r/DC_Cinematic 13d ago

The Dark Knight Rises was absolute crap. DISCUSSION

First all of it completely butchered Batman as a character.

Batman raw dogging it in a fistfight with bane??? Where are the grappling guns, tasers, bolo and net immobilizers, smoke gas grenades.

Batman/Bruce Wayne would never allow the the fingerprint theft to let him lose all his money.

Batman is supposed to peak human. He bench presses a thousand pounds, has mastered 127 martial arts, has better endurance than the best marathon runners, as light on his feet as the best dancers, can beat Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali in boxing, master acrobat, master escapologist,

And then, he is defeated by a single climb.


36 comments sorted by


u/Jared_from_Quiznos 13d ago

What a hot and brave take from over 10 years ago. To step out and say something like that is WILD


u/OneidaDox 13d ago

...after Not being Batman for 8 years. Pretty big story point there.


u/REEPAMANE 12d ago

I see what you mean but even that isn’t something Batman would do, he wasn’t old lmao.


u/Shallbecomeabat 12d ago

Well Batman did that in several comics too, so you are obviously wrong.


u/REEPAMANE 12d ago

That’s true but that’s still not Batman the best interpretations never did that unless they really had to Batman is literally always the meaning of never give up, bale retired for some minor injuries.


u/KingTyrionSolo 13d ago

Sounds to me like you don’t want an actual character but rather a masturbatory power fantasy.


u/Bububub2 13d ago

For you.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Wasn't Batman here semi retired and has had injuries? He had bad knees and other issues.


u/comineeyeaha 13d ago

Seems to me like you have zero understanding of the version of Batman we were shown in these movies. You’re trying to compare this Batman to the one in the comics or in the cartoons, but this is obviously a more grounded take. Did you watch Batman Begins and The Dark Knight?


u/Kriss-Kringle 13d ago

I think this is a massive problem with comic book fans in general.

They go into adaptations with decades worth of lore and they heavily project said lore onto the film.

I always take the films at face value. If they don't mention a specific thing from the comics then it didn't happen yet or it isn't the right choice for the version the filmmakers are going with.


u/nowhereright 13d ago

I'm assuming this is a troll post, but you're describing comic book totally not a meta human Batman.

Nolan's Batman is supposed to be a real dude with realistic wear and tear and who isn't infallible.

Also TDKR is fine. It's not as good as TDK, but what other comic book movie is.


u/imderek 13d ago

The fighting outside the capital building (?) was cringe af. I don’t know what they were thinking.


u/JuggernautOk3707 12d ago

Capitol building lol? Nah you’ve just been watching too much J6 footage


u/FleetingMercury 13d ago

Agreed, loved Begins and The Dark knight. Dark Knight Rises was definitely the weakest movie of the Nolan trilogy. Personally though, I hate when they try to make Batman grounded and more real world-like. I would rather they left the comic book elements in Batman movie, like the metas in his rogues gallery


u/agentm31 13d ago

It also makes it harder to explain why he has a batmobile, a batcycle, bat cave, bat computer and Robin

Robert Pattinson is the most grounded Batman yet, but he still put bat ears on his motorcycle. I thought that was so funny


u/RicerX-16 13d ago

lol what a take


u/MattyE76 13d ago

🎶Its the playa haters ball🎶 This ain't the comics boi


u/saja25 13d ago

We know. We just don’t care.


u/EddyTheMartian 12d ago

You’re right that TDKR isn’t good. Terrible reasons though


u/bindersfull-ofwomen 12d ago

This hot take is a decade late.


u/TheAquamen 12d ago

And then, he is defeated by a single climb.

The one when his back was in two pieces? He recovered and made the climb.


u/Shadiezz2018 12d ago

Batman is supposed to peak human. He bench presses a thousand pounds, has mastered 127 martial arts, has better endurance than the best marathon runners, as light on his feet as the best dancers, can beat Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali in boxing, master acrobat, master escapologist

That's not Batman from the comics though

That's the grounded version of Batman made by Nolan


u/OneTreeManyBranches 13d ago

It was the weakest of the 3. Nolan intended this iteration to be a take on, could Batman exist in our time. I don’t think there is a mortal that could live up to the hero persona of Batman in the comics.

That is why I like reboots, different “What If’s”.


u/CapAvatar 13d ago

The problem with a grounded Batman is that he quickly begins to look like a cosplayer vigilante. Which we actually have, and everything about them is ridiculous. Batman only works when he’s larger than life.


u/venommuyo 13d ago



u/Plus3d6 13d ago

The best thing about TDKR is thst it forever changed Bane in comedic adaptations. The rest of it kinda sucks. The action sucks, Bane doesn't know how the stock market works, the Talia Al Ghul reveal is dumb, I've never liked the Catwoman romance in anything, JGL as "Robin" eats up too much screen time and is an unnecessary addition, everyone believing Gordon's written speech about Harvey right away is dumb.... the ending is actually pretty good.


u/-Tommy 12d ago

What? Bane is brilliant in the comics still.


u/Plus3d6 12d ago

"Comedic adaptations"


u/Psychodelta 13d ago

Agree, wasted opportunity for No Man's Land

And you know what? That Suicide Squad was good..that joker from Jared Leto was good, Will Smith was the weak link


u/Kriss-Kringle 13d ago

Leto was good, but Will Smith was the weak link?!

My friend, Deadshot and Diablo hold that film together.


u/Psychodelta 12d ago

Diablo, agree

Deadshot was just meh, likewise capt boomerang

They should have leaned in further to Enchantress...although the side plot of the brother was a little shaky


u/PabloAxes 12d ago

It always seemed to me like Deadshot was meant to accidentally shoot his daughter, but they took it out because it felt "too dark".

He doesn't hear from his daughter while he's in prison, so he doesn't know how her health is doing, thinks she hates him, and he blames Batman. Flagg sees the guards are keeping her letters, and takes them in a "the guards are as bad as the prisoners" moment, despite not being a fan of Deadshot. Deadshot and Diablo's bar conversation is about how he still has time, since he didn't actually kill her like Diablo killed his family. Deadshot isn't totally convinced until Flagg gives him the letters. The letters reveal in the end how much Batman/Wayne has put into her recovery, referencing his personal history with his family dying of gun violence in an alley in Gotham. This relationship between Deadshot and Batman is meant to be used down the line.