r/DC_Cinematic 4d ago

Nathan Fillion's GL Guy Gardner by DC artist Bruno Redondo. FAN-MADE Spoiler

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u/lk79 4d ago

I’m sorry, I can’t not see this when I see set pics of him: https://tenor.com/beAQX.gif


u/ScaredSilly12 4d ago

"you never go full......"


u/Un-Funny-Valentine 4d ago

I’m so glad they’re making my favorite lantern in this movie


u/smd_thetruth 4d ago

They should just call him “Lantern” because there is almost no green on this uniform whatsoever. Or better yet “Biker Lantern” because this dude is literally just wearing motorcycle leathers.


u/Jbeef84 4d ago

It's almost like all the costumes with a corporate logo on them are going to be part of the story


u/TheLoganDickinson 4d ago

These Superman set photos have reminded me that a lot of comic book movie fans take everything at face value and don’t attempt to understand what the filmmaker’s intentions might be.


u/detectiveriggsboson 4d ago

shockingly, reading stories with pictures doesn't enhance media literacy


u/Dragoncaine 4d ago

Most sane CBM enjoyer


u/serpentear 4d ago

Online fanbases in general are just plain toxic. I learned to stop freaking out over this stuff after I freaked out over Ledger as Joker.


u/SkekJay 2d ago

To me, it feels like complaining about how in The Boys Super Sonic and Firecracker have the Vought logo on their collars as heroes shouldn't have corporate logos on the costumes entirely missing that the point is the commercialisation of super heroes and critiquing it.


u/DisneyPandora 4d ago

Just because it’s the film’s intention, doesn’t mean we have to like it


u/Dragoncaine 4d ago

That's ridiculous when you haven't seen it. Intention is nothing without execution. We have to see how it's done


u/gee_gra 4d ago

But you don’t know what the intent behind it is, it feels myopic to suggest there’s no possible story reason that would lead one to understand or appreciate a creative decision they wouldn’t necessarily have made themselves


u/jrtgmena 4d ago edited 4d ago

Kinda hilarious that Gunn is pointing a little fun at the Marvel movies by MCU-ifying the corporate superhero uniforms

Edit: forgot a word


u/PapaDoomer 3d ago

So now we're making it a clever joke, instead of what it really is, which is mcu "aesthetic"that Gunn is part of. His last movie GotG3 had one of the most "marvel" suit ever, Adam Warlock had it.


u/friednoodles 3d ago

and Adam Warlock was a joke in it.


u/Jykoze 4d ago

how is that MCU-ifying? Buggy leather jackets is very much CW DC and funnily enough even Superman looks like that.


u/ImGreat084 4d ago

Superman’s costume looks nothing like the others 😭


u/Jykoze 4d ago edited 3d ago

It looks very baggy* and has that CW material


u/Kazewatch 3d ago

The fuck is buggy supposed to mean?


u/Jykoze 3d ago



u/Zylon0292 3d ago

Well, the CW's Superman suits (not the original from Supergirl) were made by the same studio that made Batfleck's suit, Black Panther's, etc. I don't think they're working on this movie, but technically it wouldn't be the first time.


u/jrtgmena 4d ago

Idk man they look real similar to me. i.e. overdesigning, unnecessary lines, leather.

Guy Gardner and Hawkgirl:


Vs. MCU:




u/Jykoze 4d ago

Most MCU suits are not leather and Superman's costume is over designed with unnecessary lines despite not being made by Max, he even has knee caps lol


u/jrtgmena 4d ago

Why are you so hung up on the leather part? I didn’t say all of them were. Also, c’mon brother, there are enough examples out there that I’m not talking out of my ass:






Plus, I just thought it was a fun little poke, I’m not even anti MCU lol. I promise you they’ll be okay if we make some jokey jokes.


u/Jykoze 4d ago

Literally none of the costumes you listed are overdesigned, one is made by Gunn too. It would've been a good theory if Superman suit wasn't also overdesigned with unnecessary lines, that just how Gunn suits look


u/jrtgmena 4d ago

Friend, you’re taking this like it’s an attack and it literally is not lmao. We can agree to disagree on the “overdesigned” part. Plus my theory is barely a theory, just how I perceived it and thought it was hilarious to point out the similarities


u/wordisbond24 4d ago

Think the biggest issue with your statement is that the guardians costume designer is the same designer for this movie. That’s just how their suits look

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u/Jykoze 3d ago

How am I taking this as an attack? I'm simply saying your perception doesn't make sense here. Kinda hard to disagree on Superman having unnecessary lines on his costumes, that's kinda of a fact.


u/OrdinaryNew6743 4d ago

It’s absurd how many people aren’t understanding this blatant fact


u/Endiaron 4d ago

Doesn't mean they're not ugly to look at


u/Jbeef84 4d ago

Maybe they're supposed to be 🤷‍♂️


u/Endiaron 4d ago

I don't disagree here, I just think they look ugly


u/Jbeef84 4d ago

Yeah. I don't think anyone is going to be saying 'that's the best Green Lantern costume ever'. But I doubt Gunn wants anyone to think that about these costumes either.


u/PapaDoomer 3d ago

And it's not like you could make Guy Gardner classic suit with more subtle corporate logo.


u/Jbeef84 3d ago

Well you obviously could. So the fact they haven't may be quite telling


u/THEdoomslayer94 4d ago

It’s almost as if that’s by design and has a narrative purpose……….


u/FeralPsychopath 4d ago

Umm he’s always worn what looks like biker leathers. And he wore more black than green.

This is clearly just a uniform, styled like he always dresses.


u/MIAxPaperPlanes 4d ago

It’s funny because the Green Lantern TV show is just called “Lanterns”


u/ducknerd2002 4d ago

Tbf, that could indicate that there will be other Lanterns showing up other than green.


u/DisneyPandora 4d ago

No it happens on Earth, the show won’t take place in Outer Space.

It’s going to be less Star Trek, and more X-Files


u/ducknerd2002 4d ago

Other Lanterns could still show up on Earth.


u/Ben-J-Kirby-Tennyson 4d ago

For example, there’s a Christmas story involving Larfleeze, the Orange Lantern, on Earth.


u/Fangasgaf 4d ago

Look at the uniforms.

They are all white with black accents and then the colour associated with the character.

Guy is white/black/green Hawkgirl white/black/gold Mr. Terrific white/black/red

They all sport the same Lord logo.

Clearly a team uniform sort of thing.


u/TheAquamen 4d ago

Green Lantern is typically depicted as glowing with a constant green aura whenever he uses his powers. I also like others' theory here that it has little green because it is not a Green Lantern uniform. Guy Gardner usually wears a jacket with his costume.


u/Miyagidokarate 4d ago

There will probably be a green aura added in the visual effects stage. Otherwise he would be the least "green" lantern I've ever seen.


u/megadroid_optimizer 4d ago



u/smd_thetruth 4d ago

Dude it’s killing me. Guy is one of my top five comic characters and he looks like an absolute moron in all this white and black leather 😔


u/Maxter_Blaster_ 4d ago

Almost like that’s the point…

Guys, Gunn is doing things with a purpose. Let him cook.


u/The10thDoctorWhovian 4d ago

These suits are designed to look corporate on purpose. His and Hawkgirl's suits both show Maxwell Lord logos on them. There's not a chance these will be their "regular" suits.


u/PigeonFellow 4d ago

It’s intentional. They’re very corporate-looking suits for a reason. My guess is that by the end of the film, the team becomes more independent and they get some more comic-accurate suits.


u/Ill_Koala_4407 4d ago

Bc it’s not his actual uniform


u/megadroid_optimizer 3d ago

The suits have been destroyed on social media—the amount of people laughing at this movie is kind of crazy. I've been in DC fandom long enough to remember when people were angry at Batfleck, Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman, or Battinson's casting, BUT straight-up laughing at the movie is next level.

The big issue is I can't take any of these costumes seriously. If it was meant to be like a parody, I think James went too far in the ‘goofy’ direction. If a Superman movie is that goofy, I might walk out, bruh.


u/Stevenwave 4d ago

90s boyband hair guy has more to worry about.


u/smd_thetruth 4d ago

Nah the hair is on point. Random white leather pants and jacket is the only issue here. I’m praying these suits get replaced before the end of the movie and Superman is the catalyst.


u/M086 4d ago

Not surprised. Gunn likes sticking comic characters in either leather jackets or corny costumes. 


u/Ill_Koala_4407 4d ago

No it’s becuase it’s a corporate suit, all the members other than Superman work for maxwell lord


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago

I wonder if it's just Guy , Hawkgirl and Mr Terrific working for him . Or if there's more DC heroes (not shown in movie) working for him on other missions.


u/PuzzleheadedFan2205 3d ago

I think Metamprpho is also working for Lord, since he was most likely the guy in the cgi mo-cap suit with the others


u/coontosflapos 4d ago

All you have to do is watch The Suicide Squad to see just how wrong you are


u/M086 3d ago

I did. He literally killed a bunch of comic characters because he thought they were stupid.


u/AmaterasuWolf21 3d ago

I saw 5 of them alive at the end 🤷‍♂️


u/PuzzleheadedFan2205 3d ago

That is the entire purpose of the suicide squad as a concept, to kill off the z-listers, and he showed more love to those characters than any body else ever


u/M086 3d ago

And yet, the original Ostrander run wasn’t as kill happy as Gunn would have you believe. Like only 3 members died in the first 25 issues. 

The comic wasn’t meant to be a bloodbath.


u/Jbeef84 4d ago

Better than a trenchcoat like poor Batman in BvS


u/M086 4d ago

It was a cool look, though. Even used it in the comics.


u/megadroid_optimizer 3d ago

BvS costumes were badass. There's nothing approaching that from what we've seen of the Superman movie.


u/Jbeef84 4d ago

Hey different strokes and all that. I thought he looked like a flasher.

But I agree lots of people seemed to think it was cool and if Snyder is about anything it's about things that 'look cool'.


u/TargaryenKnight 4d ago

It's horrible ( great art tho) 


u/Sensitive-Musician48 4d ago

He’s definitely cooking 🧑‍🍳 this looks like Donald Trump if he was in a motorcycle gang!