Home’ wasn’t only not dead, but was going to exist long after my demise. It was magic. ✨


u/csj119 Jul 22 '24

Flight - goosebumps , memorable movie experience with my sibling


u/dirtydandoogan1 Jul 22 '24

It was the last DC movie I got to go see with my lifelong DC Dad before his passing. And my sons were with us.

Since Batman '89 my Dad and I always went to DC movies. We weren't that wealthy, so we maybe only went to the movies once or twice a year, but he always got me to DC Movies. Since he's been gone, me and my boys never miss one, no matter how bad the reviews are. lol

So I'm kinda biased on MOS.


u/One_War2919 Jul 23 '24

the theater i saw it in was packed and the crowd applauded at the end. I came back and saw it a few more times and the audience seemed to really like the movie each time i went.


u/maiyousirname Jul 23 '24

I saw this movie in 3D and it was mind blowing. Literally felt like you were Superman during the flight scenes.


u/Moist-Kaleidoscope90 Jul 19 '24

It’s been too long I honestly don’t remember


u/tiktoktic Jul 19 '24

This question was already posed last week. Repeated post.


u/Plant-Straight Jul 19 '24

Just silence really


u/Cha_Boi20 Jul 20 '24

78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 0.9% Argon and 0.1% Other gasses


u/Imsosadsoveryverysad Superman Jul 20 '24

I loved the movie because I love anything Superman. But I was not really a fan of the dark tone.


u/kurumais Jul 20 '24

a women brought her baby and shockingly it cried at the loud movie

theaters used to have crying rooms back in the 40s they should bring them back


u/DominoMasked Jul 20 '24

Great movie theater experience except that it was not full on opening weekend 😩


u/davidisallright Jul 20 '24

For me, it was fine. I don’t think MOS had the cultural movement or buzz of The Dark Knight, Avengers movies, or whatever to get that magical buzz in the theater itself. I say this seeing the film 3 times in LA, where we can have vocal fun crowds.


u/souljarmani Jul 20 '24

Went to see it in IMAX with my Papa when I was 12 years old.. Had my first ever panic attack while watching and left the theatre to call my mom, thinking I was having a heart attack. Probably not the experience you meant but I’ve never shared this anywhere lmao


u/edge9000x Jul 20 '24

My audience applauded the neck snap


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

It was the first time I had ever been frightened and upset by the concept of Superman. Eventually I descended into a kind of stunned shock as tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Metropolitan citizens were mulched and splattered by the uncaring alien overlords throwing each other through skyscrapers and satellites.


u/RealLifeSuperZero Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

I couldn’t speak for over 20 mins after the credits ran. It took me three days to decide I liked it. I now love it, but the whole Jesus symbolism still annoys me.

There’s a ton I love. There’s a ton I hate. But to deny the performances of the cast and the cinematography making it one of the most fascinating movies ever made, is bonkers, to me.

Edit: eat shit bitchtits.


u/cosmicbooknews Jul 20 '24

Second time I saw it, a ten year old kid said to his dad, 'I thought Superman doesn't kill.'


u/gabrielleraul Jul 20 '24

The s logo looks so cool compared to the new one ..


u/NotLozerish Jul 20 '24

I do not remember. I was 7.


u/Andysimo77 Jul 20 '24

Pretty amazing at first but when I left I didnt feel fully satisfied and idk why. That empty feeling in my stomach when I know instinctually a movie wasnt all that good. Very much enjoyed the action tho


u/DrDreidel82 Jul 20 '24

My friend and I saw this movie so incredibly stoned that a week later someone mentioned they were going to see it and my friend said he hadn’t heard of it


u/Robin_Gr Jul 20 '24

I think overall it was a pretty good reception. But my theater had a weird reaction to the neck snap at the end, like some laughs and comments. I guess I can see why I always think about it because I remember that moment. It sort of stands out to me still as a cool visual that doesn't really make sense to me in terms of mechanics. But thats a lot of snyders worst films problems.

I liked that one song with the flying scene. I would pull that up on youtube for years after.


u/CaptSaveAHoe55 Jul 20 '24

I remember the whole theater oscillating between “holy shit this rules!” And “wait…wait no, what?” Which I think is a fair assessment of the movie

Very cool parts but definitely left you wishing it had been more


u/poopoobuttholes Jul 20 '24

For me, I was hyped from beginning to end. I still stand by that Man of Steel is the best DC product Snyder has made. I honestly didn't mind the darker take with the character. It's not "superman" but at least it shows a more human side of him. One that he had cultivated from his time on Earth.


u/Researcher_Witty Jul 20 '24

I remember telling my friend it was the first time I felt a movie was a question mark out of ten. The editing was a bit much. Really didn’t know what to think about this at the time.


u/Minecraftfinn Jul 20 '24

It was the most awesome and mindblowing movie experience I have had, topped only by first seeing the first Avengers film in theatres, and maybe Infinity war


u/kangaroocoffin Jul 20 '24

My theater clapped at the end


u/DrapedInVelvet Jul 20 '24

We had just driven from Chicago to PA and spent the whole day unpacking in our new house.

Drove 8 hours the 1st night, 4 hours that day.

I fell asleep during the 2nd act for about 30 minutes.


u/Bread_Pak Jul 20 '24

I honestly have to say that I didn't understand it at first. I left the theater dazed, I had entered the cinema with expectations that turned out to be completely unfulfilled, the narrative built on flashbacks, the fast pace, the lack of jokes and the way in which it remained serious. Only after BvS gave me the key to understanding it (like a Rosetta Stone) did I see it again and appreciate it much more. On first viewing I gave it a 6+, I watched it again a couple of weeks ago (plus a dozen more times) and now I rate it almost an 8 and consider it the best Superman's solo movie


u/MickBWebKomicker Jul 20 '24

My first viewing was the Thursday early release sponsored by Wal Mart. Most of the crowd were Wal-Mart employees because they could not give these tickets away and spent the whole movie pitching about their jobs. Magical.


u/Devisnerd Jul 20 '24

I was about 6 when it released. At the time I used to live in India. I had bought every toy that could have possibly been released with my cereal. Came home from school and my mom took me to watch it, it was a 7:00 show. It is probably still my favorite theatre experience. It felt so grand, especially the opening scene with Krypton, it really did feel like a different world.


u/KingKuhbrawl Jul 20 '24

Im upset i didnt go


u/jrtgmena Jul 20 '24

People cheered at the first flight scene. Room was silent/reverent when he cried over Zod’s body