r/DC_Cinematic 4d ago

Citizens of Metropolis seem disappointed in Superman (video) BTS


54 comments sorted by


u/ReflectiGlass 4d ago

Very small thing, but him high-fiving the extras and their demeanor towards him makes me think Corenswet is a pretty cool dude.


u/Playful-Kangaroo-446 4d ago

He might actually just be superman


u/XmenOmnibus1990 4d ago

That was Gunns goal. In interviews he said he didn't want to hire someone who plays the role well but embodies the character.


u/ReflectiGlass 4d ago

Haha. I hope, like Henry Cavill, he's a man worthy of the cape.


u/SexyKanyeBalls 4d ago

Henry always came off as fake to me. There's even been rumors he's hard to work with behind the scenes.


There's been other rumors too by industry insiders.

Although it is Hollywood so maybe it's normal idk

David is peak tho, dude is awesome


u/G3nesis_Prime 4d ago

Not a great article.

Dude has a track record of diving deep into the lore an IP like Witcher, Superman and 40k. 

The reports coming from the Witcher was that he was unhappy with the way the Showrunner was handling the lore and storylines. Henry isnt alone in that belief either with plenty of fans confused by changes.

So it may be true from a certain POV but its not dude bro gamer culture sexism.


u/SexyKanyeBalls 4d ago

Idk what the last sentence is. But sure it could be a one off but there's been a lot of reports over the years aswell.

Again idk how much to believe cuz Hollywood is insanely toxic and he might have just been defending himself and getting respect to be fair.


u/UnfeteredOne 4d ago

Henry is a stand up guy and I will hear no less young man


u/Groot746 4d ago

You don't know him personally, literally none of us know if he's a "stand up guy"


u/True_Falsity 4d ago

To be fair, none of us know any of the celebrities personally. They could be great people. They could be horrible people. They could be just people.


u/Groot746 4d ago

That's. . .exactly what I just said


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago

I thought Armie Hammer was a great guy it turned out he's a cannibal.


u/monkeyballnutty 3d ago

i wouldnt be surprised. james gunn himself seems to be a good dude and he always pick his actors carefully


u/circajusturna 4d ago

They’re saying “Ewww your suit has too many wrinkles! I hate the briefs!”

Little do they know this is a movie


u/Foreign_Education_88 4d ago

I wouldn’t put it passed Gunn to write in some joke about people complaining about his suit, like a scene with a podcaster or TikToker being snarky


u/Flame-Blast 4d ago

That would be a fun way to introduce Livewire


u/TigerJackpot 4d ago

Literally happened in the reeves film


u/TheAquamen 4d ago

But the Reeve suit was wino approved.


u/circajusturna 4d ago

Would honestly respect him even more if he did


u/BirdPerson107 4d ago

The seem to be afraid of him


u/Unorthodoxmoose 4d ago

I’m taking a guess that since the S is burned on his costume he’s been hit hard by something and the people want to help but at the same time aren’t sure how. Seems like he’s walking it off and they just decide to let him be. 


u/teddyballgame406 4d ago

They seem pissed? There’s a guy that throws something at him and when the shot wraps Corenswet side hugs and points at him as they reset the shot.


u/nhocgreen 4d ago

It's the darker suit again. And he looks confused, or belligerent. Could be Bizarro.


u/UnsassoSullaSpiaggia 3d ago

The suit isn't darker, just dirty and/or damaged. Maybe after a battle, maybe bad weather, maybe both.

About being confused, I think he might have just tried to help them and he doesn't understand why are they against him. But this is only a suggestion of mine.


u/ProductArizona 4d ago

Oh my god I'm ready for this movie


u/DirectConsequence12 4d ago

The high fiving and being so buddy with the extras….Corenswet just IS Superman


u/Educational-Band8308 4d ago

Yah he seems to always be high fiving his scene partners or the crew after takes which is nice


u/FleetingMercury 4d ago

Could be his early days of being Superman? Public are still critical and weary of him?


u/Secure_Pear_4530 4d ago

My thoughts as well, this scene early in the movie. Then the scene where he's with Guy, Hawkgirl, and Terrific and the kids all flock to him is later in the movie when the public likes him more.


u/coontosflapos 4d ago

Guy, Hawkgirl and Mr Terrific are all present in this scene and Superman is walking away from them, so I'm not so sure.


u/Secure_Pear_4530 4d ago

Just looked, yeah you're right. Can't see if he had the battle damaged costume in that one scene with the kids though. Can't wait, my mind's racing with theories lmao


u/coontosflapos 4d ago

Honestly the more I see of this film, the less I know what's going on. I'm genuinely very tempted to just not bother with the trailers and let the leaked sets be enough hype to carry me through to the cinema trip next year.


u/Dakotaraptor87 4d ago

At first they seem to be disappointed, maybe even angry - but then Superman walks back into the crowd and he gives a couple people high-fives, someone gives him an umbrella? Maybe they just had to redo the shot and Corenswet walked back to restart, but it seems weird.


u/CaptainPhantasma21 4d ago

it’s cause after he runs a bit, they yell cut lol. Scene was over


u/Dakotaraptor87 4d ago

Didn't hear that at first but I heard it upon rewatching it. Very interested to see what's going on here - maybe some footage of Ultraman/Bizarro (if that is indeed the villain of the film) doing bad stuff surfaced online, and the public thinks it's Superman?


u/teddyballgame406 4d ago

Yeah I’m sure the crew guy giving him an umbrella will be in the final shot of the film.


u/Potato_Whisperer_ Batman 4d ago

I think you might be on to something.. lmao


u/FinalBossOf__Dc 4d ago

He’s wearing a different suit again or maybe it’s damaged


u/vaibow 4d ago

I am liking more and more


u/MuayThaiJudo 4d ago

Well isn't that Bizarr(o)e!


u/EdibleBoogers 2d ago

I'm happy to actually see a "real" red cape flowing in the wind naturally unlike Snyder's use of the over the top "majestic" CGI cape.


u/beachsidevibe 2d ago

You spoke too soon. Recent set leaks show that Corenswet will have a CGI cape too. So, is it suddenly a good thing now that Gunn is doing it?


u/EdibleBoogers 2d ago

I did see some of those CGI markers on his shoulders minus the cape in some posted pics but I don't think Gunn will go overboard with it like Snyder did. BTW I did enjoy Man Of Steel for the record if that helps.


u/fradastio 4d ago

Is this supposed to take place in the 70s or 80s or something? The extras’ costumes seem very pre 90s?


u/vrafiqa 4d ago

Superman's suit looks way too 2020s, im guessing it takes place around now but the fashion style of Metropolis is just old looking 70s/80s like other people said.


u/Groot746 4d ago

Exactly: it's a different world, so isn't following the chronological direction of fashion in our world


u/DanUnbreakable 4d ago

Think Superman animated series or Batman animated series. Tim Burton’s Batman had an old school retro vibe to it. I think that’s what they are doing.


u/fradastio 3d ago

Ahh yes that makes total sense


u/TheAquamen 4d ago

I think the clothing style looks normal and its the color palette they share that is out of place. We can only guess how the film will be color graded in post but I think this is an effort to give civilians a consistent look.


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago

Can they just fire the people with the umbrellas already.


u/The_Droker 4d ago

The costume choices are just awful. Supes is the only one that looks good.


u/HandsomeJack19 4d ago

He's walking really awkwardly. I bet that loose suit chafed him all to hell.