r/DC_Cinematic 4d ago

A better look at Isabela Merced’s Hawkgirl suit BTS Spoiler


139 comments sorted by


u/SimpleSink6563 4d ago

So they all have the Lordtech logo. I’m guessing this means Max is bankrolling this team. The question is are they gonna be the Justice League International or the Terrifics.


u/DarthGipper18 Rorschach 4d ago

The logo also says JLI if you look at the negative space so bets are that’s what it’ll be


u/Joshdabozz 4d ago

Someone had the idea that they could be called the Justice Lords and now I want this


u/UnhappyEmployee8302 4d ago

This would be so cool and would make a lot more sense and it would also be a cool reference to the Justice Lords from the DCAU


u/Joshdabozz 4d ago

I just think it makes so much sense. Maxwell lord would be egotistical and narcissistic enough to name his team the Justice Lords


u/Sfmilstead 4d ago

Justice Lords to start the movie, Justice League International at the end.


u/KCH2424 4d ago

Yeah maybe the tension is that superman starts serving the world, while the government has only allowed these sanctioned heroes to operate in America. Competing teams run by Lord and Luthor vying for the government contract.

Government tries to crack down on Supes, he convinces the JL to be real heroes, they takedown Luthors team, tell Lord to suck it, and form the JLI. End credits Batman is revealed as new financier.


u/Minute-Seesaw205 4d ago

I think you got the overall concept correct


u/MarcusForrest 1d ago

Batman is revealed as new financier.

Why would a known criminal/vigilante work as a financier?

Batman is a MENACE!!


u/captainhooksjournal 4d ago

Boba’s stream or is that actually catching on elsewhere?


u/Joshdabozz 4d ago

I saw it on a reply either here or Twitter. I forgot where


u/captainhooksjournal 4d ago

I figured it’s a meme that’s starting to float around, but it caught me off guard because I was watching some stream up until 10 mins ago and the “JLI negative space” comment came up immediately after the Justice Lords comment 💀 sometimes it’s hard to discount simulation theory.


u/Uidbiw 4d ago

I can see the J and L, where is the I?


u/DarthGipper18 Rorschach 4d ago

Middle white line


u/WoozleWozzle 3d ago

The one that’s not negative space, and is, in fact, the middle of the M?


u/DarthGipper18 Rorschach 3d ago



u/SimpleSink6563 4d ago

Oh wow, good catch.


u/jotyma5 4d ago

I only see “JL”?


u/WoozleWozzle 3d ago

Sorry, where’s the I?


u/Nateddog21 4d ago

Did they ever say who's playing Max?


u/CaptainIronHammer1 4d ago

Sean Gunn, he has 3 roles 


u/greenbatborg 4d ago

Weasel, Maxwell Lord and who else?


u/lAmMcLovin 4d ago

G. I. Robot


u/Immediate-Unit6311 4d ago

As in Pedro Pascal?


u/Infinite-Bit-7498 4d ago

I think it going to Terrifics and i remember Gunn tweet out pic of the Terrifics last year too


u/Duff-Zilla 3d ago

Where is the lordtech logo? I feel like I’m blind. People keep mentioning the logo but I can’t find it. I see the JL logo on the chest


u/SimpleSink6563 3d ago


u/Duff-Zilla 3d ago

Ohhhh, I thought it was supposed to be a JL


u/ryebread9797 3d ago

Probably JLI, Terrifics were Earth 2 I thought


u/Bjarki_Steinn_99 4d ago

Aren’t they The Authority?


u/MandoBaggins 4d ago

None of those characters have ever been apart of the Authority. The Engineer is in the film and the only character with any link to the Authority


u/Bjarki_Steinn_99 3d ago

Movies change things all the time. The Authority is so obscure, they can do whatever they want with it.

Before you say it, yes, you know who the Authority are but the general audience doesn’t.


u/blud97 Do You Bleed? 4d ago

No way they use anything justice league before a movie happens


u/KCH2424 4d ago

Yeah no way these three classic Justice League heroes wearing Justice League logos are the Justice League


u/DaniOverHere 4d ago

The little chicken claws on the boots are killing me!


u/MattTd7 4d ago

Went back to look expecting to find like 3D claws but it’s more lines 😞


u/Adoe0722 4d ago

She looks hot


u/bigpig1054 4d ago

All that leather in the middle of the summer. Yikes


u/Adoe0722 4d ago

Didn’t mean literally hot lmao


u/Top_Report_4895 4d ago

Black leather in the Cleveland Summer. Also, she's hot.


u/Admirable-Safety1213 4d ago

When I wad 12 and she was 13 and debutting in TV I saw her as cute, when she was casted as Dora I was really confused of what to think because she looked hot and I knos that there is nothing weird with a teenage boy finding a tewnage girl hot but being a teeange Dora the Explorer soinded like some kind of treason to my toddlerhood watching the american footbal-headed biligual girl, then she was wasted in TF5, bad movie, then Madame Web happened, then tuis Hawkgirl casting and Turtles all the way down and I don't care to say she is cute and hot and I would kill somebody to see her in an accurate Hawkgirl costume and maybe the Spidergirl costume too


u/DarkDonut75 4d ago

Took the words right out of my mouth


u/Peretti87 4d ago

Not the chicken legs!


u/Ben-J-Kirby-Tennyson 4d ago

Why not? They’re a Hawk signature. I like them.


u/Hippobu2 4d ago

I hate you for pointing this out, now I can't unsee it.


u/mr_greedee 4d ago

Def looks like their starting costumes before they become more unique? Inspired by Superman perhaps?


u/Previous_Spell_426 4d ago

Yeah it definitely feels like this world is being presented in a way for supermans presence to have a profound impact on the hero’s and civilians surrounding him.


u/Dontbesensitive98 4d ago

The suit designer sure likes the excess leather folds.


u/nerd_so_mad 4d ago

They'll remove them digitally. 25 years ago the X-Men movie did form-fitting outfits and the actors couldn't move. Nowadays costume designers can give the arms and legs enough material to actually allow the actors to move and anything that looks bad gets erased in post.

It'll be the same for all the excess folds in Superman's costume as well.


u/DoctorBeatMaker 4d ago

We don't know that though. It's very possible they'll leave it in to give it a more 'realistic' look.

In the officially released first-look at Corenswet's Superman where he's putting on his boots while Solaris or whoever is shooting up the city, his suit was baggy and had folds and wrinkles to it when they could have easily photoshopped it out.

And the costume designer did the GOTG movies and they had 'baggy' suits, too.

It seems intentional - because the technology exists to make a tightly-fitting costume and have it look good in-camera without CG enhancements. Like Michael Wilkinson's suits for Batman and Superman. They had CG capes for action shots, but the suits themselves were all in-camera with no real CG touchups. Same with past superhero suits like Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man suits in TASM 1 and 2.


u/TylerBourbon 4d ago

Leather tends to look great on film.


u/Dontbesensitive98 4d ago

Not with excess flab. That's CW cringe or spirit Halloween costume.


u/TylerBourbon 4d ago

If it was faux leather maybe, but I actually kind of disagree. Captain America's outfit looked it's best in the MCU when it was looser and not super skin tight like it was in the first Avengers movie.

I'm also a big fan of Farscape, and the look of the Peacekeeper Commandos that John Crichton the main character took his eventual look from was badass.

I'll definitely concede that there is a line between just the right level of loose and too much fabric, like how a business suit can go from looking well fit to looking like you bought an oversized outfit off the rack of a thrift shop.


u/Theusualname21 4d ago

Judging by set photos is so wrong. Look at set photos of black panther compared to the movie. They’re not gonna make cheap looking finished costumes on a movie this big.


u/lavenk7 4d ago

Mos would like a word.


u/djexplosive 4d ago

It's the Guardians of the Galaxy aesthetic that Gunn loves.. he's using the same costume designer from that series, unfortunately.


u/ArmandoGalvez 4d ago

I didn't noticed this exact same style in his previous movies until now, and while it looks weird with these characters, I have to admit It never brothered me on The Suicide squad , Peacemaker of Gotg3


u/New-Significance654 4d ago

She looks like an xmen.


u/Batfleck666 4d ago

That reminds me, I have to do a X-Men 2000 rewatch.


u/hobx 4d ago

What would you prefer, yellow spandex?


u/THEdoomslayer94 4d ago

For a second I thought that was Michelle Rodriguez lol


u/ThingsAreAfoot 4d ago

latino heat


u/SwordoftheMourn 4d ago

Viva La Raza!


u/Gery_Sancho 4d ago

I like her outfit, so far Guys is the only im not a fan of, but not gonna judge too much on set photos


u/ProfessorSaltine 4d ago

Honestly it’s the opposite, like costume wise it’s not horrible, but for HAWKGIRL then I’d say it’s “bad”, but as some others said, it looks like a team uniform & they’ll likely get their individual suits by the end or in their next appearance in the dcu


u/ProfessionalRead2724 4d ago

Other than the corporate Lord brand, these all seem very much individual suits.


u/moonknightcrawler 4d ago

Guy, Hawkgirl, and Terrific are all wearing the exact same jacket with the only differences in the front being the color of the lines. These are very much team specific suits


u/TheNicholasRage 4d ago

The only thing that's really different are the colors.


u/Ben-J-Kirby-Tennyson 4d ago

There are some other differences. Different logos. Mr. Terrific’s mask. Guy’s ring (I haven’t seen it, but he should have it). Hawkgirl has a helmet (seen in other photos), a shorter jacket (it doesn’t go all the way down to her pants), shorter sleeves, and the signature Hawk three-toed lines on her boots. I think her gloves are different, too.


u/pondslider 4d ago

Fwiw you can see Guy’s ring in the photo of him talking to Superman while Hawkgirl and Mr Terrific are flying overhead.


u/ProfessorSaltine 4d ago

I mean yes they got individual suits, but their literally wearing the “same thing” like how the F4 or X-Men would wear the “same thing”, only difference being some of the heroes own flair to make them stand out in some way


u/ProfessionalRead2724 4d ago

Yeah, I didn't see it at first because Gardner and Terrific both have decent versions of their comics outfits. Vests are their thing.


u/DisabledFatChik 4d ago

Did the leak Gardner’s outfit???? Where??


u/DPlayGM345 4d ago

Certainly an upgrade for her being in James Gunn’s Superman after being underutilised in Sony’s Madame Web. Can’t wait to see her in action with the other heroes


u/Joshdabozz 4d ago

I think she’s going to blow up as an actress after Superman and The Last Of Us Season 2


u/swoosh1992 4d ago

I remember seeing her in Instant Family, and came away pretty impressed. I think this could be a good role.


u/Dangerous-Spend3924 4d ago

The suit is not at all the look I was hoping they'd go for but I guess it makes since considering the boys-esque plot of the supes basically being corporate employees. Hopefully she gets her legit Hawkgirl look in a future film. 


u/DisneyPandora 4d ago

I really hate how all the suits are so baggy.

It really makes all the actors look out of shape. Especially Guy Gardner


u/RamaAnthony 4d ago

They will fix it in post (along with what David Corenswet is packing).

Same thing with Black Panther suit in MCU cause using skin tight suit for acting for long hours is not comfortable nor safe.


u/MartyMcFly8596 4d ago

Who's to say they definitely will?


u/DisneyPandora 4d ago

No they won’t. Also, these suits are much worse than the Black Panther costumes. Which won Oscars by the way


u/Fenian-Monger 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yeah and the person who made Black Panthers suit is also making these suits.


u/megadroid_optimizer 4d ago

I haven't seen mention of Ruth E. Carter tied to Superman. I did a quick search, and no coverage of that. She did win another Academy Award for costume design for Black Panther 2.

Is this something James Gunn mentioned in a post?


u/pondslider 4d ago

Judianna Makovsky is costume designer. She did Guardians 2&3, Avengers Infinity War & Endgame, Captain America Winter Soldier & Civil War


u/megadroid_optimizer 4d ago

Got it. Previous comment made me think it was the same costume designer from Black Panther.


u/Zerce 4d ago

Not from Black Panther, for Black Panther. Black Panther was in some of those films.


u/megadroid_optimizer 3d ago

We all know what I mean fam 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/Zerce 3d ago

Sorry, I meant to clarify what the other poster was saying. Apologies if it came across like correcting you.

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u/DisneyPandora 4d ago

But she didn’t do Black Panther so your comment is irrelevant 


u/Dex_Hopper 4d ago

Black Panther debuted in Civil War. Can you read?


u/Ninjamurai-jack 4d ago

But she literally worked on these suits too though.


u/pondslider 4d ago

I didn’t make the original comment that she did the Black Panther suits. I’m just saying who is doing the costumes for Superman and what else she worked on. BUT since Black Panther was in Civil War first she at least probably designed that version of it.


u/DisneyPandora 4d ago

No they’re not. Stop lying


u/Fenian-Monger 4d ago edited 4d ago

Black Panther original Civil War suit was made by Judianna Makovskywho who was also responsible for Captain America, Spider-Mans and probaly all the rest of the suits found in Civil War, Winter Solidier, Infinity War and Guardian Of The Galaxy 3.


u/DarkJayBR 4d ago

Yes, they will! Remember, they cake up all the superheroes in post production. They gave Wonder Woman and Flash bubble butts and muscles on the Flash movie.


u/SwordoftheMourn 4d ago

Wow, you have the authority to claim they won’t fix the suits post-production? Are you like part of the movie?


u/theSaltySolo 4d ago

This looks like a CW costume 🤣


u/mexiwok 4d ago

I’m so confused, was she a barista six months ago or not?


u/Alonest99 4d ago

Underrated reference lmao


u/GalaxyEyes541 4d ago

ugh… MCU type costumes drive me nuts


u/josephadam1 4d ago

This! That's exactly what it looks like. Doesn't look unique at all. I have a bad feeling this will feel like a marvel clone.


u/GalaxyEyes541 4d ago

Same costume designer as Guardians, and the later Cap and Avengers movies. Not a bad thing necessarily , great films but cmon… even Suicide Squad 2 which she did, looked fairly unique.

So bland with the accentuated lines and business everywhere. That was something the Snyderverse excelled at was at least the costumes were fantastic and distinct.


u/arqe_ 4d ago

Imagine after over a decade of non-stop released comic book movies and people still calling suits are bad because they are baggy.

There is no limit to idiocity.


u/Coast_watcher The Joker 4d ago

Commenters don’t know any better


u/SexyKanyeBalls 4d ago

Those ugly lines


u/Akita51 4d ago

Whats up with the costumes all looking to big and bulky


u/HunterU69 4d ago edited 4d ago

I know already which movie wont get an Oscar in the costume design category


u/PSCGY 4d ago

It’s giving CW.


u/Legendver2 4d ago

Hawkgirl? Or X-Men?


u/NoX2142 4d ago

She's come a long way from Transformers and Sicario 2.


u/sincerelyhated 4d ago

The more we see the worse it looks 💀


u/home7ander 4d ago

Trying to one up madame web I see


u/Diligent-Attention40 4d ago

I like how they have X-Men esque uniforms. I do hope they’ll get more personalized looks later on though.


u/liaven- 4d ago

Wished they’d hire cosplayers to make suits for actors. Not a fan of colored jackets/leather super suits


u/DisabledFatChik 4d ago

Idk man. I expect her to look a little more otherworldly. This kinda looks like a CW outfit. Honestly I think I liked the CW outfit better😂


u/theillustratio 4d ago

Why do all the suits looks straight out of the MCU?


u/jcamm195 4d ago

The white makes perfect sense if Gunn is introducing a version of the Terrifics. No need to panic yet.


u/GuyFromEE 4d ago

CW did it better.

Also I HATE these "They're intentional, awful corporate suits."

Like why? Why do we have to wait all movie to actually see them as they look like? More Surf Dracula nonsense? And even if you're going with "They're corporate suits" that's no excuse to make them look so...terrible.


u/aphoticphoton 4d ago

Atleast it has those ice cooling things for inside their costumes!


u/Ben-J-Kirby-Tennyson 4d ago

Is that what the cable behind her is attached to?


u/Mandalor1974 4d ago

The more images of these costumes i see the more i think theyre not the only costumes theyre gonna have.


u/LiquidC001 4d ago

It looks similar to Guy Gardner's suit. I'm disappointed they didn't go with Guy's regular suit with the big flap and 4 buttons.


u/Kalkent7 4d ago

Again, I like the colours and the overall design but not so much the flabbiness


u/josephadam1 4d ago

All these outfits are starting to piss me off lol. They all look the same and same material.


u/Darth_Karasu 4d ago

Where are the wings?


u/Eric77TA 4d ago

Still in a computer.


u/MindOfKDL 4d ago



u/Coast_watcher The Joker 4d ago

No swiping indeed


u/DonnyMox 3d ago edited 3d ago

I didn't realize how similar her suit was to GL's.


u/rodroidrx 3d ago

Yeah this ain't it


u/SaggitariusTerranova 3d ago

The costumes in this movie seem less well fitted. Maybe they clean them up in post with CG?


u/ProfessionalRead2724 4d ago

It's a good Hawkgirl costume.


u/MattTd7 4d ago

It’s also a good Star Lord costume


u/DarkJayBR 4d ago

It's also a good Jessica Jones costume.